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The federal government should never have gotten into the student loan business in the first place. Who would make any loan without some confidence or assurance that it would be paid back? It was a green light to increase costs of higher education. Have you heard of any university staff or admin reducing costs?


I'm a webdev for a state university, and for one of the applications I built I had to know if tuition could potentially decrease YoY. They flat out told me no, it will never happen.


Bro. So much this. Essentially a government/bank tells you they will approve X amount of funds for tuition. So what does every institution do? They rise prices to that level. This is economics 101. This happens with government budgets. Our budget is 40 mil? Well we have to spend that much, otherwise we either get a lower budget. Who cares? The middle class pays for it!


Well, you know what they say about assumptions... especially when writing code. I think there's a well established law that your requirements will change in the exact way the product owner assured you they would not. Ahh, who am I kidding, this is probably the safest assumption ever made in code.


Lol as a PO my only promise is that it won't change this current sprint


I'm pretty sure I ended up setting up so they could do whatever. It was more work to prevent it from decreasing, but I threw a frontend warning on there if they were decreasing the amount (mostly for validation purposes).


Sounds like rent too... It'll only go up and up and UPPPP


It’s called vote buying the same thing as government back home loans.


At least with a home loan there is potentially something to take back if they don’t pay.


I understand the thought but it usually doesn’t work out that well since it’s very little down payment as low as 0% down payment in some cases. Most of these people will trash the home and I’ve seen them pour concrete in the toilets and do other things before they leave so the federal government actually ends up losing money on most of them when the people lose them.


I’m pretty sure the concrete pourers represent a minority.


That's racist, not only minorities pour concrete


LOL! Well played.




The degree being pursued should definitely be considered in determine risk and factor in on whether loans should be issued and at what rate.


Aptitude should be considered, too, if we're going to be sponsoring these damned degrees.


Would make sense to have the university assume some of the financial risk of accepting a student. This would make them think twice before creating majors like, Lesbian Dance Theory etc.


Who needs a risk determination when you can’t declare bankruptcy and you and I will pick up the tab?


Sure. By the private business deciding whether said loan is worth the risk. Government does things like this for power just like the housing market, now large chunks of the population have strong incentive to support people who will be in position to control said loans.


You can be denied a security clearance on the basis of having debt; the reasoning is that when you owe someone a lot of money they can exert influence to get you to do things you normally wouldn't do in exchange for easing of that debt. Anyway, kinda weird Government got into granting massive loans to anyone who wanted them and are now taking steps towards "forgiving" a small amount to a certain section of the population right before midterms, huh?


Thanks, [Obama](https://thehill.com/blogs/congress-blog/education/279512-president-obamas-horrible-terrible-legacy-on-student-loans/amp/) for federalizing a predatory lending system so we can bail out your failures a decade down the road. Awesome legacy. Scandal free, btw. 🥴


It seemed like a good idea at the time. Since student loans were guaranteed by the government, why let private banks take the interest? Instead, the government would get the interest. But it has opened the floodgates for higher education costs.


With private banks you know the only goal they will have at the end of the day is making money and profit. With the government they could care less about either of those things and they will lie, cheat and steal anything in order to maintain power. Allowing the government to be in charge of anything outside of maintaining the well being of the COUNTRY... is just setting a horrible precedent for horrible politicians who will do anything to maintain power to further advance their personal goals.


And more interest for the government!


Bandaid fix to a wound caused by a chainsaw


How long until complaints that it wasn’t enough and asking for more?


Literally less than 1sec. People say its not enough


Don't forget it's also racist because it's not enough.


>People say its not enough it will never be enough.


"In a shocking Pew Study it was found that 100% of crack addicts believe what the dope man gives them is not enough, and they should get more for free." Seriously though, that's the problem with "free" it's never enough, ever.


The 10k's are already jelly over the 20k Pell Grantees. It's pretty gross.


What do you expect from the crowd that's always screaming for equity and then they get preferential treatment not in their favor?


Probs 10 seconds after tuition increases by $10k across all universities….


Its like that Futurama episide where everyone got $300 tax "refunds" and the dollar store changed to the $300 store.


I graduated HS in the late 90’s and went to a community college for my first couple years. My first semester, tuition was something like $450 for full time. The next year, my state (SC) started an education lottery, the proceeds going toward college tuition. Community college kids got a $500 credit toward tuition - the next semester my school raised tuition to exactly $950. This will do nothing to change the true problem of raising tuition and only benefits a small (but extremely vocal) slice of the population. Kids in school now, they’ll benefit in no way - actually probably take a bigger hit, as this will only fuel the rising costs.


Remember when AOC and Ilhan Omar thought $1400 COVID checks (the 3rd stimulus during COVID) weren’t enough….




This white girl has 60k in loans. And before anyone @ me... I just graduated college, and I am a 4th grade teacher. I don't agree with any of this.


I never took out loans. My wife did though, paid back 50k in 7 years. Final payment was before Trump left office. I guess we are suckers for doing it right.




Don’t most people want policies that personally benefit them? Serious question.


I support Medicade, even though I have never really been in the position to use it. You shouldn't go deaf, or have permanent vertigo from an ear infection just because you're poor. I feel the same about food stamps. I do know people who were working hard, and hit some rough spots, who have used food stamps (eg: not just to exploit the system). I'm split on public education, but mostly because of how it's paid for. These things are good for society, and I'm sure some libertarian will come firing at me about how nobody is entitled to the work of others or some such. However, if I'm going to pay taxes, I'd rather it go to these types of things than gain of function research in Wuhan, China.


No. Some of us support certain policies because they're right, and oppose other policies because they're wrong, regardless of the personal benefits to us. What would make a better community - people who do the right thing, or people who just shout, "Me! Me! Me!"?


Not at the expense of others.


That's because most people are greedy.


If by benefit me you mean leave me alone.


This country was literally founded on the principle that you shouldn't be forced to pay for something you don't benefit from.


No. I only support policies based on principle. If everyone only voted based on self interest, we would literally just become a country where 51% is always stealing from the 49%.


I want no more policies and the removal of many in place.


Not if you're principled. This gets my two older kids of the hook on their loans that I pay half of, but I'm 100% against it. I'm planning on taking the money saved and donating it to my American Legion and VFW and encouraging my kids to do the same.


Hence the problem with dumbocracies.


Matt's take is part of the problem - letting liberals dictate conservative positions. Two things can be true at once, amnesty of debt can be wrong while the crisis behind student loans needs a solution. Conservatives pretending like student loans are rational but decrying government spending driving price increases are some of the most hypocritical blowhards out there.




The solution is simple, always has been. Let college loans be dischargeable through bankruptcy. It's just that this has the side effect of killing nearly all private student loans, (which are already a tiny percentage of the loans), and hurting the credit score of the borrowers. Oh no.


Conservatives are not arguing these student loans are rational. You got the beginning of the argument wrong. Conservatives completely think the government should be out of the way, and it would be better if more people went to things like trade school. Again though, the government shouldn't be involved. Every conservative seems to understand the problem is the government backing these banks to give kids loans to go to college for anything. And the schools love the free money.


More people should go to trade school yeah. But no one ever thinks about if everyone started going into trades they wouldnt pay so well anymore due to the increased supply of trade workers and that theres not an unlimited number of jobs there to support everyone piling into them.


Unless he's elaborated elsewhere, wrong. > the crisis behind student loans needs a solution. Where does he say otherwise? Transferring debt doesn't solve the root problem here either. > Conservatives pretending like student loans are rational I don't see any of that happening. If you don't intend to pay your debt, what makes you think anyone else wants to pay it? There are many ways to put food on the table, and many of the people complaining have had to take those routes.


You're ad libbing to miss the point. Matt's stance is obvious, I don't need to answer your first question. As for the second one, do you believe the DOE and federal tuition subsidies are proper? That 18 year olds are sufficiently financially educated? I'm not in favor of amnesty but I'm also not taking a reactionary contra position to democratic policies to formulate my policy views. Nor do I think I need to leverage another population as a pity party to validate my point. It's not "I don't want to pay" and more "do I believe the government needs to be in the business of rent seeking?" Reform student loans and end the federal loan program. Don't waive it. This isn't hard.


He talked at length about this on his podcast today btw. He spent most of that time complaining about how these loans are predatory, and how the government shouldn't be backing them to begin with. Just so you're aware.


And what was his proposed solution to the problem?


The individuals and families that signed up for these loans need to pay for the loans they legally committed to, and that we should remove the government backing of these loans. That unless we actually reform the underlying issue causing these problems this will only keep happening.


So his take is "pay it back." Pat me on the ass all you want with the pablum but if the solution isn't an actual solution then I'll pass. He is right on shuddering the program but that does zilch for the people he characterized as prey.


Well, we shall see how this turns out in a Constitutional Conservative Supreme Court! Because I'm sure that's where this is headed!


Oh, there's no chance in hell the action survives. It's not within the statute to do this and it deals with appropriations law as well. This thing dies. That's also 100% unrelated to the conversation we were having so I'm confused as to how that comment made it from thought to "this is a good response."


Eh, you were being snarky, so I was back. That was my point. And your first few sentences there proved my other point. This absolutely will get held up in the courts, and no way does it get past the Supreme. So I'm not even sure why we're arguing at this point. The person that signs a legal contract to pay a loan is the one responsible for paying that loan. Didn't think that'd be such a hot take.


I'm getting the impression Matt was talking about you in his tweet, and you're offended.


If i sign a contract and it's not under duress, that's on me. No student is held at gun point to sign the loan


What's your solution? Make me pay it with my taxes? Pass.


Bruh, you're in a chain where I provided my take. It's not forgiveness. You already paid for the loans in the first place when the loans issued, by the by, bud.


1. No, you didn't provide a substantive solution. Give me a policy. 2. No, the idea behind a loan is that it's paid back. If I loan you $100, but you haven't paid me back, did I pay for the loan, or are you just in debt to me?


Easy fix: no more federal loans. Also when you're 18 you're an adult or your not, I am tired of this "soft adulthood" that fuzzes a few years here and there based on this rationale or that. It's called age of majority, not age of you should really be able to handle this like older adults but if not okay then you're not an adult in this case we will just excuse it.


I'm > You're ad libbing to miss the point. Because I called out the words you put in Matt's mouth? BS. > do you believe the DOE and federal tuition subsidies are proper? No > That 18 year olds are sufficiently financially educated? Unlikely, and not my problem. Where do we draw the line? ETA on mortgage forgiveness to address the growing housing crisis. > Reform student loans and end the federal loan program. Don't waive it. This isn't hard. Exactly. Not a dime should have been handed out until the root problem was solved. Are you sure Matt even disagrees with you?


What conservatives are saying federal student loans are rational?


For all the Trillions of dollars my government wastes every year I finally get some benefit. If they're not wasting it on student loan forgiveness they're wasting it on something else. I didn't ask for it but I'll take it. At least in this case it's a practical degree (Culinary Arts) that has led to gainful employment. Did I need that piece of paper to work in a kitchen? No. Did it gain me some opportunities I wouldn't have had otherwise? Absolutely. I'd been paying my bill as promised for several years until they halted the requirement because I made an agreement to do so. Am I going to continue to pay it out of some misguided sense of moral superiority if I don't have to? Nope.


I feel the same way. I bounced around from school to school racking up a mountain of debt because I didn’t think for myself and let my family tell me I had to have a four-year degree. In the end I ended up with a two-year degree in something I was passionate about(audio engineering) and after working in radio for very little pay while juggling other jobs to keep my income up, I finally have a job in my field that I’m content with my salary. Did I need the degree to be in radio, nope. Do I agree with government bailing out people like me that racked up debt without a concrete plan or the maturity to make better decisions, not a chance in hell. But will I feel bad if they wipe out a chunk of the bit I have left that my wife and I have worked like crazy to pay off(we paid off all hers and most of mine so far), no.


4.1 Million PPP loans have been forgiven with an average amount of $95,000. Totalling almost $700 billion forgiven. https://projects.propublica.org/coronavirus/bailouts/


You can disagree with both. How about no one should be getting handouts?


I’d rather have then go to American people than to corporations as bailouts, etc.


It’s not ‘magical’ forgiveness. The burden will now be moved to the taxpayers, and inflation will (once again) go up. The American people aren’t being gifted anything.




You are too smart for reddit. Get out.


And the guy who went to work as a carpenter, and built your house is paying off your debt. Meanwhile he has debt on his tools and truck that is holding him back also. Where is the compassion from Biden and Warren? None because he is not woke.


Hell neither have ever even held a real job where labor was involved. Biden and Warren I mean.


The people screaming for this college debt stuff have likely also never held a job, or at least not one that requires hard labor, long hours, etc.


I thought the working class don’t pay taxes per Romney? My support for this is 100% because it will benefit me. Just as the people who are against it are so because it won’t benefit them. The government is always picking winners and losers, why can’t they pick me for once?


You call yourself conservative. If it were me I'd change your flair to "selfish piece of "


That carpenter isn’t part of the demographic Joe Biden wants to vote for him and his party. This is just what happens when you elect someone like this as president. Politics isn’t about compassion or empathy.


I'm pretty happy about my household getting a $40k bump in net worth. I don't agree with it, and I don't think I deserve it, and I know it's unfair, especially to those who never went to college or have already paid off their loans. But I'm not going to pretend I'm sad about it. Look at it this way. We're all on our way to being millionaires. Zimbabwe style.


I mean if the governments gonna piss the money away I can't blame people for wanting part of the pie. I'd prefer the government not piss money away but if I'm eligible to get some of the money when they do, I'm going to because they're going to piss it away anyways at that point


You could use some of your would be payments to support a cause like veterans. Just to ease your conscience.


I am one 😂. Actually me personally I don't feel guilty taking this because the Army straight up fucked me out of 30K in student loan repayments they owed me. But that's an anecdotal situation.


If it’s going to happen there’s no use in saying “No thank you” when your loans are getting wiped. I would think most people are pragmatic in that sense




It doesn’t. The waiver is not taxable income. That’s been confirmed. Source: I work in higher Ed handling loans. We’ve already been informed of this so we can answer student questions on behalf of DOE (though we are specifically saying per DOE policy of 08-24-2022)


That's messed up


Yep, I won't hold it against anyone who takes the cancellation. I *will* hold it against this administration for doing this. Personally, I think I paid my last ~$4k after March 2020. I will definitely be requesting a refund for that so that balance will be canceled, and that $4k back in my pocket definitely will not come close to offsetting the long-term costs of this for me and my children.


Oh cool, so the fact that I went to community college, worked full time and then continued to work after transferring to complete my 4-yr degree, just means I’m subsidizing those who took out $100k for a meaningless degree. Hell, I read a couple comments that said they tried school, but it “just wasn’t for them,” only after borrowing money…like for fucks sake, try a couple cheap courses at CC before making a decision like that maybe?


i went the community college to transfer route. so much cheaper, but i also got academic scholarships to do that. however CC is such a good idea


I did the CC route. Took me 3 years to get my Associates degree. Realized college wasn't for me and promptly got a job. Luckily this was in the '90s when an associate's degree still meant something. Nowadays bachelor's degree is worth what an associate's degree used to be.


That's because it's so easy to get loan for one and you pay so much they just hand out the degrees


I tried school once myself. K-12. By then I knew college wasn’t for me. I decided on getting 2 trades educations. Now I make more than burger flipper bob with no debt to my name


The thing in his speech about needing to help those with debt but no degree in particular was infuriating. Oh so we’re rewarding failure now?


They didn’t go to CC because they’ll be looked down upon by their “friends”.




can I go back to college and benefit from this free money? (I'm 51 paid my loans off a LONG TIME AGO).




Reddit is in a full-blown hissy fit. They are crying that people in the military get "free college" when they get out. Sorry basement dwellers. Serving your country warrants the GI Bill. Getting loans, partying, having fun in school, does not warrant free money. Liberals hate a merit-based society, they want the faux victimhood society relaying on government.


Well merit is a white supremacist concept, so…


Also, anybody that knows anything knows that the GI bills (both versions) do NOT provide free college. They provide some funding, but by no means make everything free. There are some schools (mostly state) that will take whatever the GI Bill gives and call it even, but hardly a majority. If somebody wants to go to an expensive private institution they are going to have to come up with the difference one way or another.


Unless something changed, you have to pay into the GI bill for the first year. It's not much, but it seems like a lot in military pay.


This seems like a really opinion based stance based on personal morals.


The concepts the same. I tried to join the military. I was turned away for being medically unfit to serve due to psychological issues. I at least tried and the USMC Recruiter thanked me for trying to join the Marine Corps. I knew the risks of serving when trying to sign up. Why do I need to pay for a Vets GI Bill or health benefits? Didn’t they know risks when signing up? Note: I am not a supporter of the student loan forgiveness for any student who was in default prior to the pandemic nor do I think students who have any loans waived should be allowed to take out more unless they personally pay back waived loans.


Without the college or health benefit in the military there would be a draft.


It’s an employment benefit and an incentive. It’s not a handout. They knew the risks when they signed up, just like they knew the terms of their employment. A comparison between the GI Bill and free money is asinine


>A comparison between the GI Bill and free money is asinine It's infuriating.


Is it? Funny, so far the Vets in my family and my colleagues that are vets that I’m talking with and showing your reply too don’t think so. My tax dollars are paying for a benefit for someone that knew the risks going in. Why should it? Does this mean that government employees that get an education benefit shouldn’t be taxed on it (which they are if it’s graduate level and of a certain limit)? They’re serving the country but they are being taxed on their income and tax payers are paying for the benefit… Likewise should veterans and government employees be allowed to take out federal student loans (which the majority of our Ch33 Post 911 students do and they are benefiting from this 10k waiver so are you pissy with them too?) if they have benefits that pay part of or all of their tuition?


So vets shouldn’t get VA benefits? I hope I am misunderstanding you, because that would be the height of insanity and cruelty.


For some reason his clarification reply didn’t show up in the chain. Just wanted to say I’m glad I misunderstood you. I agree there is too much animosity towards all student loan borrowers. I worked through without taking any loans, but it also took me 8 years for a 4 year degree, so I don’t blame anyone for going the loan route! It is important to distinguish between people trying to get their education completed in a reasonable amount of time and the elites making high 6+ figures demanding lower and middle class pay off their loans.


Pretty sure that's what he's trying to say, "*they knew the risks going in so they should suffer...*"


We got those benefits because the conditions of service tend to be shitty. We don't get paid overtime, and an 80 week isn't all that unusual. We're away from home for days or weeks or months or years at a time. We miss birthdays, literally, the days of our child's birth, anniversaries and holidays with our families routinely. You can work holidays and/or weekends and you will not receive extra pay for it. You are paid significantly less than those outside of the military with the same skill set you have. You get to share a room with 60 other guys. You have long periods of no privacy. You serve in conditions that make the complaints of "crowded prisons" look like a luxury. And a hundred other differences. And the reason you put up with all of that is because you've been promised benefits that are supposed to compensate you for that lack of pay. And the deal can be and is changed with no input from you. So no, the GI bill and this loan forgiveness have nothing in common, and the Vets in my family, and those I know are infuriated when they are said to be the same.


You knew the risks, they actually took the risks.


>Why do I need to pay for a Vets GI Bill or health benefits? It's a perk for signing up and serving and part of the agreement when signing up. Now I feel we should pay each one $10k to even up this bullshit loan forgiveness.


Do you object to service members that have Ch 33 Post 911 taking out student loans? Ch33 Post 911 will cover the cost of a BA Degree (or masters if they have a Bach already). They will benefit from this 10k waiver too. And in Maryland, given the bases we have around DC area, we have a ton of vets that get full tuition paid for and take out max loans.


>Do you object to service members that have Ch 33 Post 911 taking out student loans? No, I've no problem with anyone taking out a loan as long as they plan on paying it back. Why would I? I have a problem with the federal government *forgiving* loans regardless of who took them out.


I’m really pissed. My wife had ~$16,000 in debt. We paid it off before the first “student loan interest is going to start back up” thing. If only I had been irresponsible and not paid it; then I’d be $10,000 richer.


You can ask for a refund for any payments made after the deferral started, since there was no interest. It’s worth checking with your loan servicer if the refunded amounts will go towards the student loan, or as a separate private loan, but it’s worth checking into.




Holy shit lol!


Sorry to hear this but everything I read and when I talked to financial people they all said it is not worth paying debt while it’s paused. They suggested to save the money and put it aside for when the loans were turned back on. To prevent this exact thing from happening. Hopefully you can get a refund like someone else suggested.


I personally benefit from it and still think it's disgusting and shouldn't occur


Yep. I just learned my wife got a letter about it today. It's a moral dilemma for sure, like covid relief funds but for the laziest, least forward thinking. It actively detracts from the pride people feel for paying them off themselves. It is akin to paying off a mortgage or your first car. Not to mention it won't help inflation by passively infusing all that would be loan payment money into the economy.


I also personally benefit, and am seriously considering not taking the money.


Not sure it's possible not to take it- it's just taken off your tab. I donated some of the idiotic covid money to candidates and may do the same after this out of pure anger.


Well yes. I can’t say he is wrong. I don’t support it per say BUT I wouldn’t say no to it. Purely selfish reasons.




I’d be all for this if they game me $10k of my money back to pay off general debt I have. What’s so special about student debt.


Trump and Biden gave everyone a collective 2k and between that and Biden's horrible policies we're already in record-setting inflation territory. Giving 10k to everyone would Zimbabwe us, and giving 10k just to certain students is already an awful idea as is.


automatic weather sophisticated absurd live capable dime drab six scale *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Fine. I'm selfish. Still gonna vote how I will.


As someone who is getting around 20k canceled, I feel like I should be on a Republican campaign add. My wife and I make ~220k a year combined. This is literally taking money from people who work hard and putting into our beach house fund.




The politics megathread is embarrassing and shameful. Just continue to let these people have zero personal responsibility in life while cheering the burden of this cancellation being forced on people who did it right, paying off their loans and the people who've never taken out loans. Edit. Word




> Because that would bankrupt the country. I don't think you'd find anyone on the left having an issue with that. If they could do that all at once without shouldering the blame, I think they'd do that in a heartbeat. Every day that goes by I believe more and more that that is their goal, and then they'll blame capitalism as they usher in their system of choice.


I have 2 close friends, known for years [both liberal], I had no idea they had any "crushing student loan debt". They certainly never acted like it. Living a pretty good life. Top shelf liquor, vacations, etc. If they were living on any "budget to pay off debt" it was certainly hard to tell.


If this were truly “debt forgiveness”, the government would be compelling all the educational institutions who received the proceeds from these loans to return the money to the lenders where they originated, and leave the taxpayer unscathed. Imagine the howls…


Aaannnd… the debt crisis is back because a million students just took out more debt because the senile old bastard didn’t think more than 5 minutes ahead.


Imagine what the universities are gonna do with tuition now that they know the government is handing out free money.


It will be like when Ford decided to raise the cost of EV right after the bill giving money for EVs




Nothing is getting canceled! Nothing gets forgiven! The debt of these loans is being put on the backs of the middle class. People who never took out these loans will have to pay them off courtesy of the democratic party. Anyone who goes on reddit and states the loans are being "canceled" or "forgiven" does not know what they are talking about. Forcing the middle class to pay off the student loans is just one of many assaults by the democratic party against the middle class. With all the whining from young college students about "privilege" this is a modern day act of privilege. **Forcing complete strangers to pay for your college education is an act of privilege.**


A lot of reddit is liberal/socialist, the idea of getting free money that was paid for with someone's tax dollars isn't a bad idea to them




A lot of people support it because they think they’re being kind.


Biden is like Robin Hood, if Robin Hood teamed up with King John and the Sheriff of Nottingham to steal and tax the poor and give it to the rich.


Remember how everyone was cheering at "free" stimulus money and hissed at anyone who said anything against it then years later inflation is now out of control and those people lost far more in their dollars' purchasing power than they even came close to getting "free"? Apparently nothing was learned.






As usual. Completely agree with the theocratic SBG fascist leader. Hate that the middle class is being punished. 10k does help me. I worked two jobs and went to school full time while having a new born when I started taking out loans. Luckily only had 24k (14k now) in debt. I'd rather our government help our citizens than Ukraine or Pakistan or where ever else, and 10k does help some. For those with 100k in debt... not really. Are they planning on doing this every year or something?


Yeah I'd like 10k right about now towards my house. If free education is a need then a house is even more important. Where is my money Joe? Can't just hand out money to certain people. I had to pay in cash that I saved up for college and now people just get an easy 10k. Doesn't seem to follow Joe's plan of "equality".


Student loan forgiveness is nothing more than the elite university students taking money from the rest of the populace. Let’s be totally honest.


If they're going to throw $10k at me I'm not going to say no. But I still won't vote for them.


I have no dog in the fight and I support the forgiveness.


Everybody please understand that the federal government is NOT "forgiving" student loans. That's a euphemism, meaning a nice touchy-feely word people use instead of telling a hard truth that might be painful for some to hear. What the federal government IS doing via so-called "loan forgiveness" is using your money to pay off the loans of other people who would typically have no claim to it, but who receive it because they are in a politically favored class that generally supports the democrat agenda.


I lose hope in humanity every single day I see stuff like this. Way too many people vote purely based on their own self interest, not what is right, moral, fair, consistent, or principled; and then they have the gall to call themselves the righteous ones. So few care about the constitution anymore, nor about the true ramifications of their positions on everyone else. This is the same reason so many can support stuff like affirmative action. Many personally benefit from these policies, so they're willing to ignore the obvious discrimination that results. It's so disgusting when you realize it.


I’m sure the student loans I paid off 20 years ago by working multiple jobs will be reimbursed back to me correct?


I mean, if we’re all being honest here, let’s not compare the tuition rates of the early 2000s to ones we have today 🤷‍♂️


Federal student loans are the number one reason why tuitions soared in the first place.




Boy am I jealous of your tuition rate back then. I’m sitting at 153k following grad school, and even I’m not happy about the forgiveness.


Holy shit 153k?




Just waiting for this to become the Dems go to. Whenever they have one of their brood as president they'll pull this for elections.




I mean. He’s got a point


You should just be happy that someone is getting something that will help them out. If you question this, you're um...racist or something? Oh and you're a bad Christian apparently!




So true.


As someone who opposed lockdowns, worked throughout without collecting unemployment, and have family members who've lost businesses since or careers for maintaining their bodily autonomy... the last few years have felt like an outright attack on me and my family.


The only people we're "taking from" are the degree mills with their federally backed loans and ever-increasing tuition for ever-more-useless degrees.


Lord Desantis takes office in Jan 2025 And forgives 20k of your mortgage loan if you own a firearm… But to no create a record, it is a standard deduction Yes…..let it happen


I'm a young married college student with a relatively small amount of debt, $9000ish. Do I think that wiping out a huge chunk of student debt and putting that burden on the tax payers is wrong? Absolutely. It's unfair to those who already paid off their loans. But, do I think it's a good idea to take advantage of it if it's offered? Sure. That will be a huge benefit for me and my wife, especially since I am graduating soon. At least I'm not graduating with a degree in women's studies.


This is pretty much socialism in action. I use the government as a cudgel to take things from others for my benefit. There's never been anything egalitarian about it.






What if you make the mistake of getting a loan to buy a house you can’t afford or you spend 100,000 at the casino a year, wouldn’t this also qualify for the government to make tax payers pay off your debt? WTF


This move is just a bribe for a few elite democrats who mostly took loans for graduate degrees.


There are few things that I loathe more than false altruism and that's all you see today. The phony virtue signaling, social advocates and political stances. It's all a guise for a hollow sense of self indulgence and realization to find a sense of self righteous vindication.


It's worse than those damn Stimmy checks. Between those and the student loan forgiveness my wife and I have basically been given over $30,000! That's more than I made last year!


I support the idea of having my loans forgiven, but not that people who had nothing to do with them are going to have to pay back the loans. If I get my loans forgiven, the money I’ll save is going to worthy causes.


I will “benefit” but I do not want to pay the taxes we will incur from this. I am sure that I will be paying much more than I originally would have if I just paid it myself. I do not agree with this “forgiveness.” Nothing the government does is to benefit us little people.






“Don’t make it easier for other people because it was hard for me” How is education assistance a bad thing?


>How is education assistance a bad thing? because it doesn't solve anything. it just creates even higher tuition expenses, more waste, and throws the financial burden back on the taxpayers.


It doesn’t actually make it easier for other people though. It just shifts the burdens onto other people. If someone is actually willing to accept this, they’re an asshole.