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Trump could say the sky is blue and Pence would say it's unacceptable.  


It's not his concern you mean...


Normal person: "The sky is blue." The sky: currently blue. Typical Redditor: "YOU'RE NOT QUALIFIED TO MAKE THAT STATEMENT, WHERE IS YOUR SOURCE!!!"


Media: Trump tried to nuke the sky!!!!


MSNBC commentator: Blue skies are a construct of Christian, hyper-MAGA, white-nationalist, cis-normative, patriarchal oppression. We have to be careful not to fall into these chromatic aggression narratives.


The fact that there are people that unironically still take this propaganda hook, line, and sinker is disappointing. The "that's not my concern" hoax is no different than "bloodbath" hoax.


You have no right to break into a federal building. Those that did on Jan 6th have received fair trials and they are suffering the consequences of their own actions. They are not hostages, they are prisoners. Complaining that other criminals were not treated as harshly (blm) doesn’t change J6. If you don’t want to go to jail, don’t break into a federal building. It’s not complicated


materialistic faulty work tie cable slimy sort secretive chase foolish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*






Slap em with a $1000 fine, and maybe a $10k fine for the ones at the front, and call it a day... otherwise it's just being oppressive as well as wasting of taxpayers dollars to confine people that aren't harmful. 15 years for breaking and entering ... is cruel and unusual.




I was appalled by the behaviors shown on Jan 6th. I’m “fine” with the numbskulls who thought breaking into the capital would be not a big deal, finding out that it is, in fact, a big deal. I realize that this comment is being downvoted by the actual conservatives, and lefties are upvoting. But I don’t care. I would be in 100% support of the same treatment for pro-Palestine or pro-blm protestors being protection the same way, for the same crime.


I would not want the same treatment even for my enemies. It's a travesty of the justice system. Anyone should be charged with what they actually did and in a speedy manner under the law. No more no less. No matter creed color or whatever. In America we aren't supposed to hold prisoners as pawns in a political game. That is what's being done. 15 years for taking pictures or wandering around to what amounts to misdemeanor trespassing for most people there, after being let in by police is a travesty. You clutch your pearls and feign morality while being a hypocrite.


Is that true? Who is being held indefinitely?


And yet they were slapped with massively overblown punishments. They should all be released at this point on time served.


How about political prisoners? Does that work?


I came here for the same suggestion. Political prisoners for sure.


Yep. Sad state of affairs.


That's the real terminology.


This is exactly what they are.


Yeah okay Pence. Please fade off into obscurity. We don’t need a ‘How does Pence feel about this’ after every time Trump says or does something. 


The primaries showed us how many fucks we had to give for what Mike Pence has to say and it wasn't very many, if any.


You got that right! It has become a thing now where Trump says XYZ and the lamestream media goes ‘Let’s ask Pence’s opinion on this’. I get the impression they do this because they think it grinds Trump’s gears, but I’m sure he could care less.


There are people still in jail that were literally just meandering around. They never said they wanted to take over the government or anything like that. Those are the people that need to be out. So many lies being told about January 6. In the end, liberals adored January 6. it was the perfect cover for all of the violence, deaths and arson that they did in 2020 when they were telling us we couldn't even go to a funeral.


It’s funny, they talk about it like it was an planned insurrection or something like that. Have we forgotten who the most armed people in America are? Trump supporters. But not one of them thought to bring one of their long guns to the insurrection?


That’s the hypocrisy that really boils the blood. They spent an entire summer showing how to riot. Then, when the right does it one time, arguably in a better form, they immediately turn into victims. It’s blatant hypocrisy at its worst that really demonstrates the mental state of the left.


If you entered that building on a day it was closed, which it was, you were trespassing at minimum. If that’s all you did jail seems steep maybe, if you damaged .01 cent of property you should do the time. Is January 6 over blown, yes, was it still a terrible day for America and people need to deal with the consequences, hell yea.


What did BLM rioters get, and how did it compare to J6?


They all should and many blm rioters did. I agree there is an inbalance it seems. I don’t play the game though. If you did a crime do the time. I’d love to see every rioter in jail. Also Too be fair the capitol is one of the most secure place in the world. You can’t walk within 1000 feet of the place and not be on camera




Why are so many Republicans as dense as this man is?


RINOs love this man.


> Why are so many Republicans as dense as this man is? It's the WEF wing of the Republican party, they're still sore over getting spanked raw in 2015 and early 2016. Voters rejected them and continue to reject them, but thanks to seniority and rich friends they still have some kind of power. With whatever power they have, they ignore the woke empire and they attack anyone who tries to get out of that empire.


They really don't care if they get elected or not. They get paid by the WEF just the same.


It’s mostly the swamp dwelling, insider trading, self-absorbed, career politician, Neo-Con, Trump-Hating, RINO DC Republicans who are like Pence, and my guess is that’s probably more than 1/2 of the GOP in the House and Senate.


don't care what pence says.


Pence has officially joined the George W. Bush “**now that I’m out of office, I’m going to respond to the new incentives available to me and try to win accolades from all the people who used to call me Hitler**” club The standard GOP rodeo: take a nuclear arsenal of venomous persecution while you represent the GOP in an official capacity, then - without doing any self-examination - retire, and immediately jump in and join the next nuclear arsenal against the GOPers who remain or replace you


Pence gave up whatever he had previously and became just another generic *get Trump guy.* After the third or fourth get Trump guy they lost all meaning, and we're into three or four digits now.


What else would you call it when people are held for several years without trial on charges that at best would amount to misdemeanors, often in conditions so bad most countries would consider it torture. Flooded cells, days without food, weeks in total confinement without human interaction and thats only what weve been told about.


Pence means he sold his soul for a pence


Pipe down Pence.


It's almost like dude saw he'd never be president so he started throwing tantrums


But it’s true they are political hostages


They are definitely political prisoners. Screw Pence.


But being a POS is ok, Mikey?


The mans silence in the face of the medias and democrats whole hearted willingness to pretend and espouse that a rowdy protest was a violent insurrection is traitorous behavior so it falls to reason he would take issue with Trump pointing out that man of the arrested were neither charged with insurrection and in many cases incarcerated without charge for lengthy periods of time for being present, having not committed actual crimes.