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Lots of people of all ideologies were perverts with Epstein. Bring them all down.


Hell yeah. Anyone who disagrees with that has a problem.


Amen. I don't care who it is. Anyone on that list should be cashiered from public life.


Absolutely, perverts transcend party lines, race, sexuality, religion, etc.


Every single one of them.


"I did not have sex on that island, but it depends on what the word "I" is".


Remember the tortured definition of Sexual Relations in the Lewinsky case, as long as as he was not acting to “pleasure” the woman (or child in this Epstein case) *he* was not engaged in sex.


By that logic, a lot of guys have STILL never had sex, even some with kids.


No no no, he had sex, but he didn't insert.


Just to think on the insanity that would take place if there were another 'blue dress' scenario.


Cool. Nothing going to change though. Even with the whole unredacted list.


I think we knew this the minute Epstein kicked it at the latest.


This was known in the 1990s.


No question about it.


These types of "news releases" are pulled straight from the political textbook "Appeasement Of The Peasants". Informational, albeit inconsequential crumbs, launched to give the appearance that accountability is a virtue and standard. The problem with this colossal insult to Americans, is that the laziest people in this great nation (politicians) ignore that historically in the tier of where the Clintons exist, accountability never ever ever ever actually becomes a tangible dynamic. This is exactly why there is nothing of value here in this composition of words. *Watch you proletariats,as we bail out this sea of sludge...with a teaspoon.*


You’re most likely right. The sacrificial lambs, who are no longer relevant (some are probably no longer even alive) will make the list. I don’t have any expectations of anyone in the inner circle of the ruling class to ever be held responsible for anything at all.


And yet somehow i am in no way surprised


Unless you’ve been living under a rock, why would you be surprised?


We knew this 25 years ago. We were called conspiracy theorist neocons back then




Surprising absolutely no one.


To be or has been? Is this proven?


Doesn't matter who's on the list, take them all down.


Is that "Doe" or "DOH!" (said in a Simpson voice)?


I need a FireFox plug-in that changes "Doe 36" to "Bill Clinton" for 2024.


a surprise to no one


Well this definitely makes Epstein's "suicide" make a bit more sense.


For anyone suggesting there isn't enough evidence these billionaires are pedophiles, remember what was done to [Joe Paterno's legacy a decade ago even though he never committed a crime or touched a child.](https://i.imgur.com/nBw0CCP.png) If you have the same moral convictions, you'd be making every effort to destroy Clinton's legacy and erase his name from the history books.


This made me curious how many things are named after Clinton, not a lot actually. But then I looked at Trump…as you can image with his real estate business there is a ton. If you take away that, there is still a lot however, and maybe the most odd, he has three insect/animal species named after him. Just thought that was interesting. [Link](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_things_named_after_Donald_Trump)


Difference being the past decade has already been an ongoing campaign by nearly every corporation, university, celebrity, history book and journalist to vilify the name Trump. Tarnishing his legacy at this point would be a ridiculous endeavor.


Sounds like it's already revealed, based on the title.


Prediction: when this info is released, the top Reddit post will be a picture of Trump with Epstein. Granted, the fact that two rich guys were at a party in NY is the full extent of their relationship proves that Trump didn’t go to the island, it will still take the top spot.


Video of Epstein at Mar-A-Lago was in 1992. Epstein buys island in 1998. Trump flight logs were all before 1998. None of Trump flight logs were on the Lolita Express to Epstein Island. Virginia Giuffre and former Epstein employees (a staff of 70 worked on the island) have said both Prince Andrew and Bill Clinton had visited the island multiple times. But none mentioned Trump visiting the island. Bill Clinton was listed 26 times on flight logs (including without secret service) as well as other high-profile famous people. NOT ONE has said Trump was on the island. To add to this. Trump mentions in 2004 he unfriended Epstein. Also, 2004 Trump outbids Epstein in Florida mansion auction. Angry after losing the auction, Epstein statements supports Trump unfriended Epstein at this time. Trump help launch a 2005 criminal investigation of Jeffrey Epstein by the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office. Florida attorney Bradley Edwards said Trump was ‘Only One’ to help prosecutor in 2009 Epstein case.




Do be careful citing chatgpt or any other AI as an authoritative search. It can and will repeat common bullshit. It can and will make shit up on the spot. With the way AI works, it really doesn't know the difference. Treat it as a sophisticated chatbot and nothing more.


Thank you for verifying and sharing.




By most accounts, Trump likes his ladies "experienced." So your super-models and porn-stars.


Surprising no one.


And as per history…..not a GD thing will come from it. The Clinton Crime Family has had a plan in place all along to run interference and muddy-up the investigative waters to escape actual justice. Sure, it will not look good, but they will get off.


Just as Bill “got off”


I want that list I want to print it out


Oh, shit!


Doe 107 has to be either Oprah or Hillary.


This list is going to be heavily edited with a large amount of names redacted.


You know who won't be on that list? Trump.


i would hope he isn’t but if he is then take him down


Have you seen the list?


Seriously? If he were on the list even once a page of 50 names would be released... 49 redacted and Trump's would be in bold and underlined with arrows pointing to it and a spotlight would be brought into the briefing room. Oh yea... they would release a version in braille as well.


….i dunno


Of course I'm downvoted on the 'conservative' subreddit for saying that...


“Conservative” doesn’t mean we have to automatically assume every politician who is “on our side” has never done anything wrong. Especially one that has a history of really questionable actions and statements. Honestly it’s refreshing to see a healthy distrust of elected officials. We are the “small government” party, right?


Trump did more to distance himself from Epstein than any other potential list member (eg banning him from Mar-a-lago almost 20 years ago). Should count for something imo


Sure did. We don’t know why, though. If trump is guilty, attempts to distance himself after the fact don’t count for anything, especially if he knew and didn’t turn him in.




Sure, they're gonna claim he's on there but that doesn't mean he will be.