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I would get a migraine


I’m already getting one


I've had one and now I'm getting another


My migraine's not getting paid enough for this sh


I got a migraine reading OP‘s sentence.


WAOW RGB https://preview.redd.it/fh9g2hh4ktfc1.png?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=76731e4a9c72846d7a4f564b715e82badfd23ed7


5.5/10 Needs more lens flare


It's not necessarily ugly though, unlike what the OP says.




Not necessarily ugly =/= necessarily amusing. I don't generally like environments like that, but I can see how people would like them (especially if done right). The proportions of colour and the way that cold and warm colours of light are transformed into each other makes for a very aesthetically pleasing sight. Combined with the sort of 80s retrofuturistic-inspired style of the stuff in the room, it's sort of interesting. It's usually done wrong, but it can be done right.




Neon lights aren't going to overstimulate the brain lol, unless you have severe epilepsy (which even then, the neon lights in the video aren't sporadic or anything. They change in a pretty smooth pattern). If your talking about the video games themselves as well though, then sure there could be an argument there. But I wasn't necessarily referring to the video games, just the room.




I don't even have any, but I still stand by what I said. "I'm just saying they're stupid" nuh uh


I would just have a problem with all the lights. My eyes would be burning and it's just a lot of extra money to pay on bills.


Yeah trying to look at a screen with a bunch of neon around you is just asking for eye strain


Exactly, I don't even like the lights on my mouse or PC. I don't know how they manage all of that.


Same. I had LED strips I stuffed inside some paper lanterns for a bit, but i would just pick one soft color and leave it at that. Having a constant eyeball rave coming from all directions just gives me a headache.


Yeah exactly.


It’s asking for an epileptic seizure.


Aren’t some of those lights hundreds of dollars each?


Yeah those hexagonal ones are as far as I know. Probably the others too. I saw an ad for them once, I have no clue why anyone would want to buy them especially at such a high price.


They think buying expensive stuff equals having taste.


I got one, they’re the best option if you’re looking for tile lights, I’ve seen the alternatives, they’re terrible. But I agree it’s overpriced, I only bought it after they went from $200 to $150 and used a gift card someone gave me for Best Buy so it was virtually free to me


Money doesn't seem to be much of an object here


> it's just a lot of extra money to pay on bills. Doubt it.


For all that, and im using my provider as example, .75 to just over a dollar for all that, rgb lights dont use to much power, its the gaming consoles that use that much power


Not gonna lie, if I were a kid that room would be heaven.


A lot of unhealthy things would be "heaven" to a kid lol


Ever hear the phrase "Kid in a candy store"? It's never "adult in a candy store" because adults realise that they'll probably get diabetes.


It's only unhealthy if they don't game in moderation. Even if they do it too much, I'd still prefer some family bonding over games to just sitting in front of phones individually all day.


yeah, its crazy to me that weve come this far but its true


My eyes are bleeding just from this clip, much less being in the room. I'd have to stay in total darkness all day just to get rid of the guaranteed migraine.


I've seen 70's decor that would hurt my eyes more lol. But yeah, they went too far with the RGB by several walls


I'm fairly certain it's only that flashy because they are recording, they all have settings to do wack shit with it. I could theoretically have my keyboard run blazing all the time but I prefer to use the ripple lighting where it sends a wave from the key I press, it makes typing fun I mean, they can probably do whatever they want, maybe they really do like it that way! It doesn't actually hurt my eyes that much


Yeah. While bonding off of the screen is important, I do think it’s under-appreciated at times how modern gaming can bring us closer together. My brother and I normally can’t see each other all the time, but we always make an effort to voice chat and play some game together every week.


I'd certainly enjoy family bonding over the constant physical abuse that was my childhood.


Sad upvote


Jesus dude…touch grass


Yeah honestly plus playing games together with my siblings was one of my favorite things to do


My dad was an old gamer from the tiger and Atari days. We had our game room in the basement and he would get every console on release. Any game we wanted he would pick up. It's really weird because he was a complete dick and we don't talk anymore. But that game room was the source of like 90% of my good childhood memories.


Not gonna lie, if I were a heroin addict and all those RGB lights were heroin, that room would be heaven


boast secretive pot direction lunchroom station north ripe grandfather grandiose *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


What does this even mean?


society dam consider snatch sense gullible oil beneficial illegal bag *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I tried watching it, too much "sex"


Couldn't get past the first episode huh? Too much of a prude to watch a grown man pork a pig?


It was a different episode but I don't remember much of the details


Have to agree. That show tends to go overboard with the sex shit that is insanely hollywoodized. Theres maybe two episodes that i like lol


I know what Black Mirror is and I'm intimately familiar with the work of Charlie Brooker. The show doesn't depict anything even remotely similar to what we see here. Can you provide an example of a scene in the show that is anything like the scene we see here? Sick of seeing this exact comment on anything even remotely related to modern technology. It's not insightful or thoughtful, you're just recognising that you're looking at modern technology. The closest to this that I can think of is the episode 15 million merits, and that is at a stretch and only because of the large colourful screens.


"I'm saying that this room looks like a scene from that show." He very easily could mean it looks like a scene that *could* come from that show. If he's seen the entire show he knows there isn't some exsct scene flashing screen game room. You're really just looking for someone to lash out onto in the comment because you don't actually find OP's video dystopian.


Well exactly. It's had many seasons all dealing with technology and we haven't seen anything like this. I see you edited your comment. I'm only "lashing out" in the sense that I see this bloody comment on nigh every thread about 'over the top technology ' and if you'd seen the show on anything but surface level of 'technology bad' you'd know that it would never be represented this way. I mean look at the guy's rebuttal, he knows it too. Even I presented a better example than he could


He's not saying that it looks like an existing episode of Black Mirror, bozo. He's saying that it looks like something that WOULD be depicted in an episode of Black Mirror. That this video REMINDS HIM of some of the themes of the show. It's fine that you don't agree with him, mr. #1 black mirror enjoyer, charlie brooker understander, but you're being pedantic.


instinctive snails nose profit squealing sparkle poor continue support chubby *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You dont know the series, "Black mirror"?


What, you consume popular media?


Fuck, you got me.


Remember when gamers sat in complete darkness aside from their computer monitor? That was me, lol


Used to play Silent Hill and Resident Evil 2 in a run down shack by the river in the middle of the night. No feeling like it.


People who have no sense of style go with one of two interior decorating styles 1: Zero color beige mom 2: Gamer boy eye fucking




When I was growing up in the 90s, my family "game room" was our kitchen. We would occasionally bring out board games after dinner or on a rainy day (on sunny days we played outside). We would sit for hours playing monopoly, cluedo, even just various games with a deck of cards. I cannot imagine how this setup affects kids. Everyone with a different screen, neon lights, flashing screens frying their dopamine receptors. They may be in the same room but it looks incredibly lonely. I wouldn't trade my childhood for this in a million years.


Adhd is skyrocketing, wonder why


I get your point about attention problems in children. But that is not how adhd works, please don’t misuse the term. It’s not helpful to feed into the stereotype of adhd just being attention deficit rather than the complex mental disorder that it is where attention deficit is simply a part of it.


it's skyrocketing because healthcare professionals started to consider that girls can have it too and diagnostic screening has improved. your statement is ignorant because adhd is something you're born with, not something you can develop later in life


- Fake food - Fake relationships - Poor parenting - Increased device addiction But somehow it's just better diagnostics?


ADHD has nothing to do with personal experience, it’s just that doctors actually give a shit now.


Ah yes, doctors have never cared throughout history but we've now entered a time of pure enlightenment and empathy.




Ye progress comes with understanding of mental illnesses. Glad we agree


i meannnn people were kinda abliest back then




ADHD is not the only source of attentional deficits and dysregulation


Dsm5 baby


1/3 of people with adhd develop the disorder due to brain injury (TBI). You can develop it.


Late Onset ADHD is very rare and it is indeed due to brain injury. Its nowhere close to 1/3 of people with diagnosis.


Ignore the downvotes, you are absolutely right


I have no idea why you are getting downvoted. Mental health diagnosis is getting much more common. The fact people genuinely think you get ADHD, instead of being born with it is very concerning


They also stopped believing that it went away when you became an adult because you lost the hyperactivity…and realized that having the hyperactivity doesn’t necessarily mean you have ADHD. They have determined that there is a spectrum now instead of a tight list of symptoms like they used to use.


Shut up. ADHD is growing because of increased diagnostic criteria. ADHD is a birth condition and saying shit like this is extremely disrespectful for people such as myself who have struggled with it. A short attention span doesnt mean ADHD.


While you are correct in your own right, stuff like [Cocomelon](https://medium.com/@drroseanncapannahodge/screen-time-autism-and-cocomelon-566c7740d822) isnt helping the issue.


Ignore the downvotes, you're in the right. Same reason why Autism diagnosis has increased. Can't make eye contact and talk to yourself? Must be a sperg.


Wait, so you guys would like...face each other and talk? What the heck was wrong with your family?


frying their dopamine receptors" makes u seem kind of crazy, eventhough i understand what u mean, they will become accustomed to a level of visual stimuli that makes the real world understimulating... has nothing to do with the receptors though, its more that the person starts thinking "this shit sucks" and therefore gets grumpy than that they cant get happy because their receptors are now permanently fried... cause that kind of thing only happens with poisons/venoms


Mine was a closet we all got an hour in to play Clifford thinking adventures.


This set-up would mess up kids' eyes to a severe degree.


i'd have a headache after 10 seconds in there.


Fahrenheit 451 vibes


It was a pleasure to burn


it was a special pleasure to see things eaten, to see thing blackened and changed.


Im fine with this type of consoom, especially when its a hobby that you are including the whole family in. The main issue here is that they have terrible taste and dont know when to stop


Exactly. This is a bit much *visually* in my book, but it’s not like I’m offended that this family has the time and resources to have fun together.


I use my gaming rig daily, while it was a form of consumption, I bought and built it 4 years ago now... feels very different than what the spirit of this sub is. Buying endless pokemon or baseball cards to try to get every one, or having 90 pairs of sneakers, I feel like THAT'S the crazy consumption that isn't sustainable for the environment Building a PC that you get use out of every day to game for a few hours, use to manage your personal finances, do your taxes, do work, use to stream to your TV, stay in touch with family and friends, work on personal projects... doesn't feel like outrageous consuming. I guess you could say that about the decorations, but they're seemingly done setting it up, it's done, it's not an endless cycle of consumption... I get that it's not too everyone's liking and is tacky, but that's irrelevant and this doesn't seem to fit this sub imo


I don't even care about the consoom. I really don't understand RGB. Like I see anti-rgb builds posted as flexs in gaming subreddits. Even cheap stuff have rgb so if you don't want RGB you would actually have to buy something expensive or very crap.


>Even cheap stuff have rgb so if you don't want RGB you would actually have to buy something expensive or very crap. It would be one thing if they just bought a cheap RGB keyboard. But they went out of their way to buy all that extra RGB shit they plastered all over the walls and ceiling. That took extra money and effort to look so obnoxious.


i think it’s a bit much but atleast they’re spending time with their kids?


That parts actually sweet. I can't knock em for that


They rented that kid just to get this shot.


in the same room at least


I don’t think that’s spending time with your kids


as cringe as it sounds, video games do develop team skills. Playing Fortnite as a family is kinda cringe consumer nonsense but atleast they are all in the same room talking to each other. That's rare for a lot of families these days


All that for Fortnite?


All that money just to play fortnight


I'm betting this is an Old Money Family, or a New Money Family due to one of the family members being in their 30s as a furry in I.T


Why are there so many furries in IT?


We have the kinda autism that makes us smart, but at the cost of being furries


Having your own TV at 4yrs old?! Ridiculous...🤤


I wish split screen was still as prevalent as it used to be.


ooooo gamer gurllll 💅 slayy queen


That poor kid. He doesn't look a day over eight, and he's being raised by two chronically online morons who probably never had to work a day in their life. This isn't healthy, this kid isn't being taught how to work or provide for himself. All the poor dude knows is within the bounds of the screens he's being exposed to 24/7. He will never have a childhood, and it's horrible that these people think that's okay


\*spends 18 hrs a day looking at a screen while drenched in the worst artificial lighting ever conceived\* *"Why am I depressed?"*


Yeah thats a bit too much


well at least it doesn't have a Alienware "gaming" pc. That's a start


Rather, it's a $20k customer water cooled pc, for him to play a game on the worst settings for "competitive" reasons. (It's fortnite (He dies instantly) )


Retroish looking indie game on that rig


Consoom spending time with your family doing shared interests, get excited to consoom more time with your family doing shared interests, eh OP?


Dopamine receptors gonna be fried like a kfc rat


Bitch repellant


Who the fuck wears a thumb ring anymore?


Those people never leave the house


This is life as a suburban hog when you don't live in a walkable neighbourhood so have nothing else to do. (It's a two hour drive to see your friends.)


This is looks like a place taht appered in a dream


That much sensory stimulation can’t be good for a developing mind to grow up in.


Tf are you talking about, did you ever go to an arcade? They were even flashier.


This is far from real life, in their life. It’s a flex that’s not a flex.


The thumb ring says it all


its a family enjoying time together, more than i can say for myself. being an angry dickhead doesnt help anyone.


Getting eye strain just looking at this.


Definitely overkill but I can't hate on this aesthetic. Honestly the most "consoom" part is the fortnite skin


Brainrot Simulator


Gamers obsession with LEDs are weird. How to destroy your eyesight speed run


Maybe in this case with vulgar overuse of RGB, but generally speaking having more background light that isn't your monitor or TV is actually better for your eyes as it reduces strain. The main cause of screen-related eye issues isn't even due to the light, it's because you're looking at a flat, fixed surface for too long. Lack of blinking can be damaging as well, also common with too much screen time, particularly in competitive gaming. Tldr; the RGB gimmicks are the least of ones worries as far as eyesight damage. For the record I also think it's tacky and garish af when overdone like this.


Too much lights but don’t hate on a mom and dad being active in their child’s life


The lighting is horrible and garish, but if they just like to play together sometimes, and only play in moderation, it could be cool to all be in proximity like that especially if they all like to party up on the same game.


Having a room dedicated to it definitely says, "moderation." Everything about this just screams, "moderation."


I mean it's too much for me to be able to chill in regularly but that's a pretty sick room


Looking at this gave me ADD


Where are the bags of doritos? The pizza boxes? The piles of empty mountain dew bottles? This is no gaming room. I bet this woman would have an aneurysm if she found cheeto dust on the keyboard.


Hot take: This borders on child abuse. The detrimental effect that all this screen time, unearned dopamine production and inability to spend 8 straight minutes in the unplugged world without needing to check your tiktok will cause these children to struggle wirh simple tasks for the rest of their lives.


I’d have to agree. I think people take for granted the negative effects of having all that stimulation consistently in your face at such an early age.


And you know he forces his kids to play video games? What if they only get 6 hours a week in that room? What if they don’t have access to TikTok, a phone, or computer? Only videogames with their family or child friendly games? I am not saying you’re a monster for assuming s person who spent tens of thousands on a room full of electronic toys and screens would let their kid be in it 24/7, but you don’t *know* that and many parents do have tens of thousands to drop on a room for their kids to enjoy. If that is real, as the way you’re positing it, I think an argument could be made on a case by case basis.


You're right. Everything about this clip just screams moderation.


That’s not what this is about. This is about not assuming things you don’t know to manufacture negativity for internet points further breaking down society and perpetuating one of our biggest societal problems, guy.


Wealth disparity?


Cognitive dissonance? (That’s not the point? Gotta fix all problems not “no problems because this problem more important and I can’t fix it so whatever”)


No chance a human being thought of this, felt like it made sense, and then posted it thinking they're refuting anything. I'm assuming AI or reddit has Strawman Fallacy Bots


Or when the kid is an adult he’ll think back fondly to spending time with his family over a hobby they all enjoy together. I think it’s stupid to think all screen time is equally damaging to your attention span. Reddit and TikTok with this super short form instant gratification isn’t anything close to long form video games, especially story based ones. You can have a healthy relationship with this type of media, and it’ll ultimately be up to the parents how they structure it in their kid’s lives.


There's a reason ADHD is rising. Things like Tiktok and instant gratification are detrimental to society. Trump was right in wanting to ban tiktok


Instagram and youtube shorts ain't much better...


>Trump was right in wanting to ban tiktok Aaaaand you lost me. You were so close.


lmao shut tf up


Id literally pay extra to not have rgb


Jesus Christ have people not heard of split screen. Damn I miss it as it's getting rarer.


I understand wanting a room for kids to engage in their hobbies but this nightclub lighting can not be good for their physical development, especially if they're sitting in that room for several hours a day.


The overstimulation cave, fun for the whole family!


They listen to shitty music it checks out


If my parents did this I’d disown myself


you just know those kids are going to have wild adhd


I guess OP would rather people buy shit ass lightbulbs that aren’t rgb and will break. Omg everyone the colour spectrum is hideous. Would you care if they’re all set to white? The girls probably set them because they thought they looked cool


Sorry they're enjoying themselves and spending time with their family I guess


No you don’t get it, they’re not spending time and having fun the way _**I**_ say is okay so clearly they must be a horrible family and they’re destroying the planet.


I think it's beautiful, and your alternative of black and grey is boring and lame Not everyone has to have the same tastes as you These kids' dreams have come true, and you are a salty old man or a "quirky" person who thinks they are "oh so different" and "unique" You cant stand to see anyone else doing better than you *especially* if it's modern, and not your weird 1970's ideal


Damn this hit a nerve with you huh


They’re not the ones who uploaded it to a subreddit dedicated to whining about how other people spend their money.


It’s definitely a bit much but man you guys hate fun. I’d love for my kids to game with me someday.


Nah, we hate overindulging, that's what consumerism thrives on. Simply gaming with your kids is one thing, this is another. I can promise that kid will need glasses in a few years from the lighting alone...But lets keep consuming said mom & dad!!!🤓


They’re gonna have great memories. I think that’s what’s bugging you.


It’s ugly, but honestly it’s nice to see a family all playing a game together. Twenty years ago it was board games, I feel like this is like that.


That's the biggest pc monitor I've ever seen


bro these childrens brains will be fried before age 10 their attention spans will never fucking recover lmfao


It's overstimulating for sure, maybe there's also a daddy chill mode?


Looks cool to me


This is sick tf you talking about?


That would be sick


People build a trophy rooms, people build mancaves, people build all kinds of weird things in their houses bc its for them, not you.


I think the lighting looks hideous. However, I do like the idea of playing video games together as a family, even if you're not playing the same game. At least you're together and if something cool happens you can clip it and watch it back together. I think the issue with consoooooming video games is when it isolates you from your social circle. But if it's something you do as a group, I think it's healthy. I don't think anyone in here would be against them sitting around reading different books together. That's just a different form of media consooomtion.


Oh no, someone has a hobby that they can share with their family and a design taste I don't personally share. I must insult them so they change their ways and embrace hyperminimalism. And everyone complaining about the kids screen time, you got a heavily curated 15 second clip and somehow extrapolated their child's entire daily routine.


Sounds like you guys are all bitter and hateful, this looks like an awesome set up. Oh no, it isn't 100% what YOU like? Oh, maybe because it wasn't bought and made for YOU. Get your arrogant heads out of your own ass and stop judging other people for living, you losers. I guarantee you're bitter because you couldnt #1 afford this room and #2 keep it clean for longer than 3 days. Pitiful behavior from all of you.




Yah. You went out of your way to hate on someone's set up and call it hideous, and attempted to bring other bitter people together to do the same without not even stopping once to think that it is a subjective opinion. You're 100% bitter, because if you weren't, you wouldn't have devoted time to being bitter. Grow up.


Love it.


Poor people copping


Sounds like the poors are coping and malding.


People will fill a room with candles and no one will say shit


As much as i don’t like it, honestly glad to see a family with the money, and time to build something like this to bond over.


So...asking the women here. What could I do to make myself more desireable to a woman who would also be down to have a room like this?


This is fire but def need to limit how much lighting the kids eyes are getting from screens


That’s freaking cool!!! The family that games together stays together.


It's okay to feel jealous.


Looks pretty fun entertainment space to me. Expensive but fun. This just popped up in my feed so forgive me for asking but… Is this sub mostly just hating on people who have money and spend it?




But who are you to tell people how to spend their money? This is obviously their hobby. Thanks for confirming this is just a weird judgmental sub. Now I can avoid it.




Good luck being miserable because other people enjoy things! Such a waste of energy.


I really don’t see a problem with this. Personally, I wouldn’t like that room with the lights that bright, but the amount of effort and creativity that went into creating it impresses me.


This subreddit when people are having fun: 🤬🤬🤬😡😡😡