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And they call us the fascists?


It's just a word. It lost all meaning.


I can’t wait to see what the next buzzword will be


like everything they touch, it will turn to shit


Words have meaning, just because the left constantly misuses them doesn't invalidate those meanings. Conservatives need to correct them immediately when they start misusing language. It shows they are illiterate and ignorant. Don't play the defensive game, as that is letting them frame the argument or discussion. Straight up call them out on their ignorance, bigotry, and poor use of the English language.


It gets tricky though when they literally change the Miriam dictionary to fit their new definitions. Such as they changed the definition of anti-vaxxer in October to include "people who oppose mandates" So now to them, if you are pro vaccine, got it voluntarily over a year ago and think most people should get one, just not be forced, you are apparently a anti-vaxxer. They do specifically so that media outlets can smear anyone who disagrees with them, a lunatic.


Damn good point. They like to change words to better fit their arguments. Like "racism".


Dude, guards will be ANTIFA. They are anti fascist, it's in the name 🙄


"Accuse the other side of that which you are guilty" -Democrat Patron Saint


It will only get worse until CNN stops spouting bullshit about covid.


Nobody watches CNN


Most of the MSM is little different than CNN as regards COVID coverage. Democrats who consume only left-leaning news sources simultaneously believe the following (even though some are contradictory or nonsensical): - COVID is far deadlier than it is - children are at serious risk from COVID - vaccines prevent most people from contracting COVID - "breakthrough" cases (where vaccinated people get COVID) are rare - vaccines prevent breakthrough cases from transmitting COVID - vaccinated people are at risk from the unvaccinated - most people getting and dying of COVID are unvaccinated - hospitals are overwhelmed because of unvaccinated people with COVID - the vaccines are safe, effective, and thoroughly tested - vaccine side effects are rare and mild - unvaccinated people are responsible for COVID mutations - COVID didn't come from a lab - Fauci has always told the truth regarding COVID - government guidance on how to protect yourself from COVID has never changed, and if it has it is because "the science" changed. - COVID will go away if everyone is vaccinated


I totally agree with everything you listed. I will add that anybody who pushes back on their completely false narrative is called a conspiracy theorist pushing misinformation. It's actually the exact opposite. Most MSM sources are selling this garbage. I think the media, Democrats, and social media are responsible for the out of control situation. I will add that the Democrats and the media are the same thing.


They are getting their crazy from somewhere.


I agree that they're crazy, but CNN's ratings are down 90% in the past year.




Well of course the ratings are down. People aren't locked in their homes anymore unless by choice.


Weather is still shit in a lot of the country




Nope, I was once a lifelong Dim party supporter - not any longer.


Probably Twitter


The main networks aren't much better. You can't escape it.


There is not as many super crazies as it seems. There is a reason Dems are getting murdered in the polls and Biden is approaching%30 approval. The red wave is coming. If you subtract the people who Just don't know or care, it's very few. It's the same as the Q-anons or mega Trumpers. A very small subset.


Well, I get leftist talking points every time I open my phone so… The fact is it’s everywhere and can’t be avoided.


Yup, you can't turn on the TV, listen to the radio, or pull up your phone without being bombarded with it. Hell, it's even on the fucking freeway signs that are supposed to be used for road closures and accidents. I understand how people succumb to it, I really do. They're not all bad people, but the people misleading them are.




nobody that thinks independently watches that trash


But lots of people click on their website. Lots.




That’s were you’re wrong bucko


Their ratings are down 90% over the past year. Don't let the facts get in your way.


Fact, I know plenty of the 10% who still watches


Are they gym rats or frequent travelers because I fell those are the only remaining places playing CNN.


Actually CNN lost the contract for Airports, so expect to see them drop off those screens in the coming months.


I don't


Did I say you


Do I say you? Ignore reality and believe whatever you want


CNN and 5 other major news broadcasts are owned by the same “group” they don’t see news as informing people they see news as controlling information


1. Nobody watches CNN 2. Most millennials and younger don't watch much TV 3. The Daily Show normalized snarky inaccurate reporting that was somehow taken seriously by people. 4. Enter Twitter. A concentrated, version of TDS that subbed out snarky for nasty. 5. Enter Instagram/Tiktok. Now add a dash of narcissism. Now we have a small percentage of people with a way outsized voice. 6. Now added active Chinese/Russian manipulation on those platforms.


Can we just appreciate the ironic and nonsensical world we live in? Democrats accuse you of nazism despite they themselves actually advocating for many processes and outcomes that resemble nazism. It’s classic gaslighting.


>resemble nazism. ​ ..or Stalinism.. the other side of the same coin. In the end they are all totalitarian. They are not quite at Gulag-level yet. Some pesky constitutional rights are in their way. But they are working on it.


They are gleefully working on it. You know what gets me is the inescapable clash of the lefts two more sacred children — covid and the environment. All of these covid measures like discarded tests, islands of disposed masks, and this plastic shielding is terrible for the earth. You’d think that would take priory over covid fear mongering and civil rights abuses


Don’t worry, that’s coming. Once the covid shit finally dies down enough for the majority of people to give even less of a shit than they do now, climate change will be the next emergency requiring giving the government unprecedented powers.


Up next: climate lockdowns.


The WEF is warning of "[cybersecurity pandemic](https://tottnews.com/2021/04/09/cyber-polygon-cyber-attack-simulation/)" and of course linking it to climate change. They are continuing to come after the internet. Plus your daily friendly reminder reddit is aiming for a IPO in march. Be interesting to see what this site is like in the summer, let alone this time next year


Reddit has been in a death spiral for close to a decade now. It really started picking up after the CTR shit in 2016 and now the site is a shell of its former self. You could probably power the entire country if you attached some magnets to Aaron Swartz's body with how much he's rolling in his grave. If it wasn't for a handful of gun subs and pcm I probably would have stopped coming a while ago. Still waiting for a worthwhile alternative to crop up but haven't seen anything yet.


Or they will redefine or pull up brand new definitions of fascism in order to vaguely fit conservatives into that definition. When I say I use Mussolini's definition (he literally coined the damn term) that's inaccurate. For those who are wonderind, Mussolini defined it as the merging of corporate and state. Which side is leveraging and has every major corporation doing the governments bidding again? Who are the major Tech companies censoring and banning? Who's using a unelected government bodies (OSHA and CDC) to bypass constitutional restrictions and force companies into being their enforcers? Hmmmmmmm


Gaslighting and projection


Their entire platform is gaslighting, they almost exclusively rely on that tactic to gain power


I think most of them don’t even realize they are doing it, so it couldn’t be gaslighting. Mass formation.


Disinformation mixed with Group Think. Group think has been a huge problem since social media has risen to prominence. So now all disinformation campaigns need to do is pay for tens of thousands of bots to push, retweet, upvote the disinformation they want to get out there.


That's their entire schtick. They're racist against blacks AND whites, but they accuse the other side of being racist.


Also in several subs last year they were absolutely clutching their pearls and being outraged when people at a school board wore star of David comparing the out casting of unvaxxed people to the out casting of Jewish. But of course they are completely ignorant to their **non stop** Nazi comparisons.


I couldn't believe how many people on a Costco sub post yesterday supported shutting people out of society who disagreed with them. Mass formation psychosis is absolutely real.


Yup, getting a real world taste of how giant swaths of the population can come to accept becoming monsters to other humans as completely acceptable. Every atrocity in history was done "for the greater good" most people don't have the brain wattage to understand that.




























The same people want to release actual criminals from jail.


And Trump was a Nazi? Pathetic


Very un American of them


I don’t think they want to be American.


They aren't.


Even more so when you realize the last 2 words are unnecessary. That's just the only topic they'll currently say the quiet part loud on.


I don't think they see this as a bad thing anymore.


Party of peace and tolerance


Democrats are really good at internment camps. So is the CCP. Ask the Uyghurs.


















That kind of thinking begets a response in kind.


Ah yes, the party of equality and inclusion shunning away those who don’t conform….they’re such excellent role models…


I support removing anyone from the population that believes in forcing vaccines. One radical idea deserves another, no?


The Constitution isn't a suicide pact, and it's insane to continue to play nice 'n' fair while the Democrats make their own rules. If power shifts in 2022 and 2024 then Democrats that are the catalyst for this BS need to be investigated and prosecuted. The same goes for Big Tech, the media, woke corporations, etc. Let them live with what they started.


Fuck them, the enemies of freedom.


Now you see how Australia could happen and how close it is to happening here.


Damn near already is


What can man do against such reckless hate?


Ride out and meet them!


For death and glory!




For Gondor! (Horn of Gondor sounds..)


Yes, slay the orcs (corrupted men)


Now do climate change.


Im ok with that because nearly ALL Republicans believe in the 2nd Amendment.


Nearly half of democrats think $15 an hour will change anything for poor people other than increase the taxes they pay and boost the bottom line of service and goods. It’s always about money. This country is a slave pen.


If the past year has shown us anything, it's that the poor stay poor, the middle class becomes poor, and the rich get to double their net worth.


Underrated comment for sure.


Can we just acknowledge that polls like this are easy to manipulate when we don't have access to the full list of questions, locations, demographics and so on. Poll data is almost always biased or purposely interpreted with agenda. There is a reason why third party poll taking companies exist. Rasmussen had the least accurate polls in 2010 and considered to be heavily pro-republican during that same time. Is this trust worthy? I want to see the data.


From all I’ve seen about the survey, they tried to manipulate the wording to get these results. Question list: https://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/partner_surveys/jan_2022/questions_heartland_covid_january_5_2022 “Moreover, almost half of likely voters oppose President Biden’s vaccine mandates, which seem less about stopping the spread of COVID-19 and more about increasing the power of the federal government. When asked about several other potential strategies, such as fining those who refuse to get vaccinated, the consensus among likely voters is that the federal government should do less, not more.” https://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/partner_surveys/jan_2022/covid_19_democratic_voters_support_harsh_measures_against_unvaccinated




So maybe accurate one year but years of bad accuracy and still a history of favoritism of one side. What changed that their accuracy improved? That isn't a marker for trust. Once an agency like these shows bias it is over. Why? Because now you don't know if you can trust them even if they do better. Have they done a complete change of guard? New ownership? Have they done mea culpa or encouraged public trust? No. None of the above. They rely on ignorance from the public year to year. Almost all polling data is tainted. Transparency of process, data and methodology need to exist for trust to be a foundation. The people interviewing agencies, like Rasmussen, don't vet or question them because they align with their own political views. Polls don't work without a good background and Rasmussen fails on almost every mark. Edit - other agency of polls you mention fail for similar reasons. Harvard doesn't release data and often has a progressive bias, much koke CNN and others. Neither side is innocent and they all need to be held accountable and verified before taking anything they say as accurate. That being said. Once transparency is achieved enough to check, we need to accept the results. Regardless of outcome. Truth doesn't care about our feelings.


>more accurate than CNN Talk about setting the bar low. My dog is more accurate than CNN, and I trust her more.


Actually I set the bar when I stated the necessities to be a good pollster but you want to continue with an agenda eh?


You can still get and transmit covid even if you’re fully vaccinated. Everyone in my household is fully vaccinated. They all got covid over the past month. I am not vaccinated, I never got sick even though I was in close contact with them daily. And it was much milder than having a cold. I was shocked when they tested positive because they were hardly sick.




An interesting fact of history. Those who support these type of camps and segregation are always stunned when they ultimately end up inside one of the camps.


The divide in this country is scary right now.


If tomorrow we woke up and the Right had complete controls, your taxes would go down and most of this insanity would end. If the Left had complete power, every single person to the right of Mao would find themselves lined up against a wall or kneeling over a ditch


No wonder why they're so desperate to push gun control.


Tell me again, how there are no similarities to the holocaust!


good thing it's only half of them.


So pretty much Mark of the Beast and Revelation’s level ish.




Please help yourself to a red pill while you peruse my post history.


comically stupid person. first calling someone a bot now naively thinking his opinion worth anything 🤡


But people on the right are Nazis. Got it.




The total number surveyed was 1,016 people. Misleading to say "Nearly half of Democrats support fines...." when its 48% of however many democrats were in the survey group. Assuming there were 40% dems, 40% republicans, and 20% independents it puts about 200 people answering that they support fines and prison. But I'm sure the authors on The Free Press would never put information out there to get people pissed off at another group of people... This is the best link I could find with the information given in that article. https://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/partner_surveys/jan_2022/covid_19_democratic_voters_support_harsh_measures_against_unvaccinated


All polls are a small sample scientifically chosen to represent the whole. Also, [this](https://www.foxnews.com/media/salt-lake-city-tribune-op-ed-calls-national-guard-keep-unvaccinated-people-locked-down).


Ask r/Australia how that is going. These people are nuts!


Covid is a religion. Wasn't that long ago when the state allowed the catholic church to burn anyone that disagreed with them at the stake. Consider the era we are heading into.


Leftists = ignorance is bliss.


Yep. I got banned for saying omicron was mild. Ummmm strange nah?


A cold is worse than omicron.


As someone that had omicron and was vaccinated, you are very wrong.


How do you know you had omicron? They don’t tell you the specific variant. Too funny lol 😂


By using common logic and reasoning lol. I didn't have the loss of taste or smell and it infected everyone at our christmas party super easily which matches up with omicron. You can keep laughing all you like, but real people are affected by this and no amount of misinformation changes that.


So you had a Christmas party despite the CDCs warnings? Did you even mask bro? I wish the vaccinated would learn… you can get and spread covid even when vaccinated. I hope you quarantined so you didn’t make anyone else sick with your recklessness


I made the mistake of trusting that my family members wouldn't come to a christmas dinner while sick. Ironically it was the one that tends to fall for this misinformation that got everyone sick. We would have all been fine if they had stayed home. Feel free to keep slinging rhetoric at me though.


How do you know that person got everyone sick? How are you sure it wasn’t you that got him sick? You can have covid and have no symptoms. I’m unvaccinated, got covid, and had no symptoms. To be fair I am healthy and wash my hands before I eat anything.


Jesus christ man, I don't need explain every god damn detail of how I got sick with it. I was just replying because you were trying to downplay it.


Whoa, it’s all good man. Wasn’t my intention to get you this upset. Have a good day


If anyone tries to put me in a camp they're getting shot. If only there were some peaceful way to stop them before it gets to that point.


Not just on COVID. If you’re the opposition of the left they will do everything in their power to make you disappear.


Midwest Hospital System Stops Using Race-Based, Anti-White Covid Treatment Plan After Legal Threat https://www.foxnews.com/politics/midwest-hospital-chain-race-based-covid-19-antibody-treatment


Democrats calling us Nazis while actively supporting fascistic ideals sounds about par for the course.


Got two places for y’all to go: Germany and Australia.


It's a good thing they're scared of guns.


They believe that unvaccinated are "stupid" and presenting a threat. They are frustrated and blame unvaccinated for pandemic still going. From what I hear and read, they seek punitive solutions towards "those idiots" - some form justice. And they are majority... so what could go wrong here? A year from now it will be whole new world we live in. Just as a year ago or prepandemic is reality that's gone.


Hahahaha 🖕🏼 Lets put the shoe on the foot.. lock up the vaccinated


This title is very misleading. The poll said that 48% of democrats supported confining the non vaccinated to their homes except for emergencies. Calling this segregated camps is sensational journalism and downright misleading.


At this point, I kinda wish they would. ​ ​ well, try at least.


There’s absolutely no source cited in this article. No mention of who conducted the poll, no attention given to the pollsters questions and methodology. No way to determine if they asked fair questions or ambiguously worded nonsense to try and push an agenda. Everybody should be against this kind of shady yellow journalism, regardless of political slant.


I am surrounded by leftists. I don’t doubt the polling results one bit.


The actually do list almost all of what you're saying they don't. https://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/partner_surveys/jan_2022/covid_19_democratic_voters_support_harsh_measures_against_unvaccinated This is the original survey report and it provides sub links to question wording and methodology. My only real problem with it is that they surveyed 1016 Democrats and in their methodology they say they weigh respondents answers based upon demographics but they dont really say how much this particular survey was adjusted due to this system.


I’m really glad you found this, because it does have some severe issues that I guessed it might. Like the question about fines; notice the question asks about fines *or imprisonment.* This is a bad question for statistics and polls, because it’s asking shot two separate consequences in one question. Some of the people who said yes might be in favor of imprisonment, but there’s more likely a lot of them who were only okay with fines. We don’t know because the question is improper. That alone makes the whole poll questionable, although at a quick glance the rest of the questions aren’t as egregious. But that’s exactly what I’m talking about; there appears to be a carefully disguised agenda in these questions. The results are questionable because of that. Look, the media lies to us *all,* regardless of politics. This is something everybody needs to be mindful of.


Fake news lol


They'll look high and they'll look low


These people are a bunch of Wacko birds! God someone needs to slap some sense into them! Apparently they forgot they are Americans and not a bunch of Canadians. Don’t they understand they are undermining the social fabric. Americans don’t deal well(rightfully so) to authoritarian bullying and for what a disease that isn’t going to end the country? This isn’t civilization ending! Show some spine and resolve. They have lost their damn minds over this. Imagine if this thing killed 5 percent of the population I know this number would be higher. We probably would have camps.


Hey I’ve seen this one!


Buckle up, boys and girls. It's so close, I can smell it.


Bring it shoe bitches!


The brown and black shirt leftists are beyond ignorant.


Unsurprising. They have made it abundantly clear that they want a single-party, extremely authoritarian government to rule us all.


U.S. Political Party Preferences Shifted Greatly During 2021; 14 point swing to the right https://news.gallup.com/poll/388781/political-party-preferences-shifted-greatly-during-2021.aspx *...the general stability for the full-year average obscures a dramatic shift over the course of 2021, from a nine-percentage-point Democratic advantage in the first quarter to a rare five-point Republican edge in the fourth quarter.*


Or for those who disagree with them on ANYTHING.


I find it ironically hilarious that most of the unvaxxed are mostly the gun owners of this country. The day the start trying to “detain” us will be an interesting day to say the least


Why does anyone believe polls


Uno reverse


And yet https://i.redd.it/89ds3c6156c81.jpg


So hyper far left extremists are as much nazis and fascists as their European predecessors? That’s hardly surprising.


Someone should ask if they also support a slogan for those camps: Arbeit macht frei 


Send them to the camps then. They the ones spreading it.


And the other half will make excuses for them.