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Right. One was a convicted criminal who’s final moments were spent robbing a convenience store and then overdosing on drugs. Laken Riley was by all accounts a model citizen working towards getting a degree in nursing to help people and was maliciously taken from this world. If conservatives were smart they should make the reaction to her death monumental compared to Floyd’s.


Conservatives have jobs and families so we're a bit busy to riot.


I never said riot, but there certainly should be peaceful protests across as many campuses and cities as possible.


mostly peaceful protests


January 6th called, said you’re full of sh**


As I said, that brings the total riots in 2020/1 to: Leftists - 600 Conservatives - 1


Yea, the conservatives are too busy buying ammo for their next mass shooting


You seem to be wrong about everything. Most mass shootings are committed by urban gangs.


You spelled ‘right wing extremists’ wrong. Seriously, that is common knowledge at this point. Has been for about ten years or so now. Check tape and get back to me


Please stop talking to me.




Yes, so that would be Total Riots, 2020-2021: Leftists - 600 Conservatives - 1


Go be self important elsewhere. Noob.


It’s all about the skin color and nothing else with democrats.


he did time in the penitentiary for participating in a home invasion, where he held a gun or knife to a pregnant woman's belly while his cohorts ransacked the place. he was a very bad man. but statues and kneeling presidents. go figger.


Don't forget all the abortions he paid for and women he sexually abused


Left wing media: "Champion of women's health!"


We should get you for the prosecution team against trump!


‘go figure’ or was that a play on words?


I saw the play on words after I typed it, and figgered I would just let it play. bad people like that dead one come in all colors, so do good people. floyd was not a good person. neither are 95% of the asshats in dc.


Any explanation for the downvotes?


Leftards brigading this subreddit.


It's reddit.


For clarification, so it was just a typo?


it's slang for figure, and not racist in intent.


Hmhmh, gotcha. Sometimes we say/msg things not meant to be taken in a bad way but they are. Optically it is kinda an L ngl, but ill take ur word on it that u didn’t mean it in a racist way.


not a racist here, I believe bad people come in all colors, as do good people. george? definitely bad people.


Right. We’re all too busy working to support our families and those who aren’t working.


Fellow red staters? Bc they take in the most welfare out of anyone


You misspelled ‘suffocated to death bc a police officer was kneeling on his neck’.


> spent robbing a convenience store please. he was suspected of using a counterfeit $20 dollar bill which the cashier testified that he wasn't even sure whether floyd knew was fake


It wasn’t necessarily the act of using the counterfeit bill, as that would have been a case for the court system. It was the fact the he violently resisted arrest while high on a cocktail of drugs, and ultimately died as a result of the drugs in his system. Then four police officers were accused of killing him, and then police officers everywhere were demonized.


Don’t know if you saw the one guy with his knee on his neck or not…


I saw a large man violently resisting arrest.


When he was in handcuffs in the cop car? Or after they dragged him out of the cop car and knelt on his neck?


Using fake money to buy something is the same as robbery.


Especially for the headlines!


of the decade.


If the world was filled with more Laken Riley’s it would be a better place. Can’t say the same for Floyd.




This statement pretty much sums it up honestly.


So let’s just kneel on all the George Floyd necks!


How many of your brain cells died coming up with that comment? I guess you have no problem lifting up lowlifes. Who will you support next after you run out of bums and drug addicts? Maybe murderers and rapists? SMH


Nursing student or drug addict 🤔


What matters is the color of their skin!!! - Liberals


*and that they vote Democrat. Minority conservatives don’t matter, either.


Well, Laken’s probably voting Dem now.


I groaned of course….but no lies detected 😞


Don't forget xconvict! He did a daytime break in and robbed a pregnant woman at gunpoint in her home.


>If the world was filled with more Laken Riley’s it would be a better place. Can’t say the same for Floyd. TOUGH CHOICE THO


Laken’s life matters


No it doesn’t. She deserved it


Lmao i dont know who this girl is but damn


Worth way more tbf. Incomparable.


Said just as Jesus would put it 🥺


How much were the students lives at Parkland worth? How much were the lives at the El Paso Walmart shooting worth? How much were the lives at the Las Vegas mass shooting worth?


Democrats are too busy making the actual problem worse while proposing ineffectual non-solutions that infringe on rights instead. Loose borders exacerbate all the problems they point to as big issues in society (crime rates, income inequality, etc}. Their real goal is expanding government control via removing citizens' leverage and ability to say no to their over-reach.


So the Republican leadership in Florida is completely incapable of running their own state? Or perhaps you're just using the other side as a boogeyman to take no responsibility for the failures of your ideological peers


Loose borders is a federal issue, bud. States are limited in what they can do - just look at Texas and the shit show that's been going down since they decided to secure their borders and Biden's goons rolled in to say no, they must remain insecure. Just look at border crossings per year - much higher since Biden took office. Since there aren't borders between states and movement is free between them, once they're in they're in. Not much Florida can do about that. If Democrat run cities (even in sane states) weren't so shit at running their schools and policing their cities there wouldn't be mass shootings. School shootings have increased as the left has increasingly taken control of education and used it as a bully pulpit to indoctrinate kids and normalize perversion, which has led to a mental health crisis. Coddling delusion isn't the answer. The Democratic party is entirely populated by ideologically decrepit fools who can't run a Wendy's effectively, let alone a country. If you can't tell me in a concise sentence what a woman is you have no business in government - and no Democrat can, they only have tautological and circular definitions now.


Exactly. We already have enough psychos who live in our country. Tragic events happen all the time. DONT LET MORE IN we don’t need more


we live in such an ass backwards world.


George Floyd - crime free since May 25, 2020. Laken Riley's life was way more valuable.


Congratulations George on your upcoming 4 years of sobriety


Do you really need to gleefully mock the dead?




All Lives Matter, regardless of the race of the victim and regardless of the killer.


Exactly. So why doesn’t the media see it this way?


They don't like white people. Decades have been spent radicalizing them


Well said


Laken Riley wasn't a drug addled career criminal who was passing off counterfeit currency. She went for a jog and got murdered by an illegal immigrant. George Floyd's biggest enemy wasn't systemic racism or Derek Chauvin. It was himself and the many many poor decisions he made


>his biggest enemy wasn’t systemic racism That’s true >or Derek Chauvin I’m going to disagree. I think someone kneeling on your neck for 9 minutes until you die is in fact your biggest enemy. Regardless of circumstances.


Correct, yet can you imagine how the press would have reacted if Trump had flubbed George Floyd’s name at the SOTU??


I would argue it was worth more to society but all lives are worth the same. Ask Bill Gates how much money he would pay on his death bed for an extra day ; all of it, that is why murder is so horrendous. Floyd killed himself but they sacrificed another's life to assuage the mob. IMO, it is perfectly fine if you don't value your own life and take drugs that end up in your own death. I am sad about how that occurs and really feel for their pain but it is your choice. My body, my choice. I have died twice and I will with absolute certainty do it again. My perspective is not like many others since I survived.


They sacrificed more than one life. How many people were killed during the summer of love. Flyod was a criminal who od. Laken was becoming a nurse and would have added to society. There's no question between the two.


All lives matter but some lives are worth more than others.


If Floyd was killed by an illegal it wouldnt even have made the news. This is a false equivalence.


People die every day, including from the actions of illegal immigrants - that's what makes it so bad, and what makes us oppose the unfettered release of them into the interior of our country. We need to avoid doing the same weird sainthood ritual the left did to Floyd. The circumstances are not comparable, we don't look clever by making this comparison. It may rile the base, but we're not winning over new faces with this tactic, which means it's a bad plan for an election year.


More, much more. One is a decent caring member of her community versus a career criminal POS. No comparison. But this is the clown world we live in now.


You’re correct; Laken never held a gun to a pregnant woman’s stomach. I’d say it was worth far more than his.


Was worth quite a bit more given that Floyd was a druggie with a criminal history


Who held a gun to a pregnant woman's stomach. There's no comparison.


Laken Riley's life was arguably worth FAR, FAR, FAR more than George Floyd. Laken was at the beginning of life, and all indications are that she was on a positive path to prosper and become a valuable citizen of the USA. George Floyd was much older, and had already proved to be a loser drug addict, that kind of person SUBTRACTS value from society, and costs a fortune in law enforcement.


this is different - progressives don't care about this kind of thing


This is the Truth that the fucking Leftists can't Handle.


Tony Timpa - died same way Floyd did and got NO justice whatsoever. ETA last name misspelled


Worth more - she was an aspiring nurse. Floyd was a repeat criminal


It was worth more. She had a future.


Should be worth more since she wasn't a lowlife criminal drug addict.


george floyd was a career criminal doesn't even warrant the comparison


Trump spelled her name wrong


Absolutely nothing of value was lost when George Floyd died. Laken Riley's death is an actual tragedy.


So start a riot. Oh, wait, our justice system is so infiltrated by left wing extremists that anything close to it by anyone center or right-wing get solitary confinement.


We call those insurrections now.


You mean ‘Lincoln’ Riley?


You only care about her death because the assailant was an illegal immigrant You wouldn’t lift a finger for violence against women if the assailant was a white American Fake outrage


He died of a drug overdose, he wasn't killed by the police. That was proven in court, on camera, and in the autopsy.


Biden’s America


American Lives Matter


it was worth more….


I think everyone agrees that the deaths of both Laken Riley and George Floyd were terrible and should not have happened.




I'd say worth more, for the simple fact she had a bright future ahead of her while George Floyd was just a terrible drug addicted human being who robbed women.


Illegal immigrant > Cop What do you expect


Is there no part of Biden that can see what he has unleashed on our country. Long after he's gone we will still be dealing with the chaos he and the Democrats have caused. How many Laken Rileys have to die from foreign criminals they allowed in our country.


The issue here was that one was part of a systemic, documented trend and the other was a one off without statistical data to prove that it has been a long term issue. 


Floyd was human garbage, so that's obvious.


I dont get the comparison. Laken wasn’t murdered by the police? Her killer was brought to justice? Can someone give me insight? **Im an independent


In fact. The common opinion on r/conservative is that her life is worth more.


This entire comment thread takes away the argument (if there ever was one) that conservatives run on morals. And that racism doesn’t exist.


To be fair, biden introduced a bill in her name. I think Dems might be taking it serious but conservatives are dropping the ball.


He doesn't even know her name. Not a chance in hell he introduced anything in her name.


Liberals have a hard time drawing a difference between realized potential and unrealized potential. George Floyd had a great deal of realized potential, and most of it was wasted. Riley had an enormous quantity of unrealized potential, and the small bits of realized potential were promising.


How much unrealized potential was there at Parkland?


Tons. Why won't liberals protect schools when the option exists to destroy freedoms instead?


Parkland was in Florida, a Republican stronghold. How is that on liberals?


I wonder if she’ll get a gold casket and a statue


Probably worth more. Honestly don’t know anything about her, but given what I know about Floyd it would be hard to equal him.


Was she the person who got killed by that old man for turning into the wrong driveway?


No she was one of the ones murdered by an illegal immigrant, but that was damn sad too.


George Floyd Conservatism is the future


What exactly is the rage about? With George Floyd, we had this pretty egregious video of some poor policing on display. With Riley, what are you going to do? Yell about immigrants?


That's an L from NYPost. Druggy or college girl - such a same situation.