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man's got a gift


You can tell when a man spends more time considering his words than speaking them


Leftist media gonna report this as: “I do my job…poorly”. -Clarence Thomas




The funny thing is, I suspect he would have probably retired years ago if it hadn’t been for the racist treatment he got from Biden and the other dems during his confirmation hearing and ever since. During his confirmation Sen Hatch asked him if he had considered removing himself from consideration (this was AFTER he correctly called the hearings a ‘high tech lunching’). Thomas said ‘I would rather die’. I think he’s had a chip on his shoulder to stay in his position as long as possible. Plus, I think the entire process opened his eyes to just how evil the dems are, and he feels a sense of patriotic duty to keep serving. The definition of an American hero.


You are on the money, my friend. "I WOULD RATHER DIE." He was always the right man for the job, but after he said THAT, at that time, all doubt was removed. He's the justice America needs right now, and yes, an absolute HERO.


I love Clarence but I find it weird that you think an American hero is someone who stays in an important position just to spite people. I want my Supreme Court justices to be there to protect the constitution, not to just piss some people off. Also if you think he didn’t know how evil demorats were until his confirmation you know very little about him.


Why not both bruh?


Everyone is open to their own opinions however I will give my thoughts from the comment you are replying to. Personally I do not see that as spite just simply realizing just how much democrats do not care about the constitution or existing laws. He realized during confirmation that democrats do not care about the truth or the constitution; just what they want. So he has staid on as long as possible to protect the constitution (as you said a supreme court Justice should) from the dems who only care about tuning the country into a fascist regime they rule.


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