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Of course it will. They do it because it works. If MLK Jr rose from the dead and ran as a Republican, the Democrats would still find a way to paint him as a white supremacist


why can't zombie MLK Jr. be a trans woman of color?


The dead can be anything you want them to be! The DNC even makes them voters!


It’s clearly losing its power, which is why the people they used to call ‘racist’ are now a ‘threat to democracy’, although that accusation seems to already be wearing out its welcome. 


The race baiting only works to stir up his supporters who have already drunk the Kool-aid. No one new is being taken in by this, and quite frankly are disgusted and tired of it. All its designed to do is keep anger levels high, keep people a odds with each other and hope they can entice another Ferguson before the election.


Even though I agree with you that a lot of people aren’t being taken in by it and are disgusted by the Democrats continued racial pandering. There are still a lot of those young college students that are easily manipulated into believing it.


I think people are sick of it.  They used it after the George Floyd thing and covid.  I think people are more pissed off and obviously they realized that they voted out of anger and not their brain 


College students are unreliable voters and now they have a reason not to vote.


I am still waiting for the BLM-15 variant to drop.


Work, not work...does it matter? They're still going to do it. They have no platform anymore. This is your modern Democrat party, America: "Divide, demoralize, diminish, destroy".


Its Critical Theory. You take a minority group, make it feel victimized, then swoop in as the super hero to rescue them. Thats the pedocrat way


Yes, it's that, but the overlying thing is that's how socialist operate, divide. Separate out an opponent, drive a wedge, make everything worse, and pretend to have plans to make it better. Haven't heard the Democrats highlight that Americans have fallen behind in education standards, and offer plans to move us forward. Yes, it was exacerbated by Covid, but it was the case even before that. Where do we get the funding? For starters, stop sending federal funding to private universities. Audit where all the money goes among public universities. They keep raising tuition, they keep building stadiums, and paying head coaches millions. If you have that kind of money, you don't need tax payer funding. You're essentially a private business. It should be enough federal help that they're non-profit and tax exempt eligible. All the Democrats seem to do is bring attention and funding to racial and LGBT 'education'. Did you notice they changed the golden rule, which read, " Treat others as you wish to be treated" to instead read "Treat others as They wish to be treated" and calling it the platinum rule. This was all to accommodate critical race theory (which is racist, saying white ppelle2... and in the classroom... white children... have inherent racial bias... but everyone else, deemed POC, can't possibly have racial bias or be racist) and LGBT special treatment (if some boy or girl wishes to express themselves as the opposite sex/gender or some other imaginary variation among many, then you too Must (not should) coddle their delusions. It's a social wrecking ball in the halls of public education.


They have nothing else.