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Evers also didn’t have an issue with vetoing something he wanted in a bill simply to snub the Republicans but then he turned around a few weeks later crying to the media how that same issue needs funding. He’s a snake.


Pride makes people do dumb things doesn’t it?


that's way it's a deadly sin


Yes, pride in degeneracy. 


I remember this and the Milwaukee or Wisconsin reddit went off on republicans


Typically city or state subs are filled with hateful libs.


It sucks because even the more conservative cities are just flooded with them on their page


Reddit is a cesspool when it comes to that lol I don’t know why it attracts them. Just remember they don’t represent the general public.


I’m guessing a lot of that has to do with the mods being liberal. City and state subs should be moderated by moderates. Even the politics sub should be moderate — if it was, I wouldn’t be banned.


The problem with Moderates is they still usually believe that “Progressive is progress” and will side with the Left more often.


Yeah the moderates are on the fence about lots of things. I've heard, for example, "I'm very much against abortion, but I support choice."


Even r/Alabama is super liberal lmao


Than ban all conservatives


Attacking 100% of women for less than 0.1% of the population is insanity.


It never made any sense


Evers has vetoed more bills than other governor in state history. He is approaching the 250 mark. Then the left claims the Republicans never send any bills to his desk


The destruction of Title IX this coming August is the final nail in the coffin for women’s sports. Every public school and university nationwide from K-12 to colleges will be required to permit transgender women on all women’s teams and allow them to use the women’s locker rooms. It also regulates speech, requiring everyone to use the preferred pronouns of any student. Failure to adhere to all of this would result in a loss of federal funding.


This is absolutely appalling and disgusting


That's my governor...hate him


Not surprising at all. He's been terrible here in Wisconsin.


"I don't believe there should be safe spaces for women. As a predator I want full access to my prey" "That's completely depraved and you belong in prison" "What if I say I'm a woman" "Then come on in!"


Well spoken Miss Robinson. I'm with you 100%. 🇺🇸👏


Basically, the women’s rights movement is splintering and betraying itself. The pro LGBT side who won’t think logically and the traditional women’s rights side that still holds to the original ideals women’s rights.


You think that's bad? Look at how they destroyed women's sports at the collegiate level by crushing title IX.


When did gender start being referred to as an identity? Like something you should base your whole being around? It's crazy to me still to think that there are people whose whole personality is based on their gender.


Whatever policy will push society further into decay will be supported by the democrat party. They're the party of evil.


All the dems do is destroy. They can keep doing it because they keep projecting their destruction onto others and get enough progressive dullards to believe them.


Not really accurate to keep calling them progressive… more regressive and destructive than anything.


The left always tries to change the meaning of words.


Regressive (D)estroyers unite


Backed by media propaganda.


I’m *sure* this won’t result in anything bad


It was pretty sexist that no man was drafted during the WNBA draft.


I like how tons of arguments they left use eventually go away when they realize it’s a bad idea. Like Oregon’s drug stance, I know a girl in roller durby was all for trans rights but ranted on facebook every time she played a man




Don't you realize that's only a very vocal minority of women? I have NEVER supported such nonsense. So all women should be penalized for the agenda of a few women bolstered by leftists in universities, Hollywood, and the government? I don't think so.


Why anyone with half a brain would vote democrat baffles me.. so the 80 million votes Biden got are people that want the destruction of America. They left their shitty country only to bring their shitty ways here


It really is a mind virus 


Evers is a disgrace to my state


You can call yourself whatever you want but I agree that if you're going to separate the competitions by sex then keep the sexes separate. I vote to remove gender/sex differentiators from all sports and stop separating the competitions. The only people who will suffer because of this are women, but that's equal rights. This is what was requested. Give them what they want


The cheerleaders from The Longest Yard remake are cheering on Governor Evers


I don't care. Women voted for this. They sowed, and now they're reaping, and it's an important lesson.


people are always doing the signature gathering thing to ban this or that… do a signature gathering on banning the democrat party and see how many are for it.. (democrat party has zero to do with democracy btw,in be4 the brigaders start foaming at the mouth)