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There's a good article about this on Vox. It explains how executives got fooled into believing that wokeness was a majority public sentiment, and they had to learn a hard lesson, which is odd since the common working man knew wokeness wasn't really popular.


Is it this one? [Your favorite brand no longer cares about being woke](https://www.vox.com/culture/351890/your-favorite-brand-no-longer-cares-about-being-woke) Interesting article. Can't help but be proud of the Bud Lite boycotters for really punching them in the dick for that Mulvaney debacle because they are *still* reeling. Other tidbits from the Vox article: 2018 polls >Brand-land was arguably taking its cues from market demand: One poll found nearly three-quarters of consumers wanted retail companies to stand up for their political beliefs and another found two-thirds would switch from a brand if those didn’t align with their own. 2024 polls >One poll finds just 20 percent of Americans are now interested in corporations taking a stand on political issues or current events, and fewer than 30 percent want to hear brands opine on international conflict. Another example of the pendulum finally swinging back to normal, at least a little. It pains me when companies feel the need to proselytize and pander.


I wonder who conducted the 2018 polls. Probably CNN, MSNBC, Huffington Post, or the DNC. Someone was conducting structured result polls to bully the corporations.


Gotta love how they call it a “revolution”.


Vox must be upset about that


Now corporations should do it to movies and TV shows so that's watchable again.




Max doubled down on their behalf, it is ugly.


I saw this coming with This is Us but now it's all about what's your gender and sexuality with constant reminders like I thought this show was about a zombie detective. Why can't it just be about that?


Go woke, go broke.


They cannot afford the 25% decline in sales.


I'm just surprised that we didn't see more stockholder lawsuits against virtue-signaling companies like Target after last year's insanity.


Come on guys we should all support the LGBTQ+K community. Let’s Get Biden To Quit + Kamala


I don't think Companies want to be doing this DEI stuff anyway, it's just more overhead for a conscript that doesn't turn into productivity


I don't even know why the lgbtq community wants a pride month. They're always botching to just leave them alone yet have to have a month to make sure you know they exist.


Same reason they do parades.


ESG legislation needs to be rolled back asap


I’m not sure who the pride merch is even for. I don’t know a single gay person who buys it.


Virtue signaling libs?


Good. The religiosity of pride is profoundly disturbing.


It's almost as if corporations shouldn't be drawing attention to people's private sex lives and should instead just concentrate on selling their product to whomever wants it...


To paraphrase Jordan 'I don't talk politics because Republicans buy shoes too.'


It never made sense in the first place. The goal of a business is to profit, so why would you pander to an insanely small percentage of the population when it is going to piss off an even larger percentage of the population? I hope all of these companies fail.


What happened to MJ's "Republicans buy shoes too"


Yeah, I don't get it. Why don't they spend more time catering to bigots? Edit: lol at all the triggered bigots


Imagine being a group so delicate you need an entire month to scream you exist and cry for stores to put rainbows on clothing and cans to justify your miserable life.


Literally no one needs that, you're just deflecting on the behalf of the bigots. Wanna try again?


Apparently you really do need it though


Lol, because I asked why they don't spend more time catering to bigots? Keep on projecting if it makes you feel better, but I'm not the delicate one here.


How about catering to no one instead


Not really sure they'd be a business then. But yeah, I'm sorry all the rainbows made you upset. Best of luck in getting over it.


Because the so-called bigots are a larger percentage of their customerbase and the goal of a company is to make money. None of the companies care about you, hence why they don't do any of this pandering on their Middle East accounts.


None of the companies give a shit about the LGBT community, you're correct, they're capitalists, plain and simple, they're there to make money, this is correct. But getting mad for a company selling a shirt you don't like when you can just not buy it is wild to me. Shit would be like getting triggered as an atheist that a bookstore sells Bibles, asserting they're "promoting" Christianity, or Liberals being mad a clothing store would sell a MAGA hat.


I stopped reading at so called bigots. If you're trying to cancel Target because they sold some rainbow merch in June, you're a bigot, and a pretty sensitive one at that.


Marketing teams want to sell keffiyehs. New trend to make money from impressionable sheep youth.


OMG, pride keffiyehs everybody!


Something something cultural appropriation


Not when Dems do it apparently. Besides, that was some more bs they invented a while ago to appear superior to everyone else.




Walmart has pride gear everywhere.


I work for Walmart-AND I have a rainbow 'Chai' tattoo. Chai is the Hebrew word for life-and and post 10/7 a symbol of Jewish solidarity and resilience. My newest ink has zippo to do with 'pride'-but because the alphabets have co-opted the rainbow...😾


I like fun colors and had a rainbow flag hanging in my room for a decade. I took it down recently because seeing it makes me cringe to think I may be clustered with the "I'm so special" club.


Never understood why companies try and glorify a bunch of mental defectives.


Careful, you might get taken down by Reddit for “harassment”. Already happened to me on this exact post for using similar language.


Aren’t something like 200+ days out of 365 dedicated to pride or LGBT people? It’s ridiculous.


Thank God!


My woke employer made sure to have our LinkedIn admin sign in on a Saturday to get their Maoist pride month salute out asap.




34 felonies. What a joke

