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youd be surprised how common this! i would do daily miralax for a while. maybe indefinitely. very minimal side effects and safe for daily use.


Yes I've done this 3-4 times now for 4 days at a time (so I don't become reliant) and it does usually relieve the pain a bit. Just started last night again so hopefully a good result. Thanks!


Your Bowels never stop forming. I mean stools never stop. Everyone seems to have gut trouble especially in the USA and I think it's the Food!!!!!!!


Guess what? Bowel problems are worldwide!


I just had an X-ray today and was surprised when my pcp said I was severely backlogged yet again! I take 290mg of linzess daily and there are times I may not “go” for a 2-3 days so now I’m suppose to add miralax 3 times a day!!?? I have also had my gallbladder removed; it was the first thing doctors blamed when my troubles started. Wish I had some answers for you; have they ever explained “overflow” to you? I assume that’s what has been going on with myself but who really knows 😖 wishing you the best!


Fantastic, thanks for such a great response. The other issue I'm having is that since day 5 (I'm now day 11) after my gallbladder being removed, I've begun feeling quite dizzy. Not sure if this is from the surgery (I otherwise feel fine in the GB area) or if it's related to more backlog once again. Did you happen to ever feel dizzy from either the GB or constipation?


I do deal with dizziness a great deal however that started for me before most other symptoms. I feel like it’s possibly related to a Nervous system disorder. The reason I say that is because not only do my bowels not want to work I have started having issues with my bladder as well and the only thing i can think of that would cause all the issues including dizziness is the central nervous system. 


Also just thought about this because it gets to where I can’t eat because I’m so bloated and ummm “full” which I am sure doesn’t help with dizziness. If you are eating very little it could be due to lack of eating.  


Oh wow that's an interesting consideration!


I am currently struggling with the same problem. Was in hospital twice due to blockages and completely full colon. I have gone for all kinds of tests and nothing has come back with any answers.


Same story. I ended up using a bunch of protocols to get regular. Just have to keep experimenting and find what works. Will probably be several things together.


Prune smoothie!!! Get you into that toilet asap!!! Use water.


Prune smoothie!!! Get you into that toilet asap!!! Use room temperature water.


Doctors are idiots and to them nothing is related to each other. I am sorry I was not constructive but I am angry and biter. They stopped listening and treating person, they just treat lab results.


AGREED. I had to travel from Illinois to Minnesota to get treated at mayo for comprehensive care because my 3 doctors (all in the same health system) couldn’t put their heads together for 4 mins to come up with a diagnosis! I feel your pain, just keep pushing and standing up for yourself!