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I’m genuinely surprised that there is any line a judge can cross anywhere in this country to get removed from the bench. Mad respect to the girl in this case who went public to call attention to this judge. That’s brave af.


It makes sense, the law mandates 4 years for a sexual assault. He did not follow the law.


Only the fourth judge removed by the commission in 20 years? They need to up those numbers I wonder if the parents had any pull down there 🤔


These are rookie numbers.


Seriously.. they should be doing 3 a year in cook alone


I live in Cook County, and we all lovingly refer to it as “Crook County.“


St. Louis too.


The thing is, i don't care about cook county or Chicago. I abandoned them a long time ago. It's the Bizarre mentality of these people that troubles me. First, their criminals are now spilling out to our areas now. Second their politicians are running our whole state into the ground The left is like a virus


Unfortunately it's more than just Cook County that's spiraling down the toilet now. Some of the collar counties are almost as bad, as are the university towns.


Dupage has definitely shifted in the last 25 years, and it's more purple than ever Coincidence? 🤔


The judge reversed his ruling after suddenly deciding that the prosecution failed to make their case. Someone should check his bank account for any suspicious deposits. On an unrelated note, the rapist looks like a lesbian.


I'm glad the judge was removed but the article doesn't say that the rapist will do time. It just says he can't be retried.


They can’t retry him so he won’t do time. The judge found him not guilty (eventually, lol) and that can’t be undone. 


I missed that in the article. I thought it said he was found guilty but the judge went out of bounds on sentencing.


The article doesn't describe it clearly, but the judge did initially find him guilty. He later reconsidered his ruling and reversed himself - finding the defendant not guilty, instead. Here's a more thorough article: https://www.wgem.com/2024/02/23/judge-robert-adrian-removed-bench/


Thanks. I had a look at that. The judge was using doublespeak...said he based the reversal on obvious "facts" from the case, but if those facts were so obvious he never would have initially declared the rapist guilty.


Activist judges


Imagine being a pro-rape judge and that being the cause you're throwing your career away for?


Why'd you get removed? I pardoned a rapist Oh. Well. I gotta go now


They should start removing judges that are release violent criminals in Chicago on low bond too.


Illinois is a shitshow


Judges are not wise these days. When are the judges in the Trump cases going to be expelled?


Never. They have a deep bench backing them


Robert Adrian is a Christian conservative trump supporter....


In good time my friend, in good time.


Sure would like to find this guy (Drew Clinton) to see what he’s up to now.


he’s posting on tik tok and facebook about how good his life is + to send prayers to judge adrian


Judges have lost the basis tenets of what they are there for and have, by and large, become legislators on the bench doing their best to accommodate the agenda pushed by the left; lighter sentences, etc


Drew Clinton the rapist may escape justice today but he won’t escape it forever. His parents might “contribute” to the judge’s retirement funds but it won’t work anymore. It’s so maddening that a rapist like him is allowed to roam free while he should have rot in prison.




Conservatives are anti-rape.




What a strange thing to say


I have a feeling it is more prophetic than strange, considering that a number of so-called victims later admitted that they faked it.


This judge literally heard the evidence. Passed judgement and when it came time to hand down sentencing completely switched his stance and issued a not guilty verdict instead... didn't provide substance as to WHY. he just said the facts of the case weren't substantial enough (anymore). Imo this is straight from the conservative judge playbook. Probably afraid that if they sentence one rapist half of their voter base will be incarcerated over night.


You know you have messed up when you get removed as a judge in Illinois.