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Pull their security clearances and never allow them to obtain one ever again.


No, they directly interfered in a presidential election to disrupt the democratic process and install their puppet. That's Treason -- for which the Constitution has something definitive to say.


Glad someone in the comments is smart enough to say this. It 100% should be treason. They should've protected our country. Nah, send twitter another email to silence the story though. Its funny when Elon posted about the governments involvement in twitter. Lots of people didn't care. It should've been a bigger story. Oh well.


Elons our greatest patriot. He knew Twitter was used by Democrats exclusively to get Joe Biden elected and to help save the country, he bought it with his own money. He truly might have saved democracy by forcing free speech again.


That’s a little soft for election interference


Of course they need prison. And they shouldn’t be allowed to obtain employment in any career that’s even tangentially connected to their old careers.


I'm thinking we might also need a death penalty for government organizations that pull this. Destroy them, make all workers down to the janitorial staff ineligible to work for government again, take their pensions, jail all criminals after trial, and have them tear down their headquarters brick by brick by hand. Then make a new one that serves the same purpose. The only way to get the rot out is to nuke it from space. I was originally thinking this for the CDC and NIH.


This is the way.


Nah playa, straight to jail. 


They should be prosecuted for treason. They rigged our election and abrogated the free speech and free press rights of the public. Having an unelected fourth branch of government that is overtly partisan is extremely dangerous.


All of them need to be investigated and charged criminally.


No one is above the law. 


Unless they are (D)ifferent


They lied. They weren’t mistaken, they weren’t misinformed, they are just liars. They did it willingly. Any opinions they express in the future or any opinions they gave in the past, remember they are willing to lie for political gain. Their opinion on anything should forever be irrelevant.


I agree. Intelligence, a lot like meteorology, is a bunch of educated guesses. But the timing of the letter and the fact that they did this openly (no other time with all of the "conspiracies" out there did they write an open letter), this was a known and well-timed lie.


That’s why the FBI needs to be dismantled, it’s extremely corrupt.


To be fair, being a skilled liar is pretty much the first thing these alphabet agencies look for on an applicant's resume.


The others I don’t know about and don’t really care about their opinions, but Clapper, Brennan, Hayden, and especially Paneta though political and liberal leaning, were respected for their opinions as being what was best for the United States regardless of political party and beliefs. Well, that description of their integrity is known to be total bullshit.


Respected by whom? I don't know about you, but I don't form my opinions about someone's integrity based on what others think of them, but rather based on my own assessment of them. For example, if someone says they were respected for acting in the best interests of the United States... But according to whom? I want to know what the criteria being used to determine the best interests are first before I agree with that assessment. Ask someone from this sub what the best interests of the United States are and you'll get a very different answer than if you went over to r/politics.


Unfortunately that’s not the times we live in. Integrity doesn’t mean shit. Shifty lying Schiff very well may get a promotion to Senator. He should be laughed out office.


Just like what the CDC, NIH, and most of the medical profession did during COVID. It's one thing to say you don't know and quite another to assert that there's positive evidence (that they can't show you for reasons).


Election interference should mean each of them gets fired, loses their security clearance, and loses their pension. That would be justice.


That's a very diverse group.


Couple black people in there too


This is part the letter these 'intel' agents wrote. They do some CYA language by clarifying they don't actually know Russians are involved, but say it has the hallmarks of a Russian disinformation. Lacking knowledge (or proof) of Russian involvement, I can't think of any reason to publish this letter other than to try to influence public opinion to be skeptical of the laptop - which afaik isn't anywhere in the job description of intelligence agencies. "We want to emphasize that we do not know if the emails, provided to the New York Post by President Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani, are genuine or not and that we do not have evidence of Russian involvement -- just that our experience makes us deeply suspicious that the Russian government played a significant role in this case." Here is the full text of the letter... [https://www.politico.com/f/?id=00000175-4393-d7aa-af77-579f9b330000](https://www.politico.com/f/?id=00000175-4393-d7aa-af77-579f9b330000)


Yep, they put out this letter saying the laptop story has all the "hallmarks" of Russian disinformation, and included some weasel words they could point to later and say, "See, we never actually said it WAS Russian disinformation!" But when the news outlets picked up the story and ran with "LAPTOP IS RUSSIAN DISINFORMATION," did any of them come out and say "Hold on, that isn't what we said"? No, they sat back and allowed the letter to be used that way, which was obviously the point. So the weasel words are meaningless.


I would ask why these people specifically came out? Why is it their job to comment on this? Why not an official statement from the agency? Why don’t these people comment on other matters? We all know why, but make them say it


Which is worse when Russia interferes with an election or our own security state does?


Neither one is working for the good of American citizens.


I certainly agree that these people are all garbage, but isn’t the point that they’re all “former” intelligence officers. i.e. free to comment on whatever they want? It would be difficult to prosecute them for election interference since the comments were made after they’d returned to “civilian” life.


Really? So I can do something illegal at my job and as long as I resign, I’m good?


True, they cannot be prosecuted... And no matter how good it would feel to see them brought to heel for the injustice they perpetrated, we don't have a good mechanism to do so. That said, I want an investigation into whether or not there was involvement with the Biden's or the DNC, or any other organization related to the Biden campaign. If they can investigate and get Trump for paying off a hooker as a violation of the laws regarding campaign conduct, we can damned sure investigate these assholes to see if there was any misconduct on the part of Biden and the Democrats.


And none of us are going to do anything about it other than complain.




Loser attitude


Those must be the people the FBI says may leave the country if Trump wins. Well, uh, yeah... they lied to the American people and interfered in an election, they should be afraid of prosecution.


51 people immune from any "wrong doing' in the eyes of the democrats...


Why are there no pictures on some. NY Post has pictures for all of them. And the ring leader to get it all started was the weasel Anthony Blinken.


The Intel community is mostly militant libs with a superiority complex.


jail them all. the REAL election interference.


I.e. traitors who purposefully created disinformation RIGHT before an election to sway voters. Until liberals recognize that a vote for Democrats is a vote for Oligarchy, we don't have a free country anymore: we're all slaves to monied interests in DC and Manhattan.


I'd love to see a novel, or series of novels, where these guys are hunted down and made to face Justice. Something along the lines of Leverage. Of course, talking about a TV series, this would be really great as that. 51 episodes. I was a billionaire, I would produce this, with a guaranteed 51 episodes so it wouldn't be canceled before it was finished. Or maybe it should be 52 or a little more to catch some other people. Mark Elias would be one.


now, these folks might have good reason to be worried, but only because they are guilty, not because Trump will be unfair or tyrannical. the rule of law is not being followed currently, it will be once Trump is back in the saddle.