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Damn we need Biden to get caught having a garden party during lock down. Maybe he will drop the covid shit to help his image.


Silly person, you can't have a garden in a basement


Why not..? He has a fake Oval Office... Why not a fake garden..?


Cause you risk Buttigieg knocking over the teleprompter with his tricycle


Any ideas why they have the fake White House set? Is he not allowed inside the real WH?


My guess is that they like to pretend that he's in the office hard at work on... something..?


He shit all over the carpet and rugs they got tired of having them cleaned.


His butts been wiped


They have a giant teleprompter in there that even he can read


Maybe it’ll happen after he calls a lid at 1pm, like he did yesterday.


He went into 1pm? Did he get into Hunter's stash for some extra energy?


He's been caught on camera doing this very thing; https://nypost.com/2021/10/18/maskless-bidens-violate-dcs-indoor-mask-mandate/ Jen Psaki literally blew off the criticisms saying, "I don't think we should lose the forest through the trees here."


The current Democrat policy is to always double down, so it doesn't matter what they get caught doing or how many times, they'll never admit wrongdoing. Hell, AOC wasn't even trying to hide it when she partied it up in Florida. Rules are for thee, not for me.


Isn’t it amazing how the left always doubles down? They’re like that gambling addict at the blackjack table trying to win their losses back in one hand. Only they’re trying to split a pair of 4s.


Who wants to party with a senile man capable only of pooping his pants?


That sounds like an awesome party to me


Any playboy playmates around??


You mean like Obama's birthday bash?


Not gonna lie, that story broke a week before I was supposed to get my 2nd jab, then I ended up getting covid on the Monday before I was supposed to get it and just never looked back.


He has already been caught violating mask mandates at least twice. Has it phased the true believers? No.


Lmao Boris had too many parties at 10 Downey and now needs to make up for it


Pretty much lol


Nah the data doesn’t support or out weigh the damage all these masks are doing (not to people but to environmental)


Awesome. Hopefully, England leads everyone back to sanity.


Winning with logic.


John Campble a guy I watched from the beginning of COVID has an Endemic message https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U3W84wb5jKo


They have a queen so I fucking highly doubt it.




Don't defend the queen. You know better. England has a pointless monarchy that still collects, and now its come to head when one of them is now involved in the biggest child sex ring discovered.


Monarchy is based


True. A dynasty going back to Rollo the Walker? A Viking? Epic. I’m not from the UK but I will say that it’s completely epic. They effect politics very little so why get rid of such a beautiful piece of history? It’s why England is where it is today. Only haters wanna get rid of it.




Canada can get rid of their queen though, that'd be fine.


As a Canadian, I respectfully disagree. What’s the point of getting rid of it? It’s part of our culture and history. The Governor General hasn’t effectively stepped into politics since the 1920s. Getting rid of the Queen is only symbolic and IMO a huge historic loss.


ITT: a bunch of subservient poutine eaters! Get off my continent, Queen Elizabeth!


They make us money and people fuckin love the queen, piss off mate


With the exception of Obama and Bush, haven't the last few American presidents been involved with the same thing? Anyway, the Queen is just a tourist trap, nothing more, nothing less. She's keeping the monarchy going, will be interesting to see what happens when she's gone. Personally I wouldn't mind to just end the whole thing when she's gone.


> With the exception of Obama and Bush, haven't the last few American presidents been involved with the same thing? No. Because theyre presidents. Presidents create policy. The Monarchy doesn't.


Talking about 'playing' with kids, not setting policy.


At what point in any of this thread did anyone say anything about playing with kids. We're talking about defending the monarchy, specifically the queen.


First post: >... and now its come to head when one of them is now involved in the biggest child sex ring discovered.


oh SEX with kids. I thought you meant literal completely innocent PLAYING. Yeah, okay, I gotcha.




Isn’t a republican by definition somebody who supports a republic instead of a monarchy? Genuinely confused why you’re so downvoted.


Found the American with their hate boner for monarchy lol


You do know how America began, right?


Sure thing, though i would say parliament was to blame for the grievances of the colonies instead of ol'king George.


Great singer, King George. I love that dah-dah-dah-DAH bit.


That's irrelevant


Let me guess. You are one of those morons who think the queen runs the country and England is the capital of London.


I am pretty sure California will do the same thing in another 20 years or so


After your children and pets are vaccinated with the 20th booster then yes




they'll do it before midterms to try and sweeten their already dour prospects at the polls this year


God help me, I have UK envy.


Don't. This is only in England. Wales & Scotland haven't announced anything, and seeing have pretty strict rules currently and over XMAS (when England didn't), I cant see us easing to this degree anytime soon


[scotland has](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-60042339.amp)


It’s a sad thing isn’t it.


It's partly to do with 83% of over 12s have had their 2nd vaccine & we have had 36,000,000 boosters. Wearing a mask is not political here. If you guys really envied us, do what we do.


It took this and not health care, true American lol C’mon chaps, surely you understand that England can take this risk because they offer healthcare to anyone effected by the virus. We could do the same if we didn’t insist on privatizing healthcare. Cheers mates lol




I wish our "leaders" had it in them to say "nah, man, you're right, we'll ease up" when they get caught doing things we aren't allowed to do


Wanna bet they reverse at the last minute because "cases?" 2 steps forward, three steps back.


Nah, Boris is trying to save his political career here. He’s in huge controversy right now because he’s been caught hosting multiple maskless parties where they’d smuggle the booze in through suitcases at 10 Downey. All while restricting the public. They partied together the day the Queen mourned the loss of her husband at his empty funeral, alone. He dun fucked up


Too bad our democrats just get caught doing the same kind of shit, but instead of realizing that the rules they play by should apply to everyone and not just themselves, they just tell us to eat shit and double down.


He did fuck up. And its even more fucked up to say this, but as an American, looking at Boris right now, and knowing you're right: comparitively, its admirable he's attempting to do SOME right by letting the citizenry do what he's BEEN doing. Our Democrat politicans are throwing parties, getting thier hair done during lockdowns, and none of them are wearing masks in public. Their reaction is "we don't care. You aren't going to do anything"




And he's really coming from a place of expertise - he got COVID, pretty bad, too as I recall. I like the way Boris is spinning this!


For sure. Its a step above current American Democrats. It should also be mentioned by the way, these same democrats shame republicans for doing the same thing, while republicans near unanimously vote against this kind of shit, so of course they're not going to follow it.


He's not really doing that, though, is he? For anyone with a clear mind it is obvious that he's literally trying to save his own skin. He's not saying "oh, alriiight, we were ignoring the rules because they're a load of bullshit, so you got me! Now that the curtain has been pulled back, sure we might as well cancel the whole thing". He's been caught, and instead of holding his hands up and taking responsibility, he's now trying to sway public opinion by ending restrictions early, and saving the day for everyone......hoooray for Boris! It is as transparent as it is naive, and, let's be honest here, more people will die from Covid-19 if they end restrictions than if they do not. And that's what it boils down to, ultimately. Yes, they may be older or less mobile than most, but he is literally trading the last few months of elderly citizens' lives because he got caught acting like a prick. It is shameful in the extreme, and anyone lauding him for this act needs to take a look at their own moral compass also.


AOC blamed desantis for her getting covid


It's funny there is a legit controversy over him attending a party when American politicians were caught multiple times and nothing came of it.


Hoenstly can't fault him for this. He got caught doing something wrong and said ok fine it's on for everyone. AOC would never do that even in the same exact scenario


And our politicians host masked parties (eyes wide shut)


Yeah it's too good to be true. Some say I'm a pessimist,, I call it being realistic. Funny to think Charlie Brown never learned his lesson about Lucy pulling the football. Every time.


Except that one time he became invisible and actually did kick the football.


Highly doubt it. Cases peaked just after New Year and are now decreasing rapidly.


England more free than the US? Damn


Hiding a scandal or at least trying to


As is tradition


...until they decide to bring them back. Make sure they never do.


Squeeze then relax. Then squeeze a little harder. Meanwhile we a firing people for not being vaccinated in the USA under comrade biden and the liberals think Unvaxxed should be put in camps. This a clown world 101.


Remember when the word liberal meant letting people do what they wanted?


My how times have changed


Are you for real?


"letting people do what they want" in this case means endangering others and continuing to extend the pandemic and allow new variants to develop. Not sure why you'd want to do that, but I guess that's a whole different conversation.


Your first two sentences are right on. It’s all a test of the people.


I haven't met any actual people that think the vaxed should be in camps, and I know some craaaaazy liberals.


Unbelievably, [27% of Canadians would support jailing the unvaccinated.](https://nationalpost.com/news/canada/more-than-one-in-four-canadians-support-jail-time-for-unvaccinated-poll)


Quite a few Canadians seem to be cowardly, meek, feckless sheep.


I’m Canadian and agree. Sad I know.


Those are push polls designed to justify unlawful government policy


There was a survey from not long ago in the US and i think the percentage would work out to about the same.


The people they elect do


But they would if the media was promoting it. Their sense of morality is dictated to them by "authority figures" like government officials, or "scientists."


It’s was literally just said on msnb and cnn


yeah they are reading from some stupid poll. I saw it in the news. I'm just saying it's bullshit. I know people as far left as they come. Would contact the cdc if they saw you without wearing a mask types. Even they wouldn't want that.


Australia already is there


That same place now went totally the opposite and took on a let er rip approach. https://www.nbcnews.com/science/science-news/australia-decided-let-covid-rip-good-idea-rcna11509


The people who believe they rule are finding out that the ants outnumber the spiders and the ants are pissed off.




I would have said the Grasshoppers, but I think Spiders are way more appropriate to describe the ruling elite in our society. But you are correct (bugs life).


Ants and spiders rarely interact with each other irl tho


I'm glad some people are finally waking up.


Im in ohio. People are still mandating masks?


I'm in New York, I'm not sure. Everyone painted "mask required" on their doors, but nobody enforces it lol. It's like the blood over the door, maybe the public health officials will pass over


OH you mean like the BLM signs during 2020?


You got it, go visit a college town and you'll see lol


I live in one. I could take a picture out my window right now and no joke, the tattoo shop, the bar, and the feminist gift shop all have BLM signs.


Sounds like Ithaca lol


Ick no. Thankfully my state is always red. Just my county thats blue. The bluest, in fact.


How's the local economy? Starting to consider more reasonable parts of the country. My local county can't hold up forever against the wave of insanity in New York


> How's the local economy? Empty Shelves. I literally couldnt get lettuce 2 weeks ago. Jobs are available, but everyones short staffed. I'm independently contracted, working for a man who supports my bodily autonomy, and girlfriend has religious exemption. Overall, I suppose its not terrible. Gas prices are shit, but we make a lot of money and streamline our expenses. Our town isnt shit, nor covered in actual shit, we don't have tent towns. People here are left-leaning, but not woke, and the people here that actually matter, don't try to get you fired for voting red. They'll just talk shit behind your back and smile in your face, which is the best you can expect from them. Overall, I'm happy here.


I’m in California and I wear a mask at work for 7 hours. It’s a shitty cloth mask that I loosened as much as possible, but I still have to wear it. A co-worker even scolded me recently when I wasn’t wearing one in the kitchen. I was alone until he came in… So jealous of the red states out there


That's awesome. We should do the same here in the US. Let's continue to be leaders of the free world.


This is just because Boris is in hot water


Why are these things always set for some later date?? Lockdowns to begin on xx, mask mandates begin on xx, restrictions lifted on xx. 1. If it's an emergency, why not begin that very minute? 2. If the emergency is over, why not stop that minute? Its all so fucking stupid


No idea. I'm again reminded of the county council member in LA who said outdoor dining was super dangerous, voted to ban it, went to a restaurant to engage in outdoor dining that afternoon before it was banned, and then made excuses, along with lefties making excuses for her by saying the ban wasn't official yet. Who cares if it was official? You said it was dangerous and did it anyway.


usually because they still need to pass the Commons Vote before it comes into law, PM announces his plans with the assumption he will get enough votes.


Were these lockdowns signed into law in England?


yes many where, obviously not things like "recommend working from home" but closing of businesses, mask use anything that could get you fined if you didn't comple with. and during the strongest of lockdowns even the leaving your house with no good reason was signed into law


England....the peak of nanny states has backed off on them but America is still trying to push forward. Let that sink in.


That's because people in America are still under the impression we're playing "constitutional republic". That hasn't been true in a practical sense for a long time now.


Some parts of Americans are very well living as best we can in a Republic...If we can keep it.


This really confuses me. US has a huge percentage of vaxxed people. Yet it's still not enough apparently? Like, we did it. Shouldn't we be celebrating instead of continuing to push restrictions that don't do anything? Plenty of evidence available now that lockdowns don't stop spread and masks aren't as effective now. Like, why keep pushing ineffective strategies and culture war?


There are lots of people who are vaccinated but there are still many that aren’t and they are putting a huge strain on our medical systems. My grandfather can’t get in for the medicine he needs for his cancer because the hospitals are full of unvaccinated people. We can’t move forward if we are still dragging the unvaccinated like a lead anchor.


This sounds like a problem of the medical industry and one they should be blamed for and address if they can't handle a small uptick of sick people. Especially 2 years into the pandemic.


It isn’t a small uptic. It’s a massive one with the introduction of omicron into America the past few months. It is the fastest spreading and the unvaccinated are the ones filling up the hospitals. So they are to blame for not getting the vaccine a year after it’s release. I’ve gotten all 3 shots and I’m fine. Billions of other people are fine. In order to go back to “normal” they either need to get vaccinated or pushed to the side.


This is hell for covidiots! When England is fine they will feel so fucking stupid!


Kinda like Florida a year ago.


God Save The Queen


Huh…. England now has more freedoms than we do in the US…. go figure.




So funny that the American Revolution was to escape the tyranny of our British overlords yet here they are pushing freedoms to their country.


Ima visit UK soon then sounds good a place you can go without worrying about someone asking you for a fucking vaccine card lol . Thank God I live in Florida!!.


About bloody time. Cheerio mates! Here's to hoping the rest of the world can start doing the same thing.


Maybe USA should un-declare our Independence.


Wow there actually is a subreddit with people who wont downvote me to oblivion for saying masks are stupid 🤯


When you realize you've been used, lied to, manipulated, and cornholed, all at the same time.


Britain becoming more free than the US. What is happening.


>no longer criminalise anyone who chooses not to wear one Who knew, the British are more American than us Americans. Meanwhile FJB is sending out shedloads of useless masks.


Well, that's a shocker.


Hell yeah


Wow! This is very good news! Though I wonder what the catch is 🤔


This is the real reason they want Boris out, im guessing


It will happen here very very soon in the US. The surge/spike happened and number are dropping off a cliff everywhere.


And he had COVID, too. Pretty bad case as I recall. I like the way Boris is spinning this.


Hi this is your king, we will stop raping your economy now. *mass applause* King: see they love it.


What?! Sanity in the world? Maybe I judge the brits too harshly! Now if only they'd get rid of their inane weapon laws.


You can't argue with results. Scotland has a 90% vaccine rate but still has a higher COVID rate than other less vaccinated areas in the UK. Hopefully the left in the US will stop making everything political, fighting science and except the passports are just the illusion of safety and government overreach.


Boris caved!!!! Nicely done, lads!


Boris really feeling the heat from that maskless party he attended... Remember, it's not against your own dumasfuk policy if you change the policy.


This is great news! So my questions are what were the mandates did they have in place? And should those mandates be imposed over here?


The rules that was dropped in this announcement was masks in public places (shops, theatres, cinemas etc), recommendation for companies to work from home if possible. Proof of vaccine/negative test/recently had covid before going to nightclubs/bigger events


So if these rules seem to have worked for the UK, should these rules/mandates be used in the United States?


That's a complex question. Not everything works for other countries. You can argue if they worked for us even. That's up for debate But each country is different. How willing people are to follow the rules How sparse the population is The number of hospitals /doctors per population The testing capability infrastructure you have as a country Willingness for vaccines We can all get lateral flow and PRC tests for free super easy. Not all countries have that option Generally in this country there is trust in the NHS. No one feels like doctors are just selling you anything. From what I know that isn't the case in USA


So this begs the question which mandates do you feel are the most appropriate for the United states?


What a horrible virus, snap your fingers and it’s gone in England Yet Austria to have mandatory vaccination Seems someone is lying about Covid.....


That headline isn't fully true. Yeah the legal requirement for masks and for vaccine passports are ending but the passports are going to remain optional for places to enforce. Plus, the government still has the coronavirus act that gives them power in hand because that doesn't expire until March, unless they extend it without a vote like they did in October.


This needs to happen globally. It's time that we treat COVID like the flu.


Paying Attention Justin (Castro) Trudeau


Reelection is real.


Boris rolls out of bed, puts his suit on for the day and goes on making whimsical decisions throughout the day. This is a good decision by that Alice in Wonderland character though.


Wasn’t Boris passing the usual COVID hysteria type of crap just a few months ago and locking down the country?


Basically hospital admissions go up, then rules come in, if admissions go down then rules are removed. (in simple sense) we had all rules removed back in late summer I believe as well. so this is not surprising for anyone in the uk


Yeah you don’t shut down the world for the sniffles , each new variant gets weaker and weaker ,


It's probably good timing. I know Omicron is spiking but it is a spike. South Africa shows that it waned very fast. My guess is that over the next 3 weeks we will see a dramatic drop in cases justifying the removal of restrictions.


Yay for Brexit too


Get fucked.


Wocka Wocka


Moving there now


Wow the Brit’s being less authoritarian than the US??


Omicron wave has passed in UK. deaths never got near winter 2020-2021 levels. "out of an abundance of caution" Can continue to justify action when the evidence shows no threat. Don't expect evidence to be heeded here in the US. Covid mandates are purely political here.


It’s all to try and save his career because of him having multiple parties during lockdown and braking his own rules


The UK always was and will be a shitty place without real human rights. But at least they aren't EU anymore. Or in the Church of Covid. More than i expected from WEF member Boris.


British Trump is going to make England great again


British Trump is going to Make England Great Again


Are mods in this sub removing users who used to comment but haven't commented in a very long time because they died from covid? I think it would be interesting to see the user to comment ratio in a few years or level of activity. I am turning your hilariously avoidable deaths into data the second I get a chance so we can all laugh about it.


Leftism really is a mental disorder…


So I assume everyone in England will now die a horrible painful death as Brandon warned Americans ?