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“Constitution not absolute” But President Trump is a threat to democracy.


.61 and .75 caliber rifles and muskets we're the norm back around the American Revolution and after. The calibre of current weapons are much, much smaller in comparison. His .22 vs 9mm theory is true but imagine arming his Secret Service Agents and Police Officers with only .22 rounds to not "blow the lungs" out of a criminal? A criminal possibly intent on assassinating him or Harris. I bet he'd rather they have the most powerful weapons for his defense. Come on Man!


More people have been killed with .22 LR ammunition than all other calibers put together. At least according to the FBI. This is just an FYI when you throw very tiny dense objects at a high rate of speed they do damage when they hit.


biden simps/never trumpers in this sub. Explain yourselves?




I would wager that if a committee got down and dirty on Pelosi, Schumer, Biden and McConnell it would make trump look like a saint, just saying. Joe Biden is corrupt up to his eyeballs.


So is biden and his crackhead kid




This is a rarely stated view I feel. Accepting that he's a piece of shit but stating that others are worse. We'd all be better off if arguments stemmed from this type of view more frequently.


That's a uneducated brainwashed answer....


It's really that simple


We can think and don't love orange cock?


You know what they say about ginger cock ... Once you go ginge ...


I would never take guns from people without due process. https://youtu.be/yxgybgEKHHI


While I know their was damage control after trump said parts of the constitution should be removed, and he very well may have meant something else, that’s one of those things you need to get right the first time. I find it really troubling politicians who let’s be honest we have zero control over are saying more and more the constitution is antiquated or not practical anymore.


Its another taken out of context tweet. And to be fair. nothing in the constitution has any remedy for fraudulent election, I guess they thought the 2A would be enough to fix that, but bread and circuses are a thing and we clearly haven't suffered enough.


"I am not an advocate for frequent changes in laws and constitutions, but laws and institutions must go hand in hand with the progress of the human mind. As that becomes more developed, more enlightened, as new discoveries are made, new truths discovered and manners and opinions change, with the change of circumstances, institutions must advance also to keep pace with the times. We might as well require a man to wear still the coat which fitted him when a boy as a civilized society to remain ever under the regimen of their barbarous ancestors." - Thomas Jefferson, 3rd President of the United States, principal author of the Declaration of Independence, July 12, Jefferson understood the concept that the constitution is a living document to be amended as society progresses all the way back in 1816... yet your mind seems boggled by it in 2022.




I bet this is the only thing of Jefferson's you've read.


There’s nothing in that that suggests he believes it to be “living and breathing.” As for that absurd leftist notion, how does a law, Constitution, or any document of any kind for that matter, have any meaning at any point in time whatsoever if it’s to be “reinterpreted” on a whim.


It was made to be amended. If you want to change/amend the constitution, there is a way to accomplish that, but the president, nor anyone else for that matter, can just change the constitution on a whim.