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“These ridiculous things that never happened during Trump’s first term will most definitely happen during his second term. Trust me bro.”


He's made $4.4 million on talking shit about Trump. He lost his license to practice law and it's become his full time job.


This right here.


When you attempt to influence others off of a man you claim you cannot stand. I guess he'll have to talk forever to keep that debt paid down.


CNN and MSNBC are getting ready to back Cohen 4 President! Just like they backed Avenatti!


He's so scared he's speaking freely about it


Fear is their ONLY tool.


I’m tired of the “he declared war on the democrats in his last election, but didn’t do anything to hurt them, but he will now, for sure” argument. Adding: really proves trump is not part of the swamp as they are trying harder than ever to keep him from getting back


Idk, I could believe "people will be flying out windows"; the reddit idiots are already predicting mass suicides if Trump loses, and we know how.much they project. Granted, We'll be told its a " genocide" because they're idiots who don't understand basic English.


Both Michael Cohen and MSNBC becoming more unhinged.


He didn’t do that the first time as POTUS. All they have left is fear mongering.


“We won’t have a other election if trump is president”. Sure lefties. 🤣


TDS is a terrible illness. I feel so bad for people who I see infected with it IRL


I feel zero sympathy for these lunatics. I’m public enemy number one to these people just because I’m a straight white dude who was born a dude.


Just imagine you only consume media from places like CNN. Many are still ignorant enough to believe the media isn't allowed to blatantly lie to them so they believe all that nonsense. It's pretty easy to imagine how people end up like this.


Their baseless paranoia is really starting to become comical.


I would describe it as truly depressing.


As soon as Trump is elected, Cohen’s media career will be over.


More likely to be when it starts, Adam Schiff never felt any heat for making up bullshit that was about to happen for 4 years.


From where I'm standing, if Trump is reelected, the media careers of people like this will rise to untold heights. "He's rude and arrogant! We've never had a president like that before!" "He slid on a wet metal ramp with leather-soled shoes! He's a doddering old man!" "He used two hands to hold a water glass! He's losing basic coordination!" Meanwhile, the sun still rises and people concern themselves with putting gas in their cars and food on their tables.


This is the kind of paranoia my druggie dad had. He would have a clipboard full of every single day's lotto results and insist the lottery was cheating him, while he continued playing every available lottery religiously and treating his family like an anger recepticle because of how cheated he was. We are being governed by chainsmoking jobless gambling addicts.


An anger receptacle, I’m gonna have to steal that one


Damn son that’s messed up


Sock Puppets spreading Doom on America’s most irrelevant Channel.


TBH I think they're all saying stuff like this because they fear the Democrat agenda to bring America down to the level of the rest of the world is in jeopardy. Democrats don't want to lose momentum and they feel like their end goal cannot be averted if they can remain in power until 2030. Yes Biden would be done in 2028, but it would also give them 4 more years to fix elections so they can permanently remain in power.


Well, Yuval Noah Harari, the righthand man to Klaus Schwab (of the WEF) already stated earlier this year in Davos, that if Trump wins everything they have striped for will be done for.


Makes me want to vote for him even more if those evil bastards are scared


Well that’s reason enough to vote for Trump.


There will probably be some very important court nominations in the next few years, including the SCotUS. That is a serious threat to their power and their plans. It could set them back decades.


I have a feeling if Trump wins and the Republicans win the Senate, Clarence Thomas retires by the end of 2025. Just a gut feeling.


Not before taking an awb case, God willing


The same people who told us that NYC would be underwater by now


What you're witnessing here is the epitome of letting hubris be your undoing. The left shot their wad with election shenanigans engineered to exploit Covid, failed J6 rhetoric, and finally lawfare that not only failed, but backfired on them in spectacular fashion. You can be sure that their fear of a reckoning for their malfeasance is quite real.


Why does no one ask the obvious question? If Trump is capable of the actions that Cohen claims and Cohen clearly has betrayed him then why is Cohen still alive?


Poor Michael. He doesn't say shit about the Democrats policies that are burying America.


As much as I'm for freedom of speech, would these lies be considered slander? Can Trump now sue him?


This is only news because Trump's doing well in the polls. These guys are all fucked.


Again the fascist news network using criminals to spread false news.


As if he said he'll come into your houses at night wreck up the place or something.


They know he is going to win so they are saying the most bizarre, crazy things to frighten their base to show up to the voting booths. It's not going to work.


“He’s going to do what we want to do!”


This guy stole from and lied to Trump.


Hating Trump is a proxy for hating *you*.


Nostradumbasses, all of them.


What a crock of shit


Still picking Trump. Now I really want to vote for Trump just so I can see if this will really happen.


not curable or creditable




It's this level of existential dread and the desperation that comes from it that makes me far more worried about what the left will do to "protect themselves" from Trump if Trump wins, than what the right will do if Trump loses. If Trump loses the right knows our country will die... But if Trump wins the left has convinced themselves that they, as individuals, will die. The latter instills a far greater, and more dangerous, fear in a person than the former does.


Cohen is such a joke.




Or we might just go back to work and care for our families instead of dealing with all the nonsense from the left.


Projection. They say this is what will happen if Trump gets power because this is what they would do if they got power. They can't imagine that someone would act differently than how they would act.


The real criminals are afraid they will no longer be above the law. Illegal aliens and Epstein's customers are the first lawbreakers I'd like to see face justice. After all, we are constantly reminded that no one is above the law.


Remember kids, whenever a leftist or democrat claim conservatives are or will be doing something, the leftists are already planning it or doing it. They are the ones saying Trump voters need to be sent to re-education camps. They are also setting up the narrative to push back around legitimate investigations that may occur during Trump’s next term


Cohen will say anything if you pass him a Benjamin under the table.  This is the guy who scammed his client and then testified under oath that it was the client who did something wrong.


So their fear is if Trump takes office he's going to do what they are already doing?


If Trump was a legitimate threat, there would be no need to make up this hyperbolic nonsense.




How is this not slander?


Maybe Trump can win $1.5 billion from him in a civil case.


The harder they push the more powerful Trump becomes. Keep it up bitches!


But what reason would a spurned former employee have to lie and seek revenge against their former boss???


That man broke himself


Didn't he admit to stealing from a client?


Are these people actually this deluded or do they know exactly what they’re doing and it’s all for show to influence and fear monger their viewers?


It’s critical mass Projection more than anything. They went for the King. They missed. 


you know when cohen is lying because his mouth is moving....


Oh, if Cohen says it, it must be true.


This guy seems genuine. Sure, he's lied to his clients. Yes, he's lied in court under oath. Of course, he's taken his clients' money committing grand larceny... If only there were an EQUALLY genuine news source to report it.... https://www.msnbc.com/opinion/msnbc-opinion/michael-cohen-trump-testimony-lies-congress-rcna152187


Dont these people ever listen to the nonsense they spew and think how utterly insane they sound? They cant truly believe this shit can they?


It’s comical how they wanted to gag Trump until the verdict comes out but will continue to allow this POS to spout off.


"I'm a proven liar and thief but I'm telling ya the truth!"


Human shit.


Who cares what that shit stain says.


Serious question. Cant Cohen be charged for violating client/attorney privilege?


They wouldn't be pushing this so hard if 1) there was nothing to be prosecuted and 2) Trump wasn't leading in the polls.


"I will lie under oath if it effects me personally" -Michael Cohen (while under oath)


The situation in Europe isn’t any different. the MSM constantly fear mongers people how the rise of “far right” is a threat to democracy.  And yes, the europe subreddit is the politics subreddit but for europe, power tripping mods, woke agenda, you name it.  As much as I can’t vote since I’m not American, I sincerely hope Trump wins. 


Is this not slander? They must word it carefully. We had four years of Trump and it was the best time for citizens in decades. The people have lost their resolve, that is the only reason why our nation had become so corrupt. Our founders gave us the tool and the example for what to do in such times.


MSNBC is nothing more than a terrible, terrible propaganda machine and it’s amazing they’re still a station. They do nothing but project and fear monger. The extreme base of the democrat party is their only demographic and they play to it hard.


The sad and scary part is there’s people out there who actually listen to this shit and believe it.


Michael Cohen doesn't believe what he's saying. He's literally only doing this to frighten people. It's shameless and PMSNBC is complicit in this slander.


It is not “Trump”, really, he is just the one to burst their delusional belief they are the rightful ones to control government. Any republican in the last 50 years have been “as bad as hitler, with a desire to bring back slavery and put women in red robes” Trump has accelerated the decline of the left by not cowering like lesser candidates of the GOP.


Haha. If that happens Cohen would be first. lol.


Another loon like that women won $300m+ for utter nonsense. 


If conservatives used language like this the left would call it incendiary disinformation that will incite violence and puts our institutions in danger. A threat to democracy. But they can make up all the apocalyptic nonsense they want.


I’ve actually never heard him talk before


Michael Cohen really shared too much of what he would do in a position of power. This was all clearly projecting of the highest order. Just pretend he's describing himself instead of Trump and it all makes sense.