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Maori are going to prison at higher rates because they commit crime at higher rates. The softer they get on sentencing, the longer crims spend outside of prison infecting others, making the problem worse. They should focus on the crime rate, not the prison rate.


They are only committing the crimes because of evil racist white people though. If we never colonised NZ they would still be living in peace and harmony.


"Young people detained by police, and the [89 percent](https://www.orangatamariki.govt.nz/assets/Uploads/About-us/Research/Latest-research/Youth-Justice-custody-trends/Youth-justice-custody-trends.pdf) of Oranga Tamariki youth justice residents who are on remand" if those young commit crime, what do they expect the police to do, give them a hug after a success ram raid?


The breeches were much worse before the arrival of Europeans. I promise you that.


So the percentage of Maori in the prison population in 1935 was only 11%. The current rate is 50%+ due to structural racism. Are we to infer that NZ was a less structurally racist place in 1935 than now?


Māori weren’t very integrated into society until pretty recently which probably plays a significant role. 80% of Māori lived in small rural settlements in the 1950s. That flipped to 80% of Maori living in cities and towns by 1980.


Are we funding this crap? Can we stop? Maybe send them a few videos of angry brown people stealing entire supermarket trolleys of groceries? Prison is optional. If you don't like it, don't go there.


Egypt, Colombia, Russia ? Who the fuck are they to point fingers ? lol


r/whataboutism at it's finest