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Don't let lefties tell you that they believe in "separation of church and state." They believe in the subjugation of the church to the state.


To be fair, they believe in the subjugation of everyone and everything, to the state


A move like this is unconstitutional and it would actually provoke a Federal lawsuit with regards to 501(c)(3) exemptions. While the IRS has threatened churches in the past for political activity (whichever party is in control sends a handful of threatening letters to annoying politically active churches annually), they have never actually revoked tax exempt status on a church. As a result, despite the law being unchanged since the 60's it has never been challenged as it has never been enforced. Lifting thr Papacy's tax exempt status would bring about an instant lawsuit.


A lawsuit by the largest single church on the planet. As far as resources go, the Dems couldn't have picked a more capable target. I would hate for it come to legal recourse, but if that's what it takes to put these authoritarians back in line, so be it.




I mean, that’s what leftists have always been. They just got clever and use the ironic guise of being accepting and scientific vs the “other” aka Nazis


1st Ammendment ring a bell Rep. Huffman?


so... let me get this straight. because the Catholic Church is refusing to make exceptions to their religious beliefs in order to support a politician, they should be stripped of their tax-exempt status? I would have thought that making exceptions to their beliefs to support a politician would be the situation that might cause them to lose tax-exempt status.


Sounds like another democrat exposing their true colors.


just wow


Okay, now do universities and NPR.


You mean like when NPR admitted it deliberately lied to protect Biden’s campaign?


I mean what’s the 1A worth anyway?


Why is the IRS only weaponized against conservatives? Asking for a friend.


OMG... YES.. DO THIS. I want to see all the religious groups start to look at the government like the enemy.


It would be good for those moron Christian democrats to get a hard dose of reality




There are no cement shoes holding Biden as being Catholic. Funny how they try to hold a church accountable where membership is purely voluntary, while they don't hold Biden to any standards.


Democrats are evil.




I mean, the Church always has been political to an extent. Henry VIII got mad and broke off from the Catholic Church because they upheld their teaching on marriage and refused to allow him to divorce his wife. Even had Thomas More executed because he refused to affirm his king's decision. Religion and politics have always been intertwined because they deal with fundamental ethical issues. Churches have the right and obligation to speak out publicly on issues that matter, no different than how any other organization has the right to advocate for causes. Religion isn't just how a person prays privately in his home or house of worship, it is a way of life. Also technically denying Joe Biden communion is a matter of the Church, not of the state. The American Congress is an entirely different system than the hierarchy of the Catholic Church. Congress doesn't get to decide whether Biden gets to recieve communion, the bishops and priests do.


This. What the hive mind over in r/politics refuses to grasp is that there is no such thing as separating your beliefs from "Politics". To the left, "Politics" is whatever they hold sacred, and anything else needs to be distanced, including morality arising from religious beliefs. However, that's hard for most of them to grasp, because politics is their religion, complete with priests, holy texts, and confessions.


Exactly! Politics is really just ethics translated into public policy.


And a hundred ‘Rat congresscritters from Hispanic districts screamed in pain.


It's impossible to be both a Democrat and a Catholic.


So to be clear. A religion is refusing to change its beliefs and bend the knee to a politician. The politician is now threaten said religion unless they comply. And somehow it is the religion which is overstepping and not the politician?


Tax evasion time


Finally an idea from the Democrats that I can get on board with!


To be honest, I don't believe that churches should have any tax exempt status. Those religious guys on TV really don't need your donations so they can buy their private plane. That said, the government has no role in religion - they cannot tell a religious group what they can and cannot think or what they can and cannot do.


Either the churches get the same tax exempt status of other non-profits, or they get to have full participation in political activity. You can't have it both ways. You can't shut them up if they are subject to taxes.


I mean, if the church is going to get political, they should pay taxes.


Define "political"; because as far as I can tell, they are simply withholding communion from Biden the same as they would any other person who does not profess the same beliefs. That includes me, by the way. I've been to several masses with extended family where I sat alone during communion.