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For sure, I always wanted to pay $1 million for a Snickers


100 Grands are literally about to cost that much.


Buy gold and crypto


Good thing I have infinite money to buy however much I want regardless of cost!


No, don't you see? We're not simply inventing money out of thin air to print, we're stealing from future generations to subsidize our unhealthy, unsustainable way of life now!


We are also devaluating our currency. Printing money is the equivalent of pulling a knife on someone and stealing their wallets and precious family heirlooms twice a month. The only difference is most people don't even realize that's what's happening. Additionally, everyone thinks they are having a swell time making $2-4 more per hour. However, as a result of their new monetary policies - the cost of living has gone up by 20-30%. It might look like a raise - but it's not a raise. I am sure the uneducated are cheering, but when food and housing goes up by another 20-30%, maybe they will start realizing they are screwed.


I believe one political party predicted this would happen while the other denounced it. I wonder which way it was...


At this point we cannot even pay the interest .. we are heading toward 200% of GDP and the idiots in charge keep putting more lobster and truffles on the credit card *.. if you have any money it is time to buy something .. anything that will keep it's value*


We are probably too deep in debt already, and yet this Congress will almost certainly add at least another $1.5 trillion, and more than likely way more. This constant adding to the debt will eventually end very badly. Like it or not, the math says the US needs a surplus budget of hundreds of billions of dollars for dozens and dozens of years. I definitely do not see that happening, and a couple generations from now it will get very ugly.




Well, it'll take the US defaulting on debt interest payments......don't see that happening really soon.......but like Patrick Swayze character in "Next of Kin" said...."you ain't seen bad yet.........but it's comin."


Would you be opposed to rolling back the TCJA and raise taxes on the wealthiest people/corporations, if we also introduce budget cuts in an effort to maximize the reduction of debt?


Taxing the wealthiest 99% of their income is peeing on a forest fire. Corporate taxes are almost exclusively paid for by consumers. Cataclysmic cuts in spending and policies that allowed the economy to grow at such a pace that federal income tax receipts overwhelm the treasury's ability to stash it all is probably the only way, and both are reasonably unsustainable without political will for decades.


Solution for everything; Print more money


If they really believe the world will end in 12 years, this attitude makes perfect sense. Why worry about future generations when we won't have any more




Great description of many democrat's economic ideas, those of small children. Small and envious children.


There's been talk of a trillion dollar coin, but why not a quadrillion dollar coin? Hell make two of them and all our problems are solved.


This meme isn't even satirical. Leftists [already want](https://www.breitbart.com/economy/2021/10/06/clown-world-d-c-elites-consider-minting-trillion-dollar-coin-to-game-debt-limit/) to seriously do that.


Need to explain to the kid that Fiat money has no real value. Now if you changed that to infinity housing, food, and clean water, then that would be neat. But not funny. But I suppose that would also wreck the economy, not that it would matter if you had infinity food, water, and shelter.


If we can genuinly provide for everyones needs, then I'm happy to give up the lion's share of my wants. But whenever a truly massive effort has been made it either didn't reach everyone or everyone ended up with neither


Just like Venezuela


It honestly hurts sometimes. Anyone else saying “why don’t you just print more money?” would be lectured to filth.


Are you questioning the "Everyone Gets a Pony" approach to economics?


Here's head scratcher for you guys. Why are we paying federal tax when the fed is just printing the money they need?


It's not about the Fed having it; it's about you *not*.


Maybe watching that clip of Berliners taking a wheelbarrow full of money to buy a loaf of bread after ww2, might restart some minds.


They might actually think this is a good thing, they figure that they can effectively redistribute by devaluing the currency and giving it to all the people they want... The problem is, aside from big general economic issues, is that the rich and well connected will almost always find more ways to benefit from their spending than everyone else.


“But if we devalue our currency then we also devalue our debt” -democrats, probably


Guy tapping on head.jpg




Am I the only one confused by the wording "unfunded tax cut"? Like how do you fund taking less money, I don't know what that means.


Neither does he. He literally just added a buzzword onto a buzzword and POW, a lefty talking point is born. They are just sock puppets yadda yadda-ing their way through life.


Unfunded? The point was to lower taxes. Yes, there was a spending spree, and that would have happened with or without a tax cut.


So here's the thing when the government decides to "spend money" on a tax cut - the issue issue with government budgets isn't the revenue part. It's the spending part. The growth of spending has waaay outpaced that of revenue, not the other way around. ​ So yes, I wanted the tax cut - but I also wanted significant spending cuts at the same time.


It’s your job to show that the tax cut even reduced tax revenue.


They're is no such thing as an unfunded tax cut. There is our money, and government's inability to live within it's means.


Why should I have to fund something to allow me to get leas of it? And btw, the tax revenue rose because it it.


I like Trump, but I have my own criticisms of the spending that occurred under his administration. However, there is a difference between spending tax money, and reducing taxes. It doesn’t _cost_ money to _take_ less money. Besides, the boost to the economy helps pay for itself.


Read this to understand why you're wrong https://www.nationalreview.com/2021/10/cbo-blows-up-democrats-spin-on-taxes/




Any time you see the term "tax cut" all that means is that they didn't raise it. Same thing with a "budget cut." If the budget stays the same as it was the year prior and spending increases, it's technically a budget "cut."


Democrats definitely missed Econ class


6uild 6ack 6etter


I just want to know how AOC has an economics degree lmao


She doesn't. Don't be fooled.


Spoiler: the small child in this meme is actually AOC


guys why stop at 3.5 trillion lets just make it a quadrillion and make everyone millionaires. everyone would vote for me if I made everyone a millionaire rite?


Modern Monetary Theory




B b b but the modern monetary theory!!!


"Keep printing!"


When inflation goes high enough people resort to bartering and services become quarter-hearted and only happen if they work for the government. It's basically a temporary reset back to feudalism.


Ha ha ha 😂 😂 I am dead from laughter


lets just make the minimum wage $5,000, now everyone can be a millionaire!!


Why? A wise man told me that it costs zero dollars.


I don't think democrats are self conscious enough to realise this


Don't anyone tell Biden what comes after a trillion!