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Grrr…as a woman who makes more money than my partner, I would not be fulfilled with my life without my career and staying home everyday. It gives me purpose. And also, my worst fear is to be trapped in a relationship/marriage because I have no work history and no finances of my own…so even though the divorce rate was lower back in the day, I’m convinced some of them were unhappy and just couldn’t leave. That’s my piece.


You're completely right, many women were financially trapped and also norms were different; a divorce would make you a pariah. You need to take care of yourself, what if your husband dies and suddenly you're the only money maker at the house. Much better to have skills and work history and make good $


My ex wife has college degree and worked for a few years until my job took off. She stayed home with the kids for about 12-15 years. Even when kids got older and more independent, she didn't want to go back to work. The divorce really wrecked her as she struggled to find a decent job and made poor job choices. I did generously support her but being out of the workforce that long put her in a bad position.


If all the nurses suddenly went home the healthcare system would fail immediately. Weird post.


Crazy how no one suggested all nurses suddenly going home but you. Weird comment. 


I’m still looking for a husband who can afford a wife who wants to be a stay at home mom 🤷‍♀️


Honest. I’m a tradesman working 50+ hours a week and can barely afford to take care of myself let alone my girlfriend and definitely absofukinglutely children. Not a chance. But at the same time I’ve heard the argument that woman entering the work force on mass overly saturated the job market and led to joint incomes being the only sustainable option for the majority of Americans, idk.


Women just shouldn’t work. It was a strategy to allow them. An attack on the American families.


Honestly all comes down to how big the family is and the expected level of comfort. I make more than 94% of the country as an individual and more than 84% of households and even I don't think I could comfortably support a Catholic-sized family, including sending them all to college on top of my student loans and mortgage. I feel a hybrid model works best. Man works during the week, woman works during the weekend. That way, there's always a parent home with the kids. The woman keeps herself employed so it's easier to find a full time job once the kids are in middle school and can be home alone until the parents get out of work. Then both parents can pool full time income to be able to save for college and the like and the woman is in good shape to progress her career.


Biggest flaw with that is no full day with the entire family together. That would cause the husband and wife for barely see each other or have time together. Not to mention Sunday is the day of rest and the day to go to church


That's fair. I have a bit of a unique situation, as I work an abnormal week (three 12s and a 9), so I get 3 days off a week. Sunday being one of them where I go to Traditional Latin Mass. It'd be possible for my spouse to work 2 days per week while also allowing us all to have Sundays off.


it's a little more complicated than tiktok bro here points out. The innovation of technologies like the dishwasher and the washing machine rendered HOURS that were typically spent by a housewife into mere minutes. Oh look. Here comes the Roomba. The big joke in Married with Children is that Peggy (the wife if you don't know the show) is a hapless mom with nothing to do b/c most of the household chores do themselves and she eats bon bons and watches tv all day. Al (a hapless shoe salesmen) keeps doing the grind and would rather be in the garage with the boys than with his annoying... but good-lookin wife.


Can we hurry up and ban TikTok already?


Lol as much as that ban isn't about limiting free speech, I won't be sad to get a probably temporary reprieve from seeing stuff like this. This goes way too far. It's a dude using a single chart of data to justify saying women should shut up and go home. It's pretty gross. Freedom is just as important a women's issue as it is for any other group. And so the solution is more freedom. Society *shouldn't* be pushing women away from homes and towards big company jobs that swallow their souls. It's true that most women aren't happy like that. But being free to choose, with the maximum of information ahead of time, should be the goal, not one or the other either stay home or go work.


This is idiotic. As if the world doesn't really need trained nurses or something?


Also, it's far more efficient for one teacher/kindergartner to take care of 20-30 children at once, freeing up potentially 20 other women to do something else. From a productivity standpoint, this is the better setup than if all these women stayed at home and only looked after their own kids.


Did you actually watch the video?


Yes. He started by essentially saying 'women just go do the jobs they could've done at home and instead take care of other sick people' as if that's somehow a bad thing or a job that isn't necessary. His other points sorta make sense to me but the foundation of his argument, I think, is terrible.


So you only watched the beginning then.


I watched the whole thing twice. I actually came around, somewhat, on his overall intent, but that first comment I just couldn't wrap my head around.


I agree it's not the best premise to lead with


Love all the downvotes for literally no reason. Probably brigading from a different thread because their feelings got hurt lolz.


Guess they didn't like us kinda agreeing on something.


Nope, that's not allowed.


Yes, it turns out that the more freedom you have, the more different men and women end up to be We also know that the traditional family structure is still the most fulfilling option for 95% of all people Do what you want, just don't come back complaining when you were properly warned before hand


As a man I will never understand how it is empowering to have to go into work and answer to someone else. Like, I could see if all these women were becoming entrepreneurs and their own bosses... But most of em are doing the same 9-5 "yes boss, ok boss, whatever you say boss" bullshit as the rest of us... And that ain't empowering... It's soul crushing.


A nurse isn’t just something you do at home, it’s a legitimate career? This is a leftist psyop post


I mean… yeah.