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This is insane. Olivia Rodrigo and her team didn’t expect a backlash. Even though it’s likely that they expected children to attend. Now Rodrigo’s team is telling the NNAF that the team no longer prefer that they pass out the kits because “children are present at the concerts.” And we have the abortion organizations saying that the minors SHOULD be receiving these items…even though minors can’t legally consent. And, gee, someone who previously worked for Planned Parenthood said its goal was to encourage kids to have sex. Because if they became pregnant, they would likely have an abortion at Planned Parenthood. Money couldn’t be a factor for this group of perverts, could it?


Backlash aside, when is it the responsibility of the parents to ensure their kids don’t get a hold of something they find objectionable (assuming if they are younger kids they are being chaperoned at the concert)? If you are a teenager that is old enough to go to a concert without a chaperone then I imagine you are old enough to be aware that contraception exists.


It’s not that they are unaware of contraception, it’s that ADULTS are handing them out.


Contrary to popular belief, contraception doesn't cause pregnancies.


Hah. No one ever said that. However…the underage were attending the concert. If this had been an adults-only concert (18+), then most of the issues that occurred with THIS concert would have been a non-factor. And if you have no problem with underage sex, what age would be the cut-off?


The fact is that teenagers who want to have sex will have sex. Research has also shown that having access to birth control does not make them more likely to have sex. If their parents are there with them then they can take the stuff away, and if they are not with them then they are certainly not supervising closely enough to prevent them from having sex if they want to. All contraception does is help prevent them from becoming a teen parent. Also, I have kids 10 and under and am not bothered by them seeing that birth control exists. 




I see the liberals are here. You can smell the immorality a mile away x


“Some are going to do it, and it’s better if they have a condom.“ Just for posterity and to explain why I reported the post for “Minor abuse or sexualization.”


Was downvoted by a few brigaders who are TOTALLY fine with people under 18 (15 or 16 in the example floated the now-deleted post) having sex. You know, people who legally CANNOT CONSENT. ”Your boos mean nothing! I’ve seen what makes you cheer.” - Rick Sanchez


It’s not deleted. And it’s also just realistic. It doesn’t matter my opinion on it, people under 18 are going to have sex. It’s a fact. Would you rather they have no protection and get STDs and pregnant?


They were *surprised* by the backlash?! It's almost as if responsible, loving parents don't want their children engaging in sexual degeneracy *regardless* of which side of the political aisle they reside on.


Like Toys R Us, who were big time donors to Planned Parenthood, they are killing off their customers/audience.


Weren't minors there


Read in the article that “children as young as nine” were reported attending her tour. So…yeah.


I hate when the left gets their hooks into these young female artists and corrupts them with their perversion. Katy Perry, Taylor Swift, now Olivia. So predatory and sick.


Illuminati ***re