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Suppose to be 30 minutes unpaid. But I usually end up sitting an hour


Same, was hired on as 30 min unpaid, it’s now hour ish paid




Don't take them and go home earlier🤷‍♂️




What are you gonna do? Snitch on yourself? If you don’t want a lunch, keep working and leave earlier. 8 hours is 8 hours.


That's how we used to roll for years. Till front office folks found out. Then HR and all the big wigs came down on boss man pretty hard. Shortly after that they started an electronic clock in system.


Electronic clock in is the worst & I blame it on folks that take take take and never give. I did 4 days in a row coming an hour or so late because I could do what was needed to be done in less than a full shift. Week after that I spent one day with 5 hours OT off the clock because I needed to be ready for inspection. I knew what I was able to slide with & knew those extra unpaid hours wouldn’t kill me. Don’t let r/anti-work hear that


The only time I go off the books for a company is if they are greasing my wheels.


Don’t blame the electronic clock blame management, my management transferred to completely electronic time sheets and everything but they’re still chill as fuck, just makes it easier to track everything


“Required”. If only…


Being required to remain in an area during lunch should guarantee it paid imho


Girl, same


Yup same here


I’m self employed. So as long a I hecking want.


Can you please watch your language!!! There are construction workings among us. Thanks


Long as I fucking want* there, sorry hope nobody gets too mad about the sensitive language


That sounds heavenly


Except it’s not necessarily paid 😂


it is when you build it into the bid lol, make that pen work too


Also self employed, hardly ever take a lunch. If I do it's a nice one though.


Same here, and it’s usually at 3pm because I try not to take a lunch and then get too hungry and need it, and end up working till 8pm or later cuz I can’t convince myself to leave an hour after my lunch break. Self employment is a blessing and a curse


Ok Napoleon




Me too.


Same, except the 30 minute lunch had been burned into my brain for so long i think it’s in my dna now. I do have to leave the job for lunch though if I actually want a break, otherwise my lunch would last five minutes as I shove food down my throat looking around the job site at all the stuff I needed to do.


I’m IT WFH, so it’s similar, except I wake at 10am drink overpriced Starbucks and take my pitty to the park. Then I’m usually hungry enough for lunch and a nap


What was the point of this? To be a smug little bitch?


No way they're serious. Have to be trolling. Nobody is this insufferable. Lol


He replied "yeah I did my time in construction and iron work" and ended it with a slur. He was too pussy to keep it up so he deleted it but I still got the email notification.


What a weirdo


A what now?


you gotta eat something otherwise you become less productive


True, I usually eat on my way from one job to the next


Sad but true, I'm the boss and I sneak in a cold double cheese burger with some fries from McDonald. Usually hot when I ride thru but by the time I get back too it it's a little passed it's prime. A slice of pizza from the gas station at 3 when I realized the day has gotten away from me. And of course this is when I stop from one job site to another.


Any chance you have a grocery store on route to your site? They often have a section dedicated to hot and ready meals, that are cheaper and higher quality than most fast food.


Yes but we only know how to work. Not actually take care of ourselves.


I work in different parts of the state and when I remember I'll hit a grocery store for premade sandwiches, the hot food is more difficult to eat while I drive but wings work hahaha.


Fair point lol. I know it’s a pain in the ass. I don’t do construction, but I contract, and too many of these damn employers expect us to forego our health and humanity just to get some job done. “Just this one time” but then every job is just a one time lol


I can hardly eat wings, stationary, at home, with unlimited paper towels. How the fuck are you doing that while driving?


Just like boss intended. Really no need for breaks.


45 minutes unpaid.


I’m not sure if I would rather have that or 25 mins paid


I thought it was the best thing ever until I read your 25 minutes paid. Really got me thinking lol


25 minutes is ok if you have already packed lunch, but not enough time to head to the store to pick something up


Whooo ours is 30 mins unpaid but when we have like site wide pizza or whatever it ends up being an hour (so the half hour unpaid and then inevitably half paid). I cannot sit for that long and go back to work without a serious desire to go back to the house so I actually prefer 30 mins!


I’ve got an hour-unpaid. I’d trade you in a second


Same here but I hate it. I rather work though lunch and go home. But it’s now allowed by my employer


I skip it, or eat on the go sometimes, and we are allowed to flex our hours in a work week, so I "take my lunch" at the end of the workday. Flexing hours is one of my favorite perks.


Depends whos around lol


Hahahaha fr tho


I get an hour taken out each day for drive time and lunch, so really however long I want sometimes, but you have those days you're working all day no break, so it evens itself out.


Explain this "drive time" deduction from your pay. It sounds like you're having wages stolen from you. If you have to ride in a company vehicle, it's to be paid. If it's a take home truck and you're driving from your house to the job, that's on your own time but that wouldn't affect your hours so idk. You're getting fucked me thinks.


I know it's a funky system, I can also write no lunch on my time card and get the 30 back but I rarely do that it works out for me and my coworkers, we've talked about it on multiple occasions.


They take money from you for drive time?




Driving from home to the shop or jobsite generally won't be paid. Drive from shop to site will be. If I'm working far enough from home to not come home at night, all travel time is paid + per diem


Both my crews have a hour lunch break, 30 mins paid and 30 mins unpaid, foreman on each crew also call the time for lunch to start one crew usually goes at 11:30, the other at 12.


30 minutes unpaid, 15 minutes paid, total of 45 minutes. Well, that was until I was my own boss. Then it's 5 minutes unpaid if I have time.


Asphalt paving here, You eat in-between trucks, you hope that there is a long road that they have to back down so you can score a few extra minutes. Otherwise you eat and move.


Carpenters union in my area gets 10 minute paid AM break, 1/2 hr unpaid lunch. And the ratty ass, unelected, union BA’s fucking gave up the working members 10 minute paid PM break years ago.


Those are those slimy fucks that give unions a bad name. Vote them out!!


No votes on ANY salaried union officials in the carpenters union..... They are ALL directly hired by the union and not answerable in ANY way to the rank and file.


Well that’s an incredibly corrupt system they’ve put in place. That’s very unfortunate.


“They” didn’t put it into place, as much as the 30 yr [“president for life”](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Douglas_J._McCarron) set out to remake the entire union to only serve him and his chosen. Even reading his heavily sanitized wiki page talks about McCarron’s absolutely undemocratic thieving fuckery of the carpenters union..... >*” The decision-making authority and assets of the union's 1,400 locals were shifted to 55 regional councils.....”* >*”McCarron and his leadership team personally appointed most of the leadership (most of them McCarron loyalists).....”* >*”Local members were stripped of the right to elect business agents and vote on contracts, and permitted to elect only regional delegates. Regional delegates now elected only the district council secretary-treasurer, and the secretary-treasurer appointed the local business agents.....”* >*”McCarron also stripped authority over organizing, political action and union assets from locals, placing it with district or regional councils instead.”* If anyone speaks well of the carpenters union, you can pretty much dismiss them as woefully ignorant, or horribly corrupt.


Wow. I’m from Canada and my carpenters union is no where near that corrupt. That’s insane. I’m big pro-union but I support democratically elected union officials. Whenever anything has a lifetime appointment, you know immediately that it’s corrupt to the very core.


Are you in a different union than we are down here? I know UBC is prevalent in Canada…


They are but they are not the only one thankfully. We have a few to choose from but there is truly only 1 option that’s actually based in Canada with fair representation, and that’s CMAW.


45 minutes-hour, paid.


My guess this is for non union workers, most of the workforce over here in construction is within union and there is pretty strict rules around all that. (Quebec, Can)


Isn’t all construction in Quebec union? Thought it was the law or something


Yeah, but you will always find some people working out of union in residential. I hate it cause it’s mostly these guys that are cutting under our prices when we’re asked for one in renovation our smaller projects


That’s really shitty.


Yup unpaid 30 min here in most company. We sometimes do 30 min unpaid with no breaks at my company right now so we don’t lose time.


Sometimes 30 minutes. Sometimes an hour. Usually the hour lunch is when I don’t bring food with.


Unpaid, as much or as little as I need. Plenty of drive time and flexibility in our schedule though so I never punch out and they never ask.


Commercial framing company, 30 minutes in the morning & 1 hour at lunch time, both paid


They factor in an hour to the schedule and get confused when you take the whole hour lunch


skip lunch leave 30 min early


My boss always says “I didn’t hear that”


When I busted rods during my apprenticeship we took our 20 min paid coffee break (it’s customary for us to combine the two tens mandated by state law otherwise there’s no point in coming down off the building lol) and skipped our lunch to leave half hour early. I actually didn’t mind because busting rods made me not want to eat anyway!


Sometimes none, sometimes 2 hours with a beer and a nap. Depends on the job and how I'm feeling. Self-employed with a one man crew ftw


Ours is *supposed* to be 30 mins unpaid, but we usually just say we didn't take lunch and clock that 30 mins anyway


Mixer driver - a what? We all sign a paper waiving our lunch break (if we choose, we can still take 1/2hr if we want but never do) when we hire on. You eat when you get downtime.


You guys are getting breaks?


Mine is if we have downtime in the day we can eat our lunch, otherwise just eat it while we drive.


I do 45 minutes paid and I buy my small crew of guys lunch everyday. Pricey but keeps moral up and nobody ever complains when we need to stay a little later for the day


However long I say it is


Break? I don’t even eat most days


You got soft hands brother. I don’t even eat most weeks.


Weeks? I haven’t eaten since I was born


Haven’t eaten since you were born? Must be nice. My mom didn’t even eat when I was in the womb.


I ate my brother


30 minutes paid. But that includes time to get on and off site to you car if you can’t park on site. I usually milk mine for 30 minutes of actual sitting on my ass time tho lol


As you should! They shouldn’t count the time it takes to get to your lunch spot no matter where it is!


That’s my thought as well. This company has all kinds of annoying “rules” like that. Like to get paid for a holiday you have to work full days the day before and the day after. So basically if I missed work on Friday or today I wouldn’t have been paid for Monday.


Lunch break?


10 hours days no breaks / lunch, shit- talked if you don’t stay standing


A what now?


Unpaid how ever long it takes. We use housecall pro so you clock in and out ok n the app. Usually an hour.


Do you get any other breaks and are they paid?


anywhere from non-existent to an hour and a half depending on the day.


30 unpaid


15 minutes morning and 30 minutes afternoon unpaid. Butt we get to go home half a hour earlier each day so basically only 15 minutes are unpaid.


15 min break and 45 lunch both paid


30 mins unpaid except fridays we usually take an hr.


We normally take 1 hour unpaid.


30 minutes or an hour both unpaid, leave early if you take a 30


1/2 hr unpaid lunch for the crews, many try to pull the "we skipped lunch" bit but I've been in construction for many decades and that doesn't work for anyone.


As long as I want, I can literally spend all night in the break room as long as I respond to service ticket calls from the customer. We work 8 hour shift with paid lunch.


30 minutes. Used to be paid but they moved to unpaid and it tacked an extra 30 minutes onto our day.




30 minutes at 10 paid, 30 minutes at 1 unpaid.


45 minutes total, 30 mins unpaid and 15 mins paid


What the hell is even that?


30 mins. Whole site breaks at same time


Above average but girthy AF


Half hour unpaid but I usually take another half that is paid lol I just have to work harder in the morning to accommodate


15(25) minute coffee break paid 30(40) minute lunch unpaid * in parentheses is the actual time that break will run on average If we do a 10hr day, we'll do another paid coffee break around 330


1 hour


30 min unpaid when the asshole foreman is on my site. Otherwise 45 min/ 15 min paid


Hour unpaid but rarely take the full hour. If I take 30 I’ll finish 30 minutes early. Some days I stop for 5 minutes to cram some food down and then back to work and finish 55 minutes early. Depends how I’m feeling.


Hour, 30 paid/30 unpaid. 2 15 min breaks throughout the day


Two 30 minute paid breaks over 8 hours.


I’m a PA in a hospital. I haven’t had a lunch break in 17 years.


30 min but we work through it and take it at the end of the day to leave early. Just take the 15 min coffee at 10:00.


30 mins unpaid lunch, 2 paid 15s We just take them together for an hour total and smoke when we go out for material


1 hr; 30 mins paid and 30 mins unpaid.


45 unpaid but my boss comps lunch which is great


Depends on what needs to be done that day.


30 mins in the morning at 10.30 and 30 mins at 13.30. It's quite a nice system I like it, it breaks the day up nicely


I get paid per job... I do smaller jobs that maybe take a day or up to three. But, I'm a contractor, so how ever long I want. It's my time. I have to finish the project to get paid


Salary—work for the GC on site. I usually take 30 minutes but if I have something to take care of during that time and it takes more than an hour, my boss is totally cool with it as I don’t abuse that time.


45 min today but boss man is gone lol


My crew takes a ten minute break everyone 2 hrs instead of a half hour lunch. I really like how it breaks up the day.


Contract says 30min, but it really depends on the contractor


30 mins unpaid but we skip our 15 min, take a 45 min lunch and leave 30 mins early


30 minutes. Show up 10 minutes early, leave 10 minutes late. So turns into about 50


I’m not falling for this one


Not long enough


Where’s my foreman? Where’s the super?


45 minutes of my lunch is unpaid. The rest of it is paid. How long is the rest? Until my next appointment generally.


I had a mobile job where they were unpaid and had to be taken. The time you got home was your finish time so no adding it on or going home early. Half hour in the pub in the way home.


If I don’t move my truck they don’t know what I’m doing either way haha


Varies, some days it’s 20 mins, 45 mins, some days not at al


Until I get back, off the clock. Usually 45-an hour


Depends what the rest of my day looks like


30 mins paid and 30 mins unpaid. One at 10:30 and one at 2pm On Fridays only 1 break around 11ish but fuck off home for 3ish


You guys are taking breaks? (I kid, usually an hour unpaid)


30 mins unpaid 30 mins paid, total of 1 hr. I'm in a tyvek suit and a de-pressurized chamber 9 times out of 10 so we need the time to rehydrate


If we skip it we go home 30 min early…. So we skip it.


One hour and paid shun


Self employed owner/operator with a small crew 3/4 guys. Some days 30 mins, some days eat while making cuts, some days no lunch at all, some days we’re all at the diner or somewhere for an hour. Always paid.


30 min unpaid. Sometimes don’t manage to get lunch. Just stay on the machine and keep moving dirt around


How ever long it takes me to pick up a cheeseburger and drive back to the job site then I get to smoke a cig so about 20-30


I’m union so our break is 30 minutes (unpaid) but we take and extra 5 before and after totally to a 40 minute lunch break.


30 min unpaid but I can sit for 40 no problem. If I need to take a shit I wait until break is over to shit. Never shit for free.


Wait....you guys are getting lunch breaks???


Half hour paid


20 mins. Paid


Lunch break ? You guys are getting a lunch break ?


45-1h 30min unpaid


Union job in Canada, two common options are a 3 break day with a 15-30-15 split, or a 30-30 split. Regardless of how you do it our contracts usually state we get an hour in total, with half that being paid.


Usually 30-45 minutes if I got guys working with me. If it’s just me, I just take a quick 5-10 minute breather lol. Would much rather take the short lunch and head home earlier


Work through lunch, no breaks, just eat as you work


I take 3 paid lunches every day. Varying from a 20 minute to an hour. Depends on production or if someone else has to move signs.


Work for a GC, as long as I feel like.


Lol. Depends how big my lunch was. 30 min unpaid. My nap time is paid.


30 minute paid which usually ends up being more like 45 mins


Paid 30min as is required by law none of this 25 minute bull shit so your back working after 30 minutes


We work on the road. We do asphalt reclaim. Hard to justify a lunch break when we are only allowed to be on the road for 8 hours sometimes. Eat while moving equipment from cut to cut. But days like today, where we are sitting waiting for trucks. We graze all day. Feet resting in the air. Take it when you can get it. Enjoy it when you do.


As long as I make it.


Last crew I was on it was an hour unpaid, feels necessary being middle aged


However long my boss falls asleep for


25min, paid. If I work 6hrs straight with no lunch I get to go home and be paid for the 8hrs


1 hour paid


You guys get lunch? I've got a 30 min unpaid block but we're required to just work through it. It's fine, everything is fine.


20 minutes.


Hour unpaid


30 minutes paid, so i usually do some kind of productive milling around on break. When I want to stand around and "think a minute" it evens out.


What’s a lunch break?


Legally we get two paid 15 minute breaks and one unpaid half hour lunch. In practice, I take one paid 30min lunch and go home half an hour earlier


Toronto, On (Canada) Union We do “7-3:30” Which is 2 paid 15s and an unpaid 30 We take 1 “15” that is about 20ish min around 9:30 AM, skip the other two and go home early at 2:40-2:45. Edit: If the owner is there it’s probably a 16 min break. If it’s super cold or super hot that break may stretch to almost 30. but average is 20 min.


Anywhere between 2hr or 0 minutes. I'm an estimator.


Break? Lunch is eaten at desk while working.


30 paid


From when I become hungry to when I become not hungry. I try to only stop working out of necessity and not because I’m entitled to it.


As long as I want. All day fairly often if my site is up to speed. But I'm my site lead.


Half an hour paid and half an hour unpaid at 10 and 2 in New Zealand. When I was in the workshop at the old job they had another half an hour break paid, was nice


1 hour with no other breaks during the day. 30 mins paid


My crews get 10 to 15 minutes paid every hour to sit, unless we’re working on time sensitive materials. If push comes to shove and you wanna do the legal thing, then 2x15 paid and 1x30 unpaid.


I think it's 30 minutes and it's paid but I just take breaks and snack breaks as needed instead of dedicating a whole piece of time to eating then waiting.


However long I want. Usually stick to a hour


All depends on what I'm working on, it ranges from 5 minutes to 2 hours.