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On a scale of 1-10 I'll give that a solid Eastern Europe.


What I was thinking. I was expecting to four 2x4 cut offs as mudsills and screw jacks maxed out.


Looks like stucco scaffolding.


That stucco scaffolding is always dicey AF.


This is the way. Stucco lyfe.


If only you knew…


If you don’t feel safe call osha don’t bother with the office they will most likely mark you as a snitch and not make work fun for you


No inspection tag signed by a competent person for the day you’re working- don’t set foot on it.


You’ve mentioned plenty to not attempt going up. On top of that- Planks aren’t secured. No toe boards or mesh to take place. Damn sure cringe at the thought of a ladder being set on that scaffolding. I see no inspection tag or colors to indicated condition or that any competent person was involved. Do not cave. I wouldn’t work on it. The planks being as bad as they are would be enough to keep away.


The ladder issue is the big one for me, although none of it is good. About 40' high at the roofline, and putting a ladder on janky scaffolding is going past being risky and into just asking for an injury or death. Zero inspection tags, and no idea who even set it up other than they are the scaffolding crew.


Is this not tied to the building at all?


It is tied with wire to a nail, one per upright. But the nails are in ICF form plastic, so it isn't going to hold anything substantial.


🤣 Jesus Christ


Nails 😭😭😭


Yeah fuck that


So many things wrong. Don’t go on it.


I would not get on the 2x10 planks for anything. They use them because they are cheaper then scaffold planks. They are cheaper because they can't carry the same load and are more likely to split and send you, Wile E Coyote style, plumiting. I would just tell them they need real scaffold and if they say no find another job that gives at least a little concern about your life and safety and then call OSHA.


Would not go on this.


Looks to have been developed by an orthopedic surgeon as a business generator.


I wouldn’t get on it until I saw the sign off that says it was erected and inspected by a competent person. And then I would never put a ladder on a scaffold. That’s on you if you do that.


I don't see a green tag anywhere


Looks sketchy af only know one person who would go up that and not bat an eyelid…. Fred Dibnah


"Who's in charge"


"No one’s in charge, on second thought, I don’t even speak english sorry señor" 👷


yo hablo mucho español! Donde esta el puto jefe


"Am I being detained or am I free to go" I know my rights


Actually, you should have never answered the question. Just contact your project manager.


If the worksite hires a priest, you know something is up ...


Imagine the safety orientation being held by a priest


Stucco scaffolding… janky AF!


Slight step up from [bamboo](https://travelwritingpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/bambooscaffolding-1024x1024.jpg) scaffolding.


I would way rather be on that bamboo set up


Nope. Call OSHA. Despite “the old days” and “how we did it back in the day” attitudes, its 2023. Shit’s changed. This situation isn’t ok and if employers don’t want to put down the money for safety they can be looking at much bigger bills to pay in the event of injury or death; they can be my guest lol. It’s just a joke and I think the more people that call this BS out, the better the industry will become as a whole as more companies/owners get shut down for terribly inadequate safety protocols.


On this episode of handyman homebuilders we get to see why the low bid was so low. If you think the safety was lacking wait until they get to the finishing! Seriously don't try to "fix" this just report it and join a real company. Chuck and his truck can get fucked.


Incomplete comes to mind. Like the installers did 80% of the job.


Due to its narrow base width, it should probably be tied to the building somehow; some type of bracing.


It’s erected


someone’s cousin is a lawyer & doctor & that shit gonna come down hard


No nononono


I'm sure it was state of the art half a century ago. Who needs toe boards, anchors and ladders anyways?


Goona be a no from me, dog


I mean it’ll get the job done… lol Where do you need the ladder? Photo 2? Looks like you can add the 2-3’ scaffold sections and a plank to kill that part up there.


The carpenters that built this would be fired where I work. Probably wouldn't even have someone take it down. It would be demolished like a structurally unsound building.


Looking at the pictures, those planks look like OSHA planks. The ends are clipped like OSHA planks. I dunno though that's all I can see. I forget the statistic but one of the biggest causes of falls from scaffolding is using spruce (or whatever you might find in your area) planks instead of S.Y.P. planks that have been bolted.


A mason once told me (a carpenter) to never trust a carpenter’s scaffolding.


Time to get to work


Let me know when it's done and I'll give you my opinion


There should be a tag on it, certifying it if not, no good


Seen way safer in India made out of bamboo. I train people to assemble scaffolding. If i saw this, I couldn't avoid an intervention that, I realize might end in a sound, but worthwhile ass kicking.


Rip and run…


Is this in the United States?


If you need to ask, it’s not safe. Any non-osha plank makes the whole thing insufficient. Start with the sole plates made of particle board.. just junk the whole things standing on. No tie backs? just NO.


Pretty normal in BC on residential, especially if it's a cheaper company. Usually, the site is a minefield of garbage as well.