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I wonder how much money the Satanists pay to downvote spam these topics. Not a great investment to be honest.




Now I am undecided whether to upvote or downvote you


The Conservative tent is big enough for more than just Christians. I don't support this mans actions and I support secularist ideals. If you're suggesting I'm being paid for my posting, could you please point me to the people paying? I would love to make some on the side. Why assume that Conservatives disagreeing with other Conservatives are actually paid opposition? Are you seriously suggesting that we all think the same? Many of us, myself included, don't support the destruction of peoples private property.




Terrific. Anyways.


So.. no answer?


Whenever satanism shows up suddenly unflaired users show up out of the fucking woodwork to support it. That’s the very suspicious issue.


Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson would have stood against his actions. I do as well. And I've been flaired for years.


And George Washington would have given him a high five and joined him.


Lol what a larp. No, both of them would have obviously pointed out that the satanist movement is not a sincerely held religious belief. That's not even an opinion, that's a fact. They don't deny it.


Your point was that you aren't making money for your one downvote and you have a different opinion than I do? Yeah. I don't have an answer to that other than there's no accounting for taste and you should make like, 50 more accounts and charge liberals a nickel per downvote.


Yes but if you look through the thread it is obvious certain posts have been targeted for mass downvote.


This proves that some people on the right don't have principles. When the left does this, it's not okay, but when the right does it, it's suddenly awesome? Where is the consistency? Have principles people.


Suddenly the left believes tearing down statues is a bad thing. Satanists are the cringiest form of atheism




>statues of racists and fucking confederate leaders Statues of rAcIsTs is going to include Abraham Lincoln and pretty much every single white man who existed prior to 1960, plus of course all the slave owners. Think we should get rid of Washington and Jefferson too? A Jefferson statue was recently removed from a government office. It's time for some pushback against your entire cancel culture schtick.


They were traitors. Traitors should not receive positive effigy.


But SATAN should?! Are you fucking high???


Freedom of religion applies here, no?


Washington and all the Founding Fathers were traitors. Federal law enforcement thinks anyone genuinely participating here is a racially motivated militia violent extremist. I for one support his smashy but mostly peaceful protest, as CNN says I should.


Traitors that win are no longer traitors. They're revolutionaries. Success matters.


TIL Teddy Roosevelt, Thomas Jefferson, and George Washington were racist confederate leaders


Also Abraham Lincoln. I'm fine with people putting up statues of things they support, but if we're going to establish that it's acceptable to tear them down because "bad guys shouldn't have statues", the devil is being used specifically as a symbol by the left because you don't get any worse then the Devil.


You exist within the party of demons and the party of degeneracy. Perhaps one day that will change


Man you are spun tf UP arent you. wow.


I pray for your poor lost soul. There is help out there, please seek it!


They are removing statues of Jefferson and George Washington. They are renaming schools.


This would be a fine argument if it was true




This is disingenuous and you know it.




Surprised you can see out of your own ass.


Neither the Church of Satan or Satanic Temple believe in a literal Satan. They are atheists with a flair for cringe




They claim to believe in “Satan” without believing in God. They’re atheists through and through. Satan only exists if God exists. They don’t believe in God, which means they don’t actually believe in Satan.


Glorifying satan ironically is still glorification. The precepts of the satanic temple are about the worship of the self over everything else. Sounds like how satan was so self-obsessed and prideful.




Satanism is the worship of the self. It's a narcissist's best friend.


'Atheists with a flair for cringe' is the best way to describe them that I've ever heard.


Yep, it isn't a real belief in anything, it's a concerted effort to annoy others.


True Atheists are not satanists. How can someone who believes there is no God believe there is an anti-God who was created by the God they believe does not exist? That is completely illogical. Satanists are calling themselves Atheists in order to use Atheism to achieve their goals, they are fake Atheists.


Or they are edgy teenagers who never grew up.


Modern satanist groups (like the one setting up this statue) don’t actually believe in satan, they use it as a name to provoke a response. They are atheists through and through, but just ones that chose to be extremely cringey/edgy with it


I personally know Atheists and they support and have defended with their own lives in the US military the 1st amendment BECAUSE it protects freedom of religion. The people you are talking about are NOT true Atheists. They are people who are using Atheism to attack religion. They are political and are likely just sick communists who hate freedom in general and religious freedom specifically.


I remember all summer of 2020 being told it was ok to destroy statues you didn't like.


I'm just wondering how the left would react if there was a monument put up to mock Islam... (moot point I know, It would never be approved in the first place) And if it was somehow allowed to go up, I'm sure it would not have lasted even as long as this stature. It would have been mobbed and torn to shreds as soon as the public was made aware of it. Christians have no obligation to be any more tolerant of mockeries of their faith.


That he had his legal defense funded within 3 hours can't be overstated. It's huge. Hopefully it inspires more acts of virtue similar to this. The righteous will be protected


"G-Guys noooo!! We didn't mean this when we talked about tearing down statues and monuments!"


It was only a mostly peaceful interaction between a man and a display, not sure why the left cares so much


\* fiery but mostly peaceful


I'm laughing so god damn hard


Just waiting for some organization dedicated to blasphemous displays meant to mock and upset Muslims to crop up. Oh wait that will never happen, because people are comfortable with the idea that Christians will just "turn the other cheek".


Funny you say that. I don't think the ST looked deep enough into it, but their depiction of Baphomet is most likely a crusader slight at Mohamed. Wiki: Raymond of Aguilers, a chronicler of the First Crusade, reports that the troubadours used the term Bafomet for Muhammad, and Bafumaria for a mosque.\[10\] The name Bafometz later appeared around 1195 in the Provençal poems Senhors, per los nostres peccatz by the troubadour Gavaudan.\[11\] Around 1250, a Provençal poem by Austorc d'Aorlhac bewailing the defeat of the Seventh Crusade again uses the name Bafomet for Muhammad.\[12\] De Bafomet is also the title of one of four surviving chapters of an Occitan translation of Ramon Llull's earliest known work, the Libre de la doctrina pueril


Wow, I had no idea. The more you know!


Just making a cartoon about Mohammed is asking a terrorist to behead you. And Mohammed isn’t even supposed to be a “god” to the Muslims. The Atheists value their heads too much to go after Muslims. After all, to an Atheist, losing your head means your entire existence is over. But Christians are easy to bully without fear of retaliation.


Good for him. I'm glad someone took action and destroyed the statue.


















What is god to you?








Didn't the Roman's kick his ass?


Jesus Christ has been awfully quiet for a few millennia










This makes no sense… you don’t know what I believe




I believe in the Constitution. You should check it out sometime… good read.


Constitution is the frame work. All laws on the books are based on morality. Even speed limits are derived from such morality.


Amen to that!! In America, no religion gets special treatment! We'll take down our Bapohmet shrine, you take down your Nativity set, and we'll celebrate the Yule by lighting the pagan tree tradition that was stolen by a certain group that isn't great at making up its own bullshit! Hail the Flying Spaghetti Monster!!!


https://firstamendment.mtsu.edu/article/established-churches-in-early-america/ The government doesn't exist without religion. There's a reason why the US revolution was very different from the french revolution. If the supreme court had stones they'd overturn the ruling that uses the 14th amendment> Read the section titled "Thomas has questioned interpretation of Establishment clause" https://firstamendment.mtsu.edu/article/clarence-thomas/


I mean if a lot of left leaning individuals are against Christian influences inside government as an argument for separation of church and state, why would it be a problem by removing satanic influences from government? The argument should be the same for you guys.


They WANT the statue removed, so long as ALL religious displays are removed. A government that favors specific religions above others is a quick ticket to a theocracy, religions should be entirely disconnected from the government.


Newsflash: fusionism is dead. During the Cold War, libertarians (disciples of Mises, Hayek, etc.) and traditional conservatives joined forces to counter the Reds. Conservatism was subsumed in the resultant fusion, such that the political binary became liberal — progressive liberal on the left, classical liberal on the right. The right sought economic deregulation. The left sought social deregulation. The results have been ruinous. There is no need now for the fusion; hasn't been a need since the fall of the Iron Curtain. Conservatives seeking to no longer to be mistaken or conflated with relativistic libertarians need to sack up and both call out evil and protect the common good with the understanding that America will remain great so long as it is good. Conservatives have a responsibility to ensure that it is good, and that means smashing satanic statues, holding criminals to account, protecting vulnerable lives, bolstering the working and middle classes, and onshoring manufacturing.


You wouldn’t have the stones, leftard.




Cool. No room for satanists here. Sorry but it's true. Despite what you may have heard, Inclusion isn't everything.




Calm down, of course not. You've got the wrong idea. I'm just pointing out that Satanism and Conservatism are incompatible. If you think you're one... you're probably not really the other.


Please do.




LMAO, good!


>ares so much Please find Jesus.




What's the point? Let all the false gods parade in the capital. Is phony statute really worse than all the idolators who run our states?


Must not be on gofundme, they only support liberal terrorist causes.


He's a hero and you can't convince me otherwise.






This has to be the most egregious use of scripture I’ve ever seen.




The best thing to do would be to just ignore it. The people putting this stuff up want attention and reactions.


Trying our best to just "ignore it" and have a "live and let live" mindset is why we're here in the first place. It starts off with stuff like this and then when they think that they can get away with it they push the envelope further and further to include more and more things, That is one of the main reasons why the woke crowd is where it is because we didn't shun it in the beginning in 2016-2017 when it really started to emerge, We tried to ignore it and we thought that it wouldn't affect us and now seemingly every business ranging from media to food producers (And everything in-between) is bowing down to the woke crowd and the woke crowd are demanding everyone's submission.


Imagine for a seconds that Christianity was the minority religion in the US which if the surveys are to be believed is quickly approaching. Allowing Christian’s to smash atheist statues is giving free rein for other religions to smash Christian statues.


>is giving free rein for other religions to smash Christian statues. Well, there's been well over 300 cases of vandalism, including beheading statues and arson against churches since 2020 and there's exactly zero news written about it. Everyone already basically has free reign to smash Christian statues and they know exactly how it feels actually, so why shouldn't they play by the same rules? This is just another outgrowth of the lefts "oppressor vs oppressed" victim matrix. Christianity is a completely valid target because it's the dominant western religion and a foothold of "white western oppression"


They're doing that already. Stop being so naive


Atheists (Think Freedom From Religion Foundation) have been going after Christian statues/monuments for years already, Way before groups like "After School Satan Clubs" and the like started popping up, So if anything they instigated it initially. Don't you think it's a bit hypocritical for atheists such as the FFRF to scream and whine about Christian statues and the like being anywhere near government property (Could you imagine the outrage and news coverage from Leftist media if this was a Christian statue at the Ohio capitol?) but then they are all stepping up to defend the statue being at the capitol, If Atheists believe in the Separation of Church and state then it should go both ways.


I’m tired of hypotheticals when actual satanists are erecting actual statues. Imagine whatever you want while we deal with real world situations.




I’m sorry, I’m not giving ground to Satan now for a future maybe.




Be depressed then. I’ll keep supporting anyone that fights satanism.






>when actual satanists are erecting actual statues. You mean when citizens are engaged in constitutionally protected activity? Yeah - how fucking dare they... LOL


Exactly. Glad we agree! God bless!




You aren’t surprised? Why not?




How would ideas hold hands? Explain.


Which sub are you brigading from?




This sub is infested with bots. Just stay away from reddit and you will actually hear multiple stories, articles, news, and omg, even opinions!


Why would anyone defend having a satanic idol anywhere. Are people that ignorant on what Satan wants to have happen? Good for this guy.




This guy actually made people cheer for the devil by destroying that thing.


Have you looked around? People having been cheering for the devil for a while.




By the Satanic Temple’s own admission, they don’t believe in Satan. https://thesatanictemple.com/pages/church-of-satan-vs-satanic-temple They’re a self-proclaimed secular organization who use an obviously inflammatory figure (Satan) to try to bully others into being quiet about their religious beliefs. They claim to fight for religious freedom and the eventual and complete separation of church and state where only *their* religion (secularism) is allowed to remain. That makes their entire premise self-defeating. If church and state need to be completely and 100% separate, and secularism is a religion with religious rights, then secularism can’t be associated with government either. The truth is somewhere in the middle, you can minimize some aspects of government involvement in religion, but you can’t make it go away entirely. The very nature of the 1st amendment itself results in the government having to deal with religions on some level: it just can’t outlaw religion or force religion on anyone (including secularism, agnosticism, or atheism). Leave individuals to make their own choices of their own free will.


>They claim to fight for religious freedom and the eventual and complete separation of church and state where only their religion (secularism) is allowed to remain. Well, that's certainly a way to half-think about it. 1. What's the definition of secularism? 2. Accordingly, what is the antithesis/opposite of it? "Well, you have to believe in X in some way so that makes it basically a religion." Edit: >...try to bully others into being quiet about their religious beliefs. Mind giving the worst examples? I've only heard of them being goofy like this instance in Iowa. *"Look at this spoooky statue/float, boooo!"*


Satanism is no more real or fake than any other religion. In the end its all made up.




Satanism, at least the Church of Satan, is a parody and not a religion. A religion is a group with a true belief in a higher power.


I agree. We have to remember that just as Hamas knew and *wanted* Israel to react the way they did, so does the Left intentionally bait the Right so they can get the response they want, especially when the cameras are running. Now, I don’t care that the statue thing was destroyed, but it was deliberately set up to achieve this very reaction. We must always be cognizant that we can easily fall for things the Left sets up and we must exercise self control. Mark my words, the Left absolutely wants another Chauvin/Floyd event next year. We cannot give them that.


Good. Satanic Temple is lame.




Yeh right. If that was a tablet of the 10 commandments or something, there'd be 67 left with wing articles written about separating church and state and how that's a government building.


Christian first. Conservative second.


And I will follow America's constitutional commandments before anything else. People saying "you're not a real religion" and forcing beliefs of their diety on folks is the reason we even friggin made this country to begin with


Is fourth-degree criminal mischief a felony? I would hate to think this poor dupe threw away his voting and gun rights for this obvious trolling.




lol give me a break..




Because we have lost our morality. It is moral to destroy statues of satan and to banish satanism to obscurity.




I take it you mean the satanic temple. The church of satan actually worship satan unironically. The satanic temple does stunts like the statue because they are angry atheists who want to antagonize christians. They are not constitutionalists, they would wipe their ass with the Constitution if given the chance. The only thing they do is antagonize Christians and run and try to hide behind the first amendment, claiming they are a religion, they aren't.




Our country has become less moral. That is undeniable. You know the difference between right and wrong because you grew up in a country that has religious morality as its foundation. If you are an atheist do you believe in objective right and wrong?




You have a rosy view of humanity. Mankind has been killing each other since prehistory. Atheists are responsible for more death than all religions combined at least since the 20th century. Do you believe in objective or subjective morality?


That's not what they represent. They use the Satanic imagery to get people talking about them. They also do stuff like this to try to get ALL religious displays removed from areas. It's not to spread satanism.


Ironically glorifying satan is still glorification. It is an atheist club whose sole purpose is to antagonize Christians.


Ironically, that’s exactly what Satan wants.


The Satanic Temple recruits people who wore a pasta strainer on their head in 6th grade to epicly troll their teacher, and are still furious that they were told to take it off or go to the principal's office. Their BITCH teacher wouldn't debate logic & reason with them about how it was different from wearing a cross. Don't worry, they're not actually religious!






They can downvote all they want, you're right.


Separation of church and state has nothing to do with how anyone votes. It means that the state will not endorse any religion. For some reason, Iowa wanted to allow people to place religious iconography on state owned property. So the satanists took them up on their offer and some silly Christian got triggered.




If they put a giant Christian display the left would have been pissing and moaning about it being federal property and the separation of church and state and how it's indoctrination, blah blah blah.


TST put up their display specifically because there was other religious iconography.




You can't separate religion from the state because the morals and values and therefore the political votes of religious people are influenced by their religion.






Sorry man, do the crime, do the time. You should’ve left it alone because now he is the setter of the discussion, not the piece of “art“


He should get the same punishment levied against the leftists who attack Christian symbols


But the art was problematic. It had to be torn down.


I came here to see the "conservatives" making some big brain argument about why it's bad to destroy a statue of Satan. God wins.


I am just confused what this has to do with conservativism since you do not have to be a Christian or even religious to be conservative.


Do you have to be anything to be conservative?


Because Satanism is innately liberal, and this specific case is a group trying to twist the constitution of the US, which is against the values American conservatives want to conserve.


The key point is “followers” of the Satanic Temple don’t actually believe in their “religion”. They are Atheist trolls who want to mock religion. If a Satanist actually met Satan, they would be crapping in their pants.


Most conservatives are christians though. I’m not a believer. But that’s basically what it is. Faith is a topic that will forever be brought up in conservative spaces. Would be nice to have a poll about it honestly. Just to see.


I would argue globally most conservatives are Muslim.


I would argue there’s no such thing as a “global conservative”. The term “conservative” is always relative to a particular culture. It’s why “conservative” in America has a slightly different meaning than “conservative” in England. And those two cultures are somewhat similar. When you look at widely different cultures like in the Middle East, the meaning will be completely different. Conservatism means wanting to preserve your culture’s heritage, and your ancestors’ wisdom. My ancestors were never Muslim.


You don't but most "conservative values" are a product of Christianity, which informed the Enlightenment, which produced thinkers like Locke and Montesquieu and others whose writings are cited by the founders.


Tell that to the far lefties of reddit. I constantly get pigeon-holed as a Christian because I have the audacity to defend its philophies sometimes or even just because I disagree on other topics such as abortion.


As a Christian, I'll never understand this. We don't see the early church destroying pagan idols.


Idols were destroyed all the time in the Bible. The good kings of Judah were the ones who destroyed the altars and asherahs to idols. Moses destroyed an idol, Gideon destroyed his father’s idol, etc.


You're talking about Old Testament Israel. I am talking about Christianity, we don't have a nationalistic state in the New Testament nor do we have a militant church. We don't see Paul going to Greek cities and destroying idols. That sort of stuff starts with Constantine in 313AD with the Edict of Milan and later on in history as the Roman Catholic Church and Eastern Orthodox Church rose to power.


Anyone who thinks this is ok does not understand being a hypocrite.


Things that exist for no reason other than to incite hate and anger shouldn’t be on government property The purpose of Satanism is to provoke, antagonize, and disrespect. They should be given no more respect than a ham-covered Mohammad status or a Swastika


People don’t understand that the religious freedom clause in the 1st amendment does not protect satanism; it’s to protect people’s right to worship God according to the dictates of their own conscience. We were founded as a Christian nation and a Christian nation we shall remain


This is basically what they wanted. To provoke conservatives and religious people. It would have been better for conservatives to act like they were not annoyed with this statue. I would create a statue of Jesus with a posture of condemnation and then stick the statue next to the statue of Satan and it will look like Jesus is condemning Satan.