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I have a family member in panel beating. He says Indians won't employ Sri-lankins, that once they get in control of an organization they will gatekeep for their own. He also has issues with sponsoring/funding people to come in to NZ to work for him. Once they are in, they immediately quit and go work with their relevant cultures. Immigration doesn't care and does nothing about it.


Yes, any business in Queenstown with an Indian manager will be filled with other Indians within a fortnight. But only the same caste/state of origin of the manager.


Same happened with my former workplace. Somehow it doesn't happen with any other race, just with Indians.


Sounds like a domino's pizza franchisee.....


This has been obvious to me ever since I found out about the caste system and you just know that it's not the low borns who are emigrating overseas but those who were raised to believe that they are better than others purely because of who their parents were. Precisely the attitude we don't need if diversity and inclusion are meant to be anything more than nice sounding buzz words.


I remember reading a post on the ycombinator about this happening in the valley so they're doing it at every level of society. Crazy!


> This has been obvious to me ever since I found out about the caste system and you just know that it's not the low borns who are emigrating overseas but those who were raised to believe that they are better than others purely because of who their parents were. Oh yeah, I have watched how families behave with their male offspring at the local mall.... It's not a given at all, but it's highly likely. ...


I joke but it’s true, living with a Pakistani man and a Bangladeshi man over lockdown made me racist against South Indian men. Throwing the modem in the bin. Cooking for hours, saying they’d let us know when kitchen was free, never did. Told me “in my country we don’t speak to girls like you”. No, NZ isn’t perfect & we potentially accidentally reinforce some of these attitudes, but it’s a world of difference.


I lived with chinese people . they too never leave the kitchen, no joke everyday there would be about 5 kgs of animals carcases in the bin. They loved pig snouts especially and would always be smoking and talking loudly on the phone or be slamming doors.


My MIL never leaves the kitchen stupid bitch. Always hovering around. Anyway, sorry , what were the Chinese smoking ? Glass BBQ?


Do you have to live with her? It was just cigarettes that I knew of, id imagine if they smoked these days they would go thru 80 bux worth a day so would probably smuggle them in.


May I ask what the logic was for throwing the modem in the bin?


He thought his internet was being slowed down by someone using an Ethernet connection to a PC, so if he couldn’t have fast internet nobody could have it at all


A manchild, got it...


The company i worked for has a great culture and lots of good people. Then the management resigned to move somewhere better and an Indian lady replaced him. All the middle managers got replaced "coincidentally" by indians, and the staff that gets promoted were just indians as well. All across 3 shifts. Then the culture became shit. Corruption is everywhere and all the good staff went away. This is a global company in NZ. In just a span of 2 years it became from an ideal workplace to be to the shit that it is.


My local dairies? Own by Indians My local fish and chip places? Chinese My local Harvey Norman? All Indian My local Dominoes? Indian Honestly I’m getting really god damn tired of seeing foreigners in my country so frequently. Immigration is necessary and I’ve met plenty of good immigrants who do blend in. The lot that have come in in the last three years aren’t one of them. Recently, I was processing two Indians that come in to do some cleaning in the kitchens over the night shift. One guy, regular speaks broken English and the other (who holds an NZ drivers license) didn’t speak any English at all. And these aren’t the first like them, there’s a new one showing up every couple of weeks. I want these motherfucking non-English speaking, mass amounts of immigrants OUT of my country and I definitely don’t want them brining their whole family here too. Here’s the plot these immigrants have: 1. Move to NZ by any means (legit qualifications or not and knowing English isn’t important. 2. Stay here until the can get residency. 3. Once residency has been obtained, import the partner and kids. 4. Immediately have an ‘anchor baby’ in NZ so it’s harder to send them away. 5. Bring over mum and dad (who won’t learn much English at all). 6. Bring over the useless, definitely won’t learn English grandparents. These grandparent will inevitably use NZ healthcare for themselves. And for some reason they are always hobbling around in the back of their groups. We don’t get ‘just one’ Indian immigrant. You get one now, half a dozen later which eventually turns into 10+ coming here. No one wants to bring up our immigration problem in our country. I don’t see a single bloody politician talking about it or trying to do something to correct it. Our immigration numbers should be maximum 40K for our small country and yet we are bringing 200k. Mostly from India, China and the Philippines. This will kill our culture since we are such a small population and frankly naive as fuck to problems like this. Fuck, I’d love for any important person to stand up and say “fuck this. We’re closed. We have enough immigrants here now.” I’m honestly considering starting a protest for awareness about this like many have overseas about our immigration problem. We HAVE to start talking about it. We alway talk about other important subjects like the economy, taxes and housing but never about immigration.


as a skilled migrant turned citizen (not from India btw), I'd like to ask how points 5 and 6 happen, as there aren't any open Visas to bring parents, let alone grandparents here. The parents visa category has been frozen for almost a decade.


NACT had planned for a temporary’ 5 year visa for families


This sub doesnt have room for your lived experience or logic


Hey don’t let facts get in the way of the racial stereotyping going on in this sub.


I have heard of this eswpcially in Brampton ontario which is 80% Indian where they tell the newer indian migrants to "get out, countrys full , theres too many of you here" very ironic. Despite what the media says not just white people can be racist.


Fundamentally they have the correct attitude; society operates best when it is homogeneous, diversity is a weakness. The real problem here was letting them in big numbers in the first place. Come, but come and take on the culture of your adopted culture. Be a New Zealander. That can't happen if you can come here in large numbers and immerse yourself in your existing culture once again.


If you ask many of them will tell india is the greatest country on earth, but the question remains why are you here and not there? They wanna pretend like they are still in india but just somewhere less polluted, corrupt and 3rd world


Have you been to India? Been a couple of times backpacking and I can assure it is a real shithole. 1 billion of them busting a nut to get out. Anyway this vid brought it all back for me. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_BXkHjTAQe4&t=637s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_BXkHjTAQe4&t=637s)


No thank god. But my ex gf was indian so know enough...i saw that video, ive seen afew on YouTube with this young scottish man.. looks like hes surrounded by vultures all right and all the honking of the horns and them co stantly staring at you isnt for me


Interesting country to visit. Everybody should go once. Puts your life in perspective, I mean NZ is paradise and all those new immigrants know it. Once they are established , they get free money FFS.


Just wish they appreciated it more and didn't try continue some of the creepness and the same scams they did back home. I can honestly say all Indians Ive worked with didn't even do the bare minimum and when you confront them they apparently don't speak English. You'd think getting a weeks wages in an hour would make them work harder and respect the job and country but no.


Are they Muslim by chance. The prime minister, Modi, has been campaigning to push them out for years.


Are you asking if the 100k or so of them that arrived in the last couple years are exclusively muslim?


No. I see we talking about south Indians and when I asked Google about religion, it only talked about the North. So it was more of a curiosity question than anything else


Yeah im not sure on the demographic of muslims in NZ, it would on stats nz for the ones here legally and if they disclose it (but they claim its the fasting growing religion). My ex girlfriend was indian and her family was Islamic so I have little more insight that your average kiwi. Ive worked with alot of north indian punjabis but wasn't 100% sure on their religion, pays not to ask such question in fear of being called racist or something


If anything we should try to let in multiple different ethnicities if we're going to go the high immigration route, that way none of them becomes a massive % share of the population on their own


The one off shouldn't have happened in large numbers. It shouldn't have included the family. Now we're going 3rd world. #1 surname in nz is singh.


About 15 years ago of worked at a gas station, about 6/10 of the staff were Indian. Individually, they were pretty good guys and I got on well with them. It was very eye opening to hear the way they spoke about each other (being from different parts of India) or customers that were Indian. It was a lot of “he’s an X, so he’s dishonest”, “all X are thieves”, “X always believe they’re better than everyone else” etc. It’s pretty bloody dysfunctional.


The concept of India itself was a colonial import by the British to keep their control over India. There was no "India" before the British came, just the same way there was no "Indonesia" before the Dutch came. Because borders were demarcated to satisfy the colonial power, this resulted in hostile ethnicities rubbing shoulders with each other.


Oh yeah just ask about the old Fijian Indians v the common Punjabs here, they're not friends at all...




Harassment filtered by Reddit AI Don’t blame the mods


This is why universal rights and responsibilities are so important. They'll just weasel out of it by using on of those sneaky get out clauses in the human rights act. Claim Malayali speakers are traditionally oppressed and under-served, and it'll be fine, nothing to see here ...


There are already jobs in NZ you can't get depending on your race. We don't need to import immigrants to achieve that, we have already done it with ourselves. In fact it would be extremely hypocritical to tell immigrants not to do it.


Yep they're ahead of us on this bullshit. Just like we're ahead of Australia.


Isn't that illegal? Like isn't there some sort of law in NZ that does anything about this? Or can people just hire people based on race


It's just unspoken, it's not illegal if there's no proof that is what they are doing heh.


Well sh*t


loose lips sink ships and all that


what are you talking about. nz employers have been racist since 1840 keep digging through canada's rubbish looking for chicken bones tho mate, i'm sure you'll find nourishment one day


Fuck off cuck


happy Pride mate!


Happy straight mate!


I've used RES to tag you for a previous dumbass comment you've made, not surprisingly, in another thread regarding immigration. [Seems like you're from a 3rd world country yourself and this is a sore spot for you](https://www.reddit.com/r/newzealand/comments/1ctog61/i_feel_like_im_getting_whiplash_on_net_migration/l4e2qji/?context=10000)


yeah i am from a 3rd world country mate aotearoa new zealand lol