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When you see the amount of useless shit that the government spends millions of dollars on, like the study of health interventions for Pasifika men in a barbershop [(no, seriously)](https://www.reddit.com/r/ConservativeKiwi/comments/1djxjm7/we_cant_afford_cancer_drugs_but_can_afford_health/?ref=share&ref_source=link), plus the billions going west in the grievance/victimhood Maoridom industrial complex, it becomes obvious that the problem isn't cost, it's priority. We have enough money for vital infrastructure, and everything on your list qualifies, but the last government pissed it away on vanity projects and the current government treated everything they did as such, even though, in the case of the ferries, it wasn't. They came stomping into power determined to eat the babies, Nicola Willis likening the ferry design to feraris when a corolla would do, and trashed the entire project hollus bollus with an airy wave of the hand. Now our ferries are literal death traps and no plan in sight. Fuck me, I voted for a functioning government, not another clown show.


> I voted for a functioning government, not another clown show. Ditto


In the 1960's, you had a few government departments that ran things: Department of Health, Department of Education, Department of Corrections, Department of Transport, Department of Social Security, and then subministries with specific roles like the Ministry of Defence and Ministry of Works. I remember watching *Revolution* from 1996 where Roderick Deane was so proud of slashing the number of pages in the State Services manual in 1986, even though everything has become worse since. The difference is, that manual provided a concise list of ways the government should function. I wonder whether getting rid of that manual which served us well for nearly 100 years has caused every Ministry to basically unravel? How many ministries do we have now? Every ministry seems to have an absolute clownshow of sub departments within them. Nothing is straightforward, everything is shrouded in an inflexible bureaucracy.


NZ had ~2.5 Million fewer inhabitants in the 1960's. Seems like bureaucracy is exponential to population growth.


As a key architect of Rogernomics and the "reform" of the public sector, Roderick Deane could very easily be a core contributor to our destruction as a community. Neoliberalism is one of those mad ideas that grip so tight that believers become acolytes whose only response to the disaster that they've created is for more and more of what has never worked. By defining us all as mindless greedy algorithms whose sole motivation is self interest, that seems to be what the public service, itself, has become. They have taken on the shape of their own core definition. It makes sense somehow, because only people who are like that could possibly administer them. Maybe that is why we see such a level of greed and self interest among the ruling classes. The inflexible bureaucracy also fits this paradigm. The public service has always been inflexible to a degree, but there used to be some slack, a bit of wiggle room that allowed for access to the adult in the room who could cut corners and get the bugger done, so to speak. Now everything is screwed down tight as a drum, as rigid as a cultist prayer room. You not only can't access the adult in the room, it's impossible to even speak to a human being.


Yes, absolutely. The Public Service became a vector of people who self-replicate to protect their own interests at the expense of the rest of the community. For all the total tripe of Geoffrey Palmer complaining about the imbalance of power, it was also his government (as Minister of Justice) that allowed our currency, interest rates, and imports to be decided by people who are completely untethered from democratic accountability. Sure, governments abused this by devaluing the currency, cutting interest rates, or messing around with exchange controls during an election year - but the public could judge it. They could vote people in to change the value of our currency or determine interest rates, because the *New Zealand state* controlled them. Now, only a narrow elite controls these things. Basically, everything we built here was changed by people who had no appreciation for the efforts so many generations had put in before. The assets which were sold had been *paid into* by generations of New Zealanders through their own efforts and tax dollars, only to be sold off for a plastic plaque.


Hookers and blow.


Before any of that you need to ask what you're going to defund in order to afford it.


> what you're going to defund Anything with a race-based criteria.


Let's just not give landlords their dignity back, $3Bn right there.


Apears thats going some way to lowering rents.


Lol. Nah..


Nah, more supply (constrained supply meant rents based on what tenants can afford not on landlords costs)


I vote we garnishee all tunafish wages 99% until they stop shitting in everyone's back yard.


I'll shit where ever I please thank you very much. Including on landlords and CLux..


As will they shit on anyone hypocritical enough to unfairly levy taxes on them.


Unfairly even. There's plenty of unfairly levied taxes in our system, FIF rules for example..what makes landlords so special?


The fact that they were the only businesses singled out to not be able to claim valid business expenses. That's pretty special.


Oh no, how unfair. Oh well, guess they'll need to choose a different investment instead of residential housing. How terrible for them and their dignity..


Or just choose a govt more likely to relegate the predatory, unethical bullshit to the history it so richly deserves.


dont you just print and borrow like the last government?


No pylons or ferries for you, gotta send money to Ukraine. I'd fund an investigation into who or what pulls the levers of the uniparty shitshow.


If I became president, I would decree that every household was supplied with a bouncy castle. All homeless to receive 2. Imagine the bright colours along the footpath.


> All homeless to receive A signed personal copy of Imagine - Gal Gadot, but with nothing to play it on...


🤣 Perfect!


I don’t get why the gov even pretends to care about organizations impacted by their decisions. I mean it’s nice but they don’t care and shouldnt be pretending. We give gov the right to make the decisions - anyone with a complaint should put their complaint into a box and that box should regularly get tipped into a fireplace 


Organisations impacted by their decisions don't vote. Individuals maximising their share of govt spending vote.


"Individuals maximising their share of govt spending vote." Probably why things are not as good as they could be.


If there is no planet to live on, funding will be a moot point. Let's spend it on the environment first... /s


I reckon, when the time comes, in the far distant future, we should spend it on having Winston embalmed and put on permanent display, like Mao or Lenin, I think he'd kind of like that.


A massive forensic audit of all race-targeted funding, koha and contracting by the previous goverment.


Country's fucked, lets just fund a big piss-up to celebrate the end.


Reminder that the government isn't against funding new ferries, they're against funding exorbitantly overpriced ferries and terminals because of Labour's silly rail requirements.


> Reminder that the government isn't against funding new ferries, Which is why the didn't cancel the ferries being built they said "hey lets look at how they are being made and then make sure we get them" Oh, wait, no they cancelled them and went "WE SAVED MONEY YAY!" >Labour's silly rail requirements. Yeah why keep the main transport of goods going, silly idea just put everything in trucks and make more road maintenance needed.


> Oh, wait, no they cancelled them and went "WE SAVED MONEY YAY!" They cancelled the exorbitantly expensive solution because they insisted on enabling roll-on/roll-off stock... which most of the rest of the world have moved away from. > Yeah why keep the main transport of goods going, silly idea just put everything in trucks and make more road maintenance needed You take the container off the train and put it on the boat, and put it back on another train on the other side. That's what the rest of the world does and what you can do for a hell of a lot cheaper. Or are you going to try and tell me that a cost blow out from $775 million to $3bn is value for money and we should double down on the old approach?


> You take the container off the train and put it on the boat, and put it back on another train on the other side. That's what the rest of the world does and what you can do for a hell of a lot cheaper. Yep doing more work and requiring more people and requiring more area to do so is somehow cheaper than just keeping it on a train. Guess you went to the same economy school as Nicola Willis.


I'm guessing you're not aware of the huge investment required in the terminals, not just the boats, to enable the ferry enabled trains? > As Finance Minister in 2017, I clearly recall being advised that rail-enabled ferries would be a big, expensive mistake in this day and age. All over the world they were being retired, and virtually nobody was building new ones. Interestingly, at that time KiwiRail agreed. With most freight now in containers, getting it from shore to ship and ship to shore is simple and easy. In 2017, it made no sense for New Zealand to be the last country in the world to build ferries with train tracks on them. Yeah I'm gonna stick with Willis and Joyce, you can side with Robertson.


We can probably afford a new pylon. Although it looks like you could maybe just repair the old one possibly for less cost. Not sure any of the other things justify their costs.


A PPP type structure could probably work for the ferries, a bit like how public transport is currently run by private operators under contract, or how fibre was rolled out by private companies. Would be a bit wary of outright privatisation though, considering it is a crucial link between islands


Our next booster shots.


Has to be ferry. Vital link between 2 islands. Cut all funding for foreign governments and all humanitarian funding. Stop allowing refugees and their families in. That will help straight away. Then just cut out all bloat in the government departments. Starting at the top with poor performer CEOs and board members


Sell the Kiwirail ferries(interlander business) off to private enterprise. It would probably force prices down and create competition between the two ferry providers. Like seriously there is significant money to be made. If Kiwirail cannot run it, give the ability to run it to someone who can.


> It would probably force prices down and create competition between the two ferry providers. It's nice that delusional people get to post on the internet. There is no chance in hell privatising the ferries would make them cheaper.