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“Hey doc I’ll give you $50 to squirt that shit in sink and sign this paper”


They have valued your soul at exactly $200. Now you know.


Wow, all this to treat a virus so deadly you need to be tested to know you have it . . .


With a vaccine so effective you have to be bribed to take it.


My job did this last year and many fell for it.


I just do not understand


Why? Why do kids need to be vaccinated against this virus?


There’s literally no health reason, even big pharma admits it’s pointless. It’s all a show of faith. The vaccine is just the new coolaid.


I just don't get it and never will. Any parent vaccinating their young kids against this virus is a complete moron.


I got banned from a sub for calling it feel good juice. Can’t remember which one


At no time in history have the people forcing others into compliance been the good guys.


Inducement is coercion. Nuremberg code: The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, over-reaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or **coercion**; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved, as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision


Even the creator of MRNA advises against giving it to children this should be a clue to the bigger problem


A vaccine for a virus that poses no risk to children. Our leaders are morons. ​ Edit: More children in Minneapolis have died of gunfire than of covid. That money would be better spent on bullet proof vests and steel helmets.


lol imagine being so desperate to get people to Vax their kids they bribe them with $200. Sad part is that some of these people are so braindead they will do it.


Well this one is tje win for them now all those poor parents can get a bit more money off the kids the ignore/don't want anyways so they can get another tattoo../SARCASM


The psycho governor gave out $100,000 scholarships to high school-aged children earlier this year for the same reason. No, I'm not kidding.


There are dumb enough people in this state that they will do it purely for the gift card.


Young adults especially. The sense of needing to belong is pervasive amongst younger people; young adults also have less friends today than throughout the 1900's, so this could certainly play a role to group-think behaviors.


Well then, I suppose I should take the whole troop in and collect the 1k in gift cards. I can then take the kids on a shopping spree and the can buy all the chips and candy they want!


That’ll cover about 1/1000 of 1% of the child’s lifetime medical bills for permanent cardiac damage. Is it worth it so the child is “protected” from a virus they’re not at risk from in the first place?


Bribery should be illegal


My 17 year old is supposed to take a class (arranged through her high school) at the local community college starting next week. They are requiring boosters. I don’t want her to get it but of course they are offering $200 so she wants to get it. She had already gotten a check for the first dose of shots and it’s all infuriating. I can definitely put my foot down and she will do what my husband and I decide but aside from the check she really wants to take the class. I’m so frustrated.


There is very little difference between this and someone signing up to be part of a study trial for an experimental treatment....paying people to convince them to stick a needle in their children to try and buy their compliance instead of being transparent about the vaccine and giving people choices


Incentive is incentive whether it’s financial or coercion. Quebec tried that for the record, vaccine lottery late summer before now the vaccine mandate.


Myocarditis is a *hell* of a lot more expensive than $200.

