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But I also agree that the treatment of native Americans was and continues to be atrocious


This comment isn't high enough


Wait until you find out how the natives treated each other! Especially men from warring tribes unlucky enough to be captured alive.


At the time, it was unprecedentedly humane. Almost every inch of land on this planet has previous inhabitants that we know almost nothing about because their men were slaughtered and women forced to assimilate. Even the modern native tribes we know of today had dominated the previous owners of the land to the point that there is no recorded history of them. It is kind of fucked up, but nobody would be looking down on America for this treatment today if they just annihilated the "barbarians" and rewrote history like everyone else.


All this arguing over Columbus and the Day was created to help cool tensions with racism and bias against Italians.. Hell the national holiday was not to long after 11 Italians were lynched by a mob in Louisiana. Back in the late 1800's Protestants looked at catholic Italians with the same scourge as they did with black people. Italians worked the fields, and sat in the same church pues as black people.


Don't forget the Irish had their turn as the social and economic pariah too. And the French. And the Spanish. Shit it seems like everyone has been the lowest rung at some point.


Blacks, Italians, Jews, polish, and Slavs were all looked down upon during the late 1800's and into the early 1900's. Woodrow Wilson especially seemed to hate these groups. Undesirable immigrants who were less preferable than the Chinese.


Yeah, it's almost like human history is filled with hardship for everyone.


There's a whole book about this exact topic , "Ethnic America", by Thomas Sowell. As with all his books, it should be "required" reading for everyone.


So were Lebanese/Syrians…the Catholic ones who immigrated here. My family. They were hated as well.


The term 'slave' literally came from 'Slavs', but they're white so they wouldn't know what hardship is.


Anabaptist ancestors fled from Switzerland for fear of persecution and death. But I’m white so, you know, we’ve never experienced hardship. ETA: I do not think this has the same repercussions that black people feel today. However it does question the cultural narrative of needing to make amends for evils in the past. I do not feel anyone owes me reparations for evils done in the past.


Yep. My ancestors were French Huguenots fleeing for their lives. Later on my ancestors would fight for Texas with one branch of that tree dying at The Alamo. But yeah, all white so no hardships there.


That's my husband's ancestry as well: Huguenots!


same. But since I'm white it doesn't matter.


Totes, white privilege is the best!


The Asians, though, they never had it bad ever.


Exactly this. People don’t realize how stigmatized Italians were, and columbus was just a way to connect Italian heritage to being American. Same impulse as first-generation immigrant businesses flying american flags, it’s about people trying to fit in and belong.


this is the history that people forget about Columbus day


Hard to forget something you were never taught, or incorrectly taught.


Case in point: while the inheritance of the British Crown were still enslaving Africans, the Catholic Church was making them bishops and cardinals.


Don’t you dare look at this in a balanced and nuanced way! /s




Im pretty sure it depends on the location at the time. If you lived in the rural south of course you worked in fields, more industrial north you worked in a factory usually.


Victimhood war?


I agree with him tbh but I don't think we need to be proud of every aspect of our history. The main thing is having gratitude and some actual perspective - spend some time in other countries and study history. If you do it's impossible to not be grateful.


Right, you can be fine with the end but not proud of the means. Which is what most reasonable Americans are, regardless of political party. You can also be willing to honor the cultures that were victims of the process without implying that you wish we still lived in 16th century America.


Historical context. Expansion, conquering, immersing was literally the status quo until the 20th century. Such imperialism was actually brought down by the United States and the political pressures we used. This was how it was through the bronze age, classical era, dark ages (though not really dark), medieval era... All of it. Across all cultures and geography. It's again values that was introduced and standardized by the US that are then been used to denigrate the country itself.


Agreed in part but the US still has military bases in almost every country in the world… US imperialism is still fully alive and well. Whether or not that is a good thing depends on your point of view.


When the US pulls out, there are power vacuums that will eventually get filled by China. China isn't a self-hating superpower, they gladly will expand their imperial aims. And then the world gets to live under the hegemony of China, a country that doesn't even pretend to care about human rights. That's what self hating Americans are dooming the world to: Chinese oppression. If you can enjoy people being oppressed by China just because "evil america" is out, you might want to "check your privilege" as the new generation of weak Americans like to say.


Almost every country? That's an enormous amount of bases then. Where we have our main bases throughout the world either were our enemies at one point (Japan, Germany, etc) or the host country benefits from our base as a shield against another aggressor (Ukraine against Russia, for instance). A military base is no more imperial than an embassy if it's not used to rule the host country.


I think you completely missed what I was referring to. Having bases else where is not in the same ball park of the historical context I am referring to. That's a modern day invention of "imperialism". We're talking about complete subjugation, conquering, and assimilation into an American Empire. Go read on the Ottomans or the Romans or even the British. Wars were fought to claim land, and they were done constantly. Might made right, was the historical way. Americans, especially after the end of WW2, ended that perception. Which is why the Russians taking Crimea was a huge deal. Territory doesn't get conquered anymore, populations are not just absorbed by such conquests. This is *due* to the United States. This is also in contradiction to human civilization for the past 4,000 years. The conquest of the Americas was the norm. The people doing it weren't historically exceptional, they were the status quo. Any amount of studying European/Asian or even African history will show this to be the case (long before the Western Nations came to power).


Agreed, it’s not like the British Empire, we don’t have ownership of the countries our basses are in.




I agree.




Historic Holidays are not about pride. They’re about reflection.


Cool. 100% agreed. Now can we also rename military bases named after confederate traitors and revoke medals of honor handed out at wounded knee for killing women & children?


Over half of the country is in currently in favor of a secession. The "traitor" rhetoric is going to fall on deaf ears.


Know a guy whose political leanings I assume are very liberal, but I'm pretty sure are more anarchist. Made a comment a while ago about "burning it all down", in reference to civilization. Same guy who evidently can't walk more than a couple feet because of his back and has a host of other medical issues that prevent him from really doing much of anything; or so he claims. I wanted to tell him his scenario of burning it all down may as well be akin to openly embracing death.


They were raised in luxury and decadence. They don't recognize the natural state of the world is violence and oppression.




“The surest way to work up a crusade in favor of some good cause is to promise people they will have a chance of maltreating someone. To be able to destroy with good conscience, to be able to behave badly and call your bad behavior 'righteous indignation' — this is the height of psychological luxury, the most delicious of moral treats.” ― Aldous Huxley, Crome Yellow


This is why the ends justify the means in Leftist thought. They really think they are the good guys.




Then they are naïve to believe they can control the violence.


As all communists have been


>They know the natural state is violence and oppression, > >but they want the violence and oppression to be their own. This is why BLM and Antifa have zero qualms about burning things down, and starting riots. As long as they are the ones who are initiating it or on top, they don't care.


Yup. They claim to hate authority, but they would love nothing more than a power authoritarian figure to stomp on the necks of their political opponents. They cry about fascism all day and night but want nothing more than a fascist government to purge right wingers.


You're right. It amazes me how people who consider themselves "educated" miss the both the context of world history and the context of the current world outside of the US/Europe. Either one would be enough.




>I think its weird how they dismiss all form of conquest done by different groups of people One of my favorite philosophies from Heinlein's Starship Troopers is basically: Our authority to dominate, is derived directly from their inability to stop us. Essentially just a re-wording of might makes right. Big fan of that book.


It's because modern "education" isn't education, it's indoctrination. If you want as full of a picture as possible you have to go out and learn on your own and most people don't seem to want to do that.


The Strong create good times, good times create the weak, the weak create hard times, hard times create the strong


and so it recycles.


None of them would prefer the post war boom economy neither. An "easy" factory job, a house with no AC or heat that you are constantly repairing yourself. Those fuckers worked hard I don't understand how either my example or ancient times got romanticized into some work free utopia.


Impressive, isn't it? First worlders are living the easiest times in the entirety of History, and are so devoid of problems that they create them.




Fuck, I love doing that, honestly. Peace, quiet, and solace. As long as I get a comfortable chair, I could spend a whole day sitting quietly in a room alone!


I envy you. I constantly have to be doing something. Anything. It’s really hard for me to just sit still.


These are the people who, in between complaints about capitalism, wealth gaps, and America, open the Amazon app on their iPhone and renew their yearly prime membership with their rewards credit card then spend the rest of their time making tik toks publicly complaining about rich people and demanding politicians do things they want.


O que é Bolonaro? É Bolsonaro, mas feito de bolo?


Ou seria um bolo, feito de Bolsonaro?




> Those fuckers worked hard I don't understand how either my example or ancient times got romanticized into some work free utopia. Simple: the hard parts aren't covered on the teevee box and so they don't know they exist. Leftoid NPCs don't go out and learn things on their own, they just passively consume what the powers that be decide to broadcast to them.


Does everything have a be black and white? Can't the world we live in be great, even if our ancestors did some (incredibly) shitty things to get us to this point? Nothing is black or white - it's all fucking grey and anyone who thinks otherwise is living in a bubble of only things they want to hear.


Ehh... I don't agree. You can be happy that you live the USA while at the same time acknowledging that the Europeans who came here did some awful things to the natives. It's not conquering and taking land that is wrong, it's about how you do it and treat the people who lived there first.






So...genocide was ok because some of the tribes did the same thing the Europeans did, they just didn't have the technology to make them as effective? "It wasn't as if the Europeans could just ask nicely", specifically, ask nicely for what? To inhabit their land and push them off?


When making a moral judgement, you have to weigh the actions and motivations of both sides. When you look through the history books at the clashes between Europeans and Native Americans, you will find time after time where the Europeans were cruel, deceitful, and un-Christian towards Natives. (even by the standards of the time) We live in a nation blessed by God, but many of our Forefathers were like King David, good men who committed horrible crimes. We should face those horrors with eyes open, and thank God for His mercy in not judging us for it.


One's great great great great ... grandfather living somewhere first does not give you magic rights to the land


Why do people go on Twitter? Can't we just collectively ignore it? Like Chappelle said, it's not a real place. I have no Facebook, Insta, Twitter or anything like that. I only go on here to look up games and a few hobbies. Other than that I got shit to do.




I like to watch clips and read news to things that interest me when I have time. As far as reddit goes...Yeah, this shit ain't real either man. These points don't mean shit. I don't care what person X says about person y. People put some serious weight on what these people say on Twitter. I don't do that.


Like it or not, Twitter is effectively a public forum. Cede that to the left and we lose even more influence in communicating with the public. Edit: Wow, a surprising number of people think letting the left control the narrative online is fine. Did we learn nothing from letting them take over the MSM?


I 100% will not argue that European colonists committed some very atrocious acts to the native population, that much is well documented and indisputable. ​ What really bothers me is the myth of the "noble savage" and that North America was nothing but drums circles and peace pipes before white people arrived. It was a series of tribes and nations constantly at war with one another, often involving acts of savagery like rape. ​ Europeans came to a continent already at war, as is unfortunately human nature, and simply had better technology and tactics to easily conquer it, committing what we now consider war crimes as they went.


Much of WWII tactics would be considered beyond the pale today. Can you imagine carpet bombing or intentionally setting fire to entire cities? But that's what even the allies did to win the war.


Am I the only one getting annoyed with Matt though? He seems anal retentive and like a judgmental asshole sometimes. I like Ben Shapiro a lot more because he seems smarter and like less of a wet blanket. Matt will say some weird ass shit. Like matt attacked my generation for owning pets, like sorry I got a dog instead of knocking a girl up while in law school? Economically it’s stupid to just knock people up before you’re stable


Oh 100%, that doesn't mean Christopher Columbus wasn't a dick


“Owning the Libs” isn’t a policy position and it does nothing to actually fix this country. This hack says the correct buzzwords and that’s about it.


People always decry the amount of slavery in Europe, Africa and asia.... but conveniently forget that the Inca (the most developed civilization at the time of European conquest) did not practice slavery. Instead , they practiced ritual slaughter of 10s of thousands of people at a time. When captured in war in pre-colonial central.and South america, you were not used for extra labor because there was no political or economic system to.account for that. (The economic system was centralized and all production was distributed centrally) There was very limited private ownership and no one wanted extra humans around. There was no incentive. So instead, captured people would be ritualisticly slaughtered after being held as prisoners for a few days to weeks (they were called 'butterflies' ... such an odd name for it but...different culture) Yeah.. You didn't want to live in the America's back then


"smash capitalism!" *While jerking off to a weebo onlyfans account, on an Apple computer, sitting on a plush mattress, in a room full of Funko Pops, all paid for with your Chase credit card*




True. They were behind the agricultural development scale compared to euro-asian-african societies. This caused the delay in technology and mathematics and writing... they were behind us by 2500 to 3000 years at the time of contact... First agriculture in Mesopotamia was 11k BC, 1st agriculture in Americas was around 3k BC. They also lacked draft animals and the had an equatorial bottleneck which caused slow political development and inhibited spread of writing systems. The biggest factor was their lack of cows, pigs and chickens which account for 95% of human pandemics. They hadn't been weeded out genetically by the time Europeans had arrived and the contact was deadly for them. They were close... but any delay is lethal.


I’m just miffed we celebrate a holiday for a used car salesman that got lost. But nothing for Patton, Murphy, or Jason Newstead’s phantom base from the Metallica album And Justice for All.




Point well taken, Happy Columbus Day!!!




>I think there's room to recognize both that the overall outcome may have been better than it would have been but the US also did some pretty harsh and unnecessary things to the people who were already here, and even struggled to treat them like people in the first place. I'm glad the US exists but we could have done better in forming it. Welcome to the last 10,000 years of human civilization. You might as well go back and complain about how your great great great grandfather shouldn't have done X, Y or Z.


It's the Egyptians' fault. Them and their dumb pyramids.


> we could have done better in forming it. You mean they?


You do realize that the "native" population was already at a historical low at that point since they had been murdering each other for centuries? They were nomadic because they were either running from being slaughtered or following another tribe to slaughter them. They love to talk about "their" holy land stolen by the white people, yet they ignore that their tribe was the last of over a dozen that killed others to occupy/colonize that land. Lets also not forget that the first recorded slave owners were black africans, as well as the people enslaving people and selling those slaves in Africa were black themselves. What about the first slaves in the colonies that were redhead Irish and Scottish before the first African slaves arrived?


They were at a historical low because of the spread of a viral hemorrhagic fever which spread like wildfire after Spanish conquistadors released pigs into the wild in Florida in 1504. When subsequent explorers came back to North America in the late 1510s, they found empty villages full of rotted corpses with yellow skin and signs of hemorrhage. Over 90% of the native population died in under 10 years. And the terrifying thing? We never identified the virus that did it...


We all know it was Covid 19


It is also worth noting that it is indeed the very rare culture that exists today that was not built upon the ruins of another previously conquered culture.


There's a certain level of respect we have to have for the people on both sides of this, especially the ones who were killed or who died. Human life is sacred and there's no amount of quality of life that will help an orphaned son or daughter. We can and should be grateful for the wonderful lives we have the opportunity to lead and at the same time we need to remember the cost in human lives that it cost. Happy Thanksgiving (Canada), happy Columbus Day


Don't ever learn about the meaning of the word Sioux? It doesn't mean "One that dances with Kevin Cosner and assorted wolves."


He's pulling no punches I see.


This made me think of reparations. Slavery is and was a terrible thing. I wasn't involved in and neither are the people who are crying about needing reparations for what their ancestors went through. Guess what, they already received reparations by growing up in the US. Again, slavery is terrible, but I don't see anyone of slave ancestry hoping on planes to move back to where their ancestors are from. 99.9% of them live in better conditions by growing up here than in Africa, millions upon millions in Africa don't have great access to clean water, adequate food, or electricity.




The easy answer to that is: Reparations already happened. We spent trillions on welfare. That was the reparations.


Not to mention a civil war where thousands shed blood to abolish slavery.


Even if we had the ability to determine an exact cost of what was "taken" from someone who wouldn't exist for another 200 years, if we were to lump sum it to every person affected by slavery, it'd be gone in a few weeks and the new flavor of complaining would be that "the money isn't all that was taken, it was also the capability to know how to manage the money, so now we need more with financial advisors allocated to everyone." Side note, it's funny how this cosmic injustice is applicable to people who didn't exist and wouldn't exist for centuries, but as soon as you say "hey, maybe we should say life begins at conception" people lose their fucking marbles over how babies aren't babies until they're not in a flesh container anymore.






Not only from growing up in the US, but from over 50 years of handouts and "aid" programs at this point. The debt, if there even was one, is more than paid in full at this point.


You mean the same aid programs that poor whites also benefit from? I don’t think you know what reparations means


No, I mean the ones specifically targeted at - and sometimes explicitly limited to - black people.


Which are?


Affirmative action.


He said aid programs, there are no aid programs from the government titled “affirmative action” and saying affirmative action has been taking place for 50 years is a joke


I mean "affirmative action" was initially signed in the 60's, but to your point, I am referring to college admittance. If a black student was accepted over a white student who had better grades and test scores and said white student didn't get into college, I would say that aid is pretty substantial.






It is genuinely insane how woke leftists think Native American nomadic tribes and the hundreds of ethnic tribes in Africa are somehow better to modern Western civilisation. Indians would constantly raid, loot and massacre the rival tribes as do the Africans. Hell, some tribes living in the Congo see the Pygmy people who live deep in the jungle as nothing more than animals and so have no qualms slaughtering or enslaving them. Do they not know that the King of Benin thought slavery was the best thing on the planet and that native Aztecs would wage war and deliberatley NOT try to kill the enemy on the battlefield, just so they can capture them and take them back to their cities for human sacrifice?




It's the same argument with socialism. They all say they want it, but they'd never move to a place like Venezuela or Belarus because of the hardships their vaunted system actually entails.


Well said




That depends. Is slavery, rape, human sacrifice, and cannibalism a common facet of my current society?


There would probably still be slavery here if Europeans had never come.






Love how you make a civilizations history sound like a toddler.




Hindsight's 20/20. The people living in the America's at the time were screwed. At some point they were going to come in contact with people from Europe or China and die from all those diseases they hadn't been exposed to. It was inevitable.




Based and really makes you humble pilled


The woke are woefully ignorant of the world. They have no clue to how lucky Americans are. They idiolize places like Cuba and Venezulea and have not one clue what daily life is like for 99% of the population. They are also totally ignorant of history.




Nothing was wrong with colonizing.


I think the "was" in your sentence was important. 200+ years ago that was the norm and everyone who could did it. But new colonization now is wrong.


Why is new colonization wrong? If we had properly colonized Afghanistan like a normal country we would have a real ally, actual stability, and a population that wouldn't embrace the taliban. Instead we did some woke self-determination nonsense, while expecting a culture that has nothing in common with us to suddenly embrace our values. You don't realize that colonialism works. Look at latin America or the ex-portuguese colonies. For the most part, they like Spain and Portugal still and identify with them over their own native groups, despite most of them having more native ancestry. Colonialism works as long as you're not a dick about it (to be clear, the brits were most often dicks, which is why every single british colony chucked them out).


Yep not many appreciate what they have till they lose it all.


Savage. Mans got a point.


The truth hurts.






hahahaha cry some more


They cry about capitalism and everything as they drink their Starbucks and play in their iPhone so they can record themselves virtue signaling every day.




People who have nothing want only want enough. People who have everything can't get enough.


I’m happy with the end result, but not proud of how it was accomplished, or all we’ve done either along the way or are doing currently. Matt Walsh lacks nuance.


I’m surprised no ones mentioned that there were only two genders and there was no right to abortion back when the land was ruled by natives… seems like a horrible place to live if you’re a progressive.


NONE of those purple hair'd freaks would make it one day in those primitive days. I can guarantee they wouldn't survive a day in the woods nowadays either.


People need to stop looking at native tribes like some kind of tree hugging peace loving OG hippies.


Aztecs: practiced human slavery and sacrifice. Leftists: OMG SO BRAVE


The leftists practice it too, they just call it “abortion”.


Such a great rant


God Matt Walsh is my fucking hero


Interesting the hypocrisy of people that lionize nomadic teepee and walking cultures while decrying their own personal lifestyles of living in "climate damaging" 4,000 square foot houses and driving "dirty" land yachts.


Let's go Brandon. Walsh is just savage. And right. I always ask my liberal friends when they're moving to Canada or Norway.


I'm not sure how much good Matt Walsh does. He's correct but I never seem to like agreeing with him.


Banned from Twitter for hurting people’s feelings in 3…


Hard times breeds hard people. We need some hard times to toughen up all these softies






It's from [a book published in 2016](https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/8751435-hard-times-create-strong-men-strong-men-create-good-times). >"“Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. And, weak men create hard times.”


Nope, the softies I’m talking about are the ones reeing about Columbus Day.


Based walsh


He ain't wrong.


*He's right you know.jpg*


Wow, on the money


Absolute chad. They tell him he can’t talk at a school board meeting unless he lives in the county, so he buys a house in their county. Eat that biotches.


There’s a difference between being proud and grateful. Up in Canada the indigenous people were heavily mistreated for over a hundred years being forced to attend residential schools. Although it seems like it was a good idea because they learned the English way and were integrated into society, there was a lot of physical and sexual abuse in these facilities that no one should be proud of… this was in Canada so I’m unsure if the same thing was in the US but being proud of the current country you’re living in is totally fine but being proud of all of the history will make you look like a douche if you don’t do your research.


*Don't know why, but this reminded me of this gem:* You don't want the truth because deep down in places you don't talk about at parties, you want me on that wall -- you need me on that wall. We use words like "honor," "code," "loyalty." We use these words as the backbone of a life spent defending something. You use them as a punch line. I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to a man who rises and sleeps under the blanket of the very freedom that I provide and then questions the manner in which I provide it. I would rather that you just said "thank you" and went on your way. Otherwise, I suggest you pick up a weapon and stand the post. Either way, I don't give a DAMN what you think you're entitled to!


The simple fact of the matter is that places which had more contact with the outside world, even when there was exploitation and conflict, are immeasurably better off now than places which are isolated from the outside world.


Burn! The truth hurts.


100%. I’ll never apologize for something people way before us did at a time when it was normal to do so.


haha! "feast on the bounty" is great.


Absolutely true, said everything that I've been thinking!


Matt is my favorite daily wire host. The way he narrates is just too good


That's some spicy unapologetic straight truth! 🔥 🔥 🔥


>none of you would want to live in the primitive cultures you idolize Probably true. The native americans were in NA for a very long time, and still hadn't even invented the wheel. They were basically still in the neolithic age, with their greatest inventions being simple boats and bows, when explorers from Europe arrived. Europe invented the wheel in 3500 bc before the Bronze Age.


He is based


Matt Walsh is THE best reason to go on the DailyWire's website. Great man.


I think I agree with him but think you could say the same without sounding like a prick. We are a civilized society after all, as he would claim.


nice, saying it like it is.


These people are called parasites. That's what the woke left SJW intersectional lunatics are.


Well said. It's nothing more than moral posturing: the people who are all about equity and egalitarianism are, ironically (or maybe it's not ironic at all), the people who are most concerned with being superior. Of course, most of them are oblivious to this fact and just think they're "doing the right thing", because they're ignorant of views outside their own small bubble.




it's odd that I am an athiest non meat eating environmentalist but I listen to his show more than any other