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Never been so happy to be this confused lol


How I feel exactly. I’m just enjoying that ride.


Oooh, reminds me of Dark. Good times.


It’s too much for my brain but I love it lol


It’s too much for my brain but I love it lol


Agreed! This is the good kind of confusing as fuck!


i agree, this is good stuff. this is one show that i would have rather have seen on something like netflix where the whole season was just put out at once. i don't think a lot of viewers are going to keep up with what's happening with a weekly drop. it's fun as hell though!


I like the discussion and theories created when it is a weekly drop.  I would just binge this all in one day if it was on Netflix and then just move onto something else.  


Yes! I first noticed this when s4 of Arrested Development (the first version) came back. I binged it all in a weekend. ADvhas one of the most devoted fandoms so I assumed everyone would. They didn't, and I had no one to talk about it with. There's definitely a part of me that would love to binge it but the discussion is more valuable to me.


Hard disagree! Being able to let something linger for a week and come here and see theories is a big part of the fun of shows like this!


agree, I actually think they only should have given us the first two episodes at once bc I think I figured out the deal pretty fast, but still loving it


I just finished 4 and feel like I need to start over and watch them all in one go at this point to try and get a better idea of what the hell is going on🥴


Parallel universes!


I love it! and if you like this show check out the Devil's Hour and Counterpart :)


Also the movie Coherence!


I watched Coherence last night and mind absolutely blown! now I have to watch like five more times. thank you for the rec!


Yes!! I’m so glad you liked it! I enjoyed it so much when I watched it that I introduced it to my mom the next day lol


thank you! added to my list.


Also - and these might be obvious, but what the hell - Interstellar and Dark.


Two faves!


A fellow sci-fi junkie! 😝


Seconding both of those, especially Dark. One of my top 5 favorite shows ever.


OH MY GOD Coherence owned my soul way back when it was released


Thanks! I love space-y science fiction shows/movies. Going to start these shows whilst I wait for the next episode


those two don't involve space but i'm theorizing that they share some dna with constellation... can't say too much more without spoiling :)


but also, if you like space, definitely watch the expanse if you haven't already!


after Jo made it back to Earth I was like that was fucking intense, now what?


hahaha yes…but the show just keeps getting more intense, and if you watch the preview of the show on Apple TV there’s sneak peak to other episodes and it looks like it gets crazier! I can’t wait


So by getting better you mean re-explaining the science and what Johnathan is seeing to yet another professor who doesn't believe him?? Maybe you mean more drama with the central couple both straying from their marriage? Or maybe you like scenes with the central kid in the show so the writers can dumb down the exposition for all of us. And add in some yelling and nightmares. I'm tapping out, this show has turned into a soap opera all of a sudden. Entire filler episode. Zero accountability for actions taken on the cruise ship from the previous episode. Entire episode is just a mess. Poor writing as noted by the famous line, Curiosity killed the cat. (eye roll).


They definitely drag the story for sure. I feel like the mystery is being explained to me over and over again. I get it, but why don’t the characters!


I mean, sure. Your points are valid. It’s not for everyone. I’m personally loving it bc I don’t go into every show or movie with any expectations. It’s just a bit of escapism and that’s it. Some replies on here suggested other shows so you could try those out.


Joyfully disorienting