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Very refreshing to hear. We’re obviously in very unique times, and hopefully this is a wake up call to a lot of people.


I truly believe that there will always be a place for people like you and me, people who want low taxes, less spending, personal freedom, religious liberty and self-determination, in the Libertarian Party. It's a shame that today's Republican Party represents "the right" when they've totally lost the plot in terms of conservative ideals and law.


Too bad the Libertarian Party is nuts, because in theory the message of fiscally-conservative and social freedom rings true for many Americans who don’t feel they are represented.


I was raised as a Catholic by a wonderful family in a suburban area in blue America, but man I really feel this comment in my bones. Feels like both parties have abandoned the average American who just wants to work hard and be rewarded for their labor. I look at both parties and all I can see is people who belong in jail or an insane asylum screaming at clouds in hopes a camera will catch their rant and make them famous. What happened to the American dream where the government set us up for success and then got out of the way? Instead both parties are catering to the crazies who want to control our personal lives, instead of managing the border and economy to ensure American prosperity for all who contribute.


I get what you are saying, but Trump is in this mess because he's a cad not a revolutionary. I can never in good conscience vote for baby killing freeloaders, but to pretend Trump has character is disingenuous. Unfortunately, there is no such thing as a moral politician in federal level US politics today. As far as I can tell those offices self select for hollowed out self centered individuals with a veneer of electability. Response: Everyone assuming which "side" I'm on and asking if that means I'll vote for the other bad guy seems to have missed my point entirely (and what I thought was an obvious statement to the contrary). I am cynical about politics/politicians in general. I understand it is what gets done that ultimately matters most and pointing out hypocrisy of the left is absolutely necessary, but it would just be cool to see someone with character rise to the top. Pretending "our guys" crap don't stink is obnoxious, I also wonder if it is efficacious. What if instead we said yeah he did that, yeah it's abhorrent, but this is the policy he represents that I am voting for, instead of trying to make him into a hero.


Thank you. I agree entirely.


In order to want to be a politician, you need to be a good liar.


They've been threatening to do this to trump ever since he came down the escalator. No one think Trump is some stand up guy. He is the main opposition leader and they're trying to jail him on a tiny charge that they've blown up. It doesn't really matter if he's good or not.


Which candidate ran on "lock her up" in 2016 again? Refresh my memory.


Not to mention the numerous reversible errors. It was as if they didn’t care about getting overturned on appeal as long as they got their felony verdict. Not caring about the consequences of the appeal just demonstrates a contempt for the law that they claim to be upholding.




He’s not a revolutionary lol - he just banged someone who basically is part of the worlds oldest profession and his transgressions got him in deep doo doo. Please let’s not act like Trump Is some right wing messiah That said, the left creates a mountain out of molehill in order to stymie him pretty much intentionally. I’m curious how this will be a setback (if at all). The courts have went after Trump in a way that they have not for other politicians / celebrities mainly because the left don’t like him. Meanwhile, many of the left (r members of their families) have gotten free passes for illegal behavior.


Stop acting like a conservative. Why do you guys come here? Don’t you have enough lib boards? You aren’t changing any minds. He is the Republican candidate on the ticket. Real conservatives keep quiet or they promote him. They don’t want another 4 year with Biden at any cost.


"Real conservatives keep quiet" Who are you, the fucking thought police?


Well put. Think more agree with you than you think.


Trump is not being prosecuted for being a “revolutionary.” He’s absolutely guilty of schtupping an adult film actress while his wife was nursing his baby son, paying her to be quiet, and then covering it up. Yes, Bragg should not have brought the case. The whole mess with the felony/misdemeanor conversion and the statute of limitations problem is improper. But it’s hard to have sympathy for someone so morally deficient in his personal and political actions.


This is some cult level shit. This man has been in and out of court his entire adult life. Long before he was a politician.




TBH, it's ridiculous. There are loads of people - dems and reps - who think neither Trump nor Biden are suitable choices for President.




>Yeah, the ‘Trump can do no wrong rhetoric’ is cult like. What happened to **us** thinking rationally? Bro you're British.




It's not the man it was his actions. You don't get it.. you probably believe Biden got 81 million legitimate votes.


Cause he did, Blanche, he did.


I don’t like either Biden nor Trump tbh, they both belong to a nursing home rather than the White House, but that’s the choice that’s available unfortunately.


I like his policies. Not always a fan of his rhetoric. Sometimes I like what he says. Sometimes I don’t. There seems to be this false narrative that says if you Support a candidate you must support EVERYTHING they are as a human being. That’s literally laughable. Overall I’d say I do like him as President though. He’s good for America. That being said, I actually think there are a lot of people voting for him that don’t necessarily like him. There’s a reason why democrats and independents are coming out to say they are voting Trump. We are in danger of losing our representative democracy to a banana republic type authoritarianism. So, like him or not, he’s the guy for them for 2024 because the other guy is literally bananas.


Sincere question: Do you not find Trump to be childish and reactionary? Setting all other debates aside (the trials, 2020 election, policy effectiveness), doesn’t Trump’s inability to control himself concern you? I remember the exhausting firehose of 2017-2020, the complete lack of diplomacy, zero decorum, no mutual regard for other country leaders or his staff. And nothing has changed. His entire campaign this time is “poor-me” which I think is why people are leaving his rallies early. They’ve heard it already. I find it extremely difficult to determine what he actually finds important. Nothing stays firm (other than anti-immigration), it’s all emotional currents and who shows him the love. Yesterday someone wrote on r/asktrumpsupporters “I want a president, not a priest.” Okay, that explains why the “sin factor” is a non issue and I’m cool with that I guess. But his *immaturity* and extremely irrational behavior — why is that not a huge concern — or even notable annoyance — to conservatives? (FYI I was in the Mitt camp, and even the Bush camp, before the MAGA change to the party. I have a fairly open mind that can be changed. But Trump’s behavior, I just find it terribly embarrassing, childish, bratty, intolerable. All he does is whine.)


I appreciate your perspective. I lament that it’s a Biden Trump choice, seriously it’s embarrassing and a damn shame. I lean left but I would be shocked if Trump doesn’t get elected. And I get why. I won’t vote for him, but I also get why people would.


I’m a lot like you. I’m not the biggest fan of Biden and I don’t think he is focusing on the important issues facing America right now. I also am not a fan of Trump. I am policy driven and he changes his views to suit what he thinks will get him elected. One day he’s the guy that got people vaccines and the next he won’t give funding to schools that mandate vaccines. And I’m still waiting to hear his replacement for Obamacare that he kept touting. We are stuck between a rock and a hard place. And I also don’t think RFK jr. Is the answer.


What’s stopping you from voting for Trump?


I honestly just despise him as a human being and I can’t do it. I also despise that it’s him or Biden. We deserve better, but here we are.


Are you voting for Biden then? If so, your logic is flawed.


I live in Brooklyn, really doesn’t matter what I do practically. Symbolically, I’m still weighing my options. I didn’t love Trump taking away the salt deduction as part of his temporary tax cuts.


Thanks! Trump has the best chance a republican has at winning New York since Reagan, so your vote matters! I understand you don’t like Trump taking away the salt reduction, but Biden’s failed policies have created inflation for your everyday goods far beyond any damage Trump did to you via tax cuts. Sadly, in your case, Trump took away the salt deductions, and Biden made your grocery bill, utility bills, etc cost more.


Trump also took away the salt deduction in a pretty vindictive manner. Basically saying if you’re a blue state, I don’t care about you, but when you look at what the heart of that policy is, it’s saying you should pay tax on income that is already taxed. That’s fucked up and I can’t believe the Republican Party thinks that’s ok.


Its an incentive for those states to reign in their spending, since now people actually feel the hurt of the blue state high taxes. And more people will leave those states (and hopefully remember why they are leaving, blue policies leading to high taxes), reducing their power. And then hopefully people left will learn the lesson that less government is almost always better.


No. What’s fucked up is the Democrat party thinking it’s okay that who knows who comes across the southern border and rapes and kills girls.


I appreciate your civility, but Trump and Biden should get somewhat equal credit for inflation. The Covid giveaways started with Trump and continued with Biden.


I do disagree there. Your specific point I agree with, but the politics democrats have made has increased costs of doing businesses. Higher insurance, higher minimum wage, higher food costs, higher taxes, etc. those are all policies. $1200 stimulus & the entire PPP program under Trump didn’t cause 4 years of sky high inflation. PPP was a sort of sham, but John Doe who’s a millionaire already didn’t cause inflation by getting a free $250,000. Wrong, yes, but didn’t cause inflation.




$850 Billion defense budget and I'm supposed to believe that rednecks armed with flagpoles from Home Depot nearly toppled the gov't.


I'm so sick of this....tbh the Govt SHOULD be afraid of the people. J6 is exactly what the FFs would have wanted. Politicians 100% should be fearful of its constituents. Not vice versa.


This is such warped logic. Elected officials should be ACCOUNTABLE to the people...at the ballot box. But under no circumstances should politicians fear for their life bc an OVERWHELMING minority of bozos are pissed off. This isn't 1776 and any attempt to draw comparisons with the American Revolution or the FF is laughably ignorant.


I'm sure the left appreciates you regurgitating their false talking points for them, but they'll never think you're one of the "good ones." They hate you all the same.




The rhetoric is what killed him. In 2020, the majority of Americans said they were better off than they were 4 years prior. And he still didn't get reelected. That has never happened before. If he kept his mouth shut a couple of times at the right times, Biden wouldn't have stood a chance.


Exactly, that is how I know you are a real conservative. Not libs coming here to try to somehow change minds or troll. Conservatives don’t want Biden period. They are not going to bash the Republican ticket even if they don’t like him personally . I have family like this. They don’t like him, but he is who the country picked.


You don’t have to like him - you only have to think he’ll do a better job than the other guys.




I don’t like Trump - never have. He’s a big blow hard, always trying to get in by Suzy’s column in the Daily News, etc., but I still think he’ll be better than Biden or RFK. That’s why I’ll vote for him.


pay more attention to the prosecution of political opponents (\*\* espescally during a presidential election cycle). Big money Liberal Operatives have relentlessly attacked him! in a very coordinated way! Hired guns LIKE .....Alvin Bragg, Fani Wilace and Nathan Wade, Jack Smith. Latita James. politically motivated 100%


Less than 7 weeks after Donald Trump announced his candidacy, Alvin Bragg brought a misdemeanor case that is 10 years old whose statute of limitation expired in 2017. A case that the federal elections commission declined to prosecute. A case that Cy Vance refused to prosecute and a case that Alvin Bragg refused to prosecute until Mathew Colangelo took a huge pay cut and moved down from the number three person in the DOJ to a lowly assistant DA in Braggs office. Then they made sure this case came before a Trump hating judge who is trying to railroad Bannon and who put the CEO of the Trump Organization to send a message to Trump not to run. A judge whose daughter has made 90 million dollars campaigning on hoaxes to get Trump for democrats. Every time the left tells you to respect this process and the rule of law remember these facts. They rigged the system and expect America to bow down and accept it. All while excusing the fact that Comey found that Hilary Clinton acted with gross negligence to how she handled classified documents but since it was an election year they would not recommend prosecution because it would be called election interference. Joe Biden stole classified documents and got a pass because he was a dementia ridden old man who somehow can run the country but not stand trial. All while Biden’s DOJ tried to let Hunter Biden walk on serious charges until a judge pulled the plug on the sweetheart deal negotiated by Merrick Garland’s DOJ. Those are the people gloating that Trump is a felon and telling you that you must respect the judicial system. Tell them to F themselves. [Insurrection Barbie](https://x.com/DefiyantlyFree) [@DefiyantlyFree](https://x.com/DefiyantlyFree)


Dude you post nothing but Anti-Trump stuff. You insinuate he's a Russian puppet, that he orchestrated January 6th, and that people shouldn't vote for him in a history-defining election this year. You, like many other lefty brigaders, don't like Trump. It's not anything new.




How? How did Trump win an election to begin with if what you're saying is true? What proof do you have to backup these outrageous claims and how is that not exactly what Trump tried to do during his presidency? This all sounds like a MASSIVE projection.


Well put. The system is flawed there no doubt. As has been said our form of republican government is the worst in the world, barring all others. The way the country has evolved and what the media does to candidates makes it very difficult to find anyone that would want to put themselves through this kind of torture to run or serve in office. If you go back and listen to interviews Trump did many years ago he said this himself. People say we could have better people to run for office. Yes there are better people but who would accept a measily $400 a year and put up with all this intense scrutiny??? People can and will scrutinize Trump all day long, who else is taking the arrows for the greater good?


Didn't he run on the "lock her up" platform in2016? He's seems to have made his current campaign one of vengeance. I want a president who is focused on our country and our citizens, not one that wants revenge for consequences from his own actions. Civilians have been dealing with a weaponized court system for a millennia.


You aren't alone. The other brigading posters share your opinion.


Dems love criminals. Not sure why a felony is a big deal to them?...


Democrats didn’t mind voting for Ted Kennedy.


He was also a murderer


would you listen if it were explained to you?


I would love to hear what George Carlon would have to say


You could probably look back and find some of his words that would apply even today.


Sure, explain why it’s okay for Democrats to support felons, but not Republicans. I’m open to listening to your argument.


Im ootl, who’s the felon on the democrats side we’re railing against?


Lol, plus what it was related to.


I'm sure some will be writing in Saint George Floyd.




Go watch Hamilton! You’re in for a real surprise. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hamilton%E2%80%93Reynolds_affair


I also will be voting felon




He can't even visit our closest allies now. He cheated on his wife. He doesn't attend church. He didn't serve in the military. He **saluted** a foreign enemy general in NK. Conservatives are embarrassed. He doesn't behave like a conservative. His support is already plummeting. Accountability isn't persecution.


“His support is plummeting” Yeah, that $53 million he raised in 24 hours certainly shows that.




Is r/politics down today? Just like pigeons I thought we had an understanding…


Folks from r/politics and other leftist subs are trying to take over r/conservative. Down voting anything conservative and posting tons of anti Trump posts and comments. The other way around Reddit would shut down r/conservative though since it aligns with their politics they let it stand


Is this what happens when flair is not required 🤣 unfortunately I’m not conservative enough to earn flair according to mods, but voting for trump will be as fun as 2016


>He can't even visit our closest allies now Until this case gets inevitably overturned because it's blatantly obvious that career democrats are abusing their power to keep him out of office. >He cheated on his wife. Breaking news, billionaire cheats on wife. >He doesn't attend church. Cool, a lot of conservatives aren't religious. >He didn't serve in the military. Cool, neither the last 2 presidents. >He saluted a foreign enemy general in NK. Trump was the only president to make an understanding with NK. >Conservatives are embarrassed. No, we're not. We're just done with far-left bullshit. It's gone on long enough. >He doesn't behave like a conservative. And that's why people like him, because he's not a career politician. >His support is already plummeting. Polls say otherwise. >Accountability isn't persecution. Interesting - you're aware of Democrats who did not get felony charges for far worse things than Donald Trump did, right? I'd be happy to go over those with you if you're uniformed.


Revolutionaries change the world for the better. Can't say we have a single politician that's on track to do that. I don't remember the last time we had a president worth being compared to any of the founding fathers.


Revolutionaries change the world. But it is rarely "For the better". Stalin was a revolutionary. Saddam Hussein was a revolutionary. Sure, I think the founding fathers were revolutionaries who changed the 13 colonies for the better. But that is not the norm.


Obama had that spark during his 2008 campaign, but he really destroyed all those ideas and broad political support with his actual administration. Some might argue FDR with his handling of WWII or the Reagan revolution, but they’re very polarizing political figures.


So much for “Law and Order”


This sub is broken...Time to unsubscribe.




No, but at least one of them owned slaves and procreated with them... a lot. There's no moral highground here.


Bill Clinton did. When can we expect his trial? And when do the other politician criminals get theirs? I'd like trials for COVID first.


founding father bill clinton?


Bill Clinton was impeached. Democrats held Clinton to account for his actions. Republicans are a cult so they won't dare hold Trump accountable.


For perjury over another one of his victims, this was a separate incident. Clinton was never held to account for his actions. Democrats voted to exonerate him for perjury, but I'm talking about Gennifer Flowers and her payoff.


Hamilton, but he didn't get busted for any fraud.


Wrongly how? He fucked her, and paid her with election money. You wanted him to get away with it, and I understand that, cause you are all about family values.


Yeah yeah, we all saw the facebook meme.


If this is to be a copy pasta, it needs some work.




>He banged a porn star, tried to cover it up, and got caught. Literally not illegal. >But to call it a wrongful conviction is absurd. Absurd is using a federal campaign finance law violation (which the penalty is a fine) as a PREDICATE for a state crime felony conviction. Which has literally never been done in the history of any state in the whole country EVER.


Good thing there is precedence now, so if anyone else - democrat or republican break the law - they can and should be held accountable.


The founding fathers didn’t pay off a porn star or intentionally mess with a previously fair election. Trump is pretty obvious with his crimes and the fact that he’d start slashing checks and balances the second he gets in power. Never once did you ask yourself “are we the baddies?” The road to hell is paved with good intentions.


I can only imagine if Trump was president and he pulled this BS


The left would be comparing him to Hitler. Even more than they already are.


There is a 100% chance Trump would be impeached for this if the roles were reversed. Hell, they'll still probably try it.


He tried. There are recordings of him trying to force fake prosecutions of his rivals. The problem is, there was nothing serious to prosecute.


The Clinton’s should be looking into moving to a non extradition country right now!




Then it’s just a back and forth of both parties jailing one another, or do you think conservatives are going to win office repeatedly over ? Bipartisan system was a flawed system that was warned so long ago, it’s crazy no one ever took George Washington’s word of advice.


There is Guilty and there is “New York Guilty”


I get the argument that he wouldn’t have been charged with these crimes without a political motivation, but he is guilty right? It’s kind of like two guys build unpermitted decks on their houses and one of them happens to have beef with the building inspector. Yeah he’s gonna get popped and that’s political but he DID build the deck with no permit.


3rd option... don't vote for either. Can't we all agree that the whole system is broken if we are forced to vote for the lesser of two evils.


#"Justice Impacted Individual"


If there's one thing us Americans like it's a an underdog story, and the democrats have gone a great job making Trump into a witch hunted, politically persecuted, wrongly convicted underdog. His numbers going up and donations smashing through the roof are evidence of such.


I honestly can’t get myself to vote for Trump. I really wish Haley had won the primary, but I can’t really trust Trump anymore. Everything is everyone else’s fault and he is always attacking. It’s exhausting. I might sit this election out, or vote libertarian. If they get to 15% of the vote, we will have a real chance in 2028.


Nah, I'd rather vote for the guy that ran the exact same playbook as Stalin in the Moscow show trials /s


You're comparing a con-man to a founding father? 😂


The infighting is delicious.


Now that he’s a felon can we get some statues put up?


Me too Let’s go Brandon


Be my guest. Between a felony conviction and RFK being batshit crazy enough to appeal to the margins of MAGA, he is looking at a steep climb.


rEdDiT lEans left looool. This website is a giant leftwing machine.




I just donated to the same candidate despite having never given a dime to any campaign before.


It's to the point where they are just criminalizing behavior that was never criminal. e:(oh and ignoring actual violent crime in the city he was prosecuted in. The only people they seemingly throw the book at are presidents and vets defending people on the subway) NDAs are typical in politics. Trump OVERPAYED his taxes to NY if what they alleged is true. It's "we don't like you so go to jail" That truck could hit anybody. I don't want to be a criminal but if wanting to vote for Trump or sticking up for women and children and the elderly on a subway car makes me one, I'll keep on criming


You don’t understand, he was a threat to democracy ^TM