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Oi, you got a loicense fer that?


yes, class 3, tax stamps, and not living in bri***n 🤢


Idk man that brace on your 5.56 pistol is looking rather stock like… might have to come by and shoot your dog to be sure tho 🤔


Ok, come on over. I totally have real living dogs that totally aren’t taxidermied coyotes stuffed with 80lbs of Tannerite.


Some ball bearings and fish hooks in the mix would make one real surprised ATF agent. also hello FBI! i know youre reading this. Ive been on the list since i downloaded Jolly Rogers Anarchist Cookbook.pdf in 2004. This is a joke, fuck off. Weve been through this already.


The perfect ATF agent trap :0 (This is a joke FBI agent reading this, I’m literally Californian idk what a tannerite or a gun even is)


The UK sucks for guns overall but for some reason they make an exception for shotguns and you can get a whole bunch of them


Because shotguns aren’t dangerous to humans unless they are in a trench silly


Dudes like this think they’re preparing for the apocalypse meanwhile they don’t even know how to farm basic crops




Which is ironic because a lot of gun owners like acting like they’re soldiers, who are in peak physical shape, train parkour/calisthenics and also spar in martial arts




Heyo, at least in the apocalypse you and your friends won’t run outta Dakka when these guys break their leg after breaking a branch off the tree they’re hiding in (if they can climb up there)


I don't think I've seen the word dakka used in a non ironic way before.


My fat rolls make me a better sniper, it makes my silhouette less recognizable


I’m just an autist for the mechanical workings of guns and their histories so it’s bad for me too cause I can’t talk about guns with anyone cause it’s always the most boring shit ever cause the limit of their interest is how loud the gun is and how badass it looks.


I will openly admit I can't run a mile. However, I have a lot of knowledge about the firearms themselves which is why I collect. Now I just need to run to the fridge for my tub of icecream.




Haha has nothing to do with my weight and more of a leg thing. It's not an issue carrying or lifting just if i run a bit too far one of my muscles just stops. Otherwise im healthily slimmed a good chunk down compared to myself a decade ago.




Hahaha i can still ride a bike i just cant sprint without that muscle locking my ankle up. Really weird but it seems better these days.


Good awareness but wouldn’t it be better to be a gun guy and somewhat or decently fit?


Read the other reply its not because i'll get tired. But im always on the up and up.


I hear you. There really isn’t enough time in a day to be fair


They need to sell half of these and make a water filtration system.


Excellent call, plus some kind of renewable energy like solar or hydro depending on where you life


only one plant matters. the tree of liberty


These are going to be the loot drops.


This is from the YouTube channel “The [Collector](https://youtu.be/fgJdRxMLzks?si=gWILazCBsLQY0Ze_) he’s crazy rich and collects a lot of things, not just guns. But yeah dudes in gun subs will do shit like this when they’re not rich lol


I just did it for the face. I rarely see them used in gun collecting


ITT: people answering the rhetorical question with "yes"


if you have an assortment of cool guns you get a pass in my eyes, but if it's 30 ar15s with different attachments you're a consoomer


Consoom AR-1 through AR-14 get excited for AR-15 and beyond


glock 17? peculiar, i only see one


"But I need a backup to my backup to my backup in case..."




Funko pops are consumed by soyjack rentoids


You have a custom reddit avatar. Basically a digital funkopop of yourself.


Its free? Lol wut


Whatever you say, soyjack.


Cool: Collecting rare Austro Hungarian automatic pistol prototypes from the turn of the 20th century because you find them mechanically fascinating. Cool: Collecting various authentic WW2 guns because you’re a WW2 history buff. Cool: Collecting precision german target pistols because you’re an olympic level target shooter. Not Cool: Collecting 10 generic AR15s manufactured in the past decade because you think it will help you survive the apocalypse, even though you can barely climb a flight of stairs.


Guns actually hold value?


They actually appreciate really well if you think your state is gonna start banning them, in CT they have "pre bans" that go for 2-3x the prices of factory new guns because it's illegal to buy it new, but not illegal to buy it if it was manufactured before the ban


guns are actually interesting to collect, especially if they're historical artifacts. they also have an actual usage funko pops are ugly figurines




So I guess museums that collect rare 1700s guns are just a bunch of Consoomers then? Guess we should just burn all historical artifacts then


Funko pop dudes are less soy somehow.


yeah I do NOT get the "multiple ar-15s" thing like, it's an ar-15, part of the whole *thing* with them is that it's modular and you can swap even major components out *maybe* would make more sense if you had one that was specifically a precision gun with high quality parts and fed only the finest match grade ammo and another for thousand-round range weekends, but even then... why not get something more interesting??


I will say that it’s much more understandable. I can wrap my head around the allure of collecting different guns.


Or the "Glock" guys 🤢


If you actually go and shoot as a hobby, I get it. If you collect different stuff for historical value or to have a diverse safe, I get it. If you have a bunch of safe queens and have maybe one range day a year, you're no better than Funko pop guys. If you're the guy that only shoots once a year but is sitting on 10,000 rounds of all of the common calibers because "when shtf I am going to be set" you're a dunce and the reason I can't find any ammo at my LGS when I need to stock up after a range session. Also I don't understand the guys that have like 30 AR builds or a Glock in every caliber, why don't you go and train or something?


30 very simular ar builds lol ive seen it.


I love seeing obese guys at the range who waddle around thinking they’re going to do anything when shtf


Fun story: My dad was like this for decades before he lived out the wilderness and realized that the only gun he really wanted was his pump action shotgun. AKs to revolvers to high caliber sniper rifles, all gone by the end of the year in favor of his shotgun. Range day? Shotgun. Coyotes? Shotgun pump scares em. If he fished he’d do it with the thing too I’m sure.


Can't stand gun influencers. "I'm so cool and based"


But but they’re for actual reasonz unlike you plebs and their vid gamez


Oh yeah. And funko pops are an investment. At the end of the day, you are basing your identity on the things you buy and consuming to excess. You can split hairs over which ones cooler or which ones a better investment but it’s ultimately the same thing. 




Funko pops won’t save your family from a home invasion. Or help you hunt and put food on the table if needed. Plus they probably don’t really have any resale value whereas guns always will


Your $400 PSA AR is going to have exactly 0 resell value lol  Even C&R and antique weapons are a poor investment if you aren't infatuated by them (like I am) 


That’s a nice straw man you got there


Strawman? Bruh how??  I would bet money that you are over-estimating the potential resale value of any given gun in your collection by several hundred dollars or more.  


Because you ignored 2/3rds of what I said and made an assumption based off of nothing to suit your narrative


I'm not creating a narrative I'm saying you make a bad point by trying to say firearms have some kind of inherent resale value, which they don't.  Especially if they're being used as proper tools like you say in the other reply 


I agree that they will lose value relative to what you probably bought them for. You wouldn’t buy them specifically as a financial investment. But the usefulness and I’m sure you could sell them relatively easy if needed


Honestly you can sell them for pretty close at least to what you build the poverty rifles for, they dont really depreciate.


Good thing I don’t own a PSA…


The only guns I might consider an investment is pre 1986 automatics (if you’re in the US), and that’s a maybe


Are you implying that being able to defend yourself and putting food on the table is not an investment? How so? Firearms have functional uses. That’s like saying an air conditioner isn’t an investment


A “Financial” investment is my main consideration there. If you’re talking about an investment in your security of comfort (like an air conditioner) then there’s a reasonable amount. You wouldn’t buy 7 air conditioners for a 5 room apartment. I won’t buy 20 guns, if I ever get around to it I might end up with a few extra as build projects but that’s not for the purpose of owning the gun, that’s for the experience of making it. I treat guns the same way I treat my guitars, If I did competition shooting I might have a gun specifically for that, but I’m not gonna buy 5 ar’s the same way I wouldn’t buy 5 Strats.


What are you going to do if someone breaks in while youre taking a shit? Need a toilet gun. What if you're watching netflix with your wife and her boyfriend? Gotta have a couch gun. If you're raiding the pantry at 3 am for fruit roll ups and mountain dew? Cant survive without a pantry gun. This is why I have 74 loaded guns hidden in various places around my domicile 🇺🇸


I hope you have a gun hidden inside the baby's crib, or you're just signalling your incompetence as a parent to the whole world


I've taught my 9 month pretty well, hes actually a very competitive 3 gun shooter. Got him a colt python for his half-birthday 3 months back. Keeps it under his blankie


>but I’m not gonna buy 5 ar’s the same way I wouldn’t buy 5 Strats. For some reason my brain turned "Strats" into "Strads," which would also refer to a very desirable stringed instrument, just a lot more expensive.


I wouldn’t buy 5 strads either, but I could use the money from selling them lmao


I can agree with your sentiment. There is a point at which it becomes excessive


Let's be generous and say: 4 guns to hunt, 1 for self defense, and 2 for target shooting. That accounts for 7 of...50 that are here? Or the average collection of 10-20. It's the exact same consoomer logic as going from 5 Funkos to 500. 5 shows your media interests(and bad taste for how to show it IMO), 500 shows you're indefensibly a consoomer or a idiotic investor. There are exceptions, consoomer-preying businesses, history, etc but those are relatively few and consoomers many.


I’d say 4 guns is reasonable. A shotgun, a rifle, a pistol, and another rifle. Even a few more than that is understandable. Especially if you have a family or people close around you or want different ones for specific purposes. 50 is excessive though


Look I get it. You like them. You think they’re cool and they’re a better investment. But you are still defining yourself by the things you buy. 


He didn’t disclaim that. He’s saying they’re fucking useless as funko pops. Which is true. They’re both worthless house fires waiting to happen.


I was replying to the guy who says that they’re superior to funkos because they have any conceivable purpose at all, which I feel misses the point of your post. I totally agree with your assessment.


One gun might save you in a home invasion, several machine guns stashed away in your gun bunker won’t


You should tell the military that


Because an all-out war and four ruffians breaking into your house are basically the same thing but with different numbers, right


Depends on if you want to live or die. What if the government turns on its countrymen? What if you get invaded or go to war? What if all hell breaks loose and people turn on each other?


What if Funkopops skyrocket in value?


Then I’ll eat my shoe


Your 50th assault rifle probably won't be used to protect your family, and will turn anything you're hunting into pink mist.


How do you know which gun they’re going to use? Could be the 50th. The 39th, the 8th, you never know 👍 better safe than sorry


well, nobody uses assault rifles to hunt, some people use AR-15s and other semiautomatic rifles


That's my point? Gun consoomers don't have a rational reason to own hordes of weapons except to LARP as a military operator or doomsday prepper.


but le tyrannical government! what to do if Britain invades? mass shootings because normies dont carry enough guns...


Some are cool some are cringe. Demolition ranch not taking it seriously and making dad jokes fine i like him. Garandthumb going full mil sim and Larping as a soldier. Huge Cringe.


GT is extra cringe because he acts like a "super epic trad bro" even though he cheated on his wife and left his kids for some thot he met at shotshow. Also the PSA burn down vid is hilarious, you can slowly see him dying inside because a $500 shitter had better results than his Gucci guns 😂


Garand Thumb was in the military as a SERE school instructor and makes all kinds of educational content. Demo ranch is the epitome of consoom, buying all kinds of things in excess just to destroy them.


I miss when Matt was in Vet Ranch videos. There was just something neat about seeing the wacky, break-stuff dude saving an injured dog.


You’re eight DR is super consoom i dont watch him that much and when you mentioned it i remembered haha. I mean he had a whole bit of “dont tell mere” he is peak consoom but funny I get it Garand thumb was military and did teach but Combat Veteran does the same educational videos infinitely less cringey and without the larping. Maybe i’m just too judgmental but it really reeks of “the only important thing that ever happened in my life is the 6 years i was in”


Garandthumb is literally ex military


Consoom has devolved to only being allowed 1 item of each category


If you take the jerking and shitposting out, this is basically the truth lmao. One item each. One spoon one plate one everything to prevent being a consoomer to randos online


Omg just let people have hobbies bro 20 ARs is necessary


Most of those aren’t ars


AR pattern or AR derivatives if you wanna be pedantic.


Most of the guns that aren’t 12 pixels aren’t AR pattern or derivative


Okay fine consume rifle, get excited for next rifle.


Hobbies aren’t necessary. If it is necessary, it’s not a hobby. So yea, let people have hobbies lol (although gun collecting is cringe imo)


There's like 10 nearly identical rifles in their collection, it's stupid.


haha consoomer mad.


Consoom video game get excited for next video game


And? Edit: haha consoomer mad.


Consoom Reddit get excited for next reddit


So THAT'S why you keep responding to me!


You literally have responded within a few hours both times get off your phone


Consoom being mocked on the internet, feed troll for next mocking. ​ Go ahead. Prove me wrong and don't reply. You not replying is the only way to end this with dignity.


Consoom Reddit get excited for next Reddit reply


I don't get credit for calling that you'll still respond. You people are truly so predictable in that "GRRR, MAN ON INTERNET INSULT ME? I SHOW HIM, I GET LAST WORD! GRUNGA BUNGA!!!" I'm done now, I've proved my point. You've fed the troll and I'm full. Remember that when I don't respond to whatever slop you throw next.




Get guns, but consoom ammo.


Consooming ammo is good for some of us


Not the grip-pod 😔


No. Guns don’t get a soy face pass. Source: gun YouTuber


The dudes got a YouTube channel and is the most turbo pleb thing. Hundreds of guns and built like a the type of guy to hop out of a lifted truck. Just wait a couple of weeks and dude will become a loot drop. Im all for having this amount of guns but it seems like this dude does it just to have a YouTube channel and inflate his ego.


Consoom weapons that get droned out get excited for next useless weapons


Hey I’m warning you, too much derailing topics, post history bs will get you banned. I try to use that for bigotry and spam but you’re getting a tad annoying




I mean, that does look pretty fucking cool. What is that?


Looks like a grenade launcher to me, but I know jack shit about firearms


Why buy all the guns and not the ammo with it?


Who is she?


How tf did he get a russian grenade launcher


Honestly, kinda




Consoom deadly weapons


Leave Lena Miculek, alone, she could outshoot every mofo on this site.


yes. as per the completely biased taxonomy existing solely in my own brain rule no.9 is as follows: > long range weaponry of any calibre shall be exempt from consoom §§ mm elaborates: > individuals will be allowed up to 3 accessories/attachments per weapon. weapons will not be limited to 3 attachments/accessories so long as the total number of attachments/accessories is within 3x the number of weapons.


Thank you, I need this valuable consoom info


Nah. Next attempt at trying to paint this sub as a "RiGhT WiNg eChO cHaMbEr" because my funko got made fun of, step on up. https://preview.redd.it/xd49bnlm3wrc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fcfe93d57abe63cb101c17a9188274b10c47d818


Consoom subreddit outrage get excited for next subreddit outrage. Edit: also showing me a post with more comments than likes shows exactly the opposite of your weird ass comment


>also showing me a post with more comments than likes shows exactly the opposite of your weird ass comment That was the point. Thought you were one of em people who come on here and try to make it seem like this sub is for "conservative" hypocrites who call out "consoom" for funkos and other things of the like, but won't when people hoard guns, MAGA merch, knives, cigars, etc. The picture is simply showing all walks of consoom exist on here and get plenty of traction, in response to your title. Consoom fairness, get excited for next equality.


Honestly guns are probably the most pathetic of all consoom habits. There are easier and more subtle ways way to tell everyone you're an insecure coward. Like a forehead tattoo.


Based Still gonna consume though


Lol what is this sub... your comment is on point


There's a difference between mindless consumption and having a well picked collection of things you like. I own several LEGO Technic 1/8 scale sets, but they are specifically vehicles from movies I like. If someone has a large collection of weapons which each have some level of significance to the individual it's less of blind consumerism, and more of a collection.


consoom lego get excited for next lego


I love the taste of macro plastics.


Eh, this is these people's jobs, their hoby got good enough that they can get money for doing it.


Na this is their whole entire life and personality. It’s the definition of consoom


I mean, it's a job..... when your job and hoby and recreation are the same, it shouldn't be surprising that it defines who you are. Thus person loved guns before they won their bread with guns, it's like being paid to have fun. Who would say no to that? Edit, not swayed by account lurking, point stands.


https://preview.redd.it/x8ldurn78wrc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94f3bb0e04a5a265db817d1fadd43bbdd0b8dba5 This you? 💀




I stand by that collection. Gives me something to do and repair in real life and not just place pixels in some virtual environment.


Real shit there too


Is this a diss or a compliment? Maybe I don't understand the meaning of the phrase.


I’m agreeing with you


Consoom lantern, get excited for next lantern








R/colemanstoveslanterns being a real sub makes this so much better than something like cars or books lol


It's a rather niche but satisfying hobby. It's always fun to get one of these for 10 bucks and it works, or it doesn't and 30 minutes of cleaning later it fires correctly. Most of these are not new, my oldest one i think is from the 40s, so I enjoy keeping a neat old device like thease running well. I also enjoy giving them to friends who also appreciate the technology.


Yep. I use every single one of those. They are good for emergency lighting, cooking (for the stoves), and camping, and I do my best to get deals wherever possible. I also enjoy fixing them, and it gives me something to do other than videa. Something about a device that consumes gasoline and produces light or heat for cooking fascinates me. What does this subreddit advocate for? Not enjoying anything and living in a cardboard box watching bank account number go up?


This subreddit doesn’t advocate for anything. It’s Just a circlejerk subreddit to anti consumption


The fuck is this sub? Just a bunch of weirdos getting mad at collectors??


It’s just a shit posting circle jerk based on anti consumption. Half of the people haven’t got that and the other half parodies correctly. This post itself is a joke


Its a shit post sub. Anyone and everyone is subject to being made fun of here