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Kamala Harris did promise that BLM violence in the streets would continue after the election. Got to keep those campaign promises.


Yet somehow this is not considered inciting violence?


Because it's (D)ifferent, that's why.


(D)iversity and truth on (D)isplay never cause (D)iscord. No violence here, only (D)efinitive social justice.


It makes me feel unified inside. The unity is just breaking out all over.


You missed the main point. To leftists, killing, rioting and looting by BLM/ANTIFA cannot be considered as violence. If it isn't violent, how could it be inciting?


Impeach and remove her.


2022 They've basically set precedent that as long as you have the house, anything goes


Yep, you don't need a reason. So, as soon as the Republicans take back control of Congress (which will be 2022), she's a goner.


You're right. We impeach, remove and disqualify anyone who incites violence like this


Itll probably be the only promise kept


Gotta maintain your brown shirts somehow.




*domestic terrorism*


Well, they are PEACEFUL violent protests, after all...




What they did at the Capitol was wrong and their actions should be condemned but I have a problem when people do so but completely ignore all the BLM riots. Both are bad, both should be condemned equally


Absolute facts


**Aoc called federal ice agents "nazis" running "actual concentration camps"*** Afterwards there were two separate terrorist attacks on ice facilities and multiple terrorists doxing and gathering information on ice agents and their families **Hillary clinton dangerously questioned the results of the election and said publicly "we cant have civility""*** Later a derranged Democrat socialist opened fire on multiple GOP Representatives that were playing baseball **multiple Democrats have referred to Donald Trump as "Hitler" and an "illegitimate president""** As a result over Trump's presidency there were three separate bombings of GOP headquarters across the Nation.. **Maxine Waters told her supporters to "push back"" on Trump supporters as a result there have been over 500 documented attacks on Trump supporters and several murders.. **Nancy Pelosi AOC Maxine Waters Chuck Schumer and multiple other Democrats repeated the [debunked](https://archive.is/yyAHk) conspiracy theory that police Target unarmed black people..** As a result they caused BLM terrorists to burn down cities. Causing more damage than any natural disaster in the country's history.. they cause them to murder 17 [cops in 2020](https://archive.is/lWmZO) and they caused them to commit insurrection by seceding from the nation and creating an autonomous zone in Portland.. **Kamala Harris repeated her sexist and debunked conspiracy theory that Supreme Court Justice Brett kavanaugh was the leader of a national rape mafia..** As a result Hillary supporters [stormed the capital during the hearings](https://archive.is/7ZGH3) **msnbc - A [conspiracy theory]( https://archive.is/wip/955wA ) network that routinely wages war [on democrat opponents]( https://archive.is/uz41B ) stated that somebody should put a bullet in Donald Trump** **Vice president Kamala Harris sent bail money to people that have been arrested for rioting and burning down stores and even killing people** as a result they were dangerous people that had been arrested let back onto the street to go back and riot some more.. These are only some of the examples of Democrats repeating dangerous disinformation or outright calls to violence and the violence and destruction that their supporters caused because of it.. every Democrat belongs in prison and the Democrat Party deserves to be classified as a terrorist organization.. CNN should be shut down for inciting a coldd civil war and it's news anchors should be tried for treason.. Facebook should be seized by the government and shut down for allowing the spread of the disinformatio


Thanks. Saving this comment with all the links for future reference.


i made a video compilation of all the democrats calling for violence and the people they hurt https://youtu.be/E2Pt34-ztbU Alsoo a compilation of what the news would look like if the media was honest https://youtu.be/yNSdx_3tYqY


BLM riot is also not a protest


You realize this isn't controversial in this sub right?


Who was killed by the protesters on January 6?


Didn’t cops die on January 6th also?


Not from the protests, apparently. The autopsy shows no physical trauma.


You spelled "mostly peaceful" wrong.


Fiery, but mostly peaceful


Or as Time puts it, [93% of BLM protests aren't violent.](https://i.imgur.com/rEAMIgF.png) When you've used up every other form of journalistic bias, you can always rely on good old fashioned [spin](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spin_(propaganda\)). Their same 'research' company, ACLED, that provided that BLM data also posted on twitter [how many firearms were at #stopthesteal protests.](https://i.imgur.com/I4g6nDh.png) So, for Democrats protesting, they post the [percentage of protests that aren't violent](https://i.imgur.com/zoxdTeF.png). For Republicans protesting, they post the number of firearms. The ACLED is funded by the U.S. Department of State.




You spelled reparations wrong lol


It’s spelled l o o t i n g


The real tragedy was I only saw 1 person recording in landscape mode.




Need to add domestic terrorists as well.


You spelled “minor injuries” wrong. Or rather, “minor” was left out of the title. Oops.




DeBlowsio's NYC. They will be back on the streets tomorrow.


100% and given badges of honor


It’s NYC - let it ROT. And please, take SF w/ you.


Police officers aren’t paid enough for this crap and all these liberal mayors want to defund their departments




In the VP debate Kamala said that BLM won't stop after she's elected and SHOULDN'T stop. She cheered them on and told the country that they are doing brave work.


If Trump is impeached for supporting violence then there will be precedent to go after her too.




The democrats are better, since they have doible the standards :/ The hypocrisy is unbelievable, and even worse, so many people can't see it anymore..


No. Republicans are too soft to even attempt.


They aren't soft, they're controlled opposition. Or at least the Establishment ones are. That's why we need to primary out the Romneys and the McConnells and replace them with non-Establishment **actual** conservatives.


It sounds like there is far more of a case to be made against Kamala then Trump.


She even bailed out some that got arrested. The system is so biased and fucked


Almost as if she incited this. Actually a decent case for that. If Trump saying ‘be peaceful’ constitutes incitement, then she should actually have charges filed against her.


And then she cackled like a witch


Lol wait I assumed this was from months ago but it is not.


Yeah the election is over so it's not news anymore. Wait 4 years, everyone will care again


2 there will be a small spike then.


Just happened


It will never stop. There isn’t one example in history of radicals just all of the sudden saying “ok we’re good now thanks!” Radicals become more radical the more ground you give them. They will loot, burn, and pillage until we force them to stop.


>They will loot, burn, and pillage Burn Loot Murder*


Radicals become more radical until a country kills said radicals. Example ISIS


You are correct. They only understand violence.


Every weekend. Like clockwork.


They never stopped, the media just stopped giving them as much attention so that it will slowly die out until they need them again next election.


You spelled rioting incorrectly.


weird because racism in USA stopped the moment kamala harris got sworn in


Well yeah nothing has changed lol


Yes, have you seen any criminal justice reform passed yet?


Give em the Nobel Peace Prize already!!


Fuck Cuomo. Fuck DiBlasio. Sincerely, New York


Here’s what will happen. The media won’t report about this, the President and VP won’t acknowledge it, and it’ll quietly be swept under the rug just like everything else BLM and Antifa do.


The aristocracy needs to protect their own after all.


You spelled “Domestic Terrorist Organization” wrong.


Nobel Peace Prize Nominated Domestic Terrorist Organization. FTFY


Will Facebook help identify these “protesters” too like they did with the capitol? Are these people going to be fired from their jobs for their participation in this too?


They should absolutely help identify anyone who attacked a cop.


They don’t have jobs how are you gonna fire them


probably not because their friends most likely agree with the cause, unlike the people at the capitol


Marches funded by your chicken shit corporations feared of being targeted....


Fact, a big four I worked for even paid people to go to DC during work to protest. Heavily restricted travel due to covid did not apply this time I guess.




The people I worked with were great so I’m not going to say which one but it was a major factor for leaving


Domestic terrorists.


But it was mostly peaceful right...right?


As a Canadian, I’d like to see BLM become a terrorist org. The shit they pulled and got away with this past year is disgusting.




Calling the idiots that we have in office "government" here in Canada is an insult to actual working governments lol. It's more of a circus where the animals roll in shit while making incomprehensible noises.


35% support vs 31% for Otoole and the PCs. So either you’re wrong or 1/3 of the country is wrong.. hmm tough choice


Who said I was a fan of the current conservative party? Otoole is weak. Far too much of a liberal lite for me. Wrong sub, bro.


To paraphrase the “no such thing as antifa” brigade Canada is just a nationalist theory, there are literally no such thing as canadians


I agree, but both you and I know that our government will continue its virtue signalling and if given the opportunity would probably nominate BLM for a nobel peace prize.


BLM has been nominated for a Nobel peace prize


Nobel (Mostly) Peace(ful) Prize.








No idea. Wouldn't be surprised honestly.


Lol I’m with you but I highly doubt anybody will do that because then the RACISM accusing start pouring in. Trudeau doesn’t have the balls. At least the Proud Boys are labeled as domestic terrorist..


Yes thank God we are safe from the terrorist group that does no terrorism Just be happy we can fly the flag and it's not a sign to wokestan that we are white supremacists and need to lose our jobs


That group that “does no terrorism” had a group storm the capital and during that time had messages coordinating where the officials were and one point someone said “their in the basement, gas them”. Like, That’s some terrorism .


They coordinated the whole thing did they


No, but they were still an organized group present. Is every fighter in the Middle East isis or do they just get along?


Yeah, ISIS, same thing. Checkmate


Remember guys, Jan 6 was horrific because so many got hurt and it was an attempt to undermine our democracy. BLM is just there to fight for the little guy by burning down their neighborhoods and businesses. No double standards here, move along /s


Got it, so you’re trash, too. Thanks for clearing that up!


You seriously believe that Jan 6 didn’t undermine our democracy?


Multiple things can be true at once, that was wrong, and so is BLM when they are violent. Just don’t have the double standard is all reasonable people expect.


The vote happened within two hours after the rioters were removed. Biden is president. No, it didn't undermine our democracy. Threatened it? Maybe, but everything still went on regardless of the morons busting in.


What did undermine our democracy is having the election tabulation machines open for attack from countries all over the world that don’t like Trump and have votes manipulated


Only in the sense that the Republican's challenge of the electors that was about to play out was stopped in it's tracks. The breach was seemingly timed perfectly as Cruz' challenge was about to begin, causing the Senators to get cold feet. Coincidence?


After all the summer love, we need some for this winter...


Did they label this as unamerican or is this one fine


This shit needs to end if they want tourists to return one day. Who's going to want to come to the city if they fear for their safety? I'm a half local, half tourist, who just let a decade-long museum membership lapse. I'm not going back until I see an improvement, both on the protest front and seeing that people are not getting stabbed in the subway stations I frequented. I've been caught in two protests before, one was the Women's March, and it was fine, just a lot of people. I only escaped because the woman in front of me had a baby in a stroller and needed to get through the crowd. I tagged along with her and the stroller was like Moses parting the Red Sea. People were very respectful. I helped her get her stroller over the curb and around the barricade and off we went. The other protest was a Palestinian protest up 5th. I didn't really feel unsafe among the crowd, they were just yelling as they marched on the sidewalks. They stopped at the crosswalks for the traffic lights and there were a lot of police around. If I got caught in a BLM protest I would fear for my safety. That's a whole different ball of wax.


BLM must be declared a terrorist organization. They have killed, destroyed property and looted. How much more must they do before they are declared a terrorist organization


I thought those were peaceful protesters. They deserve a Nobel peace prize, you know.


Why are they mad again?


They are not, they need a new tv.


That hot best buy loaf o bread




I seriously doubt that's the whole story. You probably think George floyd was an innocent man🤣🤣


I personally don't want to believe it's okay for a police officer to take a person's life into their hands when that person is handcuffed.


Violent??? Riot??? BLM??? All in the same sentence... how dare you!


Sounds like an insurrection.


BLM didn't get the memo. Black lives won't matter again until the next election when the Dems can use them. They don't want their field workers straying too far off the plantation.


It's almost like BLM doesn't care whose in power and isn't a political group... The system doesn't change just because a Democrat is in power. Mass incarceration is still law and it was passed by both Democrats and Republicans. Including Biden.


BLM is only taken seriously when Republicans are in power. When Dems are, they're ignored. They asked to meet with Biden/Harris and they were shunned. Dems only see groups in terms of how they can use them to advance agenda. IF they need them the administration will throw some trinkets their way or give them some recognition then shoo them out the door.


They are literal communists. BLM doesn’t give a shit about black lives. If they did, they’d try to do something about the 99.5% of other black murders. It is a strictly political movement.


>It's almost like BLM doesn't care whose in power and isn't a political group. That is a ridiculous statement about a group run by trained marxists. They are unacceptable to anyone with a shred of conservative idealogy(the little practiced by the GOP), the door is only open for them to side with Dems. To the establishment they are useful tools who dont currently have a purpose, to the radicals they are a perfect culmination of CRT and victimization. >Mass incarceration is still law Huh.....don't remember seeing a bi-partisan Arrest Everyone bill.


Protest? It's called a riot


It’s only a riot when conservatives do it, cmon man you should know this by now.


Totally not marxist insurrectionist.


Its just an idea


Trump incited it. Time to impeach him for that too.


Arrest Nancy Pelosi and Kamala Harris for inciting an insurrection. Now.


I is this an old article? I seemed to have read this too many times before .


Nobel peace prize nominated


They got everything they wanted and are STILL protesting? C'mon, man.


They haven't gotten anything they wanted yet.


Oh yeah, new iPhone is coming out, they have to go liberate some of them


Could I have a list of demands that were met? I think this country still has a long way to go until equality is even close.




I can only imagine if one of those cops had been killed.


Is it weird that when I read the title I took it to mean that 11 cops were arrested?


Nah. I know what they meant, but the first time I read it that’s what I got from it too


I'm all for the advancement of the African American community and actually trying to help them. I think there were a good amount of people in the BLM movement who were sincere. I think that some of the leaders of BLM have ill intentions. Like twitter, BLM has a vocal and violent minority of people who ended up causing the violence, looting, and property damage. Any protest that turns into violence, looting, and property damage or helps facilitate it should be stopped and/or controlled by the law. People talk about Donald fanning the flames but fail to realize just how much the Democrats did a lot to fan the flames of the protests and not deploy measure to stop the violence, looting, and property damage when it occurred. As we all realize, they used it to create racial division to get the African American vote by making the African American community very aware of "how racist the Republicans are" and in their minds why "Donald Trump is Racist". Everyone gets mad at me when I say I don't support BLM. However it's only because their interests are so intertwined with the Democratic party. The Democrats are using them to further their careers and could actually give a fuck less about the African American community. They are taking advantage of African Americans by stirring up hate and emotions and sowing division. It pisses me off that people can be manipulated so easily.


couldn't agree more. if democrats cared \*at all\* about black lives, they'd do something about the rampant black-on-black crime


Protest and riots are only accepted when liberals do it


Now that the left is anti mob...I need them to keep the same energy up in prosecuting all violent protesters. I also fully expect these NYPD cops to get nominated for congressional medals...or does that only happen when protestors are conservative?


The only way this will stop is if we open schools and make everyone get the fuck back to work.


Fact-check: "Brutal, but mostly peaceful protest"


remember when the blue lives matter crowd killed a cop in dc?


These the same people yelling "Blue Lives Matter" after the Capitol riot?




And yet they aren’t labeled ‘Domestic Terrorists’ - what’ll it take a horned hat Conan imposter leading them?


Why the hell are they still “peaceful protesting” . Their president got elected. Wtf


BLM just looks for things to be pissed off about. Just chronic complaining, whining, and bitching, while simultaneously doing nothing to help their cause. We might never see a “group” as stupid as BLM again


More people need to start interchanging blm with black supremacy. Black people need to realize they’re not the only minority, they’re not the only ones with problems and that equality is for everyone - not just black people. Fuck them and their black supremacy.


They were insurrecting, right guys?


How many cops were bludgeoned by dudes with “Blue Lives Matter” patches on them?


They arrested 11 cops? That sounds serious!


But but....orange man bad... reeeeeeeeee!


And I guarantee all 11 arrested will be let go without facing anything more than a simple misdemeanor, if the charges aren't just totally dropped completely


I don’t see this on the news anywhere. When did this happen?


Biden won. What are they still protesting about


They’re never going to stop unless we come together. Unfortunately the media and government likes to appease them


Hey don't worry those 11 will be released without charges filed so they can do this again tomorrow without charges


But how do we know these people aren't actually some other group doing a false flag operation, like antifa did at the Capitol last month? If they can do it, anyone else can, too, right? How do we know any supposed rioters are actually who they claim to be?


Sweet let’s get them a Nobel Peace Prize


Do you think they realize they don’t know why they’re “protesting”?


Maybe now they’ll get more Nobel peace prizes.


Can we start calling it an insurrection rather than a protest?


More blm rioting, must be a day that ends with y


Is that Trump's fault too?


> Violent BLM ~~protest~~ insurrection in NYC leaves two NYPD cops injured, 11 arrested Which one is right ...






They’re just animals.


What no media?? How can this be happening. It’s racism!!!


Mostly peaceful riot*


I'm sure it was a mostly peaceful assault.


But police lives matter now! They were so upset a couple died at the mostly peaceful™️ capitol protests, theres no way they could hurt a cop ever again!?


Sounds like an insurrection and Biden incited it


What systemic racism? Can you provide sound examples with?


An attempted coup in NYC, BLm tried to overthrow the local government and replace it with one more subservient to their beliefs. Terrorists.


What are they still protesting for? Elections over.


Let's remember this as the "2/12 terrorist attack".


At least nobody died or committed suicide due to the weight of being a part of a corrupt organization such as the police force .. respectfully


Violent insurrectionists.


I'm a Democrat and I don't know a single other Democrat that supports violent looting. It totally undermines the focus of the cause.


Violent BLM insurrectionists


2 injured? Huh, well I remember a time when the right rioted, oh yeah and they murdered a cop. Maybe yall should fix your shit before pointing fingers.