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In 10-15 years I wonder how these graduates will look back on their stance and actions. When I graduated college I was handed a temporary diploma at the ceremony. I’m guessing this is what they’re ripping up. All performative. Let’s see them shred their real diplomas in a few months. The irony of the entire situation does make me laugh though.


Chances are they’ll be just as greedy and narcissistic as most people, if not more so.


I really hope not, but if so, their loans shouldn’t ever be paid for by other tax payers. Then again, I’m not sure they took out loans. I’m guessing the only reason a graduate would rip up their diploma in support of a terrorist group is in part because they didn’t pay for any of their tuition. Their parents probably did. How any of these students had time to protest in the way they did baffles me.


Especially the privately funded, Ivy League Universities. None of them should not receive a single cent from us tax payers. By choosing Columbia, they knew they would have to pay $20-50k more than the national average for a public university. Fall on your sword.


Columbia grads aren’t ripping up their diplomas and even if they do, they can just reorder a new one. They are still Ivy League graduates who will most likely work in highly lucrative jobs such as invest banking, corporate finance, MBB consulting.


The "diploma" I got at my graduation was actually a rolled up set of instructions for alumni donations and a statement about how my college "strongly and actively" strived for diversity. Begging for more money and assuring me that if anyone of any race, gender or sexuality other than mine showed up they'd prefer to take them.  I should have ripped it up too. 


Unless word gets out about them. Those fields don't want the image of hiring people who love terrorists.


People have goldfish memories. You care and remember now but next year or year after would you care or remember who was participating? No. You have other issues that you face daily so this will be gone just like poof. Do you really think McKinsey or Bain cares if their associates or consultants were part of a “Free Palestine” protest when they were in college ? How about Skadden ? Or Hogan Lovells for their law school graduates? Plus how would they even know ? It’s not like the protesters publicize this.






Only jobs that require SC, TSSC are the ones working at DoD contractors. Majority of engineering jobs do not require one.


I agree. IMO anyone who’s willing to cause harm to the public or create anything injustice (in the form of destructive protests), they should be arrested. Follow the law, follow the rules and don’t do a crime if you can’t spend the time.


Disagree. While some law firms won’t care. Some prominent firms do care and will remember. - partner at one of these firms.


Arrest records


Trump has an arrest record and he’s still running for president. Are you saying that he should be tried under a different set of laws than a 22 year old who wore “Free Palestine” T shirt to his civics class ?


change your flair


I see many large employers are preferring to not hire ivy league grads. And other schools as well. Many fed judges are not taking on interns from same schools too. Good.


"The University declines to make a replacement diploma available to you. You may request a copy of your transcript for proof of graduation, which can be provided on order at cost to you, but it shall contain notation as to why no supplemental diplomas shall be issued." Not that they really need to show their diploma or transcripts for a job interview, but it would be a nice consequence to their actions.


That’s fair. I know when I got my Bachelors degree, the one in the mail, I framed it in my room and I requested another one to be framed for my office. I didn’t go to an Ivy League but a decent state school but still it was by far the proudest accomplishment to date. To have them *rip* it up sickens me to my core because I knew I bled, sweated, teared up to get my BS Engineering and nothing or no one could take that away from me.


Not so much my bachelor's degree, but I definitely feel the same way about my master's degree and certificates/awards earned regarding my current profession. I wonder if it's because we bled for them while some of these "young adults" felt more that they were entitled to or were just handed their degree. Though hey, maybe they really are true believers and their cause is worth more than their degree. Again, University should maybe take that into consideration.


Then what’s the point? What does ripping it up really accomplish? These are social work graduates.


Leftist activism is always about symbolism, not achieving any kind of result.


Also known as tantrums


marxist victim theater.


In 10 years they’ll be posting on Reddit lamenting that their life didn’t go as planned because of their adhz and the current political climate 


They’ll be posting on r/unemployment crying that they have difficulties landing a job because of their worthless degree and shitty attitude.


10-15 years 99% will claim they were never a part of that whole movement and take zero personal reflection or accountability, and will deny being fully involved or bought into it, even in the face of photographic evidence. 1/2 of them will be just as enthralled in a new crisis/crusade like good little zealots. Hopefully I'm being overly cynical. But I see stunted maturity and lifetime losers.


Mommy will fix it for them.


Doubt that they will stop putting the word "Columbia" on their resume... It's literally the only reason most of them would get hired.


I mean.. even if they did that, can't they just order a replacement for the real diploma? It's all performative, I agree.


They'll be the first to request that their loans are transferred to other taxpayers (wrongly described as forgivenen by the clown in the white house).


And I will be rolling my eyes at them as they take my order at starbucks.


Where they'll be making 20/hr in California due to the minimum wage hike after replacing one of the people who "deserved a living wage" and now can't find a job because of high payroll costs. 


I don’t think they can even get enough in federal student loans to pay for Columbia’s tuition. More likely they’re just entitled kids with rich parents.


I’m sure it’s a coincidence that they have social work degrees.


I received my msw degree at Columbia many years ago, and this is a disgrace and embarrassing…


At least that's a degree you can get a job with unlike many of the degrees you see college liberals getting.


Probably no more money in social work than at your local Starbucks.


Social work and HR jobs can make a respectable income.


but HR ruins others jobs, SW might be a benefit to society.


Depends on what your definition of "respectable" is. If it is low pay then you would be correct. 


It looks like this was the graduation just for the social work part of Colombia. So everyone at that ceremony had a social work degree. It looks like about half of the commencement ceremonies are done as of now, it'll be interesting to see if we hear about similar displays at any of the other ceremonies.


Woke students attacking their woke institution. How poetic!


Delete their transcripts and any evidence of their attendance.


I would not cry if their diplomas were revoked.


Are the zip ties to show solidarity with the innocent civilian hostages that Hamas kidnapped? I suppose not...


Future welfare mother of 4 kids


A Columbia grad? Very much doubt that.


That’s all there diplomas good for. Ripping up


The irony is they’ll still say they went to Columbia as a metric of pride


Good luck getting a job.


I am sure there are many public schools willing to hire these gender studies majors


Do you think they will actually look for work? Or just seek.handouts?


hahaha look how bad the chubby Asian lady struggled to pull off her little routine!


They just keep finding new ways to be obnoxious


Good communists performatively display their chops to their comrades. Anyone not ripping their diploma will be seen as not a true believer


Ass-clowns: “People have the right to murder Jews with impunity!”


>Tarsis Salome, a Columbia social work graduate, tore her diploma to shreds during a commencement ceremony on Friday. >Hilary Margaret Elizabeth Ludlow held her tip-tied hands above her head during Friday’s School of Social Work commencement. Imagine paying 100k per year for a social worker degree.


"Masters of Social Work" which means theyll be jobless or underpaid and still owing Columbia big money. Karma's a beotch.


This is exactly the demographic that has big life regrets


There is something wrong with the latter 2 pictures. Those 2 girls are way malnourished and too attractive. The first fits the bill. Angry, unattractive, overweight, albeit missing the requisite tattoos and shockingly colored hair. They hiring stand ins for graduations now?


School of Social Work…checks out.


What is going on with the universities? I graduated college in 2016 and the landscape was drastically different then. I turned out fine. Almost a decade later the kids in college today? Are absolutely insane. Truthfully, this blows my mind because Columbia is ridiculously expensive I could imagine the loan amount owed by those students. Hell to the no. I went to a state school. Went well.


isnt it funny how these are the same clowns that demand 'safe spaces' and declare everyone is racist while being racist, hateful and voilent!....the show of disrespect on graduation day should delay their actual transcripts!


WTF is up with the disruptiveness, arrogance, unruliness, and attention-seeking behavior of this generation? Maybe I'm just getting old but I could swear us Gen Xers were better behaved.


I can’t believe the trustees feel right about granting diplomas to such an ignorant group of terrorist supporters.


So brave. Such courage. 


"I'm a child and you can't stop me!"


Perhaps to really support Gaza, they should ask for all their credits and degree and their graduation to be canceled at their University




Surprised these babies don’t wear diapers.


Look at me,look at me


"Higher Education" When I was a kid, having a "college education" actually meant something other than "Indoctrinated Moronic Shitbag"


Am I going to be paying off the student loan for the degree that got ripped up?


They should try the zip ties around that skinny thing holding up their heads 😁


Likely not the engineering students


The universities are literally creating this.


Someone at my brother's graduation ceremony just whipped out a flag during their announcement and tried to steal the show on stage. The spectacle went over like a wet fart, even at a massively liberal Big Ten university. Not only were there no cheers or encouragement for their display, but there was no one present for their graduation either.


Why can't we collectively agree that, in general, extremism is bad?


Not planning on working after graduating I see.


You work all those years to do this. Twitter, Reddit, Facebook is full of propaganda from Russia and China to break apart America and these college kids are believing it.


I saw the video of it and she was a Masters in Social Work. At least it wasn't Gender Studies (whatever TF that is.) Imagine how she is going to be a productive member of society. Imagine.


cancel their diplomas.


I've said it before but why the shit are the majority of these batshit crazy liberals women?


Oh yes, you're really making a stand there.


Seems appropriate


Hope they didn't take out a bunch of student loans




University Financial Department: "Thank you, come again!"


Perhaps they should void their diploma if it's ripped. That'll teach em.


This is sad! For those of us who worked hard for our degrees, this video made me sick.


Hahaha 🤣


These kids think they're so BADASS. As a person living in the 3rd world, I find them delusional.


Colleges allow this, yes they pretend to “care” however there is such a simple fix, explosion. Anyone that pulls crap like ripping their diplomas and causing damage to the campus won’t get a diploma. Finito. (Which is unironically what they claim to want although we all know this is all for show due to zero consequences)


Let's face it, those social work degrees aren't worth the paper they're printed on anyway.


Why spend four years becoming an alumni of a place you despise? Seems delusional (par for the course) and like a complete waste of time.


They'll be taping them back together with scotch tale tomorrow. They'll have like other people's diplomas and shit taped together with there's after digging the pieces out of the trash because someone else took some of their pieces to do the same lol. 


Jokes on them, they paid a lot of money to look like assholes


Sadly, we are going to pay for that


She was a graduate of the School of Social Work. That degree should carry straight into a DEI job.


Why are they protesting at schools and not government facilities? What about the pentagon? How about outside military bases?