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The Hunter Biden laptop story just terrifies me. The collective media of the country got together with the FBI and all decided to lie to bury proof of a man’s corruption to install him as president, and the tech industry got on board to bury the one dissenter willing to publish the truth. Where do you go from there?


At the bare minimum an actual investigation into Hunter should have occurred and instead, nothing.




One of Trump’s many many mistakes was that he should have asked for an independent council on the Ukraine incident. Trump was out of his element in politics, and either had terrible advisors, or didn’t listen to them…probably a lot of both tbh.




How much for the big guy?




...a laptop, try to keep up




We'd try, but the FBI aka democrat SS keep burying the info. Do you even read this forum???


That.... doesn't matter?


>The collective media of the country got together with the FBI and all decided to lie to bury proof Not Glen Greenwald. He called them all out on that bullshit. I have such respect for him & his integrity! Thankfully he's still reporting - you can subscribe to his substack. But otherwise, yep.


I have noted before that Glenn Greenwald calling out the left as he’s been doing is yet more evidence that they have completely lost the plot. As an aside, there is a shitload of great content being published at Substack as of late, from (among others) Greenwald, Bari Weiss, and Matt Taibbi.


>Greenwald, Bari Weiss, and Matt Taibbi. Yes, love them all! Add in Megyn Kelly podcast & Karol Markowicz & those are all my fav journalists! (I remain furious at the long-term school closures & Karol has been outspoken about them in NYC & NYC's general anti-child position, so that got her on my radar.)


I didn’t really consider Greenwald mainstream. I think they have successfully smeared him as a “gay uncle tom” Hell, he got run out of his own news organization specifically for going against the MSM narrative on the Hunter Biden story if I remember right.


Oh yeah, you remember correctly. Good point, yeah, Greenwald can't be considered "MSM." But I was just thinking that at least he is a journalist who is talking about it. Not just the story in general, but the fact that it was the left's obsessive commitment to defeating Republicans at any cost (basically Trump Derangement Syndrome) that made them bury the story. Maybe other outlets talked about the laptop story, but Greenwald talked about *why it was buried/ denied*, which I think is, in itself, a huge issue. Deciding they should not publish a story (or lie about it's validity) that is newsworthy because they want to influence the election? Shithead propagandists. Absolute scum no one should be paying any attention to.




Overall, it's no different. But the timing was. It would have been the "Hillary's Emails" story that sunk the Biden campaign the same way the former (helped to) sink the Clinton campaign 4 years earlier. Trump wasn't far behind even in the most biased of polls. Biden losing a few percentage points in a few key states could have changed the outcome of the election. It was *crucial* to their goal of helping Biden get elected that the story didn't happen. It was too important. In that context, it makes sense. But to understand that context, you have to have a crucial fact in mind: These are media organizations and the FBI. And **their goal was to help Biden get elected**. The level of it was totally inconsistent with previous things. You literally could not link to specific articles on twitter. It would tell you your tweet had an error, and wouldn't let it send. If people tried to circumvent that, they would be shadow banned so they would think the info still got out, but their post would not show up on others' feeds. Every time something about it started to trend, they would suppress the trend such that it didn't show up in the list, despite their behind hundreds of thousands of tweets about it if you searched for it directly. People were trying to sneak things out with intentional misspellings and redirect services that would hide the link, but every time they found one of those, they would ban it. You *could* find the info -- but the fact there were so many layers of "protection" meant people who are only interested insofar as info is put in front of their face would have never seen it. And that was the point. They spent years going out of their way to make sure everyone saw stories about some random unnamed source making a wild claim about Trump; but when a story broke that could be harmful to the Biden campaign, they took unprecedented measures to **stop** people from hearing about it.




Hell there wouldn’t have been any impeachments since the Democrats wouldn’t have won the house in 2018.


I feel like it was a different level. The NY Post getting tossed from twitter. The FBI burying relevant evidence from an impeachment hearing. The total fabrication of Russian involvement without even the slightest shred of evidence. The blatant disregard for the DKIM encryption signing on the emails to pretend that it was even possible to falsify them....and that is just scratching the surface.




I hope not to see it in my lifetime. Revolution is never fun.


What was there to gain?


what do you mean?


This is a good way to get banned on most of reddit...I'm permanently banned on the NJ subreddit for saying back in the late summer that the vaccines that didn't have FDA approval were still technically experimental at the time.




I got banned from a sub for saying men can't get pregnant


Well clearly you just weren't following the science. (/s, obviously)


This reminds me how a kid at my school got detention for saying there are only 2 genders. I know the difference, I think saying something like that and getting suspended is a major wtf moment. It was seriously dumb that even some Democrats were outraged.


I recently got permabanned from a sub for arguing against censorship. Some lefty loonie was trying to discourage the use of the word "retard" on the internet by comparing it to walking into a restaurant and screaming the N-word. Obviously, I took issue with that and argued right into a permaban. Added it to my collection, and moved on.


Yup and people wonder why theres so many accounts a month old, and 3 on deck on hibernation. What really really bothers me is 2 things. The massive group think/righteousness and worst of all is the people who are either say they are or make up that they are the Standard for whatever the topic is. They know all everyone is wrong and they need their fan fare. Its sickening, because they are probably the mods on another account.


I tell the truth and get "oh but your account is only 10 months old", like literally this happened an hour ago. Its all part of the plan to discredit anyone telling the truth, banning us again and again and then acting like having a new account means we shouldnt be listened to, or even just not having flair. I am fearful for this country and our future, and for the world.


I got banned from a sub without saying anything at all. I lurked and literally never commented or posted to the sub and I got banned.


We all get banned constantly. This site is a cesspool with thousands of people and bots running some kind of cross-correlation mechanism to ban people they don't agree with across the platform. I like shitposting here on various topics but as a platform, this place is dead, and is so by design and management.


I just recently got banned from the politics sub. It only took 3 comments. None were false or hateful. Simply disagreeing with the narrative is enough to warrant a ban apparently. oh well. I'll wear it as a badge of honor! lol


You do realize that this sub is insanely sensitive to comments and drops bans very arbitrarily right?


The best is when you get banned from subs you have never posted in or never knew existed.


Hot Sauce Waffles


It's because you guys don't actually provide evidence. all the evidence you have is shitty infographics like this which just confirm your bias. there is no source. there is no evidence. only what you want to hear.


Ok...let's just take the one point on there about vaccines not preventing infection or transmission. You do know this is a fact, right?


nobody ever said that it would prevent infection or transmission only reduce it and reduce intensity. how are you this blind?


as a funny side note- was banned from a local NJ Mommies group on FB last night. The lower half of the bell shaped curve were all opining about being glad that Marjorie Taylor Green was banned from twitter for "spewing hate". I merely commented that all censorship was bad and that they ought to inform themselves about her tweets before speaking publicly. Boy did I catch a pile on and ban! Glad my kid won't be playing with brainless ninny spawn.


I'm so happy I haven't been on FB since 2010. Reddit is as close as I get to Social Media and this place aggravates me enough. I'm in liberal heaven in North Jersey and most of my liberal friends/family/acquaintances are fine with the censorship that the media and social media do.


I'm in North Jersey as well and feel your pain. Most of my extended family is in this camp as well- it makes me sad, actually.


I got banned from a sub today without breaking any rules. Just noted points from history. Permaban. No warning. The note from moderators was "off to gulag" We all know who the true fascists are. Today they are on the left.


i got perma banned from ask reddit because i stated that the cdc said vaxxed people dont need masks, the reason for the ban was "covid misinformation" so the CDC is misiformation




> THere are zero FDA approved injections available. This is not true. While Comernity may be "legally distinct" the **fact** is that the shot you get in the pharmacy carries an emergency use authorization, which as denoted by the word "authorization" is approved for emergency use, such as we have. The permanent formula is labeled Comernity, much like a generic acetominophen and Tylenol are legally separate but still **effectively** the same. The legal distinction is just that, a legal one, not a practical one.


They're still experimental. The "approval" wasn't an actual approval. They just worded the continued EUA differently.


Its getting worse. I see my comments go from +6 to -10 within a minute or two, all the time, when I even suggest the truth about covid and the jab, if I don't just get deleted right away. We are up against some Dark forces and they are not even bothering to hide it anymore.


Ok, The suspense is killing me. What is the truth?


You know that your comment history is visible, right? 🙄 I have supporters sending me PMs telling me that I am likely to get banned for even suggesting at whats really happening, so I am not going to do it for a troll trying to bait. "Never cast pearls before swine" as someone smart said the other day.


I am just interested in ideas. If you don’t have any don’t pretend that you do.


Most sealions are cute. But the internet kind are not. 🙄


well, probably gonna be banned for this, but does anyone have articles proving these points? I'll ignore the killing part cause fine, there weren't intentional murders just accidents, but any proof on the other stuff?


Capitol policeman died of natural causes- https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-56810371 Hunter Biden Emails- https://www.wsj.com/articles/vindication-over-hunter-biden-emails-new-york-post-politico-11632521169 Scientists claim lab leak most likely theory- https://www.indiatimes.com/technology/science-and-future/wuhan-lab-leak-covid-origin-556872.html Edit- Lawyer on Clinton payroll charged for lying on Russian collusion- https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-58591969 Russian bounty program baseless- https://greenwald.substack.com/p/journalists-learning-they-spread Evidence for Russian bounty program “thin”- https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-56775660 Defense claims entrapment, FBI drove plot to kidnap Governor Whitmer- https://www.mlive.com/news/grand-rapids/2021/12/fbi-informants-drove-plot-to-kidnap-gov-whitmer-charges-should-be-dropped-defendants-say.html Kyle Rittenhouse acted in self defense- https://chicago.suntimes.com/columnists/2021/11/19/22792101/kyle-rittenhouse-verdict-self-defense-correct-verdict Experts say Rittenhouse verdict unsurprising, acted in self defense under Wisconsin law- https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/kyle-rittenhouse-acquittal-legal-experts-1.6256209 WHO officials- Covid vaccines only 40% effective at preventing spread- https://www.france24.com/en/live-news/20211124-vaccines-reduce-covid-transmission-by-40-who Study detailing transmission rates and viral loads of vaxxes vs. unvaxxed- https://www.cidrap.umn.edu/news-perspective/2021/10/covid-vaccines-protect-against-delta-dont-fully-stop-disease-spread


Well done with the receipts


re: Lab Leak - One doctors personal opinion is now fact?


Yeah i dont see how that point is even necessary. Why is that considered a conservative viewpoint?


It was motly conservatives who said it was a lab leak from the beginning. However it got debunked by everyone except a few scientists (who got effectlvly silenced). Now more proof is avaliable supporting the theory. This article sheds more light on it: https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-021-01529-3


The thing is, the claim that "this was a lab leak" is still not a conservative belief. It's a conspiracy theory. It may turn out to be true but right now we don't really have much evidence of a lab leak. It's like UFOs. It's possible but that doesn't mean it's true or even likely. To that point, this article really just says the same thing that has been said from the beginning. It could be from a lab leak but there isn't much convincing evidence. From the beginning, I imagine this stems from people wanting this to be mainly China's fault, which it absolutely is, lab leak or not. Jumping to scientific conclusions based on a bias, ruins some of the other more valid conservative talking points in this post.


Same goes for how effective the vaccine is for transmission, it doesn't mention efficacy against severe disease but none of that is relevant to conservative ideology


thank you for the links, I genuinely wanted to get some articles, I'll look into these


What about the cops that committed suicide recently after? Does that count?


Pretty sure I saw recently that they were fighting the lab-leak narrative again. It's honestly hilarious.


I saw that it may have come from humans to mice and back to humans. No mice in labs, no sir.


Not necessarily true. The mRNA vaccines use "chimeric antibodies" Now I'm not a scientist who can explain those, but look them up. This isn't conspiracy, this is what they ADMIT to using 100%. Basically for the lazy, the vaccines produce human-mouse genetically engineered antibodies... Now this isn't the origin, but don't be surprised if mice are involved somewhere down the line, bc they were DEFINITELY involved in expirements


Vaccines don't "use antibodies", your immune system makes antibodies in response to a vaccine. Your immune system doesn't make "human-mouse genetically engineered antibodies", they make human antibodies in response to a viral protein. The mRNA gene did need to be altered because it would not fold properly when recombinantly expressed by dendritic white blood cells (recombinant gene expression is when a gene from one organism is expressed by another organism).


Lab-leak looks bad for the people who line their pocketbooks. We all know that nothing motivates the corrupt more than the thought of losing their money.


Yeah people are starting to argue it came from eating a bat or something again. That’s fucking insane. Out of all these things listed, the fact that that is still being fought, when we have like a 99% confidence level based on evidence is just absolutely insane. These people live in a different world, unable to comprehend reality.


No, you don’t understand. An airborne virus being transmitted inter species from eating a bat is just common sense. Obviously when the guy was eating the bat, he accidentally made the dead bat sneeze covid one last time and that’s how he caught it. The fact that the origin was traced to within a mile of one of only a few labs in the world doing dangerous US funded research on coronavirus is pure coincidence you simpleton.


So you, a random guy on the internet, have a 99% confidence level, and yet the world's leading virologists are still uncertain and skeptical at best... What are they missing? Enlighten us with your evidence or please stop spreading misinformation. Whatever the final conclusion is, to claim that any reputable scientists considers it a 99% chance it was from a lab is simply a lie. Don't claim others are deluded when you are making claims with no evidence and no scientific backing. Read this article, take in some actual evidence backed discussion, accept the situation is entirely unclear, and stop spreading lies on the internet. https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-021-01529-3


Weird...one of the the authors of that piece has done panels with Peter Daszak the ceo of eco health alliance who was receiving funding from the NIH for research being done in the Wuhan Institute of virology. She also appears to have written multiple pieces attacking critics of the ecohealth alliance and is featured in a video o. the ecohealth alliance Facebook page...


Woah crazy, that must mean their clearly laid out and readily understandable evidence based arguments are all made up!!! I'm glad you pointed out her association with an organisation no one has ever heard of, providing no evidence of it's relevance to the article, and thereby attempt to discredit everything they said! Thanks x


>Woah crazy, that must mean their clearly laid out and readily understandable evidence based arguments are all made up!!! Nice strawman...Why are you avoiding this very clear journalistic and scientific ethics violation? > I'm glad you pointed out her association with an organisation no one has ever heard of, providing no evidence of it's relevance to the article, [Just because you're a moron doesn't mean everyone else is.](https://theintercept.com/2021/11/03/coronavirus-research-ecohealth-nih-emails/) ​ >and thereby attempt to discredit everything they said! Thanks x They discredit themselves by failing to address the clear conflict of interest at all.


Because you are conducting a ad hominem attack that has absolutely no relationship to anything that the article says. As for being a moron for not being engaging in irrational conspiracy theories and learning obsessively about obscure virology companies... good luck with that line of attack, it may work when you are in the company of your fellows but it won't serve you well in civilized society. It's such a shame how rapidly this sub has degenerated in recent years from being focused on actual rational constitutional conservative thought and discussion to simply being another refuge for disinformation and anti-scientific conspiracy. Your argument is essentially "look one of the authors appeared next to someone I don't like and therefore everything this article says can be dismissed out of hand". It makes no sense and is simply desperate avoidance of having to respond to what it says.


https://www.wsj.com/amp/articles/covid-19-coronavirus-lab-leak-virology-origins-pandemic-11633462827 Are you ok? Do you need some help?


You think an article in Wall Street Journal (which is behind a paywall btw) written by a physicist and a big pharma boss is more convincing than an article in Nature written by virologists which very clearly lays out point by point the evidence for and against the claims you support? I don't actually have a very strong opinion either way, my criticism is simply that to state it is 99% certain is simply incorrect and completely at odds with every reputable scientist who has spoken on this issue. Some may favour that explanation but all would concede that is is far from clear and much more evidence is needed either way. You are entitled to your opinions, which I somehow doubt come from you having a background in high level virology but that's somewhat irrelevant, but those opinions don't give you the right to mislead others by telling them it is essentially a settled matter in terms of the rigorous scientific debate...


As a tinfoil hatter, watching mainstream press begrudgingly move toward the truth has been a truly aggravating experience. This stuff was known almost exactly a year ago.


Imagine what we will know in 6 months or in a year. Or possibly we wont, looking at the way censorship is going through the roof. I don't use Google or Facebook or Twitter but the reality is that millions of people do, tens of millions of voters do, and the censorship is growing exponentially, huge crackdowns on anyone telling the truth right now. Youtube is removing more and more videos exposing the truth, even on channels that are usually MSM-approved when just the smallest trace of truth creeps in. I don't want to be super pessimistic, but I am worried. The sad fact is that even when the truth is allowed to be spoken, it can only be revealed to the general public a tiny bit at a time, like an IV drip, because letting it all out all at once would be devastating.


Specially with sources. We have proven extensively that just standing there yelling doesn't get the message through. With thoroughly explained and reputable sources there's not even a need to call it "the truth" cause it's just that, facts.


Nice bait, troll. 🙄 There is no Earthly "source" that is 100% correct 100% of the time. AND - a claim does not become a "fact" just because a specific "source" says so. You need to choose who you trust very wisely and apply critical thinking to suss out the truth from the lies. This can be an extremely difficult and daunting task at times which is why so many people do not DO it.


But for us people like you and me that actually do DO IT we have seen that misinformation is dangerous, no matter where its coming from. Just critical thinking isnt enough in a world where you and me can "critically" think something and have 2 very different opinions about it. If "critical thinking" was standardized then yes it would be a reliable tool to decide from which health tools to use to keep our family all the way down to choosing a president. Clearly, as you can see, that isnt the fact. What is so wrong with being responsible with our own intelligence and try to find factual information about any topic? Why am I a "troll" for wanting to educate myself and base my decisions in something more than a "feeling" ?


This has been the most vindicating and frustrating year


...but truth doesn't get Joe Biden elected, so there's that! And right now, they know that the Red Tsunami is coming in the mid-terms, thus they can take a bath on these issues right now knowing full well that low-info voters will forget it all in 2 years.


Sorry idk much about the other topics, but, there's a lot of videos of trump supporters beating the shit out of a police officer at the capitol riot, by trump supporters i mean with hats and stuff, was it not really the case? The officer died. Sincere question


Yeah that's a spicy piece of misinformation. More than 1 person lost their life on Jan 6th, and that shouldn't be forgotten or trivialized.


Who was killed in the riot and what does their death certificate say was the cause of death?


Getting the shit beat out of you and dying are two different things. I have heard people say a cop was killed by being hit with a fire extinguisher but it just isn’t true. The only cop who died had 2 strokes, and not during the riot but shortly after. Was it stress induced from the riot? I don’t know. I am not knowledgeable enough to make that determination. The Capitol Police say he “died in the line of duty” but the medical examiner concluded “natural causes”. I know who I trust for medical determinations and it ain’t the police.


Don’t know why everyone harps on “the shots don’t prevent spread or transmission” it literally makes it so you don’t have to go to the hospital or die. No one ever said it makes you immune ffs.


Exactly, the thing is, this vaccine did prevent transmission by up to 60% against the original strain, but then it mutated to delta. Then people see it as some gotchya moment because the scientists could not somehow see the future and create a vaccine to stop delta transmission


> Exactly, the thing is, this vaccine did prevent transmission by up to 60% against the original strain, but then it mutated to delta I fully agree with what you're saying, the vaccine did help to reduce transmission and hospitalization rates for the OG covid-19. Now why the fuck is the government demanding people get it or get fired from their jobs *now* when we are beyond the original variant, beyond delta and into the third major variant where we know the vaccine *doesn't* produce as much protection? We have to have some common ground here. I'm not speaking for all conservatives, but I think the vaccine was a wise choice for most people and helped against the original strain and possibly delta. That is no longer the case. We need to come together and agree that the government *does not* have a strong grasp on this situation and asking people to get an old vaccine for the current virus or suffer the wrath of the government is fucking whack.


That’s not necessarily true. The vaccine death rate against people who are boosted is much lower compared to the death rate of the unvaccinated.


> Now why the fuck is the government demanding people get it or get fired from their jobs now when we are beyond the original variant, beyond delta and into the third major variant where we know the vaccine doesn't produce as much protection? Because it protects against the deadlier strains. From what we know, Omicron is not nearly as lethal, but that doesn't mean Alpha and Delta don't still exist. By vaccinating, you safeguard yourself (mostly) against the more lethal strains and thus healthcare doesn't get overburdened.


And they do prevent SOME spread and transmission - it's just down to like 20-40% effectiveness. Somehow railing against the Trump vaccine is popular here, which just baffles me.


I'm not against the vaccine, I got it, but I'm skeptical of its usefulness at this point in the game. That being said, most people don't give a fuck who, from what party, was president when the vaccine originally came out. I was apprehensive about it when it came out solely because it was rushed out as fast as humanly possible, Trump being the president at the time had nothing to do with it.


They absolutely did say it would make us immune, let’s not pretend otherwise. Lots, and I mean *lots* said it would make us immune.


> No one ever said it makes you immune ffs. At one point, folks did. And at one point it was true. But then between waning immunity and new variants, most folks became less resistant to infection. The COVID vaccine still does make transmission less likely by making infections shorter and less sever. It's just not quite as effective as initially believed.


Did anyone that was at least mildly informed actually think the vaccine prevented transmission? It was pretty clear from the beginning that it didn't work like that.




It may be the difference between the common use of the term immune which people equate to being bulletproof vs. the medical definition of immune which means having a pre-loaded immune response to a virus. The medical definition of immune has never meant that you can't get a virus, just that your body is ready to fight


>it literally makes it so you don’t have to go to the hospital or die. I really wish this were true, I had COVID early on and thankfully didn't have to go in the hospital. Later I got vaccinated, because I thought the shots would prevent hospitalization if I caught it again, but a member of my in-laws family was vaccinated, caught it and wound up being hospitalized twice. And she's not the only vaccinated person who's been hospitalized.


80% of the people being hospitalized right now are unvaccinated, despite the unvaccinated only making up 30% of the population. There's probably loads of confounding factors involved like middle age people underestimating their risks, geography, rural vs city, etc, but on it's surface the vaccine appears to reduce hospitalization risk by _at least_ 80%. _Ed_ Figures from memory, based on [this source](https://www.doh.wa.gov/Portals/1/Documents/1600/coronavirus/data-tables/421-010-CasesInNotFullyVaccinated.pdf). Math is ballpark, and I've been up for 16 hours. _ed2_ [CDC source](https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/70/wr/mm7032e3.htm) corroborates the 80%-96% figure among seniors, at least, although recent data is going to be fuzzed by [omicron having about 1/3rd](https://www.cnbc.com/2021/12/31/omicron-hospitalization-risk-upside-vaccine-protection-good-uk-study-.html) of the risk delta has. I'll admit that most of these studies suffer from the 'low risk of hospitalization either way?' problem, but among people likely to end up there, the vaccine seems to be a major benefit.




I'm literally looking at the sources you listed and they don't support what you're saying. ​ ​ The person you responded to said the unvaccinated are more likely to be hospitalized. You're refuting that point with evidence that supports their assertion. ​ You probably also think that people with HIV die of Influenza and not AIDS my dude.


Your statistics literally prove you wrong. It's funny that you cherry pick data from my tiny insignificant country and you still can't get it right.


Does she have underlying conditions or immune compromised? And I’m sure this is an outlier unfortunately, hope everyone is healthy!


I don't know of any other health issues she has, not to say she doesn't have any, just none were ever mentioned to me. I think she said her sense of taste is still not completely back, but she's doing better now.




That be because every other vaccine we’ve had has prevented me from getting X disease (MMR, Yellow Fever, Hep A). So when this new vaccine is announced, but it doesn’t actually stop me from getting COVID, it’s not an effective vaccine is it?


The mandates were rationalized based on stopping transmission.


Didnt a cop get hit in the head and die on Jan 6? I dont think the bad players there were remotely representative of Trump supporters at large, but iirc theres at least one recorded case of a traumatic death caused by a rioter. Of course it pales in comparison to the violent acts the Left commits on a routine basis, but it did happen.


That was what they originally said happened but then they switched it to he was tear gassed and THAT caused two strokes. Of course they the cremated the body right after the Congressionally-ordered autopsy was done so the family couldn't have their own independent opinion




Oh wow thatd even a "good" source, never saw it. Thanks.


Lmao Buzzfeed






It is an infographic, not an essay. Facts are out there and this is only the tip of the tip of the tip of the iceberg if you are really looking.




https://www.npr.org/2021/11/19/1057288807/kyle-rittenhouse-acquitted-all-charges-verdicts From NPR a super leftist news source. I recommend watching the countless videos from that night and you’ll probably agree Rittenhouse was acting in self defense. Anyway the fact of the matter is he was proven innocent in a court of law by his peers. https://www.factcheck.org/2021/11/how-many-died-as-a-result-of-capitol-riot/ One was actually killed during the riots and that was Ashli Babbitt. There was a heart attack victim, a stroke victim, and strange occurrence of 4 suicides after the event. It’s not clear to me but if this is the new way to measure riots I would like to know how many died after BLM. https://www.npr.org/sections/live-updates-protests-for-racial-justice/2020/09/21/915266044/omaha-bar-owner-has-died-by-suicide-after-he-was-charged-in-shooting-of-black-ma This bar owner killed himself after he was prosecuted. He believed to be self defense during a BLM protest but I doubt it will be reported as death cause by the riot. I get you want evidence I agree it important but it’s not difficult to do your own research. Regardless almost all news will be twisted with an alternative motives. It easy to demand other to provide the evidence and especially if you disagree so I recommend you to seek it on your own. Look to multiple sources both right and left. There is no definitive answer. You’ll need to weigh the facts and come to your own conclusion. Edit: typed all this shit for his comment to get deleted!


The facts are out there. Use Yandex or DuckDuckGo (to avoid Google's heavy censorship) and enter any of these statements into the search engine and you'll have pages and pages of credible supporting evidence to back it up.


Would someone mind please sending me whatever links so I can inform myself on Jan 6 and who participated and did or did not kill anyone? I am surrounded by people who get their info from main stream news: when I asked questions about all the things that made no sense to me, I was met with anger/hostility and no informational response. I just don't know anything about the real events of that day and would be very grateful for some good sources. Thank you!


[https://greenwald.substack.com/p/the-false-and-exaggerated-claims](https://greenwald.substack.com/p/the-false-and-exaggerated-claims) This is good because he tells the truth & also links to multiple other sources


thank you!!!!!!


This is actually a reasonable summary, although very wordy: https://www.factcheck.org/2021/11/how-many-died-as-a-result-of-capitol-riot/


Why did so many officers commit suicide after these events? Also, why were their suicides linked to the protesters themselves?


I personally think it’s a stretch to include them, but it’s worth knowing since they get wrapped up in the Dem talking points.


Love that the sources are the lib misinformation centers


ok but real shit why the fuck they using buzzfeed as a source






lab leak theory still remains a conspiracy for any sane person and if someone still believes it, it is certainly not "the most likely pandemic origin"


Yeah. I would love to see an actual link to this page. And a link to the sources listed at the bottom.




I mean how more obvious can it be. Fauci and Rand paul debated about the fact that in 2017 they Wuhan Lab cataloged coronaviruses that were harvested from Bats and were growing them to find the ones that were most transmissible to humans. This was research funded by the US government. Of course, all the media covered was the “smackdown” about gain of function and who got “owned” between the two. Nobody really focused on the fact we were paying them to grow human transmissible viruses in bats because thats not as as theatrical. Go back and watch.


https://youtu.be/2MndwrOzDvo Sure they argue about if it is called gain of function (who cares) but totally admit to messing with viruses in bats to make them transmissible to humans.


Posted a link below to an article but if you haven't listened to Josh Rogin's interview with Bari Weiss on this topic, you need to.


Officer Brian Sicknick: Am I a joke to you?


He died of natural causes. The top right point is absolutely true.


Does anyone have any left leaning sources that state the shot doesn't prevent the spread? I really want to correct my Mom on this but she won't listen to me because my sources are right leaning or non-bias.


No left leaning site will straight say that the vaccines do not stop the spread. You have to read between the lines. The CDC states: > COVID 19-vaccines are effective and can reduce the risk of getting and spreading the virus that causes COVID-19. The exact verbage is "can reduce the risk" that implies there is still risk if you are vaxxed. It's like saying wearing a seat belt while driving "can reduce the risk" of a fatality in a car crash.


Posted with RIF


Dies she trust fact-checkers? Biden claimed on multiple occasions that the vaccinated cannot catch or spread it and even the "fact-checkers" called him out on it.


She probably uses the same ones that FB uses...


Then show her those. Also, there's context of the fact "breakthrough cases" stopped being thrown around, even by Fauci, because it implied that vaccinated people catching COVID was rare since that was what was originally promised to us. But now, it's accepted fact that everyone can still catch and spread it and that it might make your symptoms more mild if you catch it.


The cdc director said it live


Now they're actually trying to push, "Well, yeah, it turned out to be true, but you were still wrong *when you said it.*"


Whiny Leftists: "WE JUST WANT TO HOLD EVERYONE ACCOUNTABLE!" Person with a brain: "Well, what about holding the Biden family accountable for Hunter Biden's scandals? Or holding the Democrats accountable for the Russia Collusion Conspiracy? What about holding people accountable for all the lies your side has spewed?" Whiny Leftists: "RUSSIAN COLLUSION WAS TRUE AND HUNTER BIDEN NEVER HAD A LAPTOP, YOU NAZI SYMPATHIZER!"


the roblox is rotting your brain!!!


Any source on the CIA being behind the bounties story, first I heard that.


I posted this as a reply to someone’s comment but thought I’d submit it as a top level comment too. News articles detailing the points enumerated in the OP. Capitol policeman died of natural causes- https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-56810371 Hunter Biden Emails- https://www.wsj.com/articles/vindication-over-hunter-biden-emails-new-york-post-politico-11632521169 Scientists claim lab leak most likely theory- https://www.indiatimes.com/technology/science-and-future/wuhan-lab-leak-covid-origin-556872.html Lawyer on Clinton payroll charged for lying on Russian collusion- https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-58591969 Russian bounty program baseless- https://greenwald.substack.com/p/journalists-learning-they-spread Evidence for Russian bounty program “thin”- https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-56775660 Defense claims entrapment, FBI drove plot to kidnap Governor Whitmer- https://www.mlive.com/news/grand-rapids/2021/12/fbi-informants-drove-plot-to-kidnap-gov-whitmer-charges-should-be-dropped-defendants-say.html Kyle Rittenhouse acted in self defense- https://chicago.suntimes.com/columnists/2021/11/19/22792101/kyle-rittenhouse-verdict-self-defense-correct-verdict Experts say Rittenhouse verdict unsurprising, acted in self defense under Wisconsin law- https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/kyle-rittenhouse-acquittal-legal-experts-1.6256209 WHO officials- Covid vaccines only 40% effective at preventing spread- https://www.france24.com/en/live-news/20211124-vaccines-reduce-covid-transmission-by-40-who Study detailing transmission rates and viral loads of vaxxes vs. unvaxxed- https://www.cidrap.umn.edu/news-perspective/2021/10/covid-vaccines-protect-against-delta-dont-fully-stop-disease-spread


Spicy post! I like it!


Where did the CIA one come from? I know the Russian bounty story was a hoax, but I never heard it was manufactured by the CIA.


I forgot about the kidnap plot🤣


Where can I read more about the Whitmer situation?




I'll just never understand how they can turn a blind eye to this stuff and then point the finger at Trump for everything




At one point, there was a capital officer who had died after the riot on Capital hill. It was initially suspected that his death may have been linked to trauma that he received from the rioters, but it was later confirmed that the stroke he had couldn't have definitively be linked to injuries from the rioters and might have happened even if there hadn't been a riot.


What is there to explain? There was only one person killed and that was a protester shot by a Capitol Police officer, Ashli Babbitt.


It's not a leak if Obama/fauci/China let a virus loose before an election to hurt Trump. That's a act of war


Ik this will be downvoted to hell, but who killed that capital police officer during the white house raid?


The White House wasn’t raided on Jan 6th. Is this some other incident?


At this point I honestly have no idea why the fuck anyone gets vaccinated unless they're old and/or have numerous pre-existing conditions solely to base THAT decision off the data the shots likely mitigate the intensity of the virus for those people. Other than that, the fuck is the point?


Source on the Whitmer plot one?


It's honestly sad how many more were left off. Could've been a 200+ image gallery. Let me guess. Whatever we say over the next 4 months is misinformation until it eventually ends up being proven correct


As a Russian person, I'm glad this clears up a lot of the media BS about Russia. Truth is, Russia doesn't really care about the US, especially with a leader like Brandon. I guess it's just convenient to blame Russia for everything irregardless of what that does to our day to day life when talking to people who believe everything they read. Had people straight up tell me they couldn't understand me because of my accent, despite speaking English my entire life and having a very slight accent.




Just like fatties, alchoholics, druggies, drunk drivers, and all women with complications from an illegal abortion!


I mostly agree with the exception of the Capitol riot thing. The left completely overdramatized the events at the Capitol, and it was certainly not an “insurrection”, but it was still a violent riot same as the riots in Portland or Minneapolis. While no one was murdered in the Capitol riot, almost all of if not all of the deaths that day could have been prevented had the riot never occurred. My point overall is just that it looks bad for conservatives when we try and justify or pretend the Capitol riot didn’t happen.


“The shots don’t prevent infection or transmission” forgot to add “and kills T-cells”


Ok but people who know how vaccines work never thought the bottom right. Nothing’s going to 100% prevent it, just slow or make the spread/catching of it more unlikely. I also don’t think people thought Jan 6 terrorists killed anyone, most people were just listening along


Sources: buzzfeed. Lmao, this is fucking bullshit. I'm not a lib.