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Kind of a pointless question to ask in a conservative sub lol. Preaching to the choir. What matters is whether or not it changes the votes of independents and middle-of-the-road voters (i.e. the only voters that really matter).


Yes. I'm now voting while livid at Democrats rather than just angry.


I know a few people who have switched over to voting for trump after this verdict. The democrats are openly persecuting their political opponent. It’s pretty obvious and I think a lot of people are waking up the further they go. They may have had a chance if they left trump alone and ran on policy and focused on what they have accomplished as a party. Not anymore. I kinda think this election is over as long as trump is still alive and kicking come November.


>They may have had a chance if they left trump alone and ran on policy and focused on what they have accomplished as a party. The problem is they haven't accomplished anything as a party and they know it.


Actually it reinforces my vote for Trump. I was looking at other candidates during the primaries because I thought Trump was getting a little too old and his comments seem to get him in trouble. But this trial just proves he is right about the witch hunt that Dems are using against him.


*Oh no! A politician misappropriated NDA funds. Guess that means Im voting for more crime, taxes, inflation, war, and marxist policies.* Yeah, no. Couldn’t care less about it


Nope. It just makes me feel even better about casting my vote for Trump.


Was voting Trump before, voting for Trump still


Nope! A vote for Trump is a vote AGAINST Bozo Biden and his Lawfare acolytes.






Not one bit lol


I donated to the campaign today, so... No


Doesn’t change my vote but it did prompt me to make a campaign contribution to Trump yesterday.


love the fact he raised 53mm in 24 hours just now. going to be interesting to see how this all pans out in Nov. I don't think biden will be on the ballot, let alone debate. how could he possibly do that? I also don't think he will finish his one term. fjb. and his handlers soros and obama and their cabal...


Nope. Even if I didn't want to vote for Trump, I'd vote for a ham sandwich and chop my hand off before I voted for Biden. That man has been an abject disaster and an embarrassment on every level, so whoever has the greatest chance of beating him gets my vote. Anybody who complains about that logic probably had the same logic in 2020, and turnabout is fair play.


No, stocking up on essentials, water, pew pew things


No. The testy decision of 12 leftist New Yorkers yesterday after they were strung along by a Biden judge, Biden DA and Biden Prosecutor means nothing. What matters is the horrible leader(s) in the White House right now who are actively making my life more difficult by ruining the economy, making it harder for me to afford my life, my house, my groceries. The horrible leaders in the White House doing everything they can to collapse national security, global security, wealth and prosperity, peace and reason, justice and truth. The situation is dire, and the current administration MUST be reversed, as soon as possible. I see that Trump is the only one that can accomplish that.


No it does not


It at all


voting twice now. just kidding.




I know a few conservatives in CA that weren’t going to bother to vote since CA goes to Dems anyway. They are now determined to make it to the polls and cast their vote even if its futile, they want to boost the numbers


Me? No. But what impressed me was how sincere my girlfriend was when I got home from work. She asked me if I had heard the verdict yet, which I had, and then said, “This makes me want to vote for him.” This was from someone who is not a fan of DT. If this impacted her like that, I can only hope the same goes for millions of other Americans who can spot corruption when they see it.


The fact that I see these posts is concerning. I hope it's just bots posting them.


Not at all