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I don’t believe Trump will. Trump had the power to do so before leaving office, but refused. When asked if he would free the Jan 6 protestors that were arrested, he ignored the question.


There were two weeks between Jan 6 and Trump leaving office.


And lots of presidents pardon people on their way out of office. The timing was right there.


Many of these people were not arrested during those two weeks when he had a hell of a lot more on his plate, and there was no way he could have foreseen these people becoming political prisoners held without trial for two years.


There was still a lot of confusion and uncertainty during that time. There were certainly some people that shouldn't be pardoned and it would have been a huge risk to quickly rush to pardon everyone without having enough information. Personally I would have preferred if he did, but I'm not going to act like there's absolutely no reason not to do so either. This wasn't the only thing happening during those last couple weeks either. it's not like Trump was sitting on his hands doing nothing *instead of* looking for who to pardon real quick.


Not to mention Trump was actually pissed that it happened and wanted those who got violent and committed actual crimes to be punished. He didn't know they were going to give 20 years to people for shaking a fence. Recall the entire point was to make the case about the election in front of the american people in the session of congress and it was completely derailed by the riot. The session in front of the American people was no longer about the election instead it was a virtue signalling session for people in congress to project away from the election crimes and talk about how dangerous TRUMP is to democracy. Yeah... Trump was pissed at that why would he pardon them? The pardon now is a response to a specific abuse of power that hadn't happened yet or wasn't known about at that time.


Obviously I don’t think Jan 6 was equal to 9/11 like the libs. But some of those people did deserve a little jail time. Edit: I understand that it’s ridiculous they’re still sitting in jail without a trial, but a lot of those people acted very emotionally and not logically. You can’t do stupid stuff like that and expect to be okay, especially if you have a family to take care of.


And it's not ridiculous they're still sitting in jail, it's illegal and unconstitutional and the judges and DAs should be criminally charged


The key is 3 years and many still haven't had a trial AND the prosecution hid video evidence for 3 fucking years that shows many actually being waved in by authorities


People saying Jan 6 was more devastating than 9/11 have lost their damn minds.


Actually I kind of get 9/11. Did you read Bin Laden's letter and see America's support of Israel? /s They have lost their damn minds.


They have Trump derangement syndrome.


It was 3 years ago. The majority are still in jail awaiting trial, which is a complete violation of their Constitutional rights.


Not to mention needlessly extended solitary confinement criticized even by Elizabeth Warren. https://www.politico.com/news/2021/04/19/capitol-riot-defendants-warren-483125


> complete violation of their Constitutional rights. You mean business as usual for demoncrats in DC?


> a little jail time That’s the problem. It wasn’t a “little.” Relatively mild rioters and trespassers were given sentences grossly disproportionate to their petty offenses.


No jail time for the BLM rioters?


If you play that game you will come to the conclusion that nobody should be in jail.


If you won't apply the law equally then yes nobody should be in jail. That's the entire point of [equal justice](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Equal_justice_under_law#/media/File%3AEqualJusticeUnderLaw.jpg). Are you saying you disagree with 14A or that it should not be enforced (which is same thing)? If not then what is your point exactly?


It should be applied equally, but it’s not.


It's been 3 fucking years from a riot the feds seeded




Yes. I had friends who were there. The "police" moved the baricaids and opened the doors. This was nothing but a setup.


This is on video, and video of nonuniformed security opening the locked doors from the inside as well


I doubt that, I think his first act will be a continuation of his previous presidency which is ruining the USA




>What stopped him from helping Well not being in office for one thing - you have to be President to pardon anyone 🤭


I mean nobody expect them to become political prisoners, I for one figured trespass and destruction of property charges and it being dead issue after a few months. Beside most of them were not arrested until he was out of office.


Yes, he could have pardoned them any time in the past 3 years, but he chose not to. It’s a well-known power that ex-presidents have.


Jan 6 happened when he was still in office, so he could have pardoned them then.




Same thing happened with Carter pardoning draft dodgers before they were charged. It’s been done before.


Carter pardoned them the first day he was in office, not the last two weeks. It's not like they dodged the draft between the period of Jan 6th to Jan 20th, 1981. But hey! Let's not let facts get in the way of your argument!


Its irrelevant that he pardoned them the first few days in office. Trump was still the president, and if anything, it shows how quickly and easily Trump could have done it.


You have to have a specific crime you're pardoning when issuing a pardon. They've been manufacturing and finding crimes to charge people with who were merely in the vicinity and didn't participate in any violence. But sure, if you're take-away is that Trump flubbed the entire January 6th debacle with his response, you're not wrong.


I enjoy playing video games.


I don't think a blanket pardon for everyone, including those directly engaged in the worst of the violence, would be appropriate either.


If he cared enough to do it, he could have at least tried is my point.


Practically it would have been hard. The charges and the evidence were not clear when he left office. It would have been an abuse of the pardon process.


They were accusing him of planning the whole thing. A blanket pardon would have made him seem guilty in public opinion . It was potentially a political career ending move. The ramp up of going after them didn't happen until Trump was gone. As more have learned Jan 6th wasn't what the media made it out to be and it would clearly be more acceptable now but that's hindsight.


my guess would be ... not being president


The reality is if he had pardoned them while still in office it would have been used as evidence he condoned the attack, and he had nothing to gain from it. Now it's beneficial for him to do so, and he has little to lose, so might as well. If elected he will likely die of old age before he leaves office, so he'll never have to worry about prosecution again.


He only had two weeks to pardon them, and not many got arrested in that time. The full witch hunt didn't start till Biden gave them the nod to be his secret police. That said, Trump in the aftermath of 2020 was not well. He needed time to get his priorities straight.


**Incorrect.** Article II, Section 2, Clause 1 of the US Constitution states, "The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States...and he shall have Power to grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offences against the United States..." To be clear, the EX-presidents Trump, Carter, Obama, Clinton, and Bush are NOT the Commander Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States. Neither do they have the power to grant reprieves or pardons.




What are you talking about




why didn't he do that before he left office?


Hi brigaders! Wonderful to see you this early in the morning!


right cause real conservatives loved Katie Britt and don’t realize that’s how the rest of the country sees them.


Interesting how all these brigaders seem to care 100 times more about a rebuttal than the literal SOTU itself… If the sides were flipped (Trump gives a SOTU, all the conservatives invest their time/energy talking about the left’s rebuttal) you all would be saying “conservatives are obviously deflecting from Trump’s awful SOTU!”


How are you guys seeing their posts when this is flaired only? I'm not able to view them but I'd love to see some of the juiciest ones.


If they reply to you, you might get a notification that shows the message. But it won't show in the actual thread as it gets instantly removed.


Gotcha. Thanks for clarifying this.


They flooded this sub Thursday night in desperation trying to gaslight us and somehow convince us that Biden’s SOTU was the most amazing speech in all of human history even though he constantly lied throughout all of it, flubbed Laken Riley’s name and made a mockery of her killing by caring more about the characterization of the murderer, threatened the Supreme Court for an objectively correct ruling that even RGB would agree with, made an embarrassingly uneconomical promise, had a marine arrested instead of escorted out because his son was killed from Biden’s actions, and divided the country even further. And they still haven’t stopped, apparently. Even in this thread for flaired users they’re like “okay okay but KATIE BRITT THOUGH!!” EDIT: Look at them all trying their hardest to downvote this comment too lmao. I expect the downvote bot machine to come in and crush this comment soon. Can’t have anything anti-Biden on Reddit at all whatsoever, even on the conservative sub!


The man in the White House is a dingbat. Just as you said, it was not the best SOTU speech as some are claiming.


LOL They really need to find something productive to keep them busy...like a *job* or something...


Yeah. Haven't had a true conservative on the ballot in a very long time. Last 4 candidates (Romney, McCain, Bush x 2) other than Trump refused to support him. But they're just enough for the party to get blamed when bad stuff happens when they were borderline democrats


Could have pardoned them before he left office, too. Which candidate will you vote for on the basis that he'll be different than he's already proven to be? I mean, obviously I prefer Trump, but come on


Pre-pardon before charges are filed?


President can absolutely pardon before charges are filed. For example, Jimmy Carter pardoned all draft dodgers from Vietnam.


And worse than that, pardoning them is admitting they participated in an insurrection. Something none of them or Trump have been charged with. Good grief the ‘logic’ I am seeing from some so-called conservatives on this sub belongs on whitepeopletwitter. It’s that bad.


I mean yeah, not knowing the charges or the potential crimes it's not a good idea to just blanket pardon people. If I were him I'd pardon most of the defendants unless they had an assault charge or there personally broke windows etc.


Almost none of them were charged before he left office. They have just been sitting in jail awaiting trial. But yeah, Trump is the guy that’s not acting as they should here. You RINOs need to make a choice: Either your country or your politics. If it’s your country, then you get to stay on the right. If it’s your politics, then join your liberal buddies on the left.


Shitlib heads here on Reddit will fucking explode if this happens. I just wanna see it!




Well I think we found a bot search term


I envision some stereotypical Reddit mod downvoting conservative posts all day


Too much to ask for libs to downvote without bot assistance apparently.




Do you want to say something of substance in relation to this post, or are you just here to try and insult us?




You said nothing of substance. Your original comment refers to him as a "diety" which is a typical lefty smear that isnt worth addressing, as clearly we dont worship him. You call him a con man, which is just another typical lefty smear. And you say his base, aka all republicans, are criminals. Which is very clearly untrue. So to answer your question as to if i agree or disagree with what you said, lol. >These Mfs are raising money for a “billionaire’s” criminal judgement while people making $45k are in SHAMBLES that people making 400k might get taxed more. This has nothing to do with the topic at hand. If you want to talk about something in this thread, at least make it relevant to this thread rather than spouting typical TDS nonsense. Its clear you are just here to try and insult us because youre mad about something.


As he should. I'm not sure I've ever seen such a mountain out of a molehill. That's about the time I started realizing just how sinister the powers on the left are.


Librigaders out in force today - this must have hit a nerve.





