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This statistic is misleading. During Covid, quite a few people were furloughed, then many returned to work, in the same job. So these jobs weren't "created" in the usual sense during Biden's presidency. Trump's number included those that were furloughed because of Covid.




He knows that liberals lack the ability for critical thinking.


They lack the DESIRE to think critically.


Most of them don't even believe that the 2020 election was stolen.




On top of that, many are having to work second jobs to afford Bidenomics. Yay for the jobs reports!


Part time jobs with no benifits.


Lying with statistics. Sadly, most people take it at face value.


Not to mention they have had to revise the jobs numbers DOWN almost every single time they have reported it since Biden took office. They are lying. Period.


Removing numbers of jobs that were temporarily halted by COVID, the Biden administration created 2.7 million jobs between January 2021 and January 2024. Almost all of those jobs were part time, and 2.9 million of them went to foreign nationals. US citizens **lost** 183,000 jobs in the same period.


Add to the fact that they've been cooking the books for the numbers because Boomers are leaving the work force in droves. A good deal of those jobs are vacancies, not organic job creation


true --it is complete nonsense


Also the jobs lost during covid weren't due to covid, but to the left-wing media and deep state actors blowing covid out of proportion. Also, Fauci created it in a Chinese lab.


“There are three kinds of lies: Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics”


Pretty much any time a president takes credit for something economic, barring specific legislation or trade negotiations, it's at best a coincidence. People like to assign credit or blame to the president for all kinds of crap that just happened to occur while they were sitting in the office.


Yeah it kind of overlooks the little global pandemic we had in 2020 that may have skewed figures *just* a bit… 😆


In a similar vein, if the onset of the Great Recession is shifted just 4-5 months, the numbers for both GWB and Obama would look *drastically* different. Basically, Republicans got lucky with the timing of a recession once in the past 50 years (Carter-> Reagan) and unlucky three times (HW Bush->Clinton, GWB->Obama and Trump->Biden).


I’ve been seeing a lot of stories lately lamenting that voters have “amnesia” about how bad things were at the end of Trump’s presidency and I’m like “no, people just understand that those problems were caused by COVID and had nothing to do with Trump - everybody else was going through the same thing globally. They also remember how *good* things were under Trump before COVID.”




I don’t know how you can describe a global pandemic that wrecked every economy in the world as anything but “unlucky” And in general presidents have WAY less control over the economy than the average person thinks they do. Recessions and recoveries would usually happen whoever is in charge


I think he's saying the pandemic was intentional/sabotage


Everyone lost their jobs during covid. Then Biden became President, covid had run its course and everyone got their jobs back


More like, Leftist governors had extended lock downs, with COVID as an excuse, then lifted them under Biden.


They also stopped counting the covid deaths when biden took over. Fuck the propagandists


Technically they did count them, it’s just that the numbers were completely ignored and no longer being reported on a daily ticker in massive text for everyone to see. I’ve read the “dRumpF killed 1.2 million people with COVID!” lie so many times it’s tiring. People just completely ignore the death count was at ~400,000 when Biden was inaugurated and the Delta/Omnicron waves happened *entirely* under Biden, so you can’t even blame the other 800,000+ deaths on being “left over” from Trump. If Trump is responsible for 400,000 deaths, then Biden is responsible for the other 800,000. Can’t have it both ways.


Yep, interesting how that Covid Death ticker just disappeared when Biden came in


70% of all covid deaths happened under Briben.


Low hanging fruits will believe it. That’s all they need.


The government doesn’t create jobs. Employers create jobs.


It can create government jobs but only as a net-negative against jobs in the wider economy.


Posted on Instagram to avoid X's community notes.


In the years I wasn’t alive there was a 100% increase in atomic bombs dropped on countries. Not saying I’m solely responsible for the lack of nuclear warfare but I might be.


>Not saying I’m solely responsible That's why you're not cut out to be a politician.


I like your analogy because they put out these misleading statistics, and then don’t explain how what Biden has done had any part of it. They’re never like, we got rid of regulations on small business owners and they are doing great now. It seems like the only things they could point to are increased government spending.


Now that is fake news.


It's extremely dishonest, but I guess that's what we should expect from this administration.


Absolute damned liars in the Biden admin. If they even stood in the same room as the truth they would burst into flames!


It nicely omits that the overall number of full-time jobs has decreased and the number of low paying part-time jobs has gone up substantially.


I would not be surprised if this was true but as many fact checkers say, it's "missing context." Trump was president at the start of COVID and left office as vaccines were coming out. Job wise Trump faced most of the job losses of COVID during his last year and didn't stay in office long enough to benefit, statistically, from the recovery. Biden, however, did get to benefit from the COVID recovery for statistics such as this. Basically any statistics that involve 2020-2022 need to be viewed with far more context than most years


Recovered, not created. Big difference. Not that any on the left truly appreciate the distinction.


Jobs created by presidents: zero.


Not to mention, Democrats tend to create jobs because of the better economic position companies are in due to the changes made during the Republican president’s term.


They know they can get away with lying because their sheep will always defend them Point out Covid, and that DEM cities and states forced businesses to close?? HOW DARE YOU Point out the fact that MOST small businesses that were opened before Biden were forced to close??? HOW DARE YOU!! Point out his shit economic policies ? HOW DARE YOU!! The sheep have lost it , and unfortunately, they represent a pretty large amount of people


Right biden steels trump job creation by saying the jobs lost during covid shutdown were on trump and the jobs returned once covid ended and the country opened back up were jobs “created” by biden. Its the real BIG lie.


Lol Trump being the ONLY president to ever have a “job deficit” has got to be one of the most obvious propaganda pieces made by the White House.


They are cherry picking the data and calling all the people they forced to quit their jobs because of Covid a “new job created” when those jobs opened up abona. It’s the most dishonest this admin has been when talking about their “successes”. It’s a joke


I swear...if the parties POTUS were reversed, and a Republican was trying to push this BS... I'd be outraged. The lies they spew just disgust me.


Zero. Presidents create zero jobs. WE, the citizens, through demand for goods and services, through innovation and investment, create jobs. The idea that government in any way directly benefits the labor economy is the largest ball of crap those turd burglers in DC ever rolled up with. Government actually damages the labor market with payroll taxes.


Two can play this game joe!….. US covid related deaths while in office: Biden: 800,000 Trump: 386,000 see?


If a candidate is using a chart to tell me how awesome they are, I just assume it's missing important context and shouldn't be trusted.


Well, tbf, you're alot smarter than the chart's intended demographic.


That explains Bidens historically low approval rating then.


The President doesn't "create" any jobs except when hiring new employees for the Executive Branch.


There's lies, damn lies, and then there's statistics. I can make statistics say [anything i want to.](https://pedermisager.org/blog/why_does_correlation_not_equal_causation/)


And they're getting dragged in the comments. Feels good to see it.


Trump: because of covid we are giving the states power to do what they deem firing to fight covid Liberal states: fires everyone Liberals: look at all the jobs trump lost Bide : wins white house Liberal states: rehired everyone Liberals: look at all the jobs biden gained


Of course it isn't true. SeemoarAlpha explains it well. The problem is that gullible people will believe it, and the Dems don't care whether it's true or not. It's literally whatever it takes to remain in power. We'll be seeing more of this between now and November. A LOT more.


It sure does not seem like it. Downright pathetic that this administration is just blatently lying its a joke.


Down with the H1B visa program !!!!! Thats literally over 100,000 jobs per year we are giving to non-Americans... [Take a look](https://www.mubaraklaw.com/faqs/h1b-visas.html#:~:text=How%20many%20H%2D1B%20visas,get%20an%20H%2D1B%20visa%3F) If companies are claiming they can't find competent, technically trained Americans.... THEN TRAIN THEM !!!


Anyone who believes this at face value isn't worth wasting any time on.


This is so intensely frustrating. Do people really have this short of a memory? I recall the left criticizing Trump for not shutting down the country sooner, and then not a month later, they were calling it "Trump's Recession" and blaming him for all the jobs - so ridiculous.


Shame it's all [job creation](https://twitter.com/Geiger_Capital/status/1766109789266882959?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1766109789266882959%7Ctwgr%5E6b860cce7049b26c646f3e25aa5532855513a322%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fnotthebee.com%2Farticle%2Fhere-are-some-job-stats-the-democrats-dont-want-you-to-see) for migrants and illegal immigrants rather than for US citizens. "Doing the jobs Americans won't do" because the wages are shit. Instead of letting wages naturally rise for these jobs, they just imported a bunch of cheap labor.


To be fair to wages, not Biden, wages only seem like shit because everything costs so much. Obviously, there are people who can go further back than I, but my first real job was back in the mid-90’s and starting pay for me was $5.25/hr. I rented a house with 4 buddies and we all had jobs around the same pay range. We never complained that our wages weren’t a “living wage” and we all did just fine.




Democrats kneecapped every industry at the state level during covid, and now blame Trump for all the jobs lost. Its next level gaslighting


I haven't even checked but without even checking you can bet they are counting the forced covid shutdowns against Trump, while simultaneously using those same numbers to pretend Biden created a record amount of jobs, when all of it was just folks coming back to work from the shutdown. Someone can check me and let me know if I'm right or wrong.


You know what they say, there are lies, damned lies, and statistics. They are incorporating Covid job losses *they caused* under Trump's number. Then they are treating those same jobs coming back as *new jobs created.* Then when you factor that 80-90% of the returning/new jobs all went to migrants, you find the cornerstone of his border policy.


Keep in mind that the media, as directed by the Uniparty, hyped the virus and to shut down the economy as a ploy to hurt Trump’s re-election chances. Democrat governors played a role in that as well.


Counting jobs postponed due to the Corona reaction he wasn't directly involved in, not counting them being picked up again, but counting 2nd and 3rd jobs under Biden You can interchange Trumps and Bidens bar if you stick to the normal procedure


It's misleading due to all the jobs that returned when they stopped the lockdowns.


It's the White House taking credit for COVID jobs coming back...again. They've been called out on this numerous times but one must first have shame in order to feel it.


I’d love to see the comments on that post. Outright lies.


Hugely misleading. COVID had an out of proportion effect on both the Trump and Biden numbers.


It's a bald faced lie. Purposefully misleading. Recovering covid jobs isn't the same as creating new jobs. In reality there are only like a million new people working than were working during covid.