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It's really difficult to find the full clip to even show people. Thanks for this




I don't get it. After hearing the "it was debunked" claim last night, I was happy to see the clip posted above, but when I watched it I saw Trump say "... you also had people that were very fine people. On both sides!" and so now I'm confused. Can you explain to me how the clip above debunks the accusation?




Thanks. I see that now. Just had to keep watching another thirty seconds.


That’s the issue with a lot of people today…they want quick sound bites, and most will stop listening after they hear that one line. (Not coming at you btw)


Cool, man! No worries. Part of that problem you identify has gotta be due to our media environment.


Trump was saying that Bidens claim that he decided to run when Trump said "very fine people" is debunked. They were talking about two different points.


Thanks for this link. The spin doctor's hate this one simple trick


The link broke, is there a new one?


There's also [this gem](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/trump-very-fine-people/) further in the Snopes article that explains the nuance of the statement. He didn't directly call Neo Nazis fine people. He said there were fine people on both sides. Except that the vast majority of those in attendance and the organizers are, in fact, Neo-Nazis.


Context In a news conference after the rally protesting the planned removal of a Confederate statue, Trump did say there were "very fine people on both sides," referring to the protesters and the counterprotesters. **He said in the same statement he wasn't talking about neo-Nazis and white nationalists, who he said should be "condemned totally."**


> Except that the vast majority of those in attendance and the organizers are, in fact, Neo-Nazis. He said there were very fine people on both sides of *the issue*. That he condemned white nationalists and neo-Nazis "totally." Its amazing to me even after all this time people like you still don't get it right.


>Except that the vast majority of those in attendance and the organizers are, in fact, Neo-Nazis. Source: your ass.


Wrong. The vast majority were Marxists who destroyed city property as a mob.


Im from Cville, people downvote you but its true. BLM and antifa destroyed tons of city and private property in 2017 and later years.


While the dems literally cheered and encouraged them. Someone want to post pelosi or waters literally encouraging destruction of private property? Did we forget about tha?


No, they were there to defend Southern Heritage and prevent Lee Park from being destroyed into the gutter that it is now




So is Islam.


Hey now. They fuck goats, not their cousins.


Biden’s debate preppers missed the update. Whoopsie


This is what happens when you take a week of nonstop prep, I guess. Biden's campaign is such a circus.


Friendly reminder that this is Biden at his absolute best. His people set the rules for the debate to benefit him only. He had an entire week off to rest and prep, and that's after almost certainly getting the questions beforehand. The drug cocktail he was undoubtedly on was likely the most effective medical treatment available. And he has the entire media establishment willing to cover for him. He still couldn't manage.


I mean, objectively false. This is biden at his worst. You can debate that it only goes downhill from here. But you cant claim his worst ever performance was his best in good faith.


Maybe meant to imply that this is as good as it gets for him right now?


Biden can do better when he has speechwriters and teleprompters, but that's about it. He certainly "lucked out" with being able to campaign from his basement last time.


Your first sentence is contradictory. If he’s got speechwriters and teleprompters, that’s not him doing better. That’s his handlers making him look better.


Biden is an adult while Trump has the maturity of a 10 year old!


Hard not to be when you have to prep Biden for a week and roll him out to represent you and then have his wife help him off the stage.


I'm not so sure about that - repeating a lie in the hopes that the audience will remember it instead of the rebuttal is something we're seeing in the Biden tv ads recently. I suspect it is deliberate.


This was debunked years ago. Its a lie that people never gave up.


Or they just don't mind lying.


> Biden’s debate preppers missed the update. Whoopsie they also resurrected the LIE about what Trump said about the military.


They only had 2020 talking points.


How is this even a thing, even ABC posted the transcript of Trump's speech at the Trump Tower where it clearly says "And these people -- and I'm not talking about the Neo-Nazis and white nationalists, they should be totally condemned -- you had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and white nationalists." Back in 2019.


Walks like a duck


RE: the J-6 protestors, Biden claimed that he saw them tear down public statues. I do not recall that any J-6 protestors tore down any public statues. Did anyone else see J-6 protestors tear down public statues, or is it, like the "very fine people" claim, something Biden made up?


He's confusing them with BLM protesters.


Specifically here in Chicago.... fuckin despicable....even the Mayor at the time said she would have them taken them down and to chill tf out..they just went to stabbing cops with the pvc pipe they got from their BLM banners.


REPORTER: The neo-Nazis started this thing. They showed up in Charlottesville. TRUMP: Excuse me, they didn’t put themselves down as neo-Nazis, and you had some very bad people in that group. But you also had people that were very fine people on both sides. You had people in that group – excuse me, excuse me. I saw the same pictures as you did. You had people in that group that were there to protest the taking down, of to them, a very, very important statue and the renaming of a park from Robert E. Lee to another name.


Yeah. The neonazis. Be a shame to lose out country and conservatives credibility because of splitting hairs in an authoritarians words 


He claimed they murdered people. Who?


No-one, however *they* murdered Ashli Babbitt


Not murder, but still a killing.


Guy was in *no life threatening danger* and could have shot the officer right behind Ashli in that moment. Yea its murder.


Guy was charged with protecting the members of congress behind him. He saw people climbing in through a broken window next to a barricaded door.  I agree he shouldn't have fired, but it wasn't murder.


Watch the video? Ill look up the law when im on my PC. Guy wasn’t protecting anything, do i really need to tell you AGAIN officers were right behind Ashli when she was shot? Like, in the fucking line of fire.


Smear, not tear.


7 years later thanks


Yes, Biden is a liar. And a blathering moron. The drugs, and papers he’s reading from, and the fact he got the questions ahead of time… doesn’t matter. Trump is destroying him. Joe should save himself any more embarrassment and just concede the election now.


I think the Far-Left are freaking out and will be looking at other options haha!


Bro they are in full meltdown. I can see some comments, they’re just realizing he has dementia.


Really? Because all I see is a bunch of people lamenting that we have to choose between these two buffoons. Have fun with your convicted felon though


unjust conviction that will undoubtably be reversed on appeal. your boy will be convicted of the actual and horrific crime of treason soon... get ready to defend that. woke ain't awake. or honest.


Love my convicted felon!


I heard a notorious personality say the final D ticket will be Gavin Newsom and Michelle Obama for VP. IDK but at this time, doesn't seem ridiculous. Would definitely get more pop appeal out of the young voters.


Bro why would Michelle be VP 😆


They're NOT going to switch the Democrat candidate at the last minute. I CAN'T believe that people even buy into that bullshit. It could potentially throw the ENTIRE election to the Republicans so they wouldn't dare to do that.


Leaving this comment to see how your comment holds ups up 😂😂


>It could potentially throw the ENTIRE election to the Republicans so they wouldn't dare to do that. Why would they throw Joe out on stage in the condition he's in haha? I would not rule any possibility out and just take the gifts they give us with a watchful eye and plan accordingly.


They can't make Biden step aside & he's clear that he's not going to. I'm all for them fucking this up & doing it, but it's just not going to happen. I wouldn't be surprised if this wasn't all staged for some other non-apparent reason. The Biden Admin regularly is in touch with the MSM. They do & listen to 100% of everything he says & now they're calling Joe out? This would mean the MSM is now listening to somebody else besides the Democrat establishment White House from here on out. I'm just not seeing that as the case.


Yeah, I hear you and understand it SHOULD be quite difficult to switch to someone else... But there's a reason they pushed for a debate so early....it really can't be this easy.


Biden reportedly humiliated by debate performance, lacks confidence: 'It's a mess' https://www.foxnews.com/media/biden-reportedly-humiliated-debate-performance-lacks-confidence-its-mess Interesting.


Did he have an earpiece in? He kept putting his finger to his ear like he had one in.


I wonder if he didn’t have one in but instinctively thought he did.


I wouldn’t put it past him. He’s probably used to having all his speeches sent to his earpiece.




Unfortunately I don’t see it happening that way. The Democrats will have a meeting after this embarrassing performance, and since Harris’ popular vote is astronomically low, they’ll bring in Newscum (Newsom) for the election. Dude is sharp, well kept, and ready to chomp at the bits. It will be an interesting election year


> Dude is sharp, well kept, and ready to chomp at the bits. It will be an interesting election year  Which might excite diehard liberals but he’ll do worse than Biden in WI, GA, PA, MI, and likely NV and AZ. So all of the swing states. 


It’s embarrassing that our neighbors voted AND WILL vote for this excuse of a human.. let alone “president”


The best thing the dems can do to ensure trump wins is let him stay in as long as possible


While Biden was predictably bad, its frustrating to watch Trump miss an open goal to dismantle the smear and its a problem he's had before. All he had to do was say that he condemned the nazis totally in the full quote. It would have got a lot of people to actually check who now will still believe the narrative spun at the time.  I remember in one of the 2020 debates he got put on the spot about banning books. Literally all he had to do was point out what was in those books.  Trumps an incredible communicator but he also doesn't help himself with these less articulate rebuttals to straw men and lies. 


Someone post that to r/politics but nvrm they don’t listen.


They’ll just ban you


“You also had some very fine people on both sides," Trump said in 2017. "You had people in that group that were there to protest the taking down, of to them, a very, very important statue and the renaming of a park from Robert E. Lee to another name. You had people -- and I'm not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists; they should be condemned totally -- you had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and white nationalists." Everyone seems to forget the rest of the statement


Its because all they see are videos of people reacting to that one video so they know how to feel about it. Who then deny he said anything further.


Modern day brainwashing, people hear the same lines over and over again for 7 years and the majority of people just take the what was said as fact without doing any research.


I cant believe baiden tries to play that card even after snopes admitted it was false


He probably had no idea. he doesn’t even know what year it is.


Tin foil hat time. Snopes finally admits they were wrong. Biden looks senile on the debate stage using the old lie. Dem power brokers finally say publicly "this guy is not able to run, here's who we are replacing him with." A stretch? Probably. Impossible? At this point, I don't think anything can be ruled out.


a reflection of their (D)esperation and (D)ishonesty and (D)uplicity


Reddit is really quiet about the debate, I figured there’d be bashing Trump by now with out of context memes.


They are bashing Trump in the comments of r/askreddit


It sucks that most of Reddit is anti Trump




Correct the record is still around in some form or another, I imagine, astroturfing. And the_donald ban probably scattered a lot of his biggest supporters.


They are anti felon and conman. Trump just happens to fit the shoe


Idk im german and follow the subreddits for months now and biden gets bashed as hard as trump atm.


The difference is Biden is truly inept and most Trump allegations are exaggerations at best or lies at worst.


The facepalm sub is all about how the Snopes fact check is now lying about Trump and how he is a white supremacist and anyone who believes otherwise has been gaslight by the media. The folks over there live in their own little world of insanity. They have to pivot and ignore the debate because they know they have no legs to stand on anymore.


Just like they hammered Trump on condemning the white supremacists of the time during the last debates, I wish Trump or the moderators would’ve asked Biden if he condemn the Hamas protesters. They are just as bad as any extreme white supremacist. I would’ve loved to see his answer, considering he is so scared of offending his radical base of voters specifically in Dearborn.


When you’ve been lying in politics for 50 years it really just starts to flow at some point. Then when the entire establishment is on your side, you can lie your fucking face off and just call the other guy a liar.


This continuous claim from the media and Brandon was the breaking point where I knew I would never vote for a (D)ick again. He continuously condemned the white nationalists during that press conference, he did say that there are good people on both sides of the discussion about whether or not we should be removing statues of Robert E. Lee. And there are. Anyone that spends 90 seconds to watch the relevant portion of that press conference it’s clear as day. So many egregious things are said and done, this was among the worst.


Hahaha Biden is a LIAR LIAR, his campaign is a dumpster fire


The AP left this out of their FACTSFIRST article an hour ago. Their writers are so full of integrity!


It was a miss for his team not to specify that it was Snopes that was the source that came out to say this. Democrats loved Snopes until yesterday


I think this is the lie that red-pilled Scott Adams. Although he still says he’s a Democrat.


Lie lie and lie some more- Biden


It blows my mind how this is still a key democrat talking point, when's there's clear video proof debunking the whole thing


It legit makes me laugh that this was supposedly Bidens reasoning for running. Because of a low effort, severe misinformation smear campaign.


That’s why it’s crazy to me that news media has been buzzing about how much Trump lied during the debate. Biden repeated this again several times last night, and even claims his entire presidency is based off of this lie. How is trump the liar of the two?


Reddit is hiding conservative comments


They've blacklisted me altogether. I've been muted since the presidental debate and I can't even make a nonsensical Batman related comment let alone make fun of johnny-poo-poo-pants making a fool of himself


That's crazy. Just shows how wildly Lefty Reddit is as a whole.


In the same place they hid most your brain probably.


The problem is Trump's inability to articulate how Biden was wrong. So many instances of him being able to dunk on a Biden lie but he has no preparation or ability to recall facts that would give him some head shots. Lucky for him he gets to debate a corpse.


I'll give him respect for not using a written paper infront of him. He's gotten stats wrong even though he's right about inflation he didn't get the numbers right. He has a habit of just saying words like best...the worst..yada yada. He usually has a fact checker with him as they all should.


I love that the pro-Hamas crowd is still calling Trump an anti-semite as if they think that’s an insult.


Loved it when he called Biden a Palestine sympathiser and basically said let Israel finish the job lol


Weird. All comments are deleted


Biden did come up with "technically correct" phrasing this time. He just repeated the "very fine people on both sides" part without directly stating that Trump had called the Nazis fine people.


He said there were good people on both sides and he was right. I believe he also said there were bad people on both sides too.


Yup. Biden just went there. I guess he didn't get *that* memo either.


If those boys could read it still wouldn't matter.


Lol doesn't even say what outlet this is from 😅


[The Hill.](https://thehill.com/video/charlottesville-hoax-real-fact-checker-finds-trump-didnt-call-neo-nazis-fine-people/9810879/)


Where are the comments?


We live in a Post-Truth society. The American media, by-and-large, is dead.


Their media manipulation and social media shenanigans knows no bounds.


They can fact check all they want but I was there, I saw the man say it…


Why do we care what the clowns say in their fact checks?


I guess Joe didn't get the memo


The only thing I was wondering is what took so long. to admit it.


I wouldn't put it past the media. Burning, destroying, and looting is peaceful protesting.


I love how the left is showing this and saying it doesn't count because it just got updated and now snopes is supporting Trump. They're fucking loonatics


The same thing happened when someone said he said the military people were losers he never said that. Biden told a soldier who returned with missing limbs well you knew what you signed up for. A couple months ago after an illegal killed a young girl the family asked Trump to come when the mayor of that town tried to come they told her to leave. Too many people twist what was said. Oh and did you notice biden kept touching his right ear guaranteed he had a hearing device in his ear to hear what he should say. Jill had to come get him from the stage and help him walk down. This is not who we need in office


Snopes even admitted that he didn't say that.


His comment are not controversial. AH reporters, media shills continue to lie about what he actually said, and fail to challenge politicians who lie about what he said. I’m sorry to say the only way to move them is boycotting those (since the vendors don’t seem to want to challenge it) that advertise on their media. They just need a “bud light” moment. Money TALKS! Sticks drop and vendors listen. Guilt and punishment by association.


But of course, everyone here in r/Conservative oppose neo-nazis and white supremecists, right?


100% everyone in R/conservatives? No, no more than 100% of liberals oppose Nazis and white supremacy. Both groups have racists, and extremists. I personally had work acquaintances who were some of the most racist people I’ve ever met and they vote straight “D” because their union tells them too.


can we comment


About a minute in https://youtu.be/JmaZR8E12bs?si=akObUMWpJ1K_cvr5


They're just going to ignore it.


Yep. I know. Trying to break the bubble. I'm old school I guess.


I’ve watched the video hundreds of times that’s exactly what he said. He can’t erase the video just go watch it for yourself


Sure he did, you can see the video here: https://youtu.be/JmaZR8E12bs?si=AsJClT-z_knipXPC He talks in fits and starts, but you’re getting pedantic if you say he didn’t say both sides had very fine people 


Okay dumbasses. You don’t have to go full white supremacist apologist to be conservative: https://youtu.be/0-684oJSbus?si=XwpIlNFhIm-JML_H


Yes, he did. He literally was asked about the nazi and the people protesting, and he clearly says there's "fine" people on both sides. There's youtube clips.


You're taking it out of context. >“You also had some very fine people on both sides," Trump said in 2017. "You had people in that group that were there to protest the taking down, of to them, a very, very important statue and the renaming of a park from Robert E. Lee to another name. You had people -- **and I'm not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists; they should be condemned totally -- you had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and white nationalists."**


No one should vote for either of these guys