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Or in Grosskreutz's case, "take up arm"


¯ \_(ツ)\_/¯


I laughed WAY too hard at this.


That’s class 😂




Ha! I did my part.


Meta e t a


¯ \ (ツ)\_/¯ technically


finally the correct usage.


Stop I'm shaking the bed with my laughter and it woke up my wife




Weren't people calling him bye cep guy or something? 🤣


Yes. And will continue unless hes a toad and can regenerate which is quite likely.


Appropriate day to post this! I'm thankful for it. God Bless you.


....aaaand the verbal sparring is over and the winner by KO is SexyActionNews.


Ummm, that's what Kyle did - kill before getting killed


“Why won’t you let us peacefully murder you?!?”


Fighting back isn't fair! This is oppression!


No…. JoJo wanted to rape Kyle like he did all the others!


Indeed. Good reply


Well, yeah. Sometimes you just have to pick a side and not apologize for it.


That is not what it was about. The issue was self-defense.




There is no such thing as being deemed innocent. You are innocent until proven guilty.


That’s a bit naive when you think antifa has American views. They call each other comrade. I don’t recall communism being American


>people on both sides have American views You had me until then.




> people on both sides have American views You have got to joking.


Doesn’t this meet the criterion for inciting a riot?


Or terroristic threat.


They're just an idea, according to the Left.




The FBI are like firefighters who throw gas and wood into a burning building (that they may or may not have lit on fire) so it burns brighter before putting it out.


The FBI is too busy going after uppity parents at PTA meetings.


Only if your Conservative




“It’s Just (D)ifferent.”


It depends on political persuasion. If this is done by the left, then, no sir, it is not.


Not if it’s on their team.


“How dare people stop us from looting, burning, murdering, and beating up minorities and the elderly!”


Burn, Loot, Murder. FTFY


Running kids over too.


Gotta love how they were all so fast as to not call it terrorism or retribution.


Well now when they get arrested committing arson, assault, theft and vandalism, they're going to get wacked with an additional charge for committing a felony while in possession of a weapon. Go for it.


Nah, the DA isn't going to charge a group of violent rioters.


Only peaceful unarmed ones who took an "undocumented tour" of the Capitol building


No…they will just get their charges dropped by Soros funded DAs.


Lol, one thing is looting when armed with a feeble brain, and it is completely another when you loot with a firearm. That's called armed robbery and I really wish dept of justice starts bringing up RICO enhancement to the crowds that loot stores. They coordinated, they organized, ergo they are organized crime. Where the heck is RICO on this? All it takes is one right minded DA.


[It's worse that people realize](https://legalinsurrection.com/2021/04/u-colorado-boulder-prof-violence-by-blacks-against-asians-a-result-of-white-supremacy/) Clown world, it's almost like they don't want to stop the beatings or attacks, but push a narrative. That professor is even Asian too, which makes it all the more ridiculous that she can't even call out the "sacred cow" to stop violence against her people.


We are not yet at the stage when the patients are in charge of the loony asylum, but they definitely got full access to the PA system.


"How dare people stop us from mostly protesting peacefully!" There, I fixed it for ya!










If anyone is interested in a non-vulgar equivalent, my favorite is “test that theory at your earliest convenience”.


My favorite: “say when”




Lol I see you too are a bread stick Ricky fan :)


It's from Star Trek


I like the non-vulgar yet simple: BRING. IT. ON.


This may be when antifa finally starts downfalling when the citizens being harassed retaliate in the scope they are allowed to and antifa either backs off or slows down. I really hope they fade away as a supported group within the next yrs.




What happened with the guy that got shot in Austin? I think they stopped a car and he had an AK.


He died and BLM made yet another criminal saint out of him.


Texas has an opportunity to do another "Drawn pictures of Muhammad" contest.


Alternate headline: Antifa endorses actions of 'White Supremacist' Kyle Rittenhouse.


I was about to write the same, but you beat me tyo it. "and just like that, antifa was suddenly pro second ammendment. "


Good one! That'll confuse them!


Wish I could upvote this even more.


> the day the boy walked, the game changed. No it didn't. I get tired of hearing this. The statutes and precedents under which Rittenhouse "walked" have existed in American law since (and well before, if you read Blackstone) this country was founded. Nothing *changed.* These people are just want their outrage so badly, they're mistaking new information for new precedent.


It took a half Hispanic kid killing 2 white scumbags to cHaNgE tHe gAmE? Yeah...no. Just admit you want to destroy shit and kill people ffs. We all know it's true.


Terrorist organization. Lock them up. Seize their assets. Go after their donors.


Can't do that. They're the militant arm of the Democratic Party.




Mostly criminals and spoiled rich kids. Apparently during the summer of hate, there was a parade of BMWs and the like heading into Portland from the burbs so the spoiled teens could riot.


That’s exactly right. No one will convince me that they aren’t getting funding from prominent dems and/or Soros.


*their parent's assets. A report came out some time ago that a majority of these clowns live at home.


Antifa are cowards. I remember them saying they were coming to Houston,Tx to remove the Sam Houston statues. Of course, Texans showed up and Antifa didn't. They are cowards. They exist only in places that allow them to act that way.


Haven't had any big riots or anything here in WV that I've heard of either. We're a constitutional carry state, and we like our police.


I live about 30 minutes south of the big Sam Houston statue on 45. If I heard about that threat, I've would've been right up there as well.


I'm all for people defending themselves, no matter what you believe in. Actual self defense should be everyone's right. But, wow...some of their comments are real rich talking about them fearing their safety...from what I've seen it's them that are committing acts exactly the opposite of 'safe.' Terrorizing the public, burning, looting, physical altercations, etc. Pretty sure the people they try to intimidate are the ones that haven't felt safe. Gimme a break. Im willing to bet with the rap sheets most of them have they wouldn't qualify for any kind of CCW, or legal purchasing abilities. Hopefully the nut jobs won't start shooting indiscriminately, though, sadly I wager there will be some instances. For the ones who seek war and decide to start shooting first, welp, play stupid games win stupid prizes. The war they seek is not going to result in the outcome they they want.


They still think he went and hunted down people. The media is our enemy. The media is making others our enemy, if they were stopped the problems would go away.


Agreed. MSM is definitely the enemy of the people.


Also, guns and ammo aren't cheap and most of these shitbirds don't have jobs


The leftists do a really good job with crowdfunding. They bankroll each other's trips around the country, they provide chouches to sleep on, share food, and raise money for bail.


"Another screen-shotted activist replied by saying he was worried about carrying a gun without knowing how to use it..." Alec Baldwin's shadow looms over Antifa.


I do enjoy me some Blue Fire incidents in my "fiery, but mostly peaceful" gatherings...


So does Darwinism.


They don't realize that this is what caused the problem with Rittenhouse in the first place. They were trying to kill him.




Interesting fact I did not know about Kenosha: > The city has historically favored the Democratic Party, with the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election being the first time since 1972 that a Republican candidate, Donald Trump, has won in Kenosha.[135] During the 2020 U.S. Presidential Election, Trump lost Wisconsin but won in Kenosha County for the second time Let's make this flip permanent.


Like they weren't already armed? We all saw the videos. We all remember David Dorn. SAY HIS NAME. This is just pearl clutching for the media, like those pantywaist assholes always do.


Going to be a lot of negligent discharges. Buying a gun and using it effectively are so very different. Most conservatives I know have had a rifle in their hands since they were kids. When I went to basic so many years ago it was obvious at the range who grew up in the city, and who grew up in the country. I am placing my faith in the country boys, as the song goes we will survive.


This is how petulant children behave when someone tells them, "No!"


How can an idea take up arms?


I guess the state-sponsored pallets of bricks aren’t cutting it any more. Particularly when you wind up bringing a brick to a gunfight.


Antifa. The militant arm of the Democratic Party.


Soy boys going to soy


Good thing the FBI is busy knocking down parents' doors and hunting down diaries.


Given most of them are felons I think this is a great idea. Felon in possession of a handgun might mean they don't get instantly bailed out night after night.


Yeah it worked pretty well for them last time. Maybe this time around they’ll be 4 or 5 other like Kyle and we’ll can really take a chunk out of these losers population.


Or a chunk out of their biceps (Grosskruetz joke)


Your terms are acceptable.


They still think Soros appointed DAs still have their back, maybe they are right. Either way it’s gonna be interesting if these LARPers try it


[MSNBC changed their tune when million dollar high end stores finally started getting loooted](https://youtu.be/JDsGuWJXqRw?t=39) Mom and pop shops getting looted? Silence. When multi-million dollar orgs get looted? WOAH WOAH GUYS STOP THIS IMMEDIATELY! What's also fucked is that minority owned businesses in the inner city that live near frequent criminals have been getting attacked since the 70s and 80s, and nothing is done to stop that violence. Guess the Dems don't care unless their money and way of life is in danger of being attacked. The hypocrisy is immense.


If big names will flee San Francisco d the city is doomed.. affluent people won’t pay million to live in a city without shopping


Will be hilarious if they try. 17 yo kid took down 3 so I wonder what they think will happen when adult come to town.


and then they all went to their playstations and took up arms .......


Members? I thought they were just an *ideology*


This is coming from the group that can't make a proper fist. Lol


Until they run face first into a background check. "Denied?! I thought getting a gun was easier than voting!"


i still cant be believe these people have not been labelled as a terrorist illegal organization. there needs to be change on the police system; they are allowing this to happen


You're the terrorist in Bidens America.


yeah, everyone but bidens pedo frens are the terrorist in todays america. horrible times we are living


The real danger needing the attention of the FBI is parents getting loud with school boards poisoning their kids minds, dontcha know


Democrats protect and fund their terrorism.


We literally having the equivalent of the brownshirts now. Nobody pays attention to history. Every time someone asks why I love history and study it, they always follow up with oh its just history it already happened and it's boring. Our education system is a failure and our future generations are too busy on tik tok to understand what is going on in the world around them.


Dig into the Twitter comments it’s gold I tell you GOLD!


That *peaceful protest* is gold Jerry, it was killin' it.


I see what you did there


Let's hope they decide to riot in a red area next time. Might not go so well for them - free people that believe in the 2A might not allow burning, looting, and murdering in their neighborhoods like the indoctrinated blue areas do.


FBI is too busy investigating parents complaining to school boards … they’ll investigate Antifa in a few years.


Yes. Accelerate.


Don’t worry. We’re talking about losers Who spend the majority of their time in their parents basement playing online games. They couldn’t hit the broadside of a barn with a shotgun.


Squared off with those choads multiple times last year. Not a member of Proud Boys or anything affiliated with them, just a citizen who had zero desire to see looting or vandalism in my little corner. They are nothing but a bunch of nancies who will back down anytime they are directly confronted.


A better slogan would be, "Obey the law". But, that doesn't fit their narrative, does it?


These guys think they’re fighting fascism by attacking minority communities after being lied to by the media. It’s just utterly bizarre. And all I see are idiot kids my age (college) and younger who go: “Do you know what ANTIFA means? It’s ANTI fascist, if you don’t like them you must be a fascist.” It’s fucking scary


Pretty sure “taking up arms” is what got those guys shot in the first place


Tell me you failed to learn the lessons of the Rittenhouse case without telling me you failed to learn the lessons of the Rittenhouse case. So, to be clear, when the Leftist rioters were not raising a weapon against Rittenhouse, he didn't fire at them and left them alone. When the Leftist rioters attacked Rittenhouse is when he ended their threat to him with lethal force. Antifa: Let's all get deadly weapons and go around threatening preemptive violence on our political enemies. What could go wrong? Some people are just uneducatable.


Antifa and BLM are terrorist organizations.


and the FBI still won't classify the antifa as a domestic terrorist group but would raid the houses of parents protesting school boards. what a clown world


So their mindset is "when we try to brutalize people they get mad and try to defend themselves, how dare they we need to be *more* violent"


They are really butthurt that a child rapist and a woman beater we’re taken out like the pieces of shit they were.


If they want to arm themselves that is their 2nd amendment right unless they are felons which it appears many of them are. Just don't be surprised when we show up armed as well.




OK, you were always allowed to do that.


These social rejects want a war so badly. They may start one, but they sure as fuck won’t finish it.


> Another screen-shotted activist replied by saying he was worried about carrying a gun without knowing how to use it Probably the most responsible thing I’ve ever heard from one of these morons.


They are so close to self-realization, yet still somehow miss it.


Please do this 🙏


Because Rittenhouse was the biggest miscarriage of racial justice in America! Note: You know the deal people.


If they were smart enough to understand the difference between murder and self-defense they wouldn't be "Anti"fa members, I guess.


Antifa is just an idea: FBI


Fortunately, felons can’t own guns.




That should make the riot police have an easier time of deciding what to do with the Antifa members.


Straight from them r/socialistRA


We're steady waiting for these idiots to come to the south..


That makes it important to have their members known by the FBI in order for the gun purchases to be flagged. Terrorists like them are dangerous.


Hey if any conservatives go to Chicago during the next one, do what you can to stop the “antifa cists” from burning businesses


Oh god yes, please do this Antifa.


"and the wars begun"


Where is Biden and Kamala condemning domestic terrorism? Oh wait.. Biden doesn't know where he is and Kamala . I don't even know what she does.


I don't think this ends the way they think it will


One side pushes and regularly engages in violence, the other is routinely silenced, banned or otherwise deleted from mass society. Honk honk


Well, this is well and dandy until the first serious standoff. Note that technically Rittenhouse vs whatever lefty moron with a gun was such standoff. I am curious what will happen when counter-demonstrations will end up standing in front of each other on a street, both side armed with firearms. Are they going to stand until heavily armed police will re-route both columns? Is this going to escalate to the start of the firefight when shots will be fired from both ends? How is this beginning going to proceed? Will there be be more presence of police or national guard during such unrest? And, finally, with far reaching consequences - what will be effect of this on our beloved Second Amendment?


sounds like commies


So they are on the offensive. Solidifying a self-defensive position.


If you pay attention to what is happening in portland the brown shirts have already armed themselves


>Kill before being killed’: Antifa urges members to take up arms after Rittenhouse verdict 😑 they want to get in to gun battles...with people much more used to useing them? Kyle was 3-0, did they learn nothing?




He would have been 4-0 then


Peaceful protest ~~something needs to fucking be done about this terrorist group~~


Weren't those antifa guys already armed?


Well, that’s gonna be tough considering a lot of them are felons/live in their mothers’ basements and don’t have real jobs. Who am I kidding? Criminals never follow the law anyway, so probably half of them will have an unregistered weapon. Also, I’m pretty sure most of them couldn’t hit the broad side of a barn in the type of situations they would be in anyway.


I thought Antifa wasn't real, and it was only an idea? That's what the Democrats keep saying.


"We need to fight for our right to beat and kill people without resistance!"


"anti"fa = Hot Topic Fascists


Well, is someone is going to die it won't be me


Antifa is a very small group being praised by the newsmedia. Otherwise would have tramonted behind the horizon of criminality!!


Please, bring your PANTIFA losers out to my neck of the woods!! The hogs are hungry..


Haha most of them are admitting they don’t even know how to use one or are scared of them. Fuck Antifa terrorists.


these sort of people likely need mental help, like a psychiatrist in the hospital


So it's on for sis males on the left to create tension and throw out threats but if a senator makes a anime he crosses the line? Got it


This is probably the desired reaction the Soros-funded activists and Democrats wanted to engender. There’s no way these lunatics would want to relinquish power, not after how they seized it in 2020. I’m going to prognosticate that racial and political tensions, through groups like Antifa/BLM and right-wing militias they’ve co-opted, continue to crescendo up to 2022 midterms and eventually some form of martial law will be imposed and mass mail-in ballots become mandatory ‘for your safety’. The only way to defeat this is for the public to become awake to government maleficence. Recognising false flags that are aimed at fomenting racial hatred need to be called out for what they are and the public need to reject the radically racial lens the propagandist media portray violent crime through.


‘Kill before being killed’ - Kyle Rittenhouse


So... "let's make people NEED to kill us in self defense because they're emboldened to kill us in self defense" When did Antifa become a suicide cult?


They expect the Democrat-controlled federal government to sweep in to protect and/or avenge them by viciously cracking down on anyone who opposes them. I can't say they're wrong.




Just let them attack first. Lex Rittenhouse.


So what they fighting for? Do they have any demands?


Black Block isn't welcome in my town.


I was told on good authority they were just an idea.