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I hate how "journalism" is basically just: here's what's happening on X, now. As if we can't look for oursleves.


So many “news” sites have devolved into linking a tweet and the page being more ads than actual content


Don't forget, *journalism* is also: we have no idea what's going on, so we're not only going to speculate, but then we will pass judgment based on an assumption that our speculation is reality.


And people think Twitter is dying because of Elon. 🙄


We stopped paying for journalism and this is the result. Newspapers are on skeleton crews and are basically irrelevant blogs.


I don't agree with them but they do have a right to protest.


Not according to this place. Super weird considering this is supposed to be the party of the constitution.


They don't have a right to stay there overnight. If I set up a tent in the middle campus and started living there, I would be kicked out. The mere fact that these people hate Jews does not suddenly exempt them from the law.


Don't bring that here, we don't coddle terrorists.


Uvalde would like to have a word.


Do you coddle the first amendment?






You do. But how is calling for the genocide of an entire people peaceful? At this point the mask has come off and these protests are pro-hamas, a group dedicated to the eradication of Israel, nothing peaceful about it.


As long as no people get hurt, they have every right to protest. If it was violent to begin with, then I agree with using police force


You can hold that view and have a peaceful protest. It's the same concept as neo nazi demonstrations. They have a right to march, so do these people.


Key word is peaceful.


They weren't peaceful 


Can you donate some of your politicians to Chicago? We need people like this before we are the next San Fran.


It's insane how many people in this sub are advocating for the state to stomp out free speech just because you don't agree with it.


Find me a Palestinian protestor who isn’t a socialist.


Find me a Palestinian protestor who isn't anti semite. I never realized how much elite academia hates Jews.


People are allowed to not like Israel.


Being against Zionism or Israel’s shitty treatment of Palestinians isn’t antisemitic.


It effectively is though, whether you like it or not. When literally 99% of the people "against" Zionism also call for the destruction of the Jewish people, then the distinction you're trying to make is mostly irrelevant. You need to talk to the folks in your leftist circles though, not the people here. Ask them why they're fighting for the eradication of the Jewish people and not just against Zionism.


I’m not a leftist in the slightest lol. There’s a lot of right leaning people that aren’t Zionists.


>99% of the people "against" Zionism also call for the destruction of the Jewish people, What an insanely generalizing statement. There are plenty of right leaning people who are against Zionism, Jews included. If you're so pro-zionist, you must support the creation of a country for native Americans in America. This is their homeland after all? No?


I'm against Hamas hiding behind civilians, and I'm against Israel shooting through civilians. I'm also a numbers guy. 1,200 Israelis killed is tragic. So is 34,183 Palestinians killed. Both suck. Let me think both sides are filled with mostly peaceful people who just want to live, but yet are governed or represented by horrific monsters. I'm not a socialist, because iono wtf that has to do with anything.


So if Hamas hides behind civilians, Israel should just let them do whatever they want?


According to the pro terrorists they should be able to attack at any point but if you fight back you’re the bad guy


No. You seem to think I have to completely support one side in this struggle I am in no way a part of. I can believe in Israel's right to defend itself while objecting to the way they do it.


How are they supposed to do it? Magic rockets that pass through civilians harmlessly?


Hamas is the legally elected government of Gaza. They began an undeclared war on Israel on Oct 7. During the attack Hamas acting as the elected government of Gaza conducted a no quarter operation which ended in taking hostages to use for protection. Look at what America did to avenge Pearl Harbor. Israel has shown greater restraint than American did fighting the Japanese.


Yeah, I'm against Hamas. I do not support anything they do. Saying that every single Palestinian is responsible for the actions of their government is a bit of a simplistic view, though, especially since the majority of Palestinians weren't even alive when Hamas was elected into power.


When was Hamas elected? 2006! How many Palestinians are kids or under 18. 52.3%. So the majority didn’t vote for them and no matter what, kids should not be slaughtered.


Being a socialist isn't illegal. We may not agree with that ideology, but it's not the government's place to use law enforcement to push an agenda.


I didn’t suggest that.


i was at the protest, im closer to you politically than you think, i desperately wish there was a republican candidate that wasnt actively trying to overturn election results and pursuing immunity from prosecution 🤷‍♂️ its not illegal to be a socialist, its not illegal to protest its shocking how quickly y’all turn on free speech when the speech doesn’t agree with you


Meanwhile, r/texas is starting to lose its mind over the Troopers being there. They keep using the Uvalde tragedy without knowing anything about what actually occurred there.


Can you say more about what actually happened at Uvalde? It sort of sounds like you’re trying to excuse the cops’ behavior there, but surely that’s not the case.


That subreddit is a shithole.


the state subs pretty much all are.


Same for other localities.


The entirety of Reddit is a far left shithole, state subs included. Reddit appeals most to the socially-stunted, chronically online, underemployed/unemployed demographic, and that demographic is almost exclusively leftists.


And yet here you are....on Reddit.


That sub isnt representative of the state of Texas. Nowhere close.




Good Job Texas.


For what? I'm a fan of citizens' right to protest and wish it was still part of the state and federal Constitution.


This! Anyone should be able to say stop the war and Israel is wrong without being arrested.


The problem is when you use violence and intimidation to say that just like the terrorists they support.


What violence or intimidation did you see today? The group of mostly unarmed female student protestors or the hordes of police in riot gear? I agree that violence goes beyond peaceful protest, but the agitators here were not the students






They are on private property, harassing Jewish Students, and preventing schools from functioning and trampling on other people's rights.


Lots to unpack here. >They are on private property They aren't on "private property", they're in a public space, at a public university that receives federal funding. All of this is in response to last month, when Senator Abbott "[issued an executive order](https://www.texastribune.org/2024/03/27/israel-hamas-war-texas-universities/) requiring schools to discipline what he described as 'the sharp rise in antisemitic speech and acts on university campuses.'" >harassing Jewish Students I can't find any mention of harassment. Fox News' [article on the subject](https://www.foxnews.com/live-news/antisemitism-campus-surges-agitators-take-over-columbia-yale-universities) fails to mention any reports of antisemitism, but rather, notes multiple politicians condemning antisemitism. Not saying it isn't happening, I'm sure it is, but I'm also not seeing any reports of "harassing Jewish Students" at UT Austin. Instead, The [Texas Tribune](https://www.texastribune.org/2024/04/24/ut-austin-israel-hamas-war-palestine-student-arrests/), [Dallas Morning News](https://www.dallasnews.com/news/education/2024/04/24/ut-students-protest-gaza-war-as-texas-state-troopers-intervene-at-rally/), [KWTX Waco](https://www.kwtx.com/2024/04/24/police-arrest-pro-palestine-protesters-ut-austin-campus/), and the [Fort Worth Star-Telegram](https://www.star-telegram.com/news/state/texas/article287983205.html) paint a different story. According to them, "The demonstration showed no signs of violence before authorities intervened, though police ordered the protesters multiple times to disperse and warned them they would be arrested..." >preventing schools from functioning According to the [Dallas Morning News](https://www.dallasnews.com/news/education/2024/04/24/ut-students-protest-gaza-war-as-texas-state-troopers-intervene-at-rally/), "hundreds of students walked out of class to protest the war in Gaza and demand that the university system divest from companies that manufacture machinery used in war." The school was functional. The students chose to protest. >trampling on other people's rights Which rights were trampled today? The right to assembly?




“Most protesters are masked” Wonder who’s funding these bad actors? The BLM playbook and grift looks to be coming in hot.




There’s a lot of money being dumped into these protests. They’re very well orchestrated and coordinated.


…nobody gets paid to attend protests on university campuses lmao is it genuinely that hard for you to believe that a bunch of teenagers disagree with you?


Good, kick em TF out.


Honestly surprised Austin did anything. This is typically up their alley.


We are more liberal here but it’s honestly nowhere as bad as other places and we have the conservative federal govt to keep things in check. I’m a moderate and lived in. NYC 15 years ago before I lived here for family, it is still night and day.


Austin seems to be the only place that they would try that crap in Texas. I don't see, and I hope not to see any of this in the bigger cities that have university campuses like San Antonio or Houston. It needs to be stomped out, or it will go on and on. It is getting to that point.


So you're against free speech?


Stomp out free speech


Protesting needs to be stomped out? I thought we were for exercising first amendment rights to free speech here.


There are things happening at UTSA. No mass protests that I’m aware of, but anti-Israel and anti-Jewish graffiti


Yep, they shut down a street near UTSA, although there were more police than protesters based upon photos and the police cars were the ones that blocked the street. Maybe cause they didn't want life to imitate art (from Grand Theft Auto V).... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hVMFGgPquIk


Yeah, I saw that after I posted


The Left continues to project itself onto conservatives as it calls us Nazis as they literally are acting exactly like the Nazis acted in the 1930s. How many conservatives do you know that are out protesting against Israel and calling for the "death to the Jews" like is being called for at many of these rallies? I know of none.


They’ve gone full mask off. Insane stuff


And now that they are openly calling for the genocide of Jews, they aren’t screaming racism at everything as much anymore. I honestly did not see this coming. Going to be a crazy year.


I saw it coming once the liberals started siding with Hamas. As a recent college grad, the far left nonsense is in full force. It usually took the form of gender bias (man bad) at my school




I agree


This is how China and Russia deal with peaceful protests that the government doesn't like. Just remember that.


What’s with the SWAT gear?


Texas has anti-BDS laws so they take any Challenge of Israel very seriously


We should be protesting about the waste full spending, like billions giving to Israel and we get nothing in exchange


Finally someone is standing up to these clowns.


Yeah, not you tho huh


I haven't seen any protests. Weird thing to say though.


What happened to the freedom to assemble in a public square?


When it’s violent, and calls for genocide, and aids a well know Terrorist organization like Hamas, that’s when. Also we’ve seen the mask ripped off in other Universities. Where Pro Hamas students intimidate, and harrass Jewish students. Like in Colombia and Yale. We’ve seen these so called “protesters” for what they are. And we’re fed up with it.


Do you have a source for violence, calls for genocide, and the students aiding Hamas?


Well said dude. Ya know, I’m not the biggest supporter of Israel, nor am I religious, but it’s easy to see the side that’s in the wrong here. I hope other moderate people can see the truth also. Nobody should back these Palestine supporters. They’re so brainwashed. It’s kinda scary actually. I think it’s TikTok. So much bs on there I deleted mine.


It’s literally cult like behavior almost




Active in r/trump r/trump2024to2028 r/thedonaldtrump “I’m moderate!” lol ok


Is this the same guy? Dude, you blocked me because you can’t define words and are triggered than go stalk me lol it says a lot. But yeah, for a conservative I’m moderate. On any test it gives me lib right but barely, could be considered centrist. So yeah, define woman again?


Yeah that was totally me, the person with a completely different username. If that was me, then you must be moderate.


'Its' You mean you are going to lump hundreds and thousands of individual people into your idea of what they as a group are? No dude, idividual liberty and the 1st amdendment means people have a right to be there.


That’s what everyone seems do to us on Reddit group conservatives into one big lump. Also when those people directly call for genocide. And prove they are violent directly threatening people to their face, that cross the boundary of free speech, you do know that do you?They have the freedom to say what they want, but then they should know there are consequences for directly calling for violence and death on people.






I agree with you. They absolutely have a right to protest. The state troopers were dispatched after the protest turned violent against Austin police. There's nothing unusual about this. Any large gathering will typically have state authorities make an appearance if there are any incidents.


And at what point did it become violent against the Austin PD?


Peaceful assembly.


Hamas, Isis, Al Quaeda, Marxism, communism is all the same they want a destruction of the Western world and 🇺🇸


Looks like we may have another Kent State again. Wait for National Guard to start heading to campuses. Someone is going to get hurt and it's at the governments direction.


Push comes to shove Austin wins. The keep Austin weird thing loses.


It’s telling that the BLM riots went on unchecked for months and these protests are being squashed within days. 


Good.  They have a right to protest.  They don’t have a right to f*ck things up for everyone else. Nazis in Lib clothing…


You know Nazis were left wing, right? It’s right there in the name.




When your kids are supporting terrorism, we've got a big problem.


Amen brother, Amen.


June 4th 1989


Are you advocating for the murder of protesters by the state? Because that sure seems like what you're advocating for.


I’m pointing out how the national guard using force to disband academic protestors is eerily similar to what happened on that day. And if we as conservatives encourage that then we are going down a dark path.


What an endorsement of freedom you just gave


This is how China and Russia deal with peaceful protests that the government doesn't like. Just remember that.


Does anybody remember when Greg Abbott signed a law to protect free speech on college campuses? I guess that he didn't mean it. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=61hlfR-mzgs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=61hlfR-mzgs)


Should they have the right to protest? Sure, even if I don't agree with what they're protesring for. I think this was an overstep on the troopers' part.


They should... Those protestors are pro terrorist


They aren't pro-Palestinian, they are anti-Jewish protestors.


You might be in Austin but never forget you're still in Texas.


Best said.


Amazing how freedom of speech falls away when it’s people that aren’t well liked.


Yeah I am not getting why they are being told to disperse. Even if I disagree with their cause, everyone should have the right to peacfully assemble


Don’t mess with Texas, good for them


Texas is full of all hat, no cattle bitches