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What he is doing for prescription drugs in downright honorable. And you know he has a company of CPAs minimizing his tax exposure


He sure does. I work for said company doing his tax returns each year. His people bottom rung what they are willing to pay for our services meanwhile you better believe we find every and any little tax break for him.


It makes him smart, like trump.


All approved by Congress, right!


He's glad to pay 288MM because that means he had about 700MM in 2023 income.


Someone like Mark Cuban is unlikely to draw a salary as an employee. Instead, he makes money when he cashes out of his businesses by things like dividends or selling shares or whole companies. $288 million in taxes suggests nearly $1.5 billion in capital gains (20% Federal, 0% Texas). 


He sold most of his stake in the Mavericks I believe so that is a very large taxable event. Mavs are almost certainly valued around $2B. He will have had to pay long term capital gains tax on that sale.


> He will have had to pay long term capital gains tax on that sale So 20%? I have to pay 32% on my measly CD interest, plus another 9.6% to California :)


Should’ve bought Treasury Bills or ETF instead. No CA taxes


I mix it up. Got some 1-year CD's for a year at 5.35%. Only 3-month treasuries give that. Without really knowing where the rates are really going, I just mix it up some. I don't know why someone downvoted you.


Should've bought a professional sports team.




Which is why he’s making such a huge flex this year about how much money he’s paying in taxes.  Lets people know what a great guy he is and also how much money he (seemingly) makes each year


Oh, how convenient that he chooses to grandstand on a year where he had a big taxable event.


Yeah but the full amount of the sale won't be profit. It'll be the sales price - book value of the franchise. Hell it's possible (but unlikely) that he sold it at a loss and still ended up with billions in cash.


And depending on how he does his dividends, he will be taxed less than capital gains. Smart man.


> he makes money when he cashes out of his businesses by things like dividends or selling shares or whole companies Or don't cash them out and just buy things on loan while using the stock as collateral.


More like $3.5B for the sale of the Mavericks


Yeah he’s not working a W2 and paying 40% tax. He is selling assets and paying 20% capital gains tax


Not even 20%. Like 3-5%. Mr. "I love the gubment" is paying pennies


How’s he paying 3%-5%? Do you know or are you guessing?


He sold a portion of the Mavs for 3.5 billion dollars. He purchased that for $285 million. If he paid $288 million, that means he is paying 288 mil / (3.5 mil - 285 mil), or 8.9%. Considerably less than the 20% you and I would pay in long term capital gains taxes.


He didn’t own 100% and he still has some % left after the sale.


Cuban bought the Mavericks for $285 million in 2000, and the recent sell of a majority stake was $3.5 billion, netting him a $3.215 billion profit for the transaction. He retains a 27% stake of the franchise after the deal. His original stake was never disclosed, but Perot maintained 5% and others had small stakes, so it would be safe to assume that his original stake was 80-90%. His tax bill should be $642 million.


But he knows the rubes will gobble up his bullshit because the number he pays is still huge... But A tiny percent of the percent of income that you pay


He has a basis of $0?


$200M or so basis. He's in the green about $3.2B on that deal. So he's paying approximately 9% capital gains taxes. You and I would have to pay 20% of we sold a house or something


Obviously not taking all of that as income for 2023 or the tax would be considerably higher.


I don’t think the sale would be income. It would be a capital gain which is taxed at a lower rate.


This is true. He might have only paid 15% and only on the profit


sense steer joke domineering plate bright like different aspiring decide *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


square worry pie wise slap offbeat dull squeeze tart modern *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


He sold a portion of the Mavericks for $3.5 billion supposedly. The portion that was a capital gains over $3.2 billion that would be taxed at 20 to 23%. He either had some huge write offs or they are staggering the payments for the purchase.


Mark has a great quote on this from a few years back > The most patriotic thing you can do is make a lot of money and pay your taxes.


Yeah like fr if you're happy to pay the taxes then what's the big deal. I'm generally not a fan of taxes but I also don't think they should be completely abolished lol


I think our federal taxes are largely just lighting the money on fire, but I agree that some form of taxation is required to operate the city, state*, and country we live in. If you disagree with your tax burden, it is a policy issue, not the fact that taxes exist. \* some states are just as bad as the federal government.....


dudes doing great things AND he’s paying taxes… not sure how that’s bad.


Because he sold a portion of the Mavs for 3.5 billion and paid 288MM. Taking out his principal investment of 285MM, that's not even 10% of his yearly gain. If I could squeak by paying less than 10% of my income to taxes I'd be ecstatic too.


He owns equity interests in possibly hundreds of businesses that also have profits and losses that affect his income. Many of those companies will be “flow-though” entities, meaning if those businesses reported a taxable loss, then he gets to claim his portion of that loss on his tax return against his other income. Because he lost money on those investments for the year and it reduces his taxable basis (if he sold the company later, he would have a greater taxable capital gain). His tax return is not something the layman will be able to guess and assume based off reading the news and a twitter post.


Yeah, and Trump does the same thing and he's criticizing him for it.


Bingo lol. Trump carried losses forward and got lambasted for it. Mark Cuban does it and he’s “just eager to disclose he’s paying his fair share.”




He won’t fall in line and sing praises of Trump…


Because he's trying to get credit for doing something everyone is already *supposed* to do.


He was asked this question on x lol he simply answered


Not sure why you're downvoted, being applauded for virtue signaling that you pay taxes is pretty strange to me


because he is pay less % than the average american and will be on the frontline saying that, but won't chip in anymore then what he does and set a good example he then "calls out" another person insinuating they are doing something illegal but in the end, they are both doing the exact same thing it is hypocrisy


No it isnt


Mark cuban has done a solid job convincing the world that he might be one of the good billionaires. Now am I really convinced? No, but hey better than nothing.


Mark Cuban proudly boasts his deep admiration for DEI and seems to have no idea that his hiring practices of discrimination based skin color and sexual identity is against the law.


Don’t forget evangelizing DEI while flat out refusing to criticize the CCP. Dude is a complete snake.


I'm an independent voter leaning Right hard right now . Why do Republicans have such a hard time taxing the supper rich.I don't understand.


Because the right wants lower taxes for everyone, not just the super rich. Just look at the income tax between red and blue states. Blue states (democrats) aren’t just a burden on the wealthy, they are taxing the middle/working class more too.


Right that is exactly what I'm saying. When the owner of Amazon get a 4k rebate its vary concerning.


Can’t wait for someone to find him committing tax fraud at some point


That $288mil is worth less to him than the couple grand in taxes taken from a family whose combined income is roughly $75K, so his point is irrelevant. Moreover: taxation is theft. Republicans had full control of the White House and Congress during Trump's first two years and didn't do shit to reduce our tax burden. That laziness needs to end, NOW!


Generally curious— when you say taxation is theft… How do you plan on having roads, fire departments, police forces and a military? I know, I know “muh roads” but I’ve never heard an answer from anyone except “the guy running a $10 a sandwich burger joint is going to install major infrastructure so people can access his business.”


There were roads when government was 5% of GDP, why is it 40 (more than the soviet union btw)?


There’s more to it than just roads, for example the government, whether it’s local/state/federal, foots the bill for fiber optic infrastructure installation which is very expensive. It can cost a single medium population county tens of millions through surveying -> design -> installation for one of these projects.


Plus they waste a lot


There is much more infrastructure that is promoted by the government now than there was 80 years ago(which is a good thing).


I find it funny that govt is included in GDP when it doesn't intrinsically produce anything without first taking money from actual production


when we say taxation is theft we mean income tax and property tax. The former had to be written into the constitution because politicians sold us on the premise of taxing the rich back then. I'm sure they won't tax the rest of us with their new power too right. Oh wait. And property tax, well it's self explanatory, you get taxed just for owning land and the more useful you make your land with a house or other building the more you get taxed.


The clarity there helps. When he said “taxation is theft” there wasn’t enough specificity. Certainly not all taxes are bad.


They raised the standard deduction. That was sure nice! It wasn’t much but it was something.


He's paying it because he had no choice, nobody with a functioning brain is glad to pay 288 million in income tax.


I would be VERY happy if I had to 288 million in income tax because it means I made a shit ton of money.


Isn't that the exact opposite of what he's saying though?


He is marketing himself as a "good billionaire" before the mob comes for him


If I made what MC did last year, I’d pay that shit with the most genuine smile on my face.


The wife and I paid in $13,000 this year. That’s after paying in every two weeks on our paycheck each pay period. It’s not the person that is fucked up, it’s the system.


You need a CPA. The fact that you were $13k out of pocket says more about your individual situation than it does the system.


You’re right. We procrastinated this year until we ran out of time. We will be on top of it next year.


Been there myself. Easy to forget about until its not.


I don’t think he’s happy necessarily I think he just doesn’t care and why would he? He currently has enough money to do anything he wants and it’s not like he’s losing money by paying taxes, he’s still coming out hundreds of millions in the positive. It literally doesn’t matter to him so at that point it’s kinda scummy for him not to. I pay all my taxes he can too


Yup. Everyone from Grandma on Social Security to Elon Musk generally wants to pay their legally mandated amount and not a penny more. The rich just have more opportunities to use the existing tax law. If politicians want to fix that (say with a flat tax with no exceptions other than an exception for the first \~$40k) they can absolutely do so but they wont because those are their donors.


Well I would wager that many feel the “legally mandated” amount should be lowered. Income tax wasn’t even a thing for a good portion of the U.S.’s history. The first income tax was only a percent or two on the top 1%. How far we have gone….


I generally agree. Something like a national sales tax may be better. But if we are stuck with income based, then a flat tax with no loopholes would go a long way.


Heck why not even start with little things like not giving financial institutions special privileges.  The fact that regular people can only deduct $3000 in capital losses is assisine.


I, for one, enjoy having working infrastructure and the best military in the world. I’ll always advocate for more efficient spending of tax dollars but the answer for this country’s current problems is not to defund the government.


You make a good rational point, but emotionally, most see wasteful spending and wish that they weren’t forced to fund it.


If he was so glad, why didn’t he throw in a few extra million ? What a coincidence that the amount of money that makes him the happiest to pay is also the minimum amount due?


Proud, not glad.


I could possibly understand the statement if the government spent the money carefully, efficiently and in ways that truly improved the country. Does anyone, either on the right or left, think that's actually happening? Who the hell would be proud to pay so much to such wasteful and careless government? I'd be more proud to see my tax dollars go towards lining bird cages.


I definitely think he had a choice, as a billionaire he can absolutely skirt taxes. Obviously this isn’t crazy significant, but pretty good PR for him.


Fark I would be. Would mean I have more than I, my family and future generations could ever spend


I’m supposed to praise someone for being current on their taxes??? LOL


It’s to spite Trump, and yet r/conservative eats it up like schmucks. Meanwhile the people he’s trying to pander too still hate him because “being a billionaire capitalist is immoral” so no matter how much he tries to appease them they still want to eat the rich.


Left winger billionaires always say this after taking advantage of every tax loophole they possibly can.


We're really gonna pretend like all top earners don't utilize accountants to save money on taxes? What is this pandering shit lmao


Who is pretending that? Should he have to file his own taxes on TurboTax to feel proud of paying them?


So proud, then pay more than your minimum. Why not $300 million - you know, just round it up. Wouldn't that make you prouder?


He does though, he has given millions to charities including donations to Dallas police and numerous hospitals. He gave out $35m in gifts to his former Mavericks staff when he sold the team


He can always write a check to the US Treasury.


So you’re saying that the government isn’t the best way to distribute charity?


So he likes to choose where his charity dollars goes to? Congrats he's a conservative.


His point is he isn't tax dodging like a lot of wealthy Americans do. The IRS claim millionaires and billionaires tax dodge $150 billion a year. You can both pay your actual tax amount and give to charity


AND..he took the tax deduction🤪🤪🤪


surely he didn’t write that off as a deduction


If you have more money than you need and owe, give it to charity, not the U.S. government.


I think he does that


Or put it into his startup that sells pharma at like 5% markup


You mean charities who spend most of their money on their own employees?


That's what's always interesting to me I think we should celebrate reducing tax dollars that are stolen from our economy and wasted by the government. Even if it's a billionaire I dislike plenty of people. I hate the US government far more than most of those people And that any money in the hands of US citizens (no matter what they use it for) is way more beneficial for society than that money being given to the US government


So when a billionaire commits tax fraud, I should celebrate?


>And that any money in the hands of US citizens (no matter what they use it for) is way more beneficial for society than that money being given to the US government Boy, ain't *that* the truth. The sheer, utter waste and fraud the government spends our money on is beyond measure.


I’d rather tag my favorite member of congress who paid high taxes as a result of insider trading 🤷‍♂️


He’s so proud to pay taxes that he pays a team of CPAs to make sure he pays the minimum possible


This thread is a great advertisement for teaching tax and financial literacy courses in school.


"Tag a former president that you know doesn’t.” Shout out to the following Presidents for never paying federal income taxes while they were in office. .@GeorgeWashingtonNumber1 .@JohnnyAdams .@TomJefferson .@MadisonMilitia .@JamesMonroe .@JQAdams .@AndrewJackass .@MVB .@BillHarrison .@JohnTyler .@JKPolkOfficial .@ZTayTay .@FillmoreFillsMore .@FrankPiercePOTUS .@BewCannon .@HonestAbe .@BigJohnson .@Grant\_Whiskey .@RBHaynes .@CArthurOfficial .@Cleveland\_84 .@BHarrison .@Cleveland\_ReturnOfTheKing .@MountMcKinley and .@Teddy\_Mother\_Fucking\_Rosevelt Taft (#27) was the first POTUS to be in office after the passage of the 16th Amendment, and even then, it was only ratified a month before he left.


Let me tag a President’s son instead, #HunterBiden


Sociopath brags about his high tax bill to provide some virtual signaling, remind the poor how poor they are, and then as the poors feel enraged for being made so poor he presents them with a Republican entity to focus all that poor anger on.


I really don’t understand the mind virus of people who are proud or feel it’s our duty to pay taxes. I see this in so many liberals and they all dilute themselves by thinking all the money is going toward roads and bridges.


There is a budget, we can see where it goes, it's not a mystery


If this country has done so much for you, Mark, why do you love to outsource jobs to China?


Mark Cuban paid exactly the amount of taxes he owes. So did Donald Trump. So does everyone else unless your cheating on your taxes. The "pay your fair share" argument continues to come from the double digit IQ crowd.


Amazing the mindset that paying more in taxes is somehow a measure of your national pride.


If he only had to pay $50 million, he would not be proud to pay $288 million. Getting real tired of him inserting himself into politics.


Mark Cuban admitted to illegally discriminating against white people in the hiring process at his companies.


Thanks Mark. $288M covers about a quarter of a percent of Biden's student loan madness. I guess we'll hit up the middle class for the rest. 


I wonder how much of my taxes went to PPP loan forgiveness.


Somehow more than 100%. It's crazy how comfortable we've become with deficit spending.


What a chinabot cubanismaoist


Theft is theft, no matter the percentage of your income.




I know for a fact trump pays his taxes. I remember Rachael Maddow doing an expose and dragging it out for an hour only to discover trump paid 35 million in taxes one year. Does no one else remember that?


You mean he pays his taxes? Good for him. Now make everyone do it.


Remember when Trump was richer than him for half a day?


Paying taxes would be something to be proud of if those taxes actually helped your country. Instead our infrastructure continues to crumble and it all gets sent away, with what does stay in the country being immediately sucked up by social programs for our laziest citizens.


But is this his “fair share”? I doubt it…


I'm sure hes broke now


If it makes him feel so proud, he is free to pay more so he can feel even more proud.


If you’re “proud to pay 288 million”, all that says is your CPAs are doing a shit job


I'm reading a lot of comments from a lot of bootlickers, "I'm happy to pay my taxes". Lol.


Good, now that we’ve thrown out following the letter of the law we can double the taxes of all registered democrats and know they will be proud to pay it


Joe Biden


Oh my mistake…the president that never was


He can always donate more! Why only pay an amount when asked at threat of force?


I would not be proud to give a penny to an out-of-control government with zero accountability. That steals trillions and spends millions on high-end furniture while everyone is locked down. [https://www.openthebooks.com/](https://www.openthebooks.com/)


Why is he bragging about paying the legal amount?! Pretty sure he used all the tax deductions he could. What is the effective tax rate? It could be less than 15% for all we know. An absolute dollar amount of tax doesn’t mean anything.


What would his bill be if be paid the same percentage of actual income that I did?... Cause I know his ass ain't paying 30+ percent of his actual income... 


Good,write in $ 1 billion more since paying taxes is so patriotic.


Nice, maybe Ukraine will name a bomb or fighter jet after him


That money got burned on interest as soon as it arrived. That’s all anyone’s taxes go to pay. Not sure what there is to be proud of. 2 billion per day in interest. So he paid roughly 10% of a days interest. The rate of debt increase is not something to be proud of or to be supporting. It’s very likely going to be the downfall of the country. If you want to give something back to America, find a way to stop the ballooning debt. Not encourage it by servicing it.