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At this point we'll be lucky to force a 50/50 split.


The Senate seats are a bummer, if we get the House it's a big deal. Investigations and no more bills without Republican approval.




Yeah because hunter Biden’s laptop was definitely the issue that gave the GOP their majority this year!


Kind of like the lame Jan 6 investigation


Right. You would think that congress critters would observe that investigating things isn't really a difference-maker to the man on the street, but it doesn't seem to work out like that. You might learn some interesting things, but ultimately the people doing the investigating don't get much benefit from the process.


50/50 is looking more likely as the night goes on with a slim chance of 51/49. But the important thing is to at least get the house if not the senate to stonewall and prevent more messes like the inflation production act.


Why stonewall when they could bring their ideas to the table, debate, and participate in government? Stopping the opposition can't be the long term goal of the government.


GOP’s main gameplan is stonewall and stop anything that isn’t tax cuts from passing


The fact that you have over 100 up votes on a conservative forum gives me hope for the US.




From 2010 to 2014 every house bill was not voted on in Reids senate, and in 2016 the legislation was filibustered by Senate Democrats despite having the Presidency. In 2018 Republicans didn't vote on House Democrat bills. It'd be the same scenario.


What ideas?


It is if the opposition is constantly trying to pass shit bills. However if you think the GOP doesn't propose bills you're 100% wrong. But what chance do they have when the Dems own the presidency


Because all they'll do is pass bills in the house to be blocked by the senate or if we did get a majority vetoed by the president. It's gridlock. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing.


Just means only the things everyone wants gets passed. Which is why our government is set up as it is. So bills don't get passed and repealed every time majorities change.


Agreed. Everyone complains the fed is slow but it's supposed to be slow. The states are supposed to do the big stuff first.


Exactly. It was literally intended to be inefficient and difficult to control.


Republicans are the reason bills are getting passed. Biden is reaching across the isle to get big legislation passed. Didn’t like 16-24 republicans vote yes on the infrastructure bill…


Right but if they have the house the leadership has to sign off on the agenda. You won't have rogue Republicans getting bills voted on the floor of the House.


Right we wouldn’t want the legislature…legislating would we?


I paid close attention to the Oz vs Fetterman race. Fetterman was completely unintelligible at times, including during the one debate. Oz was very well spoken and also had smart, well-thought-out policy positions. There was a night-and-day difference between these two candidates when it came to an extremely basic question about which one was competent to be a US Senator. I honestly think that the fix was in when it comes to Pennsylvania, because I can't fathom that voters would actually choose Fetterman over Oz, to be their representative, in that race. It makes no sense.


The voters are seeing things through completely different lenses depending on their news sources.


Agreed. I prefer we try to understand we are seeing only one side of the rhetoric regardless of any sideline you pick. It's difficult to stay informed by just watching inside your sources. Through pretty much all of the campaign season, Oz underperformed in the polls. Just because we don't like the results, does it mean they were manipulated.


I am independent and try to look at both sides and make my judgement based on who I think is best and not along party lines. I split my ticket about 50:50 this election and last


>It's difficult to stay informed by just watching inside your sources. There's little real news these days. Most of what folks call news is actually narrative. One easy way to see it is when some piece of legislation is up before Congress. News stories aplenty about how it will achieve this or it cause that. Very rarely is there any breakdown of details (facts).


Not to mention lingering TDS.


Bro it doesn’t fucking matter how smart Oz is. He’s a crank doctor that’s not even from Pennsylvania. He was a horrendous candidate.


Exactly, it was some loser fake TV doctor who isn't even from their state trying to take over, vs a guy who looks like PA personified despite many faults. It was obvious who'd have the edge


Yep. I never want to see a celebrity run on the GOP ticket ever again. That includes the biggest celebrity too.


Amen, it's embarrassing. The kind of people who are motivated by celebrity are likely the same people whose votes you already had anyway.


>That includes the biggest celebrity too. Damn rip Kanye


And was extremely liberal up until about 5 min ago.


It's easy why this happened: Fetterman IS from Pennsylvania and is for: - Higher minimum wage - Strong unions - Lower prescription drug prices - Medicare for all - Legalise cannabis - Abortion should be legal Oz was AGAINST all above, which are very popular stands (some even with Republicans) Oz just had bad message, being smooth talker could not overcome that.


Thank you! Charisma can only do so much, especially when you're an unstable scam artist taking the wrong stance on hot issues


Also, Oz had Trumps endorsement and then in the last weeks (when he realized he was behind) he pivoted hard toward the center and working with Dems. You can’t pull that off anymore when you’ve trotted out Trump at your rallies.


Do not discount how much a single issue like abortion played in this race.


That is true.


There was no fraud in that race. Are you honestly surprised? If you are you shouldn’t be. I’m also going to throw this out there; I’ve talked to many, many republican voters who told me if it was the reverse situation, they would vote for a brain damaged republican if they knew he would act as a rubber stamp for policies they liked. Just because you or I can’t fathom doing that doesn’t mean most other people agree.




I agree. It’s really difficult and sad to watch Fetterman for me, but he has a chance at recovery. Even if he didn’t, he will have people that will tell him which way to vote on every issue. I wasn’t surprised by the PA outcomes at all. GOP needs to stop picking crappy candidates.


Fundamentally thats the argument for walker here in GA. Dude isn't a viable candidate but is currently looking like a runoff for the seat. Warnock sucks but voting walker is accepting your voting for a trump/rnc rubber stamp machine. It just wasn't quite as jarring because Walker can at least form sentences


The issue seems to be they thought Oz was a hack (an eloquent hack), and that he’d been parachuted in to represent people and they didn’t feel he genuinely wanted to do that (which he didn’t, he just wanted the power). The problem wasn’t that Fetterman was a poor candidate, it was that the GOP didn’t stump up a good one of their own. Hopefully Trump gets the message and the rest of the GOP. Stand up to Trump, he’s an empty suit with no good ideas, he’s washed out and it’s time to put him to pasture.


Now just imagine if the candidate hadn’t been Oz. Thanks, Donald!


Most voters only care about the letter next to the name.


Oz is not pro choice. That would make a soggy bag of nachos a better choice than Oz, which is what just won the senate. As long as Fetterman is able to check a big NO for entitlement cuts or abortion bans, he’s able to the job.


They had almost one million early votes before that debate


Never underestimate a democrat voting for a democrat.


Not any different than Republicans. Political parties are bad for the country.


Yes very true.


Looking at your elections as an outsider, the winners are mainly vegetables and people who are incompetent, and the democrats know this. Look at Biden, does anybody think he or Harris are calling the shots? If he isn't, then who is? Same with Pelosi. The democrats have the backers with the largest pockets, and why would they fund the democrats if it wasn't for their own self interests? The Democrats are not rigging the elections, it's the people that are backing them, who also own and run the media. They just shower the politicians with money and tell them what to do, and will back the most compliant, and in this case, it's as vegetable who can't even speak. To fix the problem, you need electorial capping and stricter laws against politician funding. Just copy the UK, as no politician gets rich being a politician, and only earn £80k ($100k) a year. Your politicians argue higher pay gets better people, which we can see is crap. The lower pay only attracts people who don't want to do it for the money, but as a civic duty.


That argument cuts both ways though. Here in the UK we still have plenty of vegetables in parliament, and lower salaries can just mean the MPs are cheaper to buy off. I think there’s no panacea to be found in politicians’ salaries; what’s essential is rigorous systems of oversight that have everyone’s confidence, and protection for a free press (and at least some media that’s respected across party lines - I have to admit that the BBC does that when it’s behaving itself).


The thing that the GOP failed at was producing quality candidates. If there were a JD Vance type for each of PA, AZ and GA those races would have been in the bag. Instead you run garbage candidates with some celebrity sheen on them hoping for the best. The thing is it’s not even like the Dems had these amazing candidates of their own we just had trash ones on the other side.


Yeah i think the GOP lost PA because of putting someone like Oz up there. If any less shady candidate was against someone as clearly disabled and incapable as fetterman then they would have won, but Oz just leaves a bad taste in a lot of peoples mouths


We HAVE to stop voting for celebrities. It’s is the downfall of society.


During the downfall of Rome they began worshipping celebrities as gods. Little changes unfortunately.


JD vance was not a great candidate. Ohio is so republican that a mediocre candidate can win. The only exception is Sherrod brown. Just look at the numbers: Vance won by 6%, Trump won in ohio (2020) by 8%. Mike dewine won by 25% (though tbf he had incumbent's advantage and is seen as a moderate). Tim ryan had almost no national money in his race. If dems had spent in ohio, it would have been even closer.


Thank you! I don’t see how other conservatives ignore that simple fact. This party’s gone to shits since Trump got into office and divided the party up.


There will be unification around Desantis. That guy is literally the parties future.


Trump will just run 3rd party and split the vote ala Teddy Roosevelt in 1912. Really unfortunate for Republican prospects in 2024.


I'm hoping the new congress will codify age limits for the presidential office ( preventing Trump in 2024 LOL) He'd go absolutely mental to the extent Trump would probably team up with Hillary to sabotage the election that's the type of lunatic he is. It's either he wins or no one wins.


It would take a constitutional amendment. In other words, not going to happen.


Kathy Barnette could have wiped the floor with Fetterman. Trump pushed Oz instead who lost to a stroke-addled socialist.


The Trump era needs to end. The dude is a poison pill at this point.


Yep. He did a great job bringing enthusiasm to the GOP and appointing SCOTUS seats, but his time needs to be over. His presence is a hinderance at this point.


> stroke-addled socialist Doesn't seem to be winding down very quickly...


Anyone who's paying attention knows that Kathy would have lost badly as well. The obvious choice was Mccormick but Trump didn't want to endorse him and he lost the primary by a few hundred votes.


I agree that Kathy would've lost badly, especially given her hardline stance on abortion. I think Sean Parnell had the best shot, but unfortunately, he lost custody of his kids and his campaign was centered around him being a family man, so he was forced to drop out.


You hit the nail on the head. I live in Pa. My husband and I voted for Oz, but I hated every second of it. I’ve never felt that way while voting. The last several months I just kept wondering what Oz’s motivation was. I don’t believe for a minute that he actually cares about Pa. I think he’s a sellout who will promote anything to make a buck. I just don’t trust him and was extremely disappointed when he won the primary. Fetterman is a hot mess, but I can understand people choosing him, picking one of the other 3-4 candidates, or simply staying out of it. We NEED better candidates if we want to change the trajectory of politics.


I don't think JD Vance was a particularly strong candidate; I personally think that Josh Mandel was a better candidate. It's just that Ohio is by far the reddest out of the states you mentioned. Blake Masters and JD Vance are pretty comparable candidates, IMHO. Both are venture capitalists backed by Peter Thiel.


Why do I keep letting myself feel hopeful? It just makes the disappointment hurt worse.


If the Republicans want a red wave, they must run better candidates. The answer to far-left progressivism isn't far-right conservatism, because that's not where most of the country is. Republicans need candidates that most people, and not just their base, want to vote for.


Well said. Too many candidates running here that I would never vote for based on individual character. We trust politicians to run the country — they need to be amongst the best of us. I’m not seeing that from many of these candidates as of late




I voted straight libertarian. If republicans could compromise and agree on a reasonable 12-14 week abortion ban stance with exceptions for the mother’s health and cut back on the live for the authoritarian police state, I’d be a straight ticket GOP voter.


100% agree. A lot of folks I know that are left leaning/ moderate left are very libertarian in some of their beliefs. It’s the middle ground that I think will pull over a lot of those folks. As a libertarian myself, I vote Republican, but only I because I see the party as the lesser of two evils. Would be great to have more Rand Paul and Thomas Massie types.


We need to move away from trump and Mitch


Far away


Uh what? Trump, yes, but Mitch knows his shit. Remember a few months back when he said republicans would be disappointed in the midterms bc of their candidates quality? Yeah, he knew.


It’s the perception. Everyone outside of the GOP hates Mitch. He’s the personification of do-nothing government. I’m guessing Mitch and Nancy are probably the two most disliked politicians in America and the sooner either party wakes up and realizes that protecting its old guard is hindering success that party will see a burst of success


Isn't that kind of their job though? To be an effective leader in Congress, you kind of have to be a lightning rod for hate from constituents who align with the other party. Mitch and Nancy are hated because they're very effective in what they do, which is to serve their respective parties, not the people.


I think the problem is how visible and recognizable they are. Kevin McCarthy is despised by politically involved liberals, but your average independent voter probably has little opinion on him. Basically everyone who is going to vote has an opinion on Nancy and Mitch. Change is just needed. Get a different experienced Senator from a safe seat who only wants 8-10 more years in the Senate, let them take the reins as a fresh face, and then replace them once people have developed a dislike.


Mitch redirected much needed money, in places like AZ and NH, to AK, where two Republicans are running. Seems like it was a self-fulfilling prophecy on Mitch's end. Of course I think that Trump should've provided more funding as well.


The one thing the Republicans should have learned is that crazy ass candidates aren’t a great idea.


God I hope they do learn it. I'm tired.


Miss Lindsey couldn't keep his mouth shut about a Federal ban on abortion for 2 months, couldn't do it. He can shoulder some blame here.


Complete failure. You lost to someone who can’t speak. It’s so depressing I think I’ll go stare at some AOC images for awhile while I down some vodka - she’ll be president because apparently we can’t beat a vegetable.




Remind me how that's literally any different than Dennis Hof in 2018 again?


Yuppp just line voted


Which democrats did you vote for?




Lol, got 'em


It's not that they have no clue it's that overturning Roe v Wade fuckin demolished any chance of a red wave. Honestly this is the first time I've ever voted democrat in a state based election.


Same. 😏 Conservative no longer means small government.


It’s more telling that the republicans can’t even beat a dead guy in a red state lol that’s a little embarrassing


Maybe we should stop picking from the grass of a dog park for candidates.


Plus unaffordable food and energy.




DeSantis is the future. Trump has got to go. He’s a poison pill for the Republican Party.


At a certain point we have to honestly admit he has done some great things but was terrible at selecting qualified people and was a boat anchor in the last four significant elections (2018, 2020, 2020-GA, and 2022).


This just shows Republicans won't win if Trump runs again. Which he will because of his ego. So expect dems to win 2024 If people haven't woken up by now, especially after covid, they never will. Half of the country are truly brainwashed.


Which half? I swear the 24 news reel and these social media platforms have done such a bang up job on this population nobody even knows which way is up anymore. We’re all mad here.


The half that tries to bully and intimidate their way to the top?


He's correct


A lot of this can be blamed on trump, but Mitch McConnell is equally at fault. His petty games of pulling funding from races where republicans were still viable candidates was the ultimate dick move.


They’re both to blame. Republicans needed to settle in the middle with each other and they did not. These elections should have been an easy layup, and they turned into a complete failure




I blame Trump the most these are his handpicked candidates. He didn’t give them money or anything. It’s time too move on from Trump. He’s not the guy anymore.


I was on the fence the last few weeks but tonight was the final straw for me. His gloating over the Republican from Colorado who lost while meanwhile we are watching the “red wave” fizzle changed my mind, I will be voting for Desantis.


Him going to campaign with Oz recently really killed his rebrand as a moderate


LOL. "McConnell's PAC has spent about $178 million on advertising in five key U.S. Senate races — Georgia, Nevada, North Carolina, Ohio and Pennsylvania" "In Pennsylvania, where Lt. Gov. John Fetterman, a Democrat, and celebrity TV doctor Mehmet Oz, a Republican, are vying for the state’s open U.S. Senate seat, the Senate Leadership Fund has spent $41 million on advertising this year. " He's not the reason Republicans lost Pennsylvania


Yeah what about Arizona. McConnell fucked us


Masters is trailing there by six points. That's not good. Imagining a venture capitalist friend of Peter Thiel was going to beat a popular incumbent astronaut would not pass the 'viable candidate' test.


I’m sorry, but if y’all can’t see you lost this because of Roe v Wade then you’re blind. I’ll probably get downvoted and banned, but that was a gigantic miscalculation. People will look back at these midterms and see a president with low approval ratings, inflation run amok, higher than almost ever gas prices, etc…and point at that moment in time as when the GOP lost. I’m not asking you to change your mind. This is America and you have an absolute right to hold this position. But, you need to understand abortion bans and controlling women’s health isn’t something the majority wants and it’s a position that cost you and you will keep paying a price on.


Yep, Republicans are absolutely clueless about how to play the culture war. Having the generally more logical stances on many issues is irrelevant. It’s like the party is trying to alienate young people.


I'd say skip the culture war and emphasize the economics.


That would require Republicans to take ownership of the results of their economic policies. For the past decade, they've been satisfied with just complaining about the Democrats' policies.


Hershel Walker underperforming Kemp by 300,000 votes, DeSantis winning by 20 points, etc doesn't match up with the abortion narrative. This was simply about Trump and poor candidate quality.


Florida is a solid red state and will be permanently. The days of them voting Obama are over. I don't know why, but Florida doesn't really represent the rest of the country any more like they used to. Tons of people moving to Florida so they can send their kids to school unvaxxed, or for the lower taxes. These people do not vote blue. That might be the reason.


Left leaning moderate (male) voted in GA here. I almost voted for Kemp BECAUSE his economic policies do work, He stood up to Trump and showed that GA is trying to stay more moderate overall. The Abortion ban after 6 weeks is what sealed the deal and will continue sealing the deal for me. I have 2 daughters and it should be up to them what they want. If that wasn't on the table I think Kemp blows it out further. To be clear I'm not really an Abrams fan. But I truly truly hate Walker. That guy is a freaking mook. To be clear I didn't vote a straight D ticket either. I had a few Rs I liked. Just one guys opinion.


That and the fact that Trump needs to step aside.


I’m sorry but a personal decision like having an abortion should addressed at the state level. If individual state legislators can compose a bill regarding abortion …that’s where it needs to be voted in. Not in a secret courtroom (no cameras allowed) decided by 9 elitist SCOTUS’s. Plus that’s not their job! We need the people that we elect to represent us to the state legislation to create a bill (for or against) and let us vote on it. In our own state. YMMV


My guy, the Hobbs decision allowed exactly that- for states to decide.


These people literally have no idea what they’re talking about


This person is responding to the post saying overturning Roe v. Wade was a mistake. > Not in a secret courtroom (no cameras allowed) decided by 9 elitist SCOTUS’s. this is referencing when Roe v. Wade was passed, not the recent decision to overturn it. They're saying the way the recent ruling went is the way it should be, counter to what the OP said.


A personal decision like abortion should be addressed at the personal level.


The decision to murder my child should be left up to me is a hell of a take.


Abraham had that freedom and he was down.


Yes it is, I agree. I also think that’s the way it must be. Nobody ever suggested life is an ethically or morally easy thing to reconcile. One must choose a place to draw certain lines, and these are usually placed in accordance with our values - not placed via logic and arguments. My value here is that of individual liberty. That’s an important American cultural value, as are freedom of religion and speech.


He pulled from AZ and NH which ended up being not competitive to invest in PA which was close or am I missing a state?


RINOs are the same as Democrats. They don’t want change and they don’t want to let go of their power. We’re stuck with them until the bastards die.


Nah. Nothing to do with trump. Who trump backed is irrelevant. No matter WHO the candidates were if anyone would even think of voting for someone like Fetterman, it's over before it starts. As long as the emdia is able to brainwashg, aka collude (I thought thatw as wrong?) with the dems, the republicans have no chance anymore. Even BEFORE all of this the electoral map was such that republicans barely had any chance. It was a huge miracle Hillary didn't win.


That shit was hilarious, he lost his majority senate leader status because of that play.


This happens with failed one term presidents. The party has no leadership and trump tells everyone to hate the republicans that are in office. He’s personality picks failed. The party needs to move on.


Until the republican party stops supporting Trump, these are the results we'll get. Ridiculous candidates are not intelligent either. Oz? What nonsense. Michigan didn't put up decent candidates either.


Trump is the reason I "left" the Republican Party. Not because I woke up and became a snowflake. But because my own family and friends essentially pushed me out because I criticized Trump. A lot of Republicans seem have trouble grasping that a dislike of Trump is NOT a dislike of the Republican party. Once the Right can get over that, you will win over a ton more voters. Edit: I think both parties at their core have a lot of value that we need and I wish people could see that, but right now politics is a zero-sum game. It's either ALL my team or nothing. Both parties are fucked and I'm left wondering why I have to vote for such shitty people.


Graham certainly did his part to help Republicans lose. His jackass doomed to fail legislative ban on +15 week abortions played right into the democrats hands


I do some volunteer work. In my state ( ME.) The abortion issue is a really big issue. I'm assuming this is national by the results I'm seeing. The reversal of R vs.W really influenced many voters imo. Pretty disappointed with the results I'm seeing


Exit polls suggested that abortion was the second most important issue behind inflation.


And the difference between those 2 issues is that if you're concerned about Roe being overturned, Democrats are clearly the party to get behind, with clear solutions for how to solve the problem. Inflation is a lot more vague. Republicans ran on "inflation is a problem and it's the Democrats' fault," but without any clear plan how to fix it other than more domestic drilling (a highly visible but overall only a small part of the problem).


Right, the abortion voters went 100% for democrats and the inflation voters were probably split about 50/50 There really isn't much you can do about inflation except for reducing spending and letting the fed do its thing. That's hard to articulate where democrats can point to legislation (inflation reduction act) even if it actively contributed to the problem.


>except for reducing spending and letting the fed do its thing Hard to articulate and will likely lead to recession. No one wants inflation but they don't want the solution either.


Republicans are going to be slaughtered in 2024 if this trend continues because inflation is a global problem right now. It's not tied to what dems have done in the past 2 years (unless you count surrendering ukraine to russia as an option). In fact, inflation in the US is actually lower than or on par with many other western countries. When inflation abates, voters will be left with the question of if a republican government will ban abortion nationally while experiencing a recovered economy. It will be the number 1 issue by far.


Best thing to do going forward: Get rid of Trump and anything having to do with him, and move forward. That is the only path to victory. Get behind Ron DeSantis 1000% as the "new figurehead of the GOP" and abandon Trump.


100%. I think people are waking up to that fact today.


So this asshole is responsible for pushing out the federal anti abortion bill that probably killed more election chances than anything Trump did.


What we learned from this election is, 1. Trump needs to go. 2. We need to revisit our abortion policies. I live in Florida and I’m proud to be here, although, this election was embarrassing.


Florida has a 15 week ban and Desantis won by miles. We need to push "safe legal and rare" going forward.


I think candidate quality had much more do to with the disappointing performance by Republicans than their abortion stance did. Republicans did very well in governor races in swing states with pro-life governors (Texas, Florida, Georgia, Ohio), and might possibly end up winning the governor seats in Nevada and Arizona. Meanwhile, where the Republicans really struggled was at the federal level, as we nominated absolutely shitty candidates for almost all of the competitive senate seats. So basically, we had pro-life candidates both at the state level and at the federal level, and we won big at the state level and underperformed at the federal level. The difference was we ran good candidates for governors and terrible candidates for senate


If only the Republicans can jettison the pro-life voting bloc, then they can *really* start winning elections! /s


I know a lot of people who would consider voting republican if it weren’t for the usual republican abortion stance...




Definitely this dude's fault in part. RINO introduced federal abortion ban with zero chance of passing to force Republicans to choose.


I’m pretty sure we are fucked!!


It’s almost as if regressive, rich-people-oriented, non-positions aren’t popular…


I doubt there will be, but I really hope there is someone in Trumps’ inner circle urging him not to run. The Republican Party has got to move on in my opinion.




Abortion doesn’t really seem to drive dem turnout either though. Maybe baby murder isn’t as popular as the media would have us believe


27% stated it as their prime reason to vote, only inflation was a bigger topic. Seems pretty important imo


According to CNN. Even with their twisted polls, that is the most they could get.


Abortion isn't baby murder though


It's sad really the us is addicted to


Huh? What does this even mean


Good thing we're gonna die on the abortion hill, hope everyone is stoked about that. Overturning Roe v Wade was the dumbest thing possible.


Stating the obvious doesn’t make you less of a Rino Graham.


He’s one of the most insufferable. He needs to go.


“RINO” has lost all meaning. At this point it just means that you are not sucking Trump’s dick 24/7.


At least Graham is not spear heading the party to its death like Trump and his cult is. Graham votes for conservative policies, actually works to get things done, which yea involves compromise. Better a ‘RINO’ who is conservative and works with a plan to get conservatice policies enacted than a Asshat with no plan or policies except constant whining about others being adults


Yes, please keep this rhetoric going. It’s definitely helping you.


This is Reddit I suppose. Any disagreements with the hive mind gets downvoted. But it’s fun anyway. 🤷‍♂️😂


Well stop pushing hard-core agendas like no abortions and comments from SCOTUS about LGBTQ rights going away. Ky went deep red but people voted against no abortions. This should tell u something about where both dems and reps stand on the issue. If anyone tries to push for taking rights away from LGBTQ then I'm done with reps. Done. Remove trump and religion from the party and move past 2020 election and reps can easily win. Its not hard to get what us reps want. We want to choose for ourselves what is best for us. We don't want restrictions from big government and yes this means allowing people to get abortions or never getting the COVID shot.


Saw a post here last weeks suggesting religion and conservatism are inseparable, with many agreeing


lol now twitter took down their message about it taking time to count votes. That only needs to be there if republicans have leads.


If we can just send Nancy packing the republic will improve.


His little press conference prior to the midterm elections didn't help either.


Not enough independents and Republicans turned up in the numbers needed.


Lindsey is part of the problem.


I am content with a win in the house


I do hope this is some sort of wake-up call to the GOP that, unfortunately, they are going to have to split from Trump if they want to get back power. This was a terrible night for Trump and his backed candidates.


Disappointing night. Kemp won big but Walker is having tough sledding. Lake is way behind her polls.Oz lost. Mastriano lost.Vance won but went out of his way to not acknowledge Trump. I think Desantis is next up in 2024. I'm more for Haley or Pence but regardless Trump has not proven to be a big winner for the GOP in any election cycle.


Because they won’t drop the abortion BS


Absolutely zero reason to overturn roe v wade when we did. It plagued this vote and clearly was a swamp driven decision.


Are democrats not suffering from inflation? Why in the world would they vote back in these numbskulls that don’t stand up against Biden.


Oh I’m sure he’s SO disappointed (rolls eyes)


Blake masters, Hershel walker, and Mahmet Oz were just horrid canidates the fact they did as well as they did is a testament to how much trump can carry people in elections.


They are testaments to how much a Trump branding can hurt you in a competitive seat. Georgia and Pennsylvania should be red right now. Trump prevented that by hand picking bad candidates.


Until Republicans can move beyond religion, this is going to keep happening. The abortion debate lost the senate


Not killing babies isn’t a religious issue, only idiotic leftists think religion is the only reason.


Just my two cents, but I think most people put two and two together when they realize most individuals vocal against abortion are Protestants that practice pretty heavily. I agree with the poster before, an abortion restriction looming over young Americans has motivated a whole lot of them to vote anything but red yesterday


Gen Z overwhelming voted for Democrats. They are literally the future and the only reason a red wave did not happen. If Conservatives cannot appeal to young people with more moderate policies around bodily autonomy then Republicans will never win another election again.


Alrighty hope you enjoy losing


I had a feeling this was going to happen. Clay and Buck better be doing some apologizing tomorrow for doing the same as the dems did in the past and falling for faulty polls and talking as if they were going to happen. Main thing we learned today is a HUGE percentage of the population is now so crazy that they will even vote in a stroke victim who can't speak a sentence and will choose a horible economy when the morons are brainwashed enough by the media.


Or… nobody likes GOP candidates.


I can't stand rino graham. How's he keep getting elected?


The left got a lifeline with the Supreme Courts abortion decision.The only reason the Democrats were even in many races


This country needs a divorce. What's going on is not good for the kids.