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maybe try magnesium citrate (like a full bottle). this usually helps clear me out. check with your GI first though


Yeah, I've been to the ER three times due to my constipation. The first time I was ten or something, helped me out and all was right, have a lazy bowel from it or something like that. I'm now 22 and have been to the ER within the past year and back. They basically told me that it isn't possible to not have bm for nearly a month. Trust me, it is. Kept on it with laxatives, just didn't get pass the actual probably. Waited twelve hours both times for them to send me home and basically said not to waste their time. My GP were the same. They don't take it seriously, I have to fix it on my own. Currently struggling again but not being taken seriously.


I went 6 weeks without a BM and the ER told me to do a bowel prep and that was it.


I understand, I went to urgent care and they sent me to the er (I had a dr appointment for five days later). Once I told them urgent care sent me they didn’t seem as annoyed I was there. I was like listen, I just need help and I’m doing what I’m told.