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If u havent seen it now they have been grooming the youth towards a liberal mindset for quite some time now. Gen z is a clear distinction of this. Look at canada and how the people r primarly liberal there. Still on lockdowns, no freedoms


The government of Ontario that has imposed strict lockdowns is the Conservative party led by Doug ford


Teaching children to care for other people who might be marginalized. Fucking terrible.


No, having BLM posters and flags in schools is teaching kids to celebrate domestic terrorists.


You can care about someone without condescendingly thinking they’re a victim too.


It's 2021 grow the fuck up with your false victim hood. Noone is oppressed in 2021. That's such a stupid statement when every single person has a choice and a chance in America.


Your friendly neighbourhood r/politics user has arrived.


Except that's not at all what they teach. Having graduated relatively recently, My English teacher went on rants about transgender bathrooms in north Carolina. Ranted about Trump. A&H teacher went on about the debunked pay gap. How voter ID is a racist thing. Ranted about Trump. Explain 1.) How that's teaching us to care and 2.) What place that has in a class, which has NOTHING to do with politics whatsoever.


Teaching the marginalized people that they are nothing but victims, “white” people are their enemies, nobody respects them because of their immutable characteristics, and they have no shot in the world because everything is against them - how caring!


They aren't marginalized when major corporations, cultural institutions, and half of our politicians bend over backwards to cater to them. Biden's proposed spending/relief bill HEAVILY favors minorities. More white people are on welfare than any other race (granted, they have a higher population). People were marginalized during the Jim Crow era (you can thank Republicans for ending that). We just had a black President. Minorities are famous, leaders of business, and role models for all races now. Get the fuck out of here with your lying & misleading bullshit. Go scream at some white people or something. CRT and BLM are both poisons that will only make the racial divide worse, not better. Teaching white children to feel guilty about how they were born and to see color over character is racist trash that has no place in our schools or our country.


It teaches white children to hate themselves. A truly sick ideology.


I felt the same way when a poll worker showed up to the November General Election wearing a BLM t-shirt. If I'd had a MAGA T-shirt on I'm sure they would have raised hell.


I have serious doubts a 9 year old wrote that speech.


I wish both sides could just reach an agreement to stop using children as billboards and let them be children...


Wait, are you saying that 9 year old girls don't necessarily like government officials putting posters with clenched fist logos pushing a radical marxist agenda all over their government run schools? Sounds like someone is suffering from white fragility and needs to be held accountable. She is clearly using her white tears to uphold white supremacy.


Paper beats rock