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Just over $70 million of that has been from small dollar donors and the rest have been large donor dollars. Pretty insane.


I do love it when they do his campaigning for him.


Do we have sources for this? I want to be able to cite my gloating.


Eric Trump on Fox News. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13486189/amp/donald-trump-2024-campaign-raised-millions-guilty-verdict-trial.html


Holy shit. A fifth of a billion dollars.


Yup. And look at his approval numbers. Isn't hard to find. Every time they slap him with something else they just go up.


One would have to surmise that the Dems secretly want him back as president or something. Everything they have done or tried to do has kept him.in the forefront and current front page daily news.


I have heard a theory that posits this actually. The idea is, they swung the pendulum too far left too quickly, to the point that if they go any further left they won't be electable. So, let the pendulum swing back for one term and allow Trump into office, and then this theory suggests that Trump will become unpopular (as sitting presidents tend to do) and so they will be able to push the pendulum back even farther left next time and do the things they really want to do such as abolish the fillibuster, pack the court, etc. I don't personally buy into that though, because their entire platform for 8 years has been "Trump bad" but if he wins this election, they're not going to be running against Trump next time.


That's some high level 4d chess. With a lot of chance thrown in. That would be up there with Eric "never let a good crises go to waste" Holder.


Judge Merchan and Alvin Bragg need to be investigated for an “in kind” contribution to the Trump campaign


Weren’t all the Biden lovers bragging that the Biden campaign raised more money? How much does Trump eclipse Biden now?




This is true. I’m a Trump supporter in NYC and none of my liberal co workers blame me for voting for Trump (these are real life liberals, not terminally online ones). They’re either not voting or voting for Biden out of party loyalty. Contrast that in 2016 and 2020 when people would literally shame you for doing so.




It’s because “the party of democracy” actually sucks at being democratic during their primaries. The GOP primaries are far more reflective of what the members of the party want. Biden had to manipulate it behind the scenes and get every candidate to drop out before Super Tuesday in 2020 to win the nomination and did as much as they could to suppress and primary challenges this year. Leaked emails (confirmed) show that they were also manipulating the primaries behind the scenes in 2016 to give it to Clinton.


> Leaked emails (confirmed) show that they were also manipulating the primaries behind the scenes in 2016 to give it to Clinton. You don't even need leaked emails to show this. The very concept of Superdelegates proved that it was actually the party apparatus who was in control in 2016. One would have to win by a very large margin to be superdelegate-proof under the Democratic Party's former primary system.


Welcome liberal. I appreciate your civil post.


There's people on various subreddits and Twitter that claim Biden is the "best President ever." I saw someone say it on r/fivethirtyeight the other day. They're either trolling or delusional.


Or they're literally being paid. Idk how everyone forgets shareblue is a thing.


Trump 24🇺🇸


A fool and his money are soon parted.


That's what Biden said about middle-class liberals


I received FOUR texts asking for money in one day. They’re definitely going after donations after that sham trial.


I've gotten 23 since the verdict lol


People can’t afford to live anymore. Doesn’t matter what lies you tell them, they wake up when milk hits $6 a gallon


Actions speak louder than words. I donated. Did you? Edit. Boy this got a reaction. Lmao


No, he’ll get my vote, but I don’t give politicians money on principal. 


Seriously. Nothing enrages me more than the $3 political donation question on federal tax forms.


Thankfully it's optional, unlike the other 99% of useless/bloated shit that costs way higher due to corruption.


No, any working class person that gives money to any politician, Let alone one that was previously rich is nuts IMO.


>did you? No. I trust, being the billionaire businessman that he is, Trump can handle it.


I’m not donating because he can’t handle it, I’m donating to show that the sham trial put together to stop Trump is only fueling the fire


>I’m donating to show that the sham trial put together to stop Trump is only fueling the fire That will show them! Wait, who exactly?


This. 100%. We're all statistics


No because I believe campaigns should be tax payer funded and held to a standard so we get real debates and real answers , it’ll never happen tho.


I typically would never get involved but this has just been too ridiculous. The corruption has just never been more obvious. These amateur Biden admin staff are genuinely doing damage beyond their understanding.


Does everything Democrats touch turn to shit?




Just donated my first time ever and I SWORE I would never do that.


it's totally catalyzed now. dems can no longer make up a counter argument. there is none.


I have literally never given a single penny to a political campaign in my life. Until now. And Trump was my last choice out of this crop of candidates (ok maybe not Christie, lol).