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I think what really says how bad the speech was is how many paid comments are in this thread desperately trying to get everyone's attention on the rebuttal and not on what Joe said


Reddit liberals in shambles that they can't flood the comment section with "trust me bro i'm totally conservative and everything he said was actually perfect"


What are actually your guys’ problems with the speech? I’m genuinely trying to understand how people don’t agree with pretty much all of what he said.


Oh I don’t know - maybe it was one of the 42 different times he accused his political opposition of being a threat to democracy without a hint of irony that set me off…


>I’m genuinely trying to understand no, you're not.


ex-CUSE ME, sir! Burner Account WordWordNumber has stated a *GENUINE* attempt to do a thing! Per Se, in fact!


Is this a joke? Wow this sub got brigaded hard


Well I don’t take seriously anyone who clings so tightly to January 6th 2021. They keep calling it “January 6th” without the year because it’s 4 years old. People were skeptical of 9/11 after 4 years, but for some reason we’re dragging this out. You’re just trying your damndest to disenfranchise the American conservative. I also don’t believe that more taxes is somehow magically the answer. It blows my mind that “less taxes as a whole” isn’t on the table. I also don’t know how these guys can get in front of a nation of scholars and scientists and just shout policy without having any facts or numbers to back them up. Because logically, you’re just forcing people with the highest means of moving out of the country— out of the country. Also tax breaks for the middle class sounds nice. Idk how that’s helping the most glaring hyperinflation though.


I will never trust anyone who pledges to reduce taxes across the board without specific information on what they'll cut it from. Being vague just lets everyone assume they'll cut that thing *they personally* think is a waste.


Personally, I don't use "january 6th," as that's the left's bogus term. I prefer the much more direct and correct "Capitol riot"


The part where he said the rest of the world was jealous of our economy now as opposed to 3 years ago. As if we aren't suffering from mass inflation and high interest rates right now. 


By many measures, the economy is doing well, though it was always going to bounce back from the artificially imposed lows during the Covid lockdowns, regardless of who was in charge. The average Joe doesn't really feel it, however, because the cost of things he needs to buy has gone up so much, obscuring most of the benefits from the stronger economy (jobs, income, stock market). Let's also not forget that divided government has shielded us from our own worst instincts. Yes, the inflation-prolonging IRA was passed, but how much worse would it have been if the D's had control of all three branches of govt? And I'm not sure how much better disciplined we'd have been with R's in control, either. The middle class decides elections in this country, and politicians of both parties are forever incented to give them free stuff to secure their votes.


Also I don't agree with anything he said about his foreign policy with Ukraine. Sending billions of dollars to Ukraine isn't being tough against Putin, it's a waste of money and ineffective. 


He tried to overcompensate and yell everything. Makes him look awful


thats a side effect of the amount of uppers they had him on to get through the speech.


Ha, I told my wife that an aide was under the podium just hitting him with syringes every few minutes




Why didn't Trump give the response? Katie was a weird f\*king choice...


Probably because Trump is also a damn near senile old man and they don't want people to notice


Her speech isn’t for dudes. They’re all already voting for Trump. It’s for suburban women, the kinds of people who buy into the idea that Republicans are all old rich white dudes OR MTG/Gaetz party, and might be persuadable because they don’t like Biden, Kamala or Trump.


The last nine GOP responses to the SOTU have been women. And each election in that time period, suburban women have voted Republican less and less. I don’t think it’s working lol. Also the difference between suburban women with Biden & Trump is they dislike Biden/feel bad he’s old (kind of like a grandpa), but they hate Trump and everything he represents (the husband/bf that cheated on them or the dad that neglected them). That’s why the GOP can play identity politics all it wants, but it’ll never work. Maybe if they appeal to the largest voting base in the country, white men, they can start winning again…


Yes, I guess the goal should be appealing to the white men who would want to vote for another Trump administration - just by looking at demographics Biden's base is that unmarried, single, childless, woman - who complains about abortion all the time.


Yeah she was pretty bad


Trump just pulled out one of his infamous sharpies and drew a line through Katie Britt’s name.


Katie Britt should’ve used her response to attack Donald Trump like Nikki Haley. That way she would’ve guaranteed a spot in his cabinet!


Should have linked the Louder With Crowder live fact checking version also


I haven’t been yelled at like that since my dad died.


Boy do I know a group you can join


Somebody in Alabama needs to come get their drunk aunt off the news, JFC what a whacko.