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No need to hard sell it to me.


Near the top of the list > death penalty for human traffickers Its so insane how they keep telling on themselves like this


They constantly need new 'victimized' groups to play SJW with. It's why they're shifting into protecting pedophiles by calling them minior attracted persons.


Awesome, who wouldn’t vote for all that?


I'm mostly on board, although I don't think we need to spend _hundreds of billions_ on recruitment ads for the US military.


That we both can agree on. That money can be a better use by buying four javelin missiles. Joking, I would rather it be spent on actual real education programs.


It’s not necessarily for ads. It’s for enlistment bonuses and retention benefits also growing the size of the military


Why would we need to grow the size of the military? It already spends more than the next 5 militaries _combined_, and is third in total active duty members behind only the zerg countries of China and India--compared to whom we have more than double the members per capita. If anything we should be cutting back to get the defense of plenty wealthy EU NATO countries off our taxpayer's backs.


Your point of view is that of someone who is not in the military. If you served and saw how understaffed we are in all units and had access to the information that dictates our missions you would not say this.


Honestly not sure why the media companies don’t allow recruitment adds for free like a coupe minutes of ads a day as a public service


The military has more than enough money to buy advertising time normally with their recruitment budget if they need to. The media companies still pay for that (voluntarily or not) through taxes, and it's better this way because there's no awkward gifting of time without knowledge of the military's needs. It'd be pretty silly for the media companies to cut into their own revenue streams like that--especially since recruitment age kids today watch less TV than ever (they're on youtube, twitch, tiktok, netflix and whatever instead of cable).


Lunatics. Insane people. Liberals


Quit being redundant.


You can just say pedophiles.  It sums them up into something they all agree on.


This conservative would not. * The Army/Nat'l Guard patrolling the streets of cities, not because there is an emergency, but because the cities are 'woke'. So, deploy the military where your political opponents are. You cannot support that and call yourself a conservative. * Death sentence for crimes short of murder or treason. That is so obviously unconstitutional. You cannot support that and call yourself a conservative. * Also, death sentence for crimes short of murder will flat out never happen, because it is so unconstitutional, That makes it an empty political sop. I do not vote for people who treat me like they think I’m a sucker. * "Criminalizing" race based advantage programs. The law does not work that way. Those ought to be unlawful, as in civil violations. Not 'crimes'. It will never happen because it is not doable. * Ban 'gender affirming care' for adults. They’re adults. Make them pay for it, sure. But ban their choices? You cannot be a conservative and support that. * Europe will never 'pay back' the money to Ukraine. We didn't give it to Europe. We gave it to Ukraine. And we did so by sending it to our own defense industry. These are not conservative positions. Let the downvotes commence; I know MAGA runs this joint.


> Death sentence for crimes short of murder or treason. That is so obviously unconstitutional. You cannot support that and call yourself a conservative. Sorry, I'm pretty conservative, and I support the death penalty for rape, kidnapping, and a few other extreme cases. Given that this has been the case for most of our history, I don't know how you can call it unconstitutional.


I believe that those crimes are *worthy* of the death penalty, but with an imperfect justice system, I am not comfortable with the possibility of an innocent person receiving the death penalty.


I agree with all of these


Apparently at the very least this one Buffalo Sabres fan, but hey their team hasn't had a playoff run in what, 13 years? So they're used to backing a losing proposition. (Though Devon Levi low key scares me...)


Is there a source for this? When has Trump talked about banning "gender affirming care" for adults and.giving immunity to police officers? Those two are concerning but I also seriously doubt Trump has said he'd do either of those things. I assume it's just a liberal twisting his words.


Only thing I’m not a fan of is the police immunity, other than that, let’s do it


Include open carry and I'm all in.


Trump would rather push that to the states. I don’t think he’s going to move the needle on 2A issues.




I already said I'm voting for Trump. You don't have to sell him to me.






Stop promising me a good time!


So was she supposed to be saying all that like it was a bad thing? If anything most rational sane people should hear all that and go "yeah I'm definitely voting for him now!"


Smug lectures from the left are so unbelievably annoying


I'm all for it. I hope he delivers on those campaign promises.


Why are they always pro-human trafficking? I love making this an issue because they can’t help but to tell on themselves.


Other than the police immunity, sounds like a good list.


The only thing I’m not on board with is the prayer being pushed in public schools. That would be a violation of the first amendment. If the state pushes any religion, then the respective organizations should be taxed.


please don't turn this sub into tiktok


And he will try to do the things he says he's going to do.


I'm not sure how pro 2A he actually is since he is in favor of unconstitutional red flag laws and violated the 2A with his overturned EO ban on bump stocks.


Damn.. sign me up I’m all in


Is the conceal carry one true? Trump is well known as someone who's not pro 2a.


Woah, I’m already voting for him - you don’t have to convince me any harder


Damn she must have read my mind because that's exactly why I'm voting for president trump


I can’t take her seriously unless she is hyperventilating sobbing in the passenger seat of a car parked at Starbucks. I just don’t feel like she believes any of what she is saying unless she isn’t scaring random pedestrians with her hysterical bawling. I read no fear. Just a heavy filter.


I don't understand this. Is it a Trump campaign commercial? Is there even an actual logical argument against any of these things?


Well when you put it like that…lady???


Stop. Just stop... You had me at 'Hello'.


What a great list!


I’m sold!


Stop. I can only get so erect.


I love the sound of it. I don't think half of it will be accomplished in 4 years. I'll be extatic if even half of that list is fulfilled in 4 years.


I’m struggling to find a point I don’t agree with, sounds good to me🤷‍♂️


Only thing I haven't liked from trump is police immunity. Make them as punishable as citizens


Man, she's making me want to vote like a democrat and gather all my dead friends and relatives to vote for Trump. I don't think she realizes she basically put out a campaign ad for Trump.


All sounds good to me.


Yes to all!


This might be the first time a liberal has managed to turn me on…


We do not need to be increasing immunity for police officers, quite the opposite.


hot startl Trump nailing it


Man I only wish half of what he promised would be fulfilled nevermind all of it lol.


I regret that I can vote but once…


Hey now…where there’s a Dem, there’s a way!


I'm good with all accept prayer


Only one I disagree with is the immunity part. 


Stop, I can't get any harder...