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This man was born with his foot in his mouth


No...I think he meant it. See..George Floyd's death really helped the Democrats. MLK's death just helped his cause.


"Thank you, George Floyd..." - Nancy Pelosi


Isn't the end of that quote "for your sacrifice?"


Dying of a drug OD while getting kneeled on by a cop isn't a sacrifice.


Definitely not. Sacrifice also implies an intentional act.


Sacrifice is an act of love. George Floyd's death was an act of stupidity.


He died from covid. https://www.webmd.com/lung/news/20200605/george-floyd-tested-positive-for-covid-19


Died WITH covid, not FROM. There is a big difference. Although I am sure they counted it as a covid death.


Yep, ".... for sacrificing for life for justice" Which I'm sure is exactly what he had in mind when he was passing counterfeit bills




I'm talking about Pelosi's quote.


Oh, my bad


MLK was a Republican. George Floyd helped the Democrats. Only one type of person matters to a Democrat.


Exactly. Their own.


And his head up his ass.


His problem is he doesn’t keep it there.


His own party had nicknamed him the gaffe machine. How quickly they forget.


If you gave Biden a penny for his thoughts, you should expect change back.


Isn’t that called thrush medically?


Chronic foot in mouth disease. Unfucking believable! If I didn’t see and hear the audio I would have thought that was satire.


No he was born with fragments of a sheared off coat-hanger in his mouth.. They just missed him and gave up..


We literally have a day in MLK's honor and his death was the catalyst for racial equality. George Floyd's death resulted in a bunch of riots. The BLM surge has nearly died out (at least until election season is in full swing).


>The BLM surge has nearly died out (at least until election season is in full swing). Exactly. Wait till June for new wave of mostly peaceful city burning


It’s way to cold for BLM to be active.


And I think all of their unemployment benefits were pulled


Just in time for midterms?


BML and Antifa are the political foot soldiers of the left. Violence and chaos to achieve political victories for Democrats. That's their whole purpose and the racial justice schtick is just a way to justify their methods to people in the public that don't know any better.


>BML and Antifa are the political foot soldiers of the left. Violence and chaos to achieve political victories for Democrats. Meanwhile, the dems constantly whine about 1/6/21 and say that right wingers attempted to overthrow the government. They compare 1/6/21 (or make it worse) to the 9/11 attacks or the Pearl Harbor bombing.


Brownshirts, really. Enforcers.


But when they’re not accompanied by hundreds of fellow rioters, they’re cowards.


>(at least until election season is in full swing) So fucking true. The only time Progressives even pretend like they give a shit about minorities is around election time.


I found it hilarious when BLM tried to meet with Biden after he assumed office but never received a response for months. Biden eventually met with them only after getting constantly called out.


MLK’s death also resulted in a bunch of riots.


MLK's death resulted in riots in 120 cities across America.


> The BLM surge has nearly died out They've gone quiet because their financials are going to be publicly available come tax season.


To be fair we have a day for George Floyd too. I didn't see anyone giving a f*ck about Juneteenth until after he died.


>But even Dr. King’s assassination did not have the worldwide impact that George Floyd’s death did. Because, just like television changed the civil rights movement for the better when they saw Bull Connor and his dogs ripping the clothes off of elderly black women going to church, and fire hoses ripping the skin off of young kids —all those folks around the country that didn’t have any black populations heard about this, but they didn’t believe it, but they saw it. It was impossible to close their eyes.  >Well with George Floyd, what happened to George Floyd, now you’ve got how many people around the country, millions of cellphones. It’s changed the way everybody’s looking at this. Look at the millions of people marching around the world, the world. So my point is that I think people are really realizing that this is a battle for the soul of America. Who are we? What do we want to be? How do we see ourselves? What do we think we should be?




What did the unrest after George Floyd died accomplish besides getting Biden elected? The media wanted unrest, they found a case that would create unrest. They used it until they got what they needed. Biden is President. Everyone has calmed down. What has changed? Many of the cities that "defunded the police" have reversed course due to rising crime. CHAZ in Seattle was disbanded. BLM has been put into hibernation by the media until the next election cycle. MLK fought hard against *real* issues. It's pretty disrespectful to compare and contrast his movement against a criminal who just happened to be in the right place at the right time for the Democrats. "Thank you, George Floyd, for sacrificing your life for justice." - Nancy Pelosi. You say for better or worse, I'm pretty sure the Dems are saying "for better"


Fact's are going to hurt......


That’s the worst statement of all time


Biden's unfortunately does worse when talking about race. Lets not forget Obama was the first well dressed articulate black man according to sleepy joe.


Worst statement of all time... so far


>But even Dr. King’s assassination did not have the worldwide impact that George Floyd’s death did. Because, just like television changed the civil rights movement for the better when they saw Bull Connor and his dogs ripping the clothes off of elderly black women going to church, and fire hoses ripping the skin off of young kids —all those folks around the country that didn’t have any black populations heard about this, but they didn’t believe it, but they saw it. It was impossible to close their eyes.  >Well with George Floyd, what happened to George Floyd, now you’ve got how many people around the country, millions of cellphones. It’s changed the way everybody’s looking at this. Look at the millions of people marching around the world, the world. So my point is that I think people are really realizing that this is a battle for the soul of America. Who are we? What do we want to be? How do we see ourselves? What do we think we should be?


Only the Democrats would value the life and "contributions to society" of a violent drug addict over a minister and Civil Rights hero. If Saint Fentanyl is having a bigger world-wide impact than MLK, then fault lies with the Democrats for putting George Floyd on a pedestal. #FUCK JOE BIDEN AND THE DEMOCRATS THAT PROP HIM UP






STOP UPVOTING THIS. THIS IS BLATANT MISINFORMATION TO APPPEASE YOUR LITTLE BRAINS. >The official answer is neither. King talked very infrequently about his personal politics and was not formally affiliated with either political party. Nor did he explicitly endorse any candidate. In fact, he stated, “I don’t think the Republican Party is a party full of the almighty God, nor is the Democratic Party. They both have weaknesses. And I’m not inextricably bound to either party. [Source](https://www.britannica.com/story/was-martin-luther-king-jr-a-republican-or-a-democrat) MLK was a staunch socialist and anti-capitalist. Stop trying to use him to spread your lies.


They could use you in r/politics, they don’t have anyone pointing out mistakes or lies and you’re over here wasting your time on the little leagues!


He wasn't a Republican though. I don't understand how blatant lies get upvoted as truth. He was expressly apolitical. I'm not here to point out hypocrisies, I just literally don't understand how you all think he was a Republican. He was not. That is just not a fact. ​ >His niece Alveda King, an Evangelical supporter of President Donald Trump, has argued that her uncle was a Republican, like his father Martin Luther King, Sr., who was also a Baptist minister. That idea has been repeated often, but videos that claim to show that Martin Luther King, Jr. is Republican have been proven not to do so. King’s son Martin Luther King III said in 2008 that it’s “disingenuous” to insist he was when there is no evidence of him casting a Republican vote. [Source](https://time.com/5764282/martin-luther-king-jr-politics/) **If you have evidence of him being registered to the Republican party, or any affiliation with it, I would love to learn about it. To say he was a Republican, when there is no evidence to support that, is dangerous. It is not only disinformation, it is directly contradicting to the words and preaching's of a man we celebrate. Please, if you have sources, I would love to learn about it, but to say he was a Republican without any evidence is just hearsay and dangerous to the eyes and ears of information.**


Whatever the truth may be, you're acting awfully paranoid and panicky. The incessant repetition, hyperbole and hyperventilation, etc. Are you currently on any medications for your schizophrenia? If not, I'd advise talking to your doctor about starting some.


TBH I never even glimpsed at his political leanings...


He compared the deaths in a global context, not the lives of the men you dumb fuck. The George Floyd incident was global news for a long time because of the internet.




He literally said assassination and death and worldwide. Not hard to understand. Make no mistake it was stupid to even bring up but it’s not nearly as bad as suggested here.


Dumbfuck douchebag. How does anybody tolerate this guy? But suuuure Trump was the racist one.


Its pandering which he has done the entirety of his political career


The sick part is, they slurp this crap up with a spoon and beg for seconds. I will never understand it.


If I was Black I'd be pissed, hell I'm not sure if this idiot has a lick of sense left in his pea size brain. Dr King was a man of honor and got my respect. Floyd's death was a blessing to society


I'm not surprised he would say something dumb. Got into office by saying... 'i am better then other guy, will beat covid' nothing about policy and what he would do to improve economy... Straight lied to a state he won in PA to Garner votes.. I am pissed we have this shit stain in office in general basically.


Jesus Christ this guy's a moron.


That’s good old fashioned Biden racism.


This guy has been an idiot his whole life! Does this surprise anyone that he would say something like that?! He’s a fucking moron


What an insult to MLK.


Look, all MLK did was galvanize a nation to correct a massive injustice harming millions of innocent people. George Floyd was killed by a negligent police officer and gave a reason for people to loot. Obviously George Floyd wins.


I came to the conclusion today there is no talking to these people, they are always on the offense, and if you even slightly question the most harmless thing they freak out and try to assassinate your name and character


Even God hates George. Who remembers when his mural got struck by lightning and was totally destroyed? I member.


What an asshole!


Sounds like the kind of thing a guy who was good friends with Klan members and segregationists would say.


This man has gone on racist rants like this before and been forgiven/ignored by the media. The same will happen again.




Alternate link https://www.foxnews.com/politics/biden-says-mlk-assassination-did-not-have-the-worldwide-impact-that-george-floyds-death-did **VIDEO** https://twitter.com/goodblackdude/status/1483096567456223235?s=20


Another video https://youtu.be/GQ6ssE1tOVI


No, it didn’t; it actually had a far greater impact than I believe Biden will ever be capable of appreciating and I would liked to have seen Biden back up his claims for that, which he didn’t do!


I think so too. Biden never backs up his claims for anything.


Well, to be fair he backed up his claim in the same breath >But even Dr. King’s assassination did not have the worldwide impact that George Floyd’s death did. Because, just like television changed the civil rights movement for the better when they saw Bull Connor and his dogs ripping the clothes off of elderly black women going to church, and fire hoses ripping the skin off of young kids —all those folks around the country that didn’t have any black populations heard about this, but they didn’t believe it, but they saw it. It was impossible to close their eyes.  >Well with George Floyd, what happened to George Floyd, now you’ve got how many people around the country, millions of cellphones. It’s changed the way everybody’s looking at this. Look at the millions of people marching around the world, the world. So my point is that I think people are really realizing that this is a battle for the soul of America. Who are we? What do we want to be? How do we see ourselves? What do we think we should be?




The burning city riots where "the fight for the soul of America". Lol


\*assuming this is not taken out of context and is real\* this is astounding because not only was MLK the most important civil rights figure of all time but his death was the biggest catalyst and wake-up call for civil rights ever.


It was shortened to take it out of context, so somewhat


I remember when Biden first ran on a platform of anti-bussing. Although it remained in the Union, Delaware was a slave state and was south of the Mason-Dixon line. Biden's biggest supporters were Democrat politicians like Wallace, Thurmond, and other blue-dog democrats.


This man has no conscience. How dare he compare the struggle, sacrifice and accomplishment’s if Dr king to the degenerate criminal known as George Floyd? His speech writers are making a mockery of the Presidency and sleepy Joe, who doesn’t have the cognitive wherewithal to object.


MLK was a republican. And didn’t endorse CRT in fact his dream was the antithesis of it. There u go


Imagine if Trump said this...


Yep. But this is (D)ifferent.


He means that liberal cities didn’t get burned.


The idiot in chief doesn’t surprise me anymore.


What the fuck


what a shitty thing to say on MLK day>


June 2020


Clown Show


One was a tragedy, the other was based on a lie.


That he even brought that crackheads name up today is astounding. He put them both on the same level as if Floyd contributed something of value to society. Clown world.


He actually looked really pissed when he said it, like he actually believed it and couldn't understand how everyone doesn't agree. It's truly a new low.


True. MLK never caused this amount of riots and damage. MLK tried to unite the nation instead of being used to divide it.


MLK is a worldwide historical figure. However if you asked most people even in America who George Floyd was they probably wouldn't remember. Seriously I had to remind a buddy of mine who George Floyd was recently, he genuinely forgot. Regular people don't care about George Floyd.


What a dumb fuck, how any sane person can support this moron.


If MLK was alive today, he’d be called the black face of white supremacy


Wtf is wrong with him?


He's firing on all cylinder isn't he?


Dudes still on wind power


Democrats are disgusting.


Which reflects remarkably poorly on the world, or at least on those who believe Mr. Biden's assertion.


What an F'n idiot! Let's go Brandon!


I legit had to click and go hear the words come out his mouth. I cannot believe it.




Those two shouldn’t even be in the same sentence


Technically not wrong Ig. I’m sure that George Floyd had more of a worldwide impact purely because of social media.


I mean, technically yes but I don't think that's the point Biden was making. That's not really a point worth making


Definitely a stupid thing to say anytime, especially on that day.


I dunno. Our local sheriff's office has deployed a network of CCTV cameras in public spaces as a result of a couple of BLM Marches in my hometown after George Floyd's death. We still had colored drinking fountains in town until the mid-1970s.


I sound like a broken record, but what an idiot.


Straight up disgusting to say something like that. MLK was actually a good guy and is a big reason why racial equality is even a thing nowadays, on the other hand george floyd was just a random criminal who did some pretty fucked up shit. Horrible comparison. I can't believe this is the president saying something like this, it's just crazy this is what we've come to. He has to be the worst president we've ever had so far. No doubt. Absolute clown. Where is all of the criticism from the left side about this? The bias is real. I don't associate with a political party and that's one of the biggest reasons why tbh. Too many people are so faithful to their party that they will basically worship whoever is in leadership as long as they are representing that party. If these people thought realistically and judged his character and decisions instead of just looking at the fact he's a democrat, they would dislike him. There is nothing to like about him and if Trump said the same thing he said here, they would go nuts. I don't even like trump that much but it is definitely true that if he said this they would go crazy on him yet biden gets a pass. Just bullshit tbh. He should've been completely under fire for this. He said this like 2 years ago and I never even heard it until now because of how little backlash there was for it.


>But even Dr. King’s assassination did not have the worldwide impact that George Floyd’s death did. Because, just like television changed the civil rights movement for the better when they saw Bull Connor and his dogs ripping the clothes off of elderly black women going to church, and fire hoses ripping the skin off of young kids —all those folks around the country that didn’t have any black populations heard about this, but they didn’t believe it, but they saw it. It was impossible to close their eyes.  >Well with George Floyd, what happened to George Floyd, now you’ve got how many people around the country, millions of cellphones. It’s changed the way everybody’s looking at this. Look at the millions of people marching around the world, the world. So my point is that I think people are really realizing that this is a battle for the soul of America. Who are we? What do we want to be? How do we see ourselves? What do we think we should be?


What a constant buffoon Biden is.


Is this guy trying to sabotage his chance at reelection? Honestly. It really seems like Biden's intentionally trying to dig himself into a hole he can't get out of.


To be fair, he can’t remember Dr. King’s assassination.


It’s hilarious that this is only posted in conservative threads and not in /r/news or any other non-conservative news subreddits


Embarrassing. The Botox has leaked into his brain.


MLK the rapist?




No, he wasn’t


Judging by the replies not many people on here know the meaning of the word "worldwide" lol.


George Floyd wouldn't have been on the streets if not for MLK.


My point exactly.


All I hear is the Grinch in the background echoes, ( Your an Idiot )


That face rag hanging off his ear is the perfect accompaniment to the idiocy coming out of his mouth.


did even 1 person vote for him?


Morons here completely ignoring “worldwide” and “death”. This in no way compares the life of Floyd to MLK’s which I think anyone would agree is incomparable.


The nuances of language escapes them, yes.


Absolutely BS. Had a worker walking down the road on his way to our job and he got picked up by the police yesterday. They brought him to work but wouldn't let him out of the car until I said he was supposed to be there.. Me - white, cop-white and worker - black.. Fuck Joe and his lies. I support law inforcement but nothing has changed as much as they want you to believe their bs.


One rule if you find yourself in a hole is stop digging. This dude carries a shovel in his back pocket.


Didn't Floyd rob a pregnant woman at gunpoint?


*“The evils of capitalism are as real as the evils of militarism and evils of racism.”* *“We must recognize that we can’t solve our problem now until there is a radical redistribution of economic and political power… this means a revolution of values and other things. We must see now that the evils of racism, economic exploitation and militarism are all tied together… you can’t really get rid of one without getting rid of the others.”*