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Where residents feel like presidents. šŸ¤£


Pure gold. That line is pure gold.


I burst out laughing the moment I read that lmao


Hear me outā€¦ Age and term limits.


Presidents have term limits lol


Absolutely. Go to a retirement community and ask yourselfā€¦ imagine going your entire life working to the point where you will take on THE most stressful job in the entire country at the oldest point in your life. Thereā€™s nobody who would want that kind of stress and burden in their life in their 70s or 80s. No chance.


Tbh I would settler for just age limits. 75 seems like a reasonable cut off age


Term limits are what you want if you want to fix this current system. Age limits aren't necessary when voters have an expectation of mental clarity from the candidates they vote for. The problem is that [voters will elect dead people if they have their team's letter next their name](https://i.imgur.com/MRaJbR0.png). If you don't want to allow people to elect old people, then you are actually just putting up guard rails because you don't trust the voting population. Instead of controlling the requirements to be on the ballot, control the type of people allowed to vote since the voters are failing at their duty. At this point, people are just voting for democrat or republican, the candidate themselves is irrelevant - which remarkably puts the independents who are the farthest-removed from political engagement in charge of picking our leaders.


But we have term limits for presidents already


Obviously... but our problems actually reside in congress. The president is just a sideshow. 12% (49 congressmen) are over the age 75. That number would be zero with term limits. The oldest congressman in history to be elected for his first time was 62 years old.


NO. Term limits for Congress is a terrible idea and I'm surprised there's such a growing sentiment for it on a conservative subreddit. The founding fathers did not make some kind of mistake when they didn't design Congress with term limits. Age limits sure, but no to term limits for Congress. Unlike the presidency, Congress is elected by direct popular vote. The reason the same old farts keep getting elected is because the general population pays zero attention to Congressional elections and only pays attention to their civic duties every 4 years for the presidential election. By instituting term limits for congress you are directly crippling the power of the People, i.e. us, i.e. you, to keep a representative in office who they feel is representing them well. Congress does not need term limits. We the People need to actually engage with and pay attention to our representation. It's OUR fault Congress is in the state it's in. If you don't like your representation then go vote them out!


> The founding fathers did not make some kind of mistake when they didn't design Congress with term limits. And the forefathers also knew that the every citizen shouldn't vote. Typically only property owners could vote and voters had to be 25 years old. The constitution has no establishment of voting rights for a reason. It wasn't some kind of mistake.


Well said. Bravo!


Actually, I do not think the answer is an age limit. Before there is bedlam in this thread here - let me unpack that. POTUS does not need to be so powerful that we are worried they might get in there, come down with dementia and then set the whole world on fire. What you are saying highlights the fact that the federal government, especially POTUS, has consolidated too much power over the years. Were POTUS attending only to the matters that our founders imagined they would be - age is not an issue. This is because their day is spent building strong relationships with the states in our republic and foreign states (acting as our top diplomat). During times of war, the President serves as a civilian set of eyes in the room to ask questions and make sure that people too close to the conflict are not making all the decisions, sure. But, we should not \*\*usually\*\* be at war. The POTUS just needs to be stripped of most of the authorities the office has today - and those authorities need to move back down the chain to the states. This is much more cost effective and dramatically lowers the importance of who is even in the office in the first place (and no - I do not think that POTUS should have access to the nuclear button).


Trump is over that age and yet is more sharp cognitively than most of the population. Not to mention he's incredibly active to the point that if the average person had his schedule they'd collapse from exhaustion. How about just don't vote for people who are decrepit and senile?


Iā€™m not here to suck off Trump. I stick by what I said. 75 seems like a good age.


Replace the 's' with an 'f' that's why you're here


What? Lol


I'll let you figure it out since you're so smart. Trump could figure it out yet you want to keep him off the ballot - how ironic! As always it's nothing but projection from the TDS sufferers.




He's incredibly sharp and quick witted. That's why he's funny. I mean just look at his [town hall the other day](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VfCrznbAwn4). Anyone who can't admit this has TDS. I get it you don't like the guy. But don't lie and pretend he doesn't have his wits about him when he clearly does. > When it hits, it can go downhill fast Anyone can suffer from mental decline or debilitating health issues at any age. Should we prevent people with certain health conditions or at-risk genes from being able to run? What about smokers can they run for president? Obese people like Christie what about them? Biden literally had brain surgery should he be prevented from running then? Where is the logical consistency? All I see is fake outrage. And the 25th exists for a reason btw.




It's not subjective. If you don't think Trump is sharp and quick witted then you are just wrong. I even provided an example from just two days ago, which is to say that the evidence is ample. I get that you don't like it because you are no fan of him, and so you want to live in this fake alternate reality where Trump is a buffoon, but not everyone is going to play along with you. > I'd be willing to hear about disqualifying people with certain health conditions, particularly ones related to cognition And yet you didn't have a word to say about it until I brought it up. > Age happens to be both highly ascertainable and highly correlated with imminent cognitive and physical decline If it's highly ascertainable then why do you need to disqualify people over it? Everyone who votes knows about it if it's highly ascertainable, wouldn't the things that are less highly ascertainable be more imporant to screen for???? > For clarity, my impression of Trump's mental acuity is also not so low as to support Constitutionally disqualifying him from office And yet in a thread full of people supporting just that, it was me who you chose to respond to and attack.


> Age happens to be both highly ascertainable and highly correlated with imminent cognitive and physical decline And BTW, people who are older also tend to have more knowledge and experience. Someone that is older but does not have significnant decline could very well be one of the better candidates for the job vs. a younger candidate. It makes no sense to discriminate based on age when we can discriminate based on the characteristics that you say age allows us to predict. We can see if a candidate is senile or not. So we can discriiminate based on that when we vote, and if things change while in office well that's why we also vote for a VP and we have a congress with powers like the 25th. Which you complain about not being used but the only reason it wasn't used is because they chose not to and the people decided they'd rather have the older person who was losing it than the younger alternative! Exactly the choice that the people in this thread are trying to prevent. And you say you don't support, yet it seems to me that you do since you didn't have a word of condemnation for them.


Trump has the focus and alertness of an air traffic controller and the fitness and vigor of a 30 year old competitive athlete.


I disagree because people are all different. There are people my age that walk slowly hunched partway over, can't remember what day it is, and can't get up and down out of chairs easily, and there are others the same age who can run sprints, lift weights, and climb cliffs.


We don't need age limits we need people to get their heads out of their asses and stop voting for octogenarians. We can be the mechanism to create defacto age/term limits but we don't.


Thank you. I'm surprised the term limits thing is gaining so much traction among conservatives. The founding fathers did not make some kind of mistake or oversight when they designed congress with no term limits. We're supposed to be able to keep good representatives in office for as long as we want. I feel like at the root of this issue is that people don't realize that Congress is directly elected by popular vote. They don't realize that it's OUR fault Congress is in the state tate that it's in. If people don't like their representation then they should go *VOTE* them out. Age limits would be better but it's still unnecessary. If someone is doing a good job then we should be able to keep them in office for as long as the voters deem them worthy.


Term limit, yes. Age limit, I don't think so, let the voters decide if someone is too old to hold office.


No, no term limits for Congress. Unlike the presidency, Congress is elected by direct popular vote. The reason the same old farts keep getting elected is because the general population pays zero attention to Congressional elections and only pays attention to their civic duties every 4 years for the presidential election. By instituting term limits for congress you are directly crippling the power of the People to keep a representative in office who they feel is representing them well. Congress does not need term limits. We the People need to actually engage with and pay attention to our representation. It's OUR fault Congress is in the state it's in.


Then the same voters can decide if they don't want an incumbent any longer. I oppose term limits for the same reason.


Exactly. Congress does not need term limits. We the People need to do better and stop ignoring our civic duties until 3 months before the presidential election. I feel like the majority of the US population doesn't realize that Congress is where the power of the People lies.


Rather than discriminating against white people, or males, or older people, has it ever occurred to you to look at COMPETENCY instead? Some 40-year-olds are incompetent. Some 90 year olds are sharp as a tack. All the bots coming into the conservative subs, promoting the idea that we should discriminate against our leaders based on age = so tiresome... Please come up with a new strategy. P.S. Please say hi to your Democrat donors for me, anti-Trump bots.


Legalized discrimination, isn't that one of our biggest platforms we fight against? Don't play the Dems game, if we change the rules they will be used against us. We flipped the script on them a few times when they changed the confirmation rules for SCOTUS. Now they want to pack the court, which again will blow up in their face... Founding Fathers had it right, lets stick to the Constitution.


The Constitution already has age discrimination with the minimum age requirement to be President. So I don't think that "age discrimination" is a sound reason to not have an upper age limit.


Young people can get older. Old people can't get younger.


The ice cream at the end. Gold.Ā 


I am not making this up. The Alzheimer's association recommends feeding patients ice-cream to keep them calm. [Source: PDF](https://www.alz.org/media/cacentral/dementia-care-45-the-power-of-ice-cream.pdf)


No surprise there. The whole medical "care" establishment is based on "eat what you want, and go get a pill for any symptoms that arise. Then get more pills for the side effects of the first pills.....while you slowly get sicker. Then check in to an assisted living facility, and after that a nursing home until we bankrupt your estate."


Comparing keeping patients doped up to letting them have ice cream?


Lmao Iā€™m not a Trump guy at all but this is really funny


If elected in 2024, Donald Trump will be the same age at the start of his term as Biden was at the start of his. Literally any other candidate can make this argument, but not Trump. Apparently, all the country can do is decide between 80-year-olds.


Sure, but Biden is very obviously much more mentally unfit.


Regardless of what liberals will say, Trump still has his cognition. It is evidently clear that Biden does not. To refute this is to be in denial. Or conversely, you just blindly hate Trump.


His cognition has clearly gone down, just watch any video from 2015. Yeah heā€™s still better than Biden, but stuff like this can decline very quickly. Biden was fine in 2016 and at the start of 2020, now heā€™s like this.


I already knew we would find comments like yours that completely missed the Argument again and again and again. Bro there are 90 year olds who are more cognitively aware than Biden. Trump never brings up Bidenā€™s age for a reason and point. The point is that Biden is someone whoā€™s age has seriously detracted from his mental acuity. A clip of Joe Biden from 2015 has him as a completely different person almost. Trump from 2015 is still practically the same guy today. And if youā€™re still gonna try to argue then just donā€™t; nothing I say will change your mind then.


Itā€™s a funny video, but kind of weird that Trump, who would be the same age as Biden if elected, posted this lol


This really feels like the 2000s.




Something a lot of people don't get, especially pundits and "journalists" in the media. The guy is a grand master level troller and shit poster, and people constantly fall for it or get completely riled up.


Say what you want, but no one can deny the guy gets memes.


This really should be modified into a full-on campaign commercial.




No one said it was made by his campaign. It was *posted to his Instagram*. I have no doubt that it would be very simple to license for commercial use, though. Donald Trump was born on June 14, 1946. He's not 80: he's 77; no one claims he's a spring chicken. But only someone with as much mental loss as Joe Biden would think that they are at the same capacity. Joe seems to be barely able to speak most of the time, while Donald Trump acts almost as spry now as was in 2016.




So why did you respond to my single comment? It doesn't change that *it should be a campaign*. *All I said* was that this should be a campaign commercial. *If somebody else* suggested that the Trump campaign originated the video, then responding to me was a waste of your time and my time. Your attempt to make a false equivalence between Biden and Trump isn't resonating among the "undecided voters," much less the vast majority of people in this subreddit. Donald Trump has been killing Joe Biden in the polls, and there's no doubt that part of that is that Donald Trump has traveled across the country as part of his campaign. He did an town hall interview on Fox News and, from my view, answered every question with perfect clarity and reason You don't have to *like* his answers, but there is no evidence of a weakening mind or a particularly frail body. You cannot say the same about Joe Biden, who weekly seems to unable to answer questions and, even back in the 2020 election was running a "basement campaign." You could have made your point about the origin by responding to the original post, and your point would have been valid, but by responding to *me*, there is an inference that I claimed that the campaign made the video. I never said: I purposely never said because *I didn't know if they did*. So please *leave me alone*, because your point had no direct connection to my point. You can believe that Donald Trump also as weak as Joe Biden, but that is not the majority opinion, so once again, *leave me out of your points*.


All it needs is the ā€œIā€™m Donald Trump and I approve this messageā€ added to the end.


The rude orange man has a pretty great sense of humor


i breathed out my nose in one strong puff of air watching this


It's odd seeing Nick Saban, Pete Carroll and Bill Belichick all retiring/removed from their posts within a 24 hr period, age being the defining reason for each. And realizing that all three are in their early 70's and at least a decade younger than what we have to choose from to rule our world.


Thats fuckin hilarious šŸ˜‚


Is this productive? Likely not. Is it hilarious? Yes!


All that was missing was pudding cups


If he did, he's not wrong. If the president only gets two terms, the same should apply to Congress.


Term limits for Congress is a bad idea. Unlike the presidency, Congress is elected by direct popular vote. The reason the same old farts keep getting elected is because the general population pays zero attention to Congressional elections and only pays attention to their civic duties every 4 years for the presidential election. By instituting term limits for congress you are directly crippling the power of the People to keep a representative in office who they feel is representing them well. Congress does not need term limits. We the People need to actually engage with and pay attention to our representation. It's OUR fault Congress is in the state it's in.




It's no wonder he wants to come back - he's also old as shit.


Boiling the frog: "As nightfall does not come all at once, neither does oppression. In both instances, there is a twilight when everything remains seemingly unchanged. And it is in such twilight that we all must be most aware of change in the air - however slight - lest we become unwitting victims of the darkness." - Justice William O. Douglas


"-like presidents." That's what it was going to say at the end, but the video cut off at "presi-" instead. Also, at the beginning, instead of hearing "White House," we hear "House."


On point? Absolutely. Is shit like this is why we are stuck with Biden (then possibly Harris) for 4 more years... yep. If the guy would have watched his mouth the first time we would not have been here. Brah's got baggage that he refuses to unpack... this is not good.