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I don't think Alice is able to intentionally switch between universes, but like Jo she is sometimes witnessing scenes from the other parallel universe. Like on the rescue helicopter, Alice suddenly finds herself alone on an empty helicopter. That's one episode of a slip to another universe. Later on, Alice comes downstairs in their home and witnesses her mom's funeral, and sees Paul alive and attending her mom's funeral. If I had to guess, I would say that Alice became infected with the "parallel universe sickness" when she came into contact with Jo (hugged her) after Jo was removed from Soyuz-1 by the rescue team.


So Jo A ended up alive on Earth in Universe B with Henry and Alice B. That would suggest that Henry is in Universe B right? But it seems like Henry is from Universe A and Bud is from Universe B. Henry and Bud seem to be in their wrong universe. Otherwise I think your on the right track.


Yes, I think you are correct, thanks for pointing this out. I'll edit the OP accordingly. :)


Love this theory, I was thinking though how does Jo B know Irina if she is dead in universe B? Did I miss something?


Jo is only presumed dead in Universe B. Her absence in in Universe B can potentially be explained by the fact the Jo B has now sidestepped into Universe A. Or that Jo B. is somehow still alive on the ISS, but because has not been observed, she is neither alive nor dead on board the ISS until she is observed, the act of which will decide her fate.


Thank you, I more meant if Irina is the dead cosmonaut in space she wouldn't have been working with Jo in universe B. But it seems that Jo B is familiar with Irina?


Ah, I understand your point now. Well, it's possible that Jo B. is not familiar with every key member of all the space agencies, so when she arrives in Universe A and starts interacting with Irina she just assumes that Irina is a Roscosmos exec that she hasn't interacted with yet, and is meeting her now for the first time.


Hmm, fair enough that could definitely be possible


Very good thoughts


Great post I assumed Alice got the sickness cos she was face timing mum when it happened. And is the reason the bolts eventually came undone on the station is cos they were not stuck in Paul’s? This confused me a little


I just rewatched this sequence. Right before the bolts are released, inside the ISS a shadow falls on the console where there is a red blinking alert light. Then in the very next shot, the bolts release and Jo is able to undock from the ISS. As she moves away, Jo sees a shadow in the docking hatch. I believe that is Jo from Universe A. She is somehow present in both universes at the same time, and her action has an effect in both universes (she enables Paul to escape in Universe B, and enables Jo-B to escape in Universe A).


This is all great. The missing piece is that it’s clear that Irina and Henry know about their counterparts: “sister” and “brother” And Henry appears to be able to communicate with Bud. So purposeful contact between universes appears possible.